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Posts posted by Djinn.9245

  1. > @sixburn.5807 said:

    > **Buying the worthy "NEW SKIN**

    > So what is a skin? Spending my hard earned gold or real money in-game is a big deal, but how do I spot a skin worth buying? I am less concerned about weapons or outfits, and the most beautiful ones are already in-game, so I will only include some Mount skins and Gliders at this point.


    When you compare mount skins with glider skins, I see your point. Many of the gliders are very different, not just wings with different effects. A glider where you stand on a flaming sphere, isn't wings at all. But the mount skins are mainly just the same mount with a different look. Should both concepts be worth the same amount of money? It certainly isn't worth as much money as they are currently asking for mount skins. And I certainly am not going to be suckered into buying the entire "adoption" collection just so I can get the skin(s) I might like. Terrible concept.

  2. > @wrathmagik.3518 said:

    > Well it looks like the gem store has gotten worse.


    > With black lion chests, since POF, you have 3 chances to get something, but Anet has slyly rigged it so you really only get TWO chances. Because one is automatically taken up by stupid raptors that are just cheap RE SKINS that they hock at you, and now its pumpkin pails.


    > What did i get of anything good in 50 chests? I got one outfit (the balthazaar one). THAT'S IT! in 50 CHESTS!


    > Reason i bought so many is me and gf were celebrating and decided to splurge a bit in game. That won't be happening again.


    > Good job Anet. You have rigged the Chest drops so we only have 2/3 chances to even get anything good, and out of 150 slots 149 were pure garbage.


    > worst part is no even seems to care so since they can hock re skinned mini's on us instead of actually getting something good and no one's even saying anything.


    I believe it was with HoT that Anet changed BLC to have one fixed "themed" or "seasonal" drop. That was when I decided to never again pay for a BLC with money. I will open one when I happen to get a key, but I always preview to make sure there isn't going to be something I dislike like those raptor minis. I'll save my keys until I see a selection that's tolerable.

  3. In my opinion, dead people refuse to WP for a variety of reasons. Some may not have the WP, may not understand that being dead makes a difference, may think they need to stay at the event to keep participation, may think they have to stay at the event to get the chest, etc. What it comes down to is that there is no education from the game about being dead.


    My solution would be that there should be more education given in-game about even the most basic things. And maybe rez sphere's should be cheaper.

  4. There are so many events in GW2 that bug out all the time and have for years. I know that Anet doesn't like to go back and fix old content, so maybe they can fix it right when it first comes out so the game doesn't look so broken.


    And as for not fixing old content, new players often go through old content first. I would be hard pressed to convince someone to stay in the game if they had trouble getting through core Tyria because of all the bugged events.

  5. > @Zania.8461 said:

    > Well, for what its worth, I think that introducing people to the game by tossing them into something like Tarir meta is an awful idea. Let them enjoy the open world.


    The problem is that new players in Tyria see people gliding or using mounts and of course they want those also. You can't expect them to want to take the time to level to 80 the long way if they purchased HoT or PoF and have an 80 boost.

  6. > @Winegum.2395 said:

    > I've been playing a variety of elite specs trying to find a profession to main. I've realized that the thing I enjoy the most is using an ability that feels impactful. As in, you press it and theres a clear animation that affects the enemy. Even if the ability does no damage, it still feels satisfying to press it and see something big happen


    > The 2 extremes would be warrior and necro. For example, warrior feels impactful. With most of the meta berserker and spellbreaker weapon skills/utilities, you use them and it has a direct effect on the enemy


    > Necromancer on the other hand does not feel impactful. I drop rings on the ground, which although is a clear action, I dont feel like I'm negatively impacting the enemy (even if scourge does a ton of damage). I would argue that guardian is in the same boat, as dragon hunter you're dropping things on the ground, and as firebrand things just burn around you


    If you're limiting the question to Elite specs, I agree about Necro. But I love my non-Elite vampire necro build. Nothing like literally draining the enemy to death lol.

  7. > @troops.8276 said:

    > > @Ashen.2907 said:

    > > ****> @troops.8276 said:

    > > > It's funny in the digital market to have things like 'sales' and 'limited' when there is no supply and demand. Just demand. I mean are Anet running out of pixels? Did they massively overstock some items and they're taking up space in a warehouse somewhere...

    > >

    > > Just like every producer of a consumer product in the free world they are trying to maximize return on investment. They spend money to produce the weapon skin and want to make as much off of it as possible. Increased yield from any given investment means greater overall revenue and, potentially, greater ability to continue to develop products that people might want to buy.

    > >

    > > If you were to make something, lets say a sculpture, and could choose between making $10 profit or $20, which would you choose?


    > Yes, that's the incredibly obvious and simple bit though isn't it. But unlike many industries there is no actual supply, material or production cost beyond the initial design. It doesn't really cost more to sell 10 skins or 20000, profit wont go down because of a lack of raw materials. Sure there are still bills to pay. Whereas your sculpture example is completely different. The laws pertaining to digital sales in many countries are terrible as well. The industry at large trying to act like the product has any inherent value beyond the sale it self. Maybe not Anet though. I don't know. I heard they got a pretty good returns policy. And on top of that there is some very dubious in game sales techniques towards an often young or desperate consumer base whom often defend their favourite company beyond what any reasonable consumer should.


    I don't think you could convince Microsoft that digital products don't have any inherent value :)


    I understand what you're trying to say, but there is really no difference between a digital game and a physical board game, for instance. And many people enjoy Halloween decorations you purchase in a game as much or more than physical Halloween decorations they could purchase, etc.

  8. > @SmirkDog.3160 said:

    > > @Ashen.2907 said:

    > > Because your one purchase does not determine degree of profitability for an item.


    > Honestly pal you're being pretty condescending and I don't really feel like interacting with you specifically anymore. So.


    That's not condescending, that's simply a fact. 1 person's desire for an item is not going to affect the company's bottom line.


    It happens to be a common practice for businesses to have limited-time products even when they could have those products continuously. Look at McDonalds with the McRib sandwich, etc. McDonalds is one of the biggest companies in the world. I'm betting that they have a pretty in-depth market analysis on the pros and cons of having the McRib full-time vs. part-time.

  9. > @Slowpokeking.8720 said:

    > I really think Balthazar doesn't fit the antagonist role well at all. He didn't jump out to fight Abaddon in Nightfall, why did he do that against the dragons? Even as a villain, disguise as a Mursaat to trick people doesn't fit his personality at all.


    > Menzies, on the other hand would make a lot of sense, he was a cunning villain and the ally of Abaddon during Nightfall.


    I agree that Balthazar was a bad choice, but Menzies isn't a god. In a world where we barely know who the gods are, making some guy named Menzies the big bad would leave people who didn't play GW1 (probably the vast majority of players) scratching their heads about why they should care about it.

  10. > @RandomWolf.3986 said:

    > I have been playing Guild Wars 2 for over two years now. I've had my share of breaks here and there like everyone else. but I honestly feel like all of the time and money that I have spent on this game was misdirected. I love the universe, the music and the way it sounds, the way the world has been built, most of the animations and the lore in general. I like the game on its own. It feels different from other games that I've played.


    > But sadly... I just can't get good at it. I've been struggling for the past two years at finding the main class, and even though there are characters where I've put a lot of focus on... I still can't get them right. It doesn't matter if I'm wearing the good gear and the right build, I just can't make it work. This is more noticeable in PvP. It has gotten to the point where I just feel demoralized and wonder as to why I keep trying. It doesn't help that the community is not what I once believed it was. Each person I met is worse than the last one. The game itself doesn't feel rewarding -- I spent six months working towards a legendary and it felt awful; it lead me to a 5-month break and it didn't help much.


    > -A character that I once considered to be my main was a Thief. For almost two years I did everything on this character. I completed all maps, I unlocked most achievements, I completed all of the story instances and so on. I was always dying; always having issues with this character. But I was always hopeful that I was going to get better. I didn't and after wasting time and resources to give this character a legendary I simply stopped using her.

    > - I tried to focus on Warrior. I even have three warriors. I tried the three of them. I tried to be a core tank, a condition-damage based Berserker and a DPS Spellbreaker. It didn't work. I feel disoriented and ridiculously underpowered. I've been trying to use that almighty PvP Spellbreaker build for weeks now but it's absolutely pathetic at how I'm so incapable of holding my ground against anyone.

    > - I also tried a Ranger. A DPS Core one. I was actually having a lot of fun with this character. Made her full Marauder for that extra survivability and precision and things were going smoother. PvP wasn't going so bad as well. But then it started to go downhill. A number of people troubled me because I was using those stats... and the amounts of times that I tried to face specific enemies over at PvP over and over again just to fail.


    > I honestly don't know what to do anymore and why am I even writing this. I tried to be creative with the game; make all sorts of videos and even projects such as music videos, machinimas and trailers but the community just ended up ignoring and insulting my work. And due to several GPU-related issues and the lack of a better choice, I can't submit myself at attempting other long-term video games and such. There are other MMORPGs on my list... like SWTOR and TESO, but sadly those aren't capable of captivating me just as well. I'm kitten at them too of course. I just can't understand why I'm so bad at this. I've seen people solo certain bosses and dungeon paths without breaking a sweat and I need to put a lot of energy and focus against one miserable Elite. A part of me really wants to quit this game. I have no friends, no purpose there and I can't really have fun anymore...


    > This all feels like _buyer's remorse_. I feel like I shouldn't quit because all of the time and money that I've spent on this game would go to waste. It's such a mess.


    > **I need a second opinion on this.**


    > _tl;dr: Been playing for years, still suck at the game, idk what to do anymore._


    > Edit 1: I have 27 characters. 3 per class: Core, HoT and PoF specs. They're all pretty much level 80 and have their own builds and roles to play.

    > Edit 2: I've also tried raiding, dungeons, Fractals... and pretty much everything that the game has to offer.

    > Edit 3: I know that it's not a race to become the best. I don't want to be the best, but I want to be above average at least. I want to feel proud of myself and accomplish things instead of failing them again and again.


    In my opinion as a casual player, it sounds like you are too stubborn about trying to make one character good that you don't seem to have a good time with. 2 years with a Thief that you are always having issues with is too long. It is also probable that there isn't one character that you will main in every single game mode. You say you have 1 of each class - I'm surprised that you didn't find a character that you do well with in each mode.


    RE your tl:dr: reading all you have done, you don't suck at this game lol.

  11. > @bOTEB.1573 said:

    > > @Terrahero.9358 said:

    > > > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    > > > It's what the subset of players that disliked HoT wanted. They didn't like the map metas and preferred maps like core Tyria.

    > > >

    > > > We got a taste of this with LS3 where those maps only remained relevant because of ascended trinket farming. Due to lack of replayability, the maps will be just like the core maps when there isn't a world boss going on.

    > > >

    > > > People need to be careful about what they ask for.

    > >

    > > It has nothing to do with meta events. It has to do with reward. The new PoF events and bounties are just not rewarding enough to do, not being an hour long meta event chain is not the problem. People still run the vanilla world bosses and events because it's worth their time and effort to do. People ran events even in starter maps like Queensdale for a long time, the only reason they stopped was because anet nerfed the everliving out of the rewards.


    > You see... this is chained. You can't expect to get good rewards from short/easy meta events that require 10-15 people to complete nor from bounties that you can auto attack without moving and semi afk for 5-8 min.


    Which bounties can you attack without moving and semi afk? I want to farm those but I haven't found any.


    > The only exception is the Serpent's Ire in Vabbi, however, let's not forget that HOT metas were harder in the beginning too and this is only a matter of time to get easy.


    Does Serpent's Ire have the same kind of reward of ANY of the HoT metas?


  12. > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    > It's what the subset of players that disliked HoT wanted. They didn't like the map metas and preferred maps like core Tyria.


    > We got a taste of this with LS3 where those maps only remained relevant because of ascended trinket farming. Due to lack of replayability, the maps will be just like the core maps when there isn't a world boss going on.


    > People need to be careful about what they ask for.


    The OP doesn't even mention the PoF metas...

  13. > @Pharazon.8137 said:

    > I did a search but did not find any posts relating to this already. Has anyone else had issues when completing the 5 hearts in Siren's Landing and then opening a chest in the Hidden Reliquary only to be given 0 Pearls. I have had the ghost at the bottom of the pit make comments as if I have received pearls, and even received the daily gambler reward. I can't seem to find out what is causing this, it has been inconsistent for the past 3 months. I have tried to mitigate this by staying in the same instance when completing all 5 hearts and then opening the chests, but it is still occurring.


    > Is this something I should/could request to either A ) get pearls for the failed attempts or B ) at least get some of the gold payments for an extra try back?



    > (edited because B was appearing as an emoji)




    According to the wiki, one of the quantity of pearls you can receive from the chests is zero. The NPC has standard responses for less or more pearls, but might not have a separate response for zero over less. Sounds like you have hit a bad run of RNG.

  14. I don't know why Anet doesn't have any checkpoints in some stories and doesn't have more in general. Especially since they know there are large numbers of players who have trouble DCing in the instances. The fact that they can put checkpoints in stories but often don't is frustrating and I don't understand why they do this. And often it is the most irritating stories that don't have checkpoints (how many times did I go through being hit by rocks during the initiation trying to get Fearless...). It would be silly for Anet to purposefully frustrate their players, and yet since I know they CAN add checkpoints I don't understand why they don't.

  15. I would love it if Anet could add comments to the Friends and Blocked lists. When I add someone to my friends list, I would like to be able to note why I added them. If they were generous to me I would like to be generous to them in return some day. If I liked grouping with them in some game mode I would like to group with them again in the future. Etc.


    For the Blocked list, I would also like to note why I blocked them. Is this someone I will keep on the list forever or is it someone who was doing annoying things in chat that I will remove from Blocked after a short time? Etc.

  16. > @garkos.2973 said:

    > i know they can t be taken seriously as they probably come from 10 yo kid, but making a threat to kill someone in real life can get you banned right?


    If someone threatens you as a person (not your character), definitely report it to Anet. Blocking them is not enough - you don't know if they will threaten other people also, so Anet should also have a chance to deal with them.

  17. > @CaboSoul.1204 said:

    > > @Drecien.4508 said:

    > > You got mounts free with the purchase of POF.


    > Nah I paid for it, just like you and everybody else. They are not something that were added for free seeing as how they played a significant role throughout the expansion. It's like saying someone bought a car and got the wheels for free. I'm pretty sure the wheels were a part of the purchase just like how the mounts were a part of the purchase of the expansion.


    Not only that, mounts were a huge selling point of the expansion. Not even the wheels, but like advertising that a car has a premium feature sells more cars.


    It doesn't bother me that Anet wants to make money - if they don't make money, they can't keep the game running. What bothers me is Anet getting more and more "money grubbing". We started with Black Lion Chest gamble boxes which are already bad IMO. Then they add more gamble boxes to gouge their customers. Now its not good enough for Anet to give us a full mount system (with all the dye channels) and then make money off skins, no they have to make mounts with the least amount of inherent customization so that they can make the most profit from them. It's this attitude that upsets me.

  18. > @udoh.5307 said:

    > I'm pretty sure the title says it all, but I don't remember seeing any core game achievements being tied to gliding from Heat of Thorns, so I am not sure why there is an achievement and an armor box being tied to Path of Fire only players.


    > The race has to be finished within 2 minutes, maybe they could either up the time, (so it could be run), or maybe "lend" players a mount for the duration of the race.


    You can get the pants by crafting so I don't see a problem.

  19. > @Luindu.2418 said:

    >well, i'm very dissilusioned with the direction of the God's lore.

    > * Even if Balthazar turns "a bad guy" at least I expect that it has a good explanation (Abaddon's lies, Dragon's Corruption...).

    > Kormir and the others to leave us alone, and the apparently because he are less power of ED's (or because he can't control his own powers?).

    > * Godhood stripping for Balthazar that doesn't affect his powers and make me suspicious that they don't do the same with Abaddon.

    > * The decission of not make a realm/prission for him (like they do with Abaddon's) and throw it with chains and no guards in a random place of the mists.

    > * 90% Abaddon's worshippers changes his minds "magically" (that the balthazar adept in the LS3 that seems too radical to me and the Zhaisens)


    > On other hand I like the Sunspear, Joko nd Joko's Domains lores. Something can change in time, but the nature/behaviour of the Gods seems more like a static thing for centuries of GW Lore.


    I agree, especially why the gods didn't make a better prison for Balthazar. He was trying to kill the dragons which = the destruction of Tyria. That is not a small thing. And he still had followers who could try to find and help him. Very bad plot hole just so someone like Rytlock could come and save him. Bad writing.

  20. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @Luindu.2418 said:

    > > The problem is that living world season 3 and the main story of POF don't adequately portray Balthazar's motivations, sure they might have shoe-horned in an explanation in a collectible lore book, but for someone who just plays the story instances, Balthazar ends up being a one-dimensional and stereotypical "I want revenge and power" villain. For these reasons I feel that Abaddon would have been more interesting.


    > You realize that Abaddon was, in fact, even worse than Balthazar in his portrayal in terms of lore only from the main missions, right?


    > Until GW2 brought it in the game via obscure objects, the lore about Abaddon granting magic existed only outside of the game. Same with him being a wise being who often advised the other gods, or the events of the war beyond the Temple of the Six and the Horde of Darkness (and of those two, only the Horde of Darkness was in the main plot - but as a footnote; the other was in the game, but as an outpost description). The lore about Abaddon behind behind the events of the Searing, Cataclysm, and Jade Wind was all and solely in side quests. The lore of Abaddon allying with Menzies was in side content. Almost all of Abaddon's lore was not in the main missions.


    > Abaddon had no dialogue himself, no stated motivation beyond revenge and becoming "the only true god", and certainly no history beyond "he started a war with Margonite followers, lost and was imprisoned before the gods left." The only lore about Abaddon's involvement in pre-Nightfall post-Exodus events in the main plot was that he had Shiro and Khilbron as generals after their deaths, corrupted Tombs (one side comment for that, even), and had an alliance with Dhuum.


    > And that's how it is for everything in GW lore, really. About 60-80% of lore is always in the open world, not the missions.


    > And the biggest issue about Balthazar - that he went from honrable to honorless - actually *is* explained in the main plot of S3 and PoF. It's just explained _poorly_ because the ultimate defacto cause of conflict was Balthazar shouting "I AM CONFLICT!" which was, sadly, completely out of character... until we think about the fact that he is a warrior, a god of war, who has had no proper personal battle for centuries if not longer. The last personal fight he was in was against Abaddon, as far as we know only the Eternals and mortals fought Menzies' forces (and there are hints that the battle with Menzies ended before Balthazar's imprisonment). If you had someone who's life was defined by the battles he had, only to go a thousand years without a challenging fight, that person would be itching for a new glorious battle.


    > Abaddon's plot only felt so good after one digs through all the buried lore. It wouldn't be surprising if Balthazar is the same.


    So? The fact that the Balthazar story was terrible because of a lack of explanation during the story is ok because the Abaddon story was similar in the previous GW game?





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