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Posts posted by Djinn.9245

  1. > @Loboling.5293 said:

    > I'm fine with this. I can't remember how many tries it took me. I don't think I ever would've gotten it if not for watching other people beat it, as I tried to keep up with them. It was one of the best feelings I had when I finally beat it, and now every year I do it still just to help others get up.


    > However, if someone wants to avoid that high you get when you finally beat it, and you've been trying 100 times. I say, why not give it to you. You're missing one fun feeling when you beat it on your own.


    > Anyway, after 100 times if you haven't made any real progress, just give them the achievement. My opinion.


    Not everyone loves beating difficult things and then gets a great feeling when they do. Years ago in games I used to panic when faced with a tough situation (fight, difficult twitch scenario). Even if I beat it I wouldn't feel good, I would only feel glad it was over. Nowdays I am over feeling panic unless I am in a group situation where others are depending on me (which I try to avoid). Now its just a game and nothing terrible will happen if my character dies. But I still don't "enjoy a big challenge" - I'm playing for entertainment and stress doesn't entertain me.


    That said, I actually don't agree with the idea of a certain number of "tries". That would be too easy to fake: just enter the puzzle and stand there and die. Wouldn't take very long to do that 100 times. And while I understand that some people like to get all the achievs, I disagree with getting an achiev for something you didn't do. And I don't think the clock tower is gating anything else. You can craft all the armor.

  2. > @Xeno.1298 said:

    > I had over 4 stacks of candy corn in my inventory and donated 4 stacks (1000) to Drooburt's Ghost, as he said he was down on his luck. Following that, I opened my inventory to use the Candy-Powered Matter Meter given me by Magister Tassi to aid her research and, to my chagrin, I discovered the sneaky, little, deceased Quaggan had pilfered ALL of my candy corn! I feel the Lionguard should take the this ethereal, ne'er-do-well into custody and make him answer for this crime. I know parts of Lion's Arch were sketchy in the past, but in this day and age, adventurers shouldn't have to worry about this sort of thievery in the city, and only a stone's throw from the Mystic Forge, no less!



    I hope you filed a bug report and a Customer Service ticket - I'd be really upset if all my candy corn was gone.

  3. > @onevstheworld.2419 said:

    > I wouldn't say this JP needs "twitch" skill. It's a lot of memorizing the route, timing and not letting the acid death pool spoil your concentration (this is the bit I find the hardest). The first 1/3rd is the hardest, then you actually outrun the acid and the next 2/3rds become less frantic. There is no variance that you need to react to, unlike the snowball Skriit in the Wintersday JP, hence my assertion that twitchiness is not required.


    > If it's any consolation, both this and Wintersday JP took me 50+ attempts before I succeeded. But once done, getting them to farm status was very quick. I love both these JPs now (or maybe it's Stockholm syndrome)


    Just for background, I'm a person who, when GW2 first came out, I thought some Vistas were JP. No, not the couple that actually are. Anyway, that's my level of skill when it comes to JP. And while I'm sure you are correct about memorization, JP still take a lot of ability to jump and hit the exact spot. It's not like jumping in JP is like bouncing mushrooms that place you exactly where you need to land. So while most JP don't have things actively trying to hit you, that doesn't mean that they aren't without twitch demands.

  4. > @Zaraki.5784 said:

    > > @Malediktus.9250 said:

    > > > @Susy.7529 said:

    > > > Well actually we gained ap, they lowered Seeker of Truth and Knowledge from 15 to 7 ap but they also added 2 new PoF achi in Vabbi for a total of 5 and 10 ap. So we lost 8 ap but gained 15 for a total of 7 ap of true gain.

    > > > The right thing to complain is that instead of lowering the already-done achi, they resetted it forcing people to do it again.

    > >

    > > That logic is silly. They are completly new achievements which require you to spend additional effort on something else. Plus the said 30min to reearn the reset achievement.


    > No, it's nor silly, they could as well not release those 2 achi at all or release them with PoF initial launch. Adding them now means that they gave us a refund for the ap lost.


    Giving you something else is not a refund. O.o

  5. >> @Rhanoa.3960 said:

    >> Other MMOs out in the market don't even have this feature only to sell SKINS for your mounts that are non customizable.

    >> FFXIV it's $10 each skin that you can't even dye.


    > @TheRandomGuy.7246 said:


    > ~50 available ingame for free. 6 sold on the cash shop for 7 dollars each.


    Interesting how different what you say is from what Rhanoa says. The vast majority of skins available in game for free. Hm, which system do I prefer?


  6. > @TheGrimm.5624 said:

    > > @Seriously.7953 said:

    > > > Thanks. I'll try it again for a few days but my buggest problem is that i play a charr and no matter where i put the camera, i can't see where i'm going and the camera gets stuck on the above floating pieces making it do that zoom in behind the back thing making me fail.

    > >

    > > That makes it more difficult, I'd create a new human character just for doing JP's. Not sure it will help much on a Charr, but you can try removing all your armor before doing the JP.

    > >


    > As a bad jumper and a fellow char, you also might consider one of the Quagan tonics.


    Or the Endless Miniature Tonic.

  7. > @Jaidy.1824 said:

    > > @Lucentfir.7430 said:

    > > > @Khisanth.2948 said:

    > > > > @Lucentfir.7430 said:

    > > > > Sadly I think those achievements are for those players that own the 'Path of Fire' Expansion, since Palawa Joko Minions are called 'Awakened' and those mobs are only found in the new maps in the Crystal Desert.

    > > >

    > > > Apparently they can be found on the coast northwest of the crystal desert as well. Having PoF would make it much.

    > >

    > > This is correct I can now confirm now there are some "Awakened' in Mount Maelstrom, around Sunken Droknah area. Scan the shores since that's where they spawn.


    > Could you be a bit more specific? I still can't find them in the crystal desert.


    If you want to find them easy, go near Joko's bone palace...

  8. > @HazyDaisy.4107 said:

    > > @Djinn.9245 said:

    > > > @Jana.6831 said:

    > > > Yeah it is correct, so what?

    > > > "You have to treat every enemy like your friend and aren't allowed to attack them". Screw that. Whoever is outraged that they're being attacked in WvW should go play PvE or grow a thicker skin.

    > > > And the rest of you: Go get that title!

    > >

    > > Just a clarification: please re-read the OP and then tell me who is outraged that they're being attacked? And please provide the quote. Thanks.


    > Here's the thing about the OP, and this is not a personal attack, just an observation about something that occurs in most of their threads,. They make the post, word it to involk certain feelings in respondants, then later admit it's not a big deal for them personally.


    > This particular post has opened a lively discussion, with helpful observations that the more playful troll behavior seen in wvw oftentimes carries over to the forums, plus it helps to gI've the OP a popular thread, which is probably all its about anyway :).


    > To each his/her own, but food for thought, how ever little we may be able to do about blatant trolling such as CJs, Emotes, double teaming, sabatage and other unscrupulous playstyles inflicted on us daily during our relaxing downtime, we can at least pause for a moment (while we lay dying) and laugh about the fact that while the OP may not personally be affected by this, someone somewhere IS outraged by the use of this pve title in wvw.


    I think it's very questionable to try to ascribe a different motive for the OP than what is actually stated. And I personally haven't noted much "playful" troll behavior in WvW.


    It may be that someone is outraged about the use of the title, but what I was responding to was a post stating that someone was outraged about simply being attacked in WvW which, of course, is part of the point of WvW.

  9. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @Menadena.7482 said:

    > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > @Llethander.3972 said:

    > > > > > @Menadena.7482 said:

    > > > > > > @Llethander.3972 said:

    > > > > > > Keyboard turning, as it is called, is sub-optimal in all aspects of every game. It is slow, inaccurate, and laborious.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > No, it is not. It is the muscle memory for games many people have which makes it EXTREMELY accurate if your brain is already wired to hit a/f or the arrows. Your experience might be different, fine, use strafe, but would YOU be happy if our positions were reversed and you could not use strafe at all because some dev thought it inaccurate?

    > > > >

    > > > > Yes, it is. Keyboard turning is statistically inferior to turning using your mouse. It's the same reason that mouse aiming is statistically superior to controller aiming. The mouse is significantly faster while offering a higher level of pinpoint precision when compared to either alternative method I described.

    > > >

    > > > Yep, mouse turning is better and faster than keyboard turning.

    > >

    > > The word "better" is highly subjective. That is like saying race x in the game is better than race y while they have no effect on gameplay beyond the size of the model.

    > >

    > > As to faster? It really depends what you are used to. Take an audible web browser. Someone not used to one thinks they are extremely slow. Now have a blind person use one on a well-designed website and you will see how fast they can be used.

    > >


    > I sometimes play with a person who keyboard turns. It’s interesting. I’ve taken off running and stop, because they’re still “shuffleshuffleshuffleshuffleshuffle finally face the direction to go” and then start moving.


    > Yeah it’s slower.


    I keyboard turn all the time and for me it is almost instantaneous. Your friend must have some kind of lag or settings issue.

  10. > @castlemanic.3198 said:

    > So it's clear that the mounts are fully capable of being dyed all over, Anet has just decided for absolutely no good reason that the regular mount skins should not be fully customizable.


    I agree with your post in general. But I think that the reason is clear why Anet decided to give us the EXTREMELY limited dying ability on base mounts: money. And I also posit that unfortunately this reason is very good for them which is why they made it.


    For this reason I will not be purchasing ANY mount skins going forward. Anet could have been less money-grubbing and at least allowed us the 4 dye channels for the base mounts with a higher visibility of the dye. Instead it seems like they chose the bare minimum dyability they thought they could get away with in order to make their gemstore skins more desireable. Well this has backfired for me at least as I will not purchase a single one.



  11. > @Jana.6831 said:

    > Yeah it is correct, so what?

    > "You have to treat every enemy like your friend and aren't allowed to attack them". Screw that. Whoever is outraged that they're being attacked in WvW should go play PvE or grow a thicker skin.

    > And the rest of you: Go get that title!


    Just a clarification: please re-read the OP and then tell me who is outraged that they're being attacked? And please provide the quote. Thanks.

  12. > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

    > > This thread alone makes me want to venture into PvE just so i can get this title! Lol.


    > judging by the nature of the responses on here from the community, I can see that my assessment of this title and what it represents is correct.


    Not only are you correct, but I am LMAO at how many people are apparently incapable of reading what the OP actually says! Reading Comprehension failed...but that's par for the course on the internet.

  13. > @Turk.5460 said:

    > > @Djinn.9245 said:

    > > > @Junkpile.7439 said:

    > > > Just don't fight back. I just stand and let them kill me. It's not my job to entertain some coward who play cancer builds. :)

    > >

    > > Letting them kill you IS entertaining them whether you fight back or not.


    > Thanks for the free stacks, bag, and war score!


    Exactly. And to all those criticizing why someone who doesn't want to 1v1 is roaming by themselves, how else are you supposed to get to the front where the fighting is currently happening? O.o

  14. > @thrdeye.1028 said:

    > Under no circumstance is it "bullying" to attack an enemy player in a game mode based on doing just that. If your name is red you're fair game. There's no shortage of PvE for those who want it.


    > @Przemyslaw.5891 said:

    > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > When I play wvw, I've noticed that almost every person that has the chicken chaser title, is usually a roamer that almost exclusively chase down players who don't want to 1v1. They are also the same people who bully others in chat or send insulting pms to players from other servers. Usually they are also thieves or rangers.

    > >

    > > I feel like this title was designed to promote bullying in wvw and spvp. Where is the honor in fighting those that run away anyways?


    > So you run away from fair 1v1 fights in wvw cuz it's bullying? Maybe stop playing wvw then cuz it's not your cup of tea, as far as I noticed :P


    The OP actually said:


    > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > When I play wvw, I've noticed that almost every person that has the chicken chaser title, is usually a roamer that almost exclusively chase down players who don't want to 1v1. **_They are also the same people who bully others in chat_** or send insulting pms to players from other servers. Usually they are also thieves or rangers.


    So he was talking about people bullying in chat, not bullying because they are 1v1ing.


    And WvW isn't solely 1v1ing. I also hate 1v1 but I play WvW for the map PvP.

  15. > @Haleydawn.3764 said:

    > I kind of agree, but it should require the Grandmaster marks that PvP/Fractals uses, aswell as Dungeon tokens. It would breath a bit more interest in dungeons again, with minimal effort required to implement one should think.


    I think the question is whether Anet wants to create interest in Dungeons. If more people play them, Anet would have to worry more about fixing any bugs, would have to hear more complaints about whatever people think is wrong with them, etc. Anet might just not want to worry about Dungeons anymore.

  16. > @witcher.3197 said:

    > @"Rognik.2579" @"Djinn.9245" talking about ingame society, not player characters, and it's not commonplace at all


    > Go to Queensdale or DR and find me one friendly NPC who actually uses magic. Even if it was commonplace academies should still exist to refine that and learn more, same way as having a book doesn't make you a priory scholar.


    The fact that people don't make comments about it doesn't mean they don't do it. NPCs don't comment about a lot of things they most likely do in their everyday lives.


    And I still agree with Ayakaru: if magic is common, then everyone would have to learn about it. So the teaching would occur the same way any other subjects occur that everyone has to learn. As I said, there are only special schools in high fantasy because being a Wizard / Mage is more rare.

  17. > @Athrenn.9468 said:

    > Creating a thread for this so that I don't need to make a new one for each issue and hopefully it will make the Story team's life easier in keeping track of these discussions in one central thread.


    > # 1. Sanctum Librarian Dialogue vs. AMA Response

    > [Dialogue from Sanctum Librarian in the Dark Library:](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sanctum_Librarian "Dialogue from Sanctum Librarian in the Dark Library:")

    > _Q: Where did the demons come from?

    > A: Abaddon held this place for a long time before Kormir came. In her absence, his former minions have started to return._


    > [Comment by Connie Griffith from the Story team:](

    "Comment by Connie Griffith from the Story team:")

    > _Actually, the forces that invade the library after Kormir's departure are not Abaddon's. The Mists are generally an unpredictable and dangerous place, so while the library was a safe and stable place in Kormir's presence, her departure made it vulnerable to invasion from other entities within the Mists._



    > Contributions are welcome! Please post your references and citations to keep things manageable.


    I think there is a problem if Anet starts planting "lore" in the world that is purposefully wrong. We don't get enough lore as it is and people who like lore look for writings or comments from people who seem to be knowledgeable. The result of doing this kind of thing will be that people will cease to care about GW2 lore because they never know when their sources will be contradicted by the devs, or the devs will retcon.

  18. > @Khisanth.2948 said:

    > It's a bit weird. PoF dailies being skewed towards bounties make them unappealing despite bounties being one of the few appealing things about PoF.


    Are they? Unfortunately they don't seem to be all that popular. When there was a bounty daily a few days ago I spent multiple hours in the map doing map stuff and never saw a bounty train (yes I looked at LFG) or even just an announcement in chat that someone was starting a bounty. I have seen talk about huge numbers of bounty trains and although I have participated in a couple they don't seem to be as popular as something like Champ trains used to.

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