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Posts posted by Djinn.9245

  1. > @Deepcuts.9740 said:

    > Some people saying they had no problems...right. Most likely trolls.

    > I asked in map chat after 5-6 disconnects and re-rolls if everyone else is having frequent disconnects.

    > Two players said they had no problems what so ever. One of the two players was standing right beside me and, as he was saying that, he just vanished. He came back again after ~ 30 seconds and admitted he also had problems but "its not that bad"

    > So people like that come to forums and explain how they were problem free at launch.

    > Either they did not buy PoF, were not in a PoF map or were playing from Anet's HQ.


    I'm not surprised that gung-ho GW2 supporters would downplay their issues (whether on purpose or because they have rose-colored glasses on). People need to keep in mind that experience is subjective and reports are not analytic data but tinged with the player's emotions about the situation also. For both sides.


    That said, after playing MMOs since Ultima Online I try to never play new content on release day. I'm going to try it tonight but expect there will still be problems. If I was going to take time off work or plan an event I would wait at least a few days.

  2. > @MithranArkanere.8957 said:

    > > @dusanyu.4057 said:

    > > Scythe is not a combat weapon its a farm tool


    > Many weapons started as tools.


    And only those that are most practical went on to become real weapons that were made and developed for that purpose. The more niche weapons remain niche for a reason.


  3. > @Rauderi.8706 said:

    > > “What’s your gold-per-hour? How quickly can you complete a Legendary? Is that the fastest way?” These are questions I often get asked, and I usually confound people when I give my truthful reply, “I don’t care about all that. I’m just doing things I find fun.”


    > Fourth legendary in 5-6 months. I mean, grats, but that obviously indicates that "gold per hour" was certainly a factor, given how much there is to buy for the game's material sinks. 10-20g per day? I'd ache to get that much cash. I'm struggling to build my third in five years, and even that might not have happened if dailies didn't start rewarding very generously.


    There's a difference between needing gold and being hyper-aware of your number of gold/hour. And in creating Chuka & Champawat I needed hardly any gold - I had 90 or so percent of the mats in my storage.


    > And I get that the game needs a bit of a grind (that I don't mind, hey that rhymed), but some of what's asked for is excessive. Mystic Clover RNG at roughly 6 gold per reasonable chance. Amalgamated Gemstones that take either golds-worth of otherwise-unloved Jewelcrafting materials and a dreadful Dragon Stand addiction (which again, I wouldn't mind, if the map weren't such a butt to get into...) which is still more RNG, since the chests give 1, 3, 10, or 14, but almost always 1 Crystalline Ore.

    > It stops being an entertaining journey when all that's left is 217 Amalgems or another 5 agonizing hours of Walk v Walk for Gift of Battle.


    For Mystic Clovers I used Chests of Loyalty. I didn't need to gamble for any. And Amalgamated Gemstones don't only come from Dragon Stand chests, but from all HoT map's Hero's Choice chests. You can get 1 Hero's Choice chest from each HoT map meta per day. Getting Crystalline Ore from the pods in Dragon's Stand is a pain, but you can easily get something like 30 pods per completed map. If Dragon's Stand is the Daily Event map, that makes finding a map easier. But I completely agree about Amalgamated Gemstones which are the worst part IMO.

  4. > @Hevoskuuri.3891 said:

    > After 1500 hours of gameplay, I've been busting my behind crafting ONE single legendary (it's nowhere near finished) and haven't been able to gather a single ascended set. Four legendaries since April? Makes me wonder what I am even doing in this game.


    > All bitterness aside, I'm happy for you :D A great post indeed, keep having fun and see you in the Crystal Desert!


    Once you get to a certain point, you have the resources and the knowledge to make the game easier, so I'm not surprised Ojimaru was able to make a few in a short time. I have been playing since beta and am a very casual player. I didn't even worry about Legendaries or Ascended gear because I knew I didn't want to work that hard at the game. Toward the beginning of this year (after ~4 years of casual playing) I decided I finally had enough resources saved to make a Legendary. I chose Chuka & Champawat. The only thing holding me up at this point is the Amalgamated Gemstones, but I'm getting there. And over the time it took me to create this Legendary, I've saved yet more materials and gold and will soon be starting my next.


    But I'm a Saver - I don't spend gold or sell off resources. One time I sold a Silver Doubloon and I immediately regretted it. So I had quite a lot of materials filling up my inventory, over 1,000 Laurels because I only spent a few, etc.


    Good luck with your gear! :)

  5. > @TheForceKin.6581 said:

    > What do you think the chances are that they bring back scythes as a melee weapon?


    I hope they don't - scythes are a very niche weapon. I have a Necro that I really love to play but I wish that Anet didn't make the choice for me for the staff attack to look like a scythe. I'm looking into alternate weapons so I can get rid of that look. My Necromancer isn't styled as a "Reaper" and I actually am not training the Reaper line to avoid that stereotype as well.

  6. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > Let's see what happens on Friday. Since ANet has to create an entirely new set of mastery trees/branches for PoF, I am hopeful that they will divorce HoT mastery from those associated for Raids.


    > For example, if it were up to me, I'd have:

    > * Core: Fractals, Pact, Legendary Weapons; earned via XP in all core content

    > * HoT: Gliding, VB, AB, TD, LS3; XP from all HoT maps/content

    > * PoF: Mounts, Map X, Map Y etc, LS4; XP from all PoF maps/content

    > * Raids: HoT Raids, PoF raids.; exclusively via raids


    > Thus those that don't want to raid would end up with zero pressure.


    I also hope they do something about this situation.


    > (That aside, Spirit Shards? Every veteran is going to end up with huge surpluses of them, unless ANet adds huge, huge new sinks, which doesn't seem likely. In the long run, it won't matter if folks aren't earning shards via HoT XP, even if that would be more fair.)


    Presumably Anet thought that at least the majority of players would complete all the Masteries and get back to earning XP. And from what I have seen of most vets responding to threads like this, most vets are already getting Spirit Shards. So hopefully Anet does have something else planned for them.


    But for me the issue isn't the Spirit Shards per se, it is the fact that the most pervasive reward I am supposed to be getting for playing my character - one that pops up on my screen with great frequency if I am doing almost anything at all - is not actually being received. It was a terrible idea to leave the XP notices if you're not actually getting them. While I'm playing I just keep thinking "Liar".

  7. > @Jaguar.9104 said:

    > As a former player of Guild Wars 1 I find nothing familiar about the lands as they stand in Guild Wars 2. I understand that a few hundred years in the game has passed since Eye of the North Expansion Storyline and that things would have changed out in the Shiverpeaks and Kryta after the rise of Orr.


    > But what I find most disturbing is how different Ascalon looks, even with the Foefire incident the lads of Ascalon would not have changed so much, the land up around Grendich Courthouse would not have lost it's large mountain that stood in front of it in GW1. Evolution is understandable and so are changes, but areas that did not have mountains in GW1 now has mountains, as I said change in a game story is understandable but a total reworking of the lands of Tyria was not a good idea IMHO.


    > IT would have been better to keep the lands like they were in GW1 and expand and adjust for some mining, dragons and the rise of Orr and the flooding that followed, changes happen over time even during the timeline of GW2, but never as drastic as what GW2 looks like. This is my only issue with GW2 that the lands are too alien compared to what they were.


    Anet doesn't seem to value their lore. Wooden Potatoes has a video where he mentions a lot of the changes Anet has made not only to the geography but to the stories as well, retconning things left and right. Anet is teaching us a lesson that we shouldn't care about what we're playing in GW2 because they will probably only go on to change it also at some point. And Anet has already shown us that they don't care about many of the characters and stories they've introduced in GW2 by completely dropping them even if they are important. Instead Anet decided it was more important to write a story like "The Commander is forced to join the Shining Blade to prove his loyalty!? (no matter how stupid an idea it is for your race)". Just goes to show that there is no accounting for taste.

  8. > @WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:

    > > @Djinn.9245 said:

    > > > @WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:

    > > > doing open World PvE you are more than good with exotic armor but it never hurts to have the ascended armors from crafting and use your laurels to upgrade your ascended trinket very easy that why . just might want to save up on laurels tho so you can get them all at once B)

    > >

    > > I definitely don't use Laurels to purchase trinkets as I use the Laurels for crafting. You can easily get ascended trinkets from Living World Season 3 maps and the Bloodstone trinkets are even stat swappable which is ideal. Here is a good guide for Ascended Trinkets:

    > >

    > > http://guildwars2.rocks/saving-money/cheap-ascended-trinkets/


    > I only if I am even lucky do living story once at all even . and never ever go back to the living story maps at all . I find the living story maps very pain filled . so I just do them once at best for the story and move on . and for me I find laurels ones far more easy for me .


    You of course will do what you prefer. But it isn't easy to gain Laurels at a good pace, while it is easy to gain Map Currency for the Living Story maps. So I would hesitate to recommend to a newer player to use up his Laurels. This really good website that I linked earlier goes into all the pros and cons of different ways to gain Ascended Trinkets:



  9. > @"Beorn Raukar.4328" said:

    > It was said on episode six that Braham realized that Jormag went back to sleep. So I dont think he is going to use his bow any time soon, which makes Balthazar the pressing matter. This and Palawa Joko will probably be the center of LS4, I think.


    I don't remember it being quite this definitive, and there should have been more about this but...writing. However, the fact that Balthazar isn't going after the sleeping Jormag or Primordus (he was right near Primordus when that dragon went back to sleep) would seem to indicate that it is hard to get at a dragon once they are sleeping. So we are probably OK where Jormag is concerned.


    Regarding Braham, I just hope he goes away forever. I'm going to be really pissed if they force us to have him in our Guild for the rest of the game.

  10. > @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

    > I'm surprised there isn't already one about this!

    > Since mounts were announced it was obvious there was a split between those who wanted mounts and those who didn't. I think it'd be interesting to see how forum users are divided on this subject.


    Mounts are unnecessary in GW2 as a means of faster travel. They are also COMPLETELY unnecessary as a PoF Mastery. They almost exactly duplicate the travel masteries from HoT. I already unlocked those Masteries and don't feel like I should have to unlock them again. I also object to the blatant copy/paste of Masteries. I mean, people normally pay for **_new content_** in an expansion, not simply reskinned old content...

  11. > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

    > > @Djinn.9245 said:

    > > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

    > > > > @Rauderi.8706 said:

    > > > > I'd really just like to have the raid tracks open. I have the mastery points just sitting there, the xp grind doesn't scare me.

    > > >

    > > > All you have to do is get one boss kill. There's plenty of training groups out there.

    > >

    > > I haven't seen "plenty of training groups". And I don't think selling kills would be a thing if it was so easy to get one for free...


    > You ask in guild, you form one with friends, you post in LFG and there'll be a training group happy to accept you. I've seen more training groups than hardcore groups, so yes, there are indeed plenty of training groups. You just have to *actually look* ;)


    > I personally wouldn't buy a boss kill seeing as how easy they are, but that's an option for those who aren't willing to put in the time or effort to learn *shrug*


    > ---

    > 49 Characters|Necro|Raider|Fractaller|PvPer|Singer

    > So long Treeface o7

    > "...Kormir? I know not of whom you speak."


    So you meant I could **create** any number of training groups, not that they already exist ("there ARE").

  12. > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

    > > @Rauderi.8706 said:

    > > I'd really just like to have the raid tracks open. I have the mastery points just sitting there, the xp grind doesn't scare me.


    > All you have to do is get one boss kill. There's plenty of training groups out there.


    I haven't seen "plenty of training groups". And I don't think selling kills would be a thing if it was so easy to get one for free...

  13. I am also curious about the signatures. If Anet isn't going to unlock them in the English forums, they should give a statement as to why.


    And why does this thread have a grey "Answered" button but I can't seem to figure out what the "answer" is upon reading the thread? Anyone know how that works?

  14. > @OriOri.8724 said:

    > It dropped the last time I killed claw of jormag for me. That was a few months ago now, but I can confirm that as of then, it was still dropping. Its just very, very rare


    Thanks for the confirmation. 5 years is a long time to wait for something that opens a collection that costs a lot to complete and doesn't offer any real reward. I wouldn't purchase the Claw Fragment for that reason but I wondered if the drop was bugged.

  15. > @WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:

    > doing open World PvE you are more than good with exotic armor but it never hurts to have the ascended armors from crafting and use your laurels to upgrade your ascended trinket very easy that why . just might want to save up on laurels tho so you can get them all at once B)


    I definitely don't use Laurels to purchase trinkets as I use the Laurels for crafting. You can easily get ascended trinkets from Living World Season 3 maps and the Bloodstone trinkets are even stat swappable which is ideal. Here is a good guide for Ascended Trinkets:



  16. > @Deathwing.5210 said:

    > The current ascender implementation is pesky. You double click the item to activate it, it replaces your skill bar. You use skill #2 to restore your fighting skills. You go into combat, then after exiting the ascender may (or many not: BUG) be restored. It replaces your skillbar _again_ and you have to click #2 to go back to attack skills. This is very inconvenient. Please, instead have the ascenders as a pane in the hero menu and let us select what we want, without having to mess with our attack bar. Thanks.


    It would be great if we could "equip" an ascender and then it would always be used. If it had a toggle checkbox we could toggle it off when we didn't want to use it.

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