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Posts posted by Ardenwolfe.8590

  1. > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

    > > > Druid is fine as it is, if you wish to do damage you go Soulbeast.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > I mean no offense, but that's not the point I am making. That's not the kind of Druid i wanted to play, or want to play in any MMORPG or RPG for that matter, really. I would at least like the option to be a competent DPS as a Druid class.


    > Pick iboga and you are competent dps :D


    Not anymore. :/

  2. One of the many lessons publishing has taught me over the years is that writers are sensitive. So much so, most agents and editors went from sending a carefully worded rejection letter to saying nothing at all. No response means no, these days. So, with that in mind, I will say this: Because someone rejects an idea or project doesn't mean it's bad. It means, it didn't ring true for that person or persons. Nothing more. In most cases, you'll hear, "I didn't fall in love with it," or words to that effect in publishing. It's not a judgment on anyone as a person nor their ideas or works. It simply means that the reader didn't like it enough to endorse it.


    And, as they also say in publishing, just because I didn't love it doesn't mean somebody else won't. :)

  3. > @"jcbroe.4329" said:

    > And now it's practically useless.


    > The ANet devs hard at work to live up to their reputation.


    I wouldn't say it's useless, but they did pretty much gut and defang it. Against bosses, it may still have its uses if the raid puts a ton of conditions on it. But . . . yeah. Not happy at all with this nerf.


    Sigh. Another patch. And another serious nerf for rangers . . . but not unexpected. And I really don't know why they did this in PvE as well.

  4. Thank you. Testing this nonsense now. Geez. I knew it was coming, but come on!


    Edit: Yeah, the DPS drop is quite noticeable. Against normal mobs, you may not notice. But on vets and champs, you will definitely see a difference. Sigh. Things like this make me reconsider continuing with this game. :/

  5. Last night, I traveled all over the place to help my wife toward Aurora. Farmed platinum like mad in Spark Fen. Even did the jumping puzzle again in Draconis Mons. And every, single map and area was packed. There was even a crowd at the end of the puzzle. Raid on the swamp dragon. And, I'll admit, this surprised me to see players in quantity still doing maps from years past.


    As far as chat? I don't know. Have it turned off due to _too much_ chatter and nonsense about nonsense.


    But I can tell you with authority the game is hardly dead. Chat or no, last night was eye-opening. Again, every map I traveled to was packed. And to me? The game feels more alive than I ever expected. ☺

  6. Right before beta, rangers were a force to reckon with. Bleeds insta-stacked, moving spirits buffing continuously, two pets out at the same time stunning players with inescapable lockdowns, and kills so fast you had to slow-motion it in videos to see it.


    And then. . . .

  7. Personally? I would map all the zones first. Completion will give you something that will help with further crafting down the line. Afterward, I would return to getting my mount skills as needed. At that point, you need to decide what direction you want to go.


    Sorry you feel overwhelmed, but in time it'll pass. Believe you me, I feel that way every time a new map opens, but it passes within a week. Take your time. The game isn't going anywhere. And there's more than enough downtime between Living World episodes. What you're feeling is more than normal. :)

  8. @"Trevor Boyer.6524" Context matters.


    > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:What do you guys think about adding such a new edge to the game?


    Keep in mind, you're asking for opinions on a topic you posted. There's no need to be so hostile nor confrontational, should opinions go in a direction not to your liking. Again, you did ask.

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