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Posts posted by Djinn.9245

  1. > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

    > > @Djinn.9245 said:

    > > I appreciate the suggestions and understand the various work-arounds, what I don't understand is why these work-arounds are necessary. The Lily of the Elon is supposed to be a convenience and we pay for that convenience. And there is even a path "in the direction of" the city - why doesn't that path lead conveniently into the city? Why does it stop at a closed door? Very odd.

    > >

    > > These areas are called "Deluxe Areas" in the Wiki - is there any other "Deluxe Area" that requires you to jump over, around, etc in order to get into the related city?


    > The Lava Lounge in Ember Bay is on a high plateau on a cliff on an island at the southwest end of the map. I've seen people jump out of it and glide, but it really doesn't provide convenient access to anything.


    Ah yes, I forgot about the Lava Lounge - is that the only "Deluxe Area" that is not connected to a large city? Can anyone tell me if that pass allows you to automatically return to the place you came from ala Mistlock Sanctuary? That would certainly make up for the lack of association with a large city.

  2. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > @Djinn.9245 said:

    > >War is about tactics and strategy

    > No, it literally is not. I don't know where you got the idea that it was, but primitive man waged war against themselves long before things like complex tactics and strategies were ever invented. War is, by definition, simply a conflict between two nations or states, or two entries within a nation or state. Be that organized like modern conflicts, or mindless slaughter, is irrelevant to the definition of war.


    People who simply go attack someone else are not "at war" - if they are that disorganized that is simply an attack. And I never said it had to be complex tactics and strategies. But simply getting people together to attack at the same time rather than individually or in small groups is a strategy.

  3. I appreciate the suggestions and understand the various work-arounds, what I don't understand is why these work-arounds are necessary. The Lily of the Elon is supposed to be a convenience and we pay for that convenience. And there is even a path "in the direction of" the city - why doesn't that path lead conveniently into the city? Why does it stop at a closed door? Very odd.


    These areas are called "Deluxe Areas" in the Wiki - is there any other "Deluxe Area" that requires you to jump over, around, etc in order to get into the related city?

  4. > @Emmibolt.3928 said:

    > So, I just stumbled upon a whole clan of those mutant watermelon cacti Choya. And they're kitten adorable. The renown heart over in Pricklepatch Hollow was definitely my fav heart I've done in a while.


    > What's your favourite renown heart in PoF?


    I thought this was hysterical - just reading the dialogue had me laughing out loud.

  5. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > @miriforst.1290 said:

    > > **And so far even Scarlett briar have had more character development. Even Scarlett had a better explanation for her motives (and her descent into crazy is logged even if its post mortem). What was considered a paper thin and comically bad villain by most of the community was still a better villain than the big b man himself (and she actually accomplished things). Yep.**

    > Not really, Balthazar's actions make far more sense then Scarlett's. Scarlett just so happened to have her mind influenced by Mordremoth, who wasn't even awake, and who was almost as far away from her as one can be while still being in central Tyira, and when no other Sylvari had the same call until then, because she sat in a machine that gave her a vision of the eternal alchemy... which doesn't even really make sense from a logical standpoint because the totality of existence is an abstract, and not something you can actually see to begin with.


    The issue isn't making sense, the issue is understanding the motives, and ability to accomplish goals.


    > On the other hand, Balthazar wanted to war with the Elder Dragons, just like past lore has shown he wanted to war with ANYTHING he found interesting(this is the same guy who basically wanted to genocide all of Tyira when humanity first arrived), but was then denied what is LITERALLY his nature, had all his powers stripped from him, and was disowned by the very beings he considered his friends for millennia, and was locked away in a dank armpit of the Mists, to waste away there for all time, all because he wanted to do the very thing his sphere of power was about. Yeah, truly no motivation or backstory for why he did what he did(note the massive sarcasm)


    There is a huge difference between WAR and GENOCIDE. War is about tactics and strategy - liking war is similar to liking a live version of chess. Yes there is also the visceral aspect, but it isn't just about body count otherwise a "War" god would go around the world simply blasting every area: boom, everyone dead, done. If a god simply wants to kill things that /= "war", that = psychopathy.


    Also those who go to war have to strike a balance between choosing a war they can win, but also *not* choosing a war where winning = losing (like Total Nuclear War or killing the Elder Dragons). And Balthazar isn't supposed to be just a powerful entity who likes war, but a god of the humans which implies caring in some way about those who worship you.

  6. > @Spiral.3724 said:

    > I read on the old forums that people tip 1 gold, but if you're only making 2 gold for doing the dailies, then you're giving half of it away.

    > Do you tip depending on the difficulty of the JP?

    > Do you tip depending on how much money you have at the time?

    > I've had some Mesmers give the tip back ... why? Are they really that nice?? =)


    When I used to get a JP for the first time, so I was getting an achiev, I would tip a gold. Or if I needed it for a collection or something and the mesmer was specifically helping me. Other than that I tip 50 silver or something every now and then just to help keep mesmers happy that they are helping :)

  7. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

    > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > If you look at your UI, already completed hearts are still counting to map completion after reset. While I don't like repeatable hearts myself, your reaction here is unjustified.

    > >

    > > Right so are you implying I'm not allowed to be angry about being forced to repeat content or no life my self for a day in order to get map completion before reset, some of us have jobs and families, while I play frequently on my days off I also happen to work full time, so I guess don't bother working on map completion unless I have hours ahead of me?


    > The only thing I'm implying is your lack of understanding of daily heart mechanics. It was already explained to you, that those hearts you completed before reset are still counting after reset and you can see this in game UI. Your anger and frustration are unjustified.


    Well, I wouldn't say that his anger and frustration are *unjustified*, just aimed at the wrong source. Repeatable hearts ARE confusing and depending on the size of your UI it is difficult to see the tiny infinity symbol.

  8. People are finding ways around this:



    > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > Also you can move to vendor and when within the range press 1, which will dismount you without loosing time.

    > Then, after you click to talk with npc, you can mount without closing the trading chat ( so you will be both ready to move and block npc to other players ).


    Please cause mounting to close NPC windows.

  9. > @draxynnic.3719 said:

    ...bringing back Menzies in place of Balthazar would have been more fitting to the established lore. Menzies is known for using deception in a way that Balthazar wasn't, was already known as an enemy of the Six, and if Menzies would make it to Tyria, there is absolutely no reason - unlike Balthazar - why he wouldn't regard destroying Tyria as inconsequential if it meant he had the power to overthrow his brother and the other gods that supported him. Using Menzies would have had the same 'we're going back to GW1 lore' effect that they were aiming for with the gods, without requiring destroying a major element of human and GW1 lore to do so.


    > At the bottom line, if ArenaNet had gone with Lazarus or Menzies as the final boss of PoF, I really don't think we'd have anyone arguing that they should have subbed in Balthazar instead.


    I agree. I don't understand why Anet took the path they did, except maybe for the ability to hype the expansion (confront a God!!). HoT was about confronting a dragon so maybe they felt they needed something bigger to hype PoF. My solution would have been "Save the Dragon, Save the World!"

  10. > @HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

    > When I bought HoT, long ago, it was out for a few months already. I had one chracter which I used to travel as far as possible, and ended up very deep inside the Tangled Depths with mastery level 1. A few commanders were taged up and people discussed in mapchat about the meta. They complained, that it is now nearly impossible to find any people for the meta and that the entire maps would be abandoned in weeks. Noone would do any TD or DS meta in the future and the content/achievements would be impossible to do in a few months. Sounds familiar?


    Except that at the end of the HoT metas you get a lot of chests to loot...


    I have never done any of the metas in the PoF maps. They just don't seem worth the time as others have said, which is too bad because of the collections.

  11. I also need 250 Amalgamated gemstones for Chuka & Champawat. I luckily had saved all of my Hero chests from doing HoT metas, but since I didn't really like HoT much that only got me halfway. Now I'm throwing gemstones in the toilet to get Amalgamated gemstones and I hate it :( I have never got the 25 gemstones result btw - hope your luck is better if you decide to go that route.


    Yea, it would have been nice if they introduced a way to get Amalgamated gemstones in PoF.

  12. > @Poem.8491 said:

    > If it doesn't involve any choice of some kind, we could receive them directly. No need to bother clicking them at all.

    > i.e.: you get 4-5 chests at Teq and I have to open them all, but there's no choise involved. No more clicking, less time wasted and more time farming Iron Ore.


    The problem with automatically putting chests in inventory, is sometimes I like them to stay on the side until I'm ready. Like when I doing Dragon's Stand or Octovine I don't want to add more to my inventory so I can open as many chests / pods as possible. I leave the bouncy chests until I'm done and then process them while I'm processing my inventory.


    Maybe a toggle that lets you choose to add directly to inventory or not?

  13. > @FaceYourFear.6902 said:

    > I've maxed out the masteries on all the mounts except for one where the XP bar is full but I dont yet have enough mastery points to buy the trait. I no longer receive XP of any kind when playing a level 80 character on my account in PoF, the bar just stays at 0/0 experience.


    > According to the wiki I should be receiving XP and be getting spirit shards at this point. How come I'm not getting this?


    Actually, the wiki is wrong if it says that. You should only get XP again after you have finished the last Mastery AND purchased it with MP.

  14. > @Rauderi.8706 said:

    > This probably should have been a 5-year-old furor by now, but with mystic coin prices as they are (significantly down from 1.25g to ~90s, but still) and the other components that go into them . .

    > *Why is the chance to get clovers less than 30%?*

    > The Forge is supposed to be _THE way_ to get them. Notwithstanding the pittance that is the lengthy reward tracks or waiting an entire month for *seven*.


    > It doesn't have to be 100%. I'm fine getting the booby prize once in a while. But for kitten's sake, at least make the success rate *reasonable*.


    Doing Chuka & Champawat, I got my clovers from the Chests of Loyalty I had been saving since I didn't know what I wanted from them. Now that I know a bit more, I don't know why I would choose anything else from them. But I'm still saving them until I really need something in case things change.


    I suppose if you use clovers a lot you have to start gambling for them, which I agree is pretty bad. Like Amalgamated Gemstones which are currently the bane of my existence.

  15. > @Ohoni.6057 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @Thelgar.7214 said:

    > > > I still haven't unlocked griffon and my masteries are at 3,4,0,1 on the other mounts. Adding a tedious XP grind to suit people that have a kitten ton of free time while penalizing those that don't isn't an improvement.

    > >

    > > Agree.

    > > Tip: if you want to unlock em fast, hp run is the best way once you unlocked all maps ( it also gives you let's say nice rewards ).


    > There is a SUPER fast way to XP grind masteries that I haven't heard too many people talking about, the Treat Quests. Every Map has a Treat Quest, to give you Treats specific to each mount. You need to do them in order, so you can't complete the Springer one until the Raptor one is done, or the Skimmer until the Springer is done, but you get five Treats for each mount in total, and then can buy new ones from the ranch vendor if you want.


    > You can only get an XP benefit once each day per pet, and can only use the right treat on the right pet, but these seem to stack. I started taking these quests seriously once I got my Griffon, but was able to fully master my Griffon skills in only a few days, in part by feeding the right pets the right treats each day. Even the free ones you get should be plenty, and the quests are pretty fun to do sometimes.


    I am also using these and yes you can gain XP once per day for each of the different mount treats.

  16. > @Lyger.5429 said:

    > I think people are misunderstanding what I'm saying. I'm not asking for elite specs to be long term goals but for Anet to add more depth to the existing system. With masteries, since it's account bound, I think they can afford to make it take a little longer than a week to max. Believe me I did not rush to max anything out I just progressed through the maps as the story lead me.


    Not everyone has done it as quickly as you have. I have been playing nearly every day and have still not maxed out the Masteries. I think they are fine the way they are.

  17. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > 2. Abbadon was another situation entirely involving the godly pantheon, their powers, and the rules they had among themselves. Balthazar couldn't just kill Abbadon because Abbadon's power would have had to go somewhere, and there was no worthy vessel to contain it.


    > The Elder Dragons on the other hand are

    > A. A worthy fight far greater then easily smiting the Priest of Menzies leading the FoW invasion.

    > B. Not gods, so their death wouldn't effect the godly pantheon.


    > You are comparing apples to oranges m8.


    1. Balthazar apparently doesn't care about the pantheon's rules.

    2. If Balthazar can absorb another being's power, then he could absorb Abaddon's power just as he could absorb a dragon's power.

  18. > @DuskyInsanePoet.4218 said:


    > @Djinn.9245

    > For the practice areas, I tried to pick areas where the cost of waypoints was minimal or free.

    > I have flown around the areas you mentioned and they are a lot of fun to explore. I was thinking of making a "fun to fly" area list as there is a lot of beautiful places to explore with the griffon. I'll add your suggestions under a new section. :)


    I failed my perception score on that one - good idea :)

  19. > @ThatOddOne.4387 said:

    > > @Djinn.9245 said:

    > > The six gods arrived on the world and brought the humans with them...so both the humans AND the gods are aliens to Tyria. Also keep in mind that the human gods are not worshipped by any other races on Tyria - many of the other races have their own gods.


    > Mmn, no.


    > Dwarves, Forgotten and Quaggan. Either one or two of them or all. Worship of the Gods was not unique to just humans.


    "Either one or two of them or all"...what? No, worship of gods is not unique to humans, as I said many races have gods as well. However I believe you mean that those particular races worshiped the _Human_ Gods. Only one does as a race and the Forgotten are alien to Tyria also. My statement was supposed to be about Tyrian races, not aliens. Quaggan worship their own nature goddess and only some dwarves used to worship human gods but of course they are said to be gone now.


    But that wasn't my point anyway, my point was that the Human Gods are alien to Tyria and the original Tyrian races had their own gods before the Human Gods arrived.

  20. > @Feanor.2358 said:

    > > @Gray.8635 said:

    > > Feanor The Zhaitan and Mordremoth had good stories. Preference and good story telling are two different things in my opinion. Zhaitan was the first time in guild wars lore we were actually going to face a dragon. Everything was new and the story was done very well. Mordremoth was too. Even the living story for Mordremoth with Scarlett was even tied in well and woven nicely. Story is just so important for an MMO in my opinion, especially one as unique as this one. Out of every MMO that is out there I have played this is by far the most story driven one I personally have ever came across. I think its also the same for many others, because when people found out that more story would be available in raids, so many were frustrated with Anet because of the difficulty when they first started. For me raiding is always about the story and the challenge. That bit of story after a boss kill from exploring, or when the final wing boss is killed is what makes this game so... good. =)


    > I fail to see the great storytelling in the previous stories. It had pretty much one strong moment, Tybalt's sacrifice (a keg of apple cider in your honour, good sir. You shall be always remembered). As far as storytelling goes, though, PoF has beaten it. It featured the death of the player character. Yes, nobody expected to stay dead. Yes, it has been done before. Nevertheless.


    > P.S. On the topic of story-driven MMOs - SW:TOR. In general, when it comes to story and RPG, BioWare are the guys to look at.


    Sorry, the death of the PC was a gimmick to illicit exactly the reaction you apparently had.

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