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Posts posted by Djinn.9245

  1. I completely agree with the OP and many others in this thread. It is sad that the GW2 writers either don't know the lore or don't have as much respect for it as the players do. Nevermind that disrespecting the lore didn't even equate to a grand story! They threw it all away for *nothing*.


    When Lazarus was revealed to actually be Balthazar I knew this was a huge mistake. I was there with the few who hoped it was actually Menzies disguised as Balthazar (as convoluted as that would have been) because it would make more sense than it actually being Balthazar. The whole story is a mess and I can only hold out a last hope that it was planned this way to give the players a sense of Scooby "Uhhh?" for a while until they reveal what is really happening, or that they WILL WRITE such a continuation of the story that will explain / clean up this mess in a way that is consistent with the original lore so the players aren't forced to continually not care about any lore presented in this game because it is never consistent.


    As for there still being 6 gods, Kormir's words could be taken as "The Six" being the term she is using for the entire group of gods rather than a numerical indication of how many there currently are. Like if there was a gang called "The Gang of 9" and one of the members was killed someone might say "he is no longer a member of The Gang of 9".

  2. > @DuskyInsanePoet.4218 said:

    > >Places to practice:

    > > * Rata Sum (Just avoid the jail cell areas)

    > > * The Crown Pavilion in Divinity's Reach

    > > * The Black Citadel, right outside the Asura Gate

    > > * Gendarran Fields if you have the Captain's Airship Pass

    > > * If you want to test your moves, any of the Griffon Master/Expert Adventures in the Crystal Desert, gives option to send you back to beginning if you land or die


    I would think that better places with verticality are:

    *Verdant Brink in the canopy

    *Dragon's Stand

    * Bloodstone Fen

    * parts of Bitterfrost Frontier

    * parts of Draconic Mons

    * parts of Ember Bay

    * the Dwayna heart area of Siren's Landing

  3. > @OriOri.8724 said:

    > I know that a lot of people complained about the champion mobs in HoT HPs, and I think its great that you guys listened to them and didn't do the same thing in PoF. But please make these mobs elites? Its quite boring to going back to plain old veteran mobs. Elites are at the perfect level for a PvE mob imo. More challenging than a veteran mob without being punishing, but still easy enough that any player can come along and solo it.


    /Not Signed. HP are for builds and builds should be solo, not group content. I disagree that Elites are "easy enough that any player can come along and solo it".

  4. > @Vayne.8563 said:

    > > @Djinn.9245 said:

    > > I don't recall any significant number of people stating that HoT "is a platformer". I personally stated that I didn't like the platforming mechanics being added to GW2 and I recall most people making similar statements.


    > Well if platforming itself then isn't an issue with HOT, there's no real reason to post on the thread to argue, is there?


    Where did I say platforming wasn't an issue with HoT? I was distinguishing between claiming that "HoT is a platformer" and "HoT has platforming mechanics", which are very different claims.

  5. > @Vayne.8563 said:

    > > @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

    > > HoT is much more punishing for movement skill mistakes than PoF. HoT requires much more player movement skill than PoF. Most HoT maps are puzzles while Pof maps have little

    > >

    > > While I agree HoT is not technically a platformer(although it introduced many things that required jp completion.... collections, etc.), I don't think it is as big a disservice as you do for people to label it one. Many people revile movement skill games and HoT is much more of a movement skill game than PoF.

    > >


    > PoF requires more player movement skill than HoT.


    Please show me the empirical evidence for this statement, because I believe it is incorrect.

  6. > @MMAI.5892 said:

    > > @Vayne.8563 said:

    > > It wouldn't be important if it weren't miscommunicating it to people who haven't played it. That's my take on it and it will ALWAYS be my take on it. Presumably you saw the posts by people who didn't buy hot because of stuff said loudly on the forums which turned out not be to true for them. Saying it's a platformer gives the wrong impression to people who actually play platformers.

    > >

    > > It's like someone who's really bad at shooting, plays guild wars 2, can't kill stuff and starts calling it a shooter loudly everywhere. It's not a shooter and calling it so just gives other people reading the wrong impression.


    > *...which turned out not be to true for them* - But does that make it any less true for the people who made the initial statement? For someone who is well versed and excels in platform style play, I doubt much beyond jumping puzzles would qualify as a 'true platforming game' for people who vehemently hate platforming, their take will be different. Honestly, taking any one set of opinions about a game from forums and basing a decision to play or not on them is all in the eye of the beholder. There will be no such thing as the perfect review that accurately encompasses the entirety of a game using only objective views of terminology that are universally agreed upon. It just doesn't exist. Secondly, just because there may be more platforming in PoF (I honestly don't know because I don't really care to do a complete, side by side comparison) doesn't necessarily mean that the less platforming in HoT wasn't harder or more frustrating for people. It was for me and I now looking forward to blazing through TD on my mounts since it's the only map I've yet to complete in HoT.


    > My pardon if I've misunderstood some of your points and please feel free to correct. That said, there are comments where you seem to be 'moving the goal posts'. For example, in one of your comments, you said something to effect of having a mesmer friend or using an HP train with mesmers will allow most if not all platforming for HPs (and other places) in HoT to be skipped. The implication seeming to be that because they can be skipped in this fashion, the platforming is either no longer platforming or incidental. Okay, but the same is true for PoF. I've run around the maps except for Vabbi at this point quite a bit and can reach most everything on foot. It might be a lot harder and/or longer in some areas due to area effects like sulfur or the branded area effect, but it's not impossible. I could also pay for a mesmer portal or use TP to friends (seen a lot of those advertised as well) but that doesn't negate the utility and platforming aspects anymore than taking a mesmer portal to the end of the JP makes the JP no longer platforming. I've also learned what class skills I can use (namely GS3, and Wings of Resolve) to 'skip' over certain platforming sections. I don't think this negates the obvious other mechanics just because I've found a less intensive way of doing it.


    > Also, I feel that HoTs platforming and its difficulty gates a lot more of HoTs content than in PoF. A lot of mastery points are directly tied to adventures and a lot of those are definitely platforming games. Someone already mentioned the HoT mastery insight that lies at the top of a jumping puzzle in VB. Many collection achievements rely on those things as well and if iirc (and I might not, admittedly) some of the events required it as well. There's also that bit of story that is, I believe, not only platforming, but timed platforming. So far in my PoF experience, there is a lot less of that kind of gating and what there is, thus far, has been easier to accomplish than HoT. And therein the difference probably lies. I'll gladly do a thousand bunny jumps across the desert that take me 1 or 2 tries to do versus hours of falling, dying, bafflingly 'slippery' ledges, while trying to figure out one convoluted path to get to one POI or HP.


    > Is it possible that people are over-inflating the importance and difficulty of HoT platforming because it blends into other aspects of HoT (difficulty in navigating, mob density, etc) that frustrated them as well and platforming was the proverbial straw? Sure. But I don't think that can be completely hand waved away either as those things contributed to the difficulty of those maps.


    Nice post. I agree with most of what you are saying even while at the same time I stand by my complaints about Anet introducing more and more platforming _mechanics_ to the game from Dry Top through HoT.

  7. > @Slowpokeking.8720 said:

    > All 6 of them, the engineer was created for the collection. The most painful one was to get weaponsmith and hunting to 400 and buying those named weapons from TP. Other stuff gets easier and easier when you know it well. I must thank many ppl for the help, without them I couldn't get the bounty/event/hp done!

    > My favorite ones are the lightsaber and Renegade's bow. Deadeye's gun and Mirage's axe also looks cool when attacking.

    > Weaver

    > https://i.imgur.com/CddYeS0.jpg

    > Renegade

    > https://i.imgur.com/68YX55K.jpg

    > Mirage

    > https://i.imgur.com/3uJQp8Z.jpg

    > Firebrand

    > https://i.imgur.com/iE8xFgn.jpg

    > Holosmith

    > https://i.imgur.com/qbJvCgC.jpg

    > https://i.imgur.com/wRy03RO.jpg

    > Deadeye

    > https://i.imgur.com/W0O9ywJ.jpg

    > https://i.imgur.com/9BgHkPz.jpg


    I'm impressed that you got them done so quickly! I still have not finished even one from HoT LOL. I think you chose the wrong forum name...

  8. > @Talecgosa.7326 said:

    > The event chain for Second Spear Nayrim in Desert Highlands appears to be bugged. I waited over an hour around Makali Outpost and it did not trigger. After joining a party in LFG also seeking this event chain, I checked out a group event to Assault the Mordant Crescent at the camp. This is bugged; you can't speak to the NPC to start it, and the Champion baddie is marked friendly and just patrols around.


    > I am wondering if there is a link between the two. Since the Nayrim events start with the Mordant Crescent assaulting Makali Outpost, and this event is stuck, perhaps that is why the event chain is stalled out.


    > A fix would be awesome; this is the last thing I need for the Open Skies: Desert Highlands achievement for Zaklem: Rune of Loyalty.


    If you were only having trouble in one game session, it's possible that it was bugged in your specific instance. But that doesn't mean that it is bugged for everyone in every map instance. Relogging or coming back to that zone later to try to get a different instance could help to get a map where this event was not bugged.

  9. > @Vayne.8563 said:

    > > @Djinn.9245 said:

    > > > @Vayne.8563 said:

    > > > There are a lot of people who have bitterly complained about how HOT had become a platformer and that the game was badly received because of it. I think it's easy to see that PoF was far better received than HoT was..but it also has far more platforming...actual platforming in fact.

    > > >

    > > > In fact, almost all of the stuff people complained about in HOT exists in POF except for the timer meta events, which apparently some people like. I find it interesting that some people who complained about platforming seem to enjoy PoF even though it has far more platforming that HoT ever had.

    > > >

    > > > I like both expansions, myself, for completely different reasons.

    > >

    > > I disagree that PoF has more platforming than HoT. I spend most of my time running along flat surfaces.


    > PoF has a mount the entire purpose of which is to jump up to ledges you cant reach without it. On those ledges are mastery points, ways to continue the story, hero points, items for collections. The very fact tthat the mount exists makes the amounta of platforming you need to use to finish zones to be much higher than HOT.


    I don't agree that this follows at all. The fact that the mount exists means that you might need it sometimes. You should watch some of the videos from people who get to places without the mounts that seem to be "required". I've done it myself despite my lack of skill in this game.


    And try this to counter your argument: the fact that Wallows exist must mean that you have to use them all the time in HoT, right? No, Wallows are used only sparsely in very specific circumstances.


  10. > @Amineo.8951 said:

    > Hey, why don't you buff the other professions to be on par with Weaver in term of DPS? Each has 2 Elite specs now so it's not gonna change anything balance wise, it'll make the game more fun and have more variety in fractals and raids. The same goes for Druid and Chrono being top tier support, specs like Scourge, Firebrand (it's supposed to be a support spec btw yet it's DPS atm, mm'kay) and Herald/Renegade needs much more love in that aspect...


    > I'm just saying this because of the obligatory "2 Chrono, 2 Druids, 2 PS and 4 Weaver" meta coming soon...


    I honestly don't understand why they continue to nerf other classes with high DPS.

  11. > @Absconditus.6804 said:

    > On the bright side, no The Legend has passed through the Trading Post for 1 Silver 16 Copper this past week according to the API. So you can probably get some assistance from your ticket to Support. You may have sold it to a Merchant. Keep in mind that they are likely flooded with inquiries right now due to Path of Fire, so it may take a while for them to get back to you. Remember to not make multiple tickets as that puts you further back in the queue. I'd make sure it's not on a different character or in the Bank as well, as you may have put it somewhere for safe keeping and forgotten about it.


    > PS: You tried to link an image that is located on your own computer. You need to upload it to, e.g., Imgur before you can link the (image) URL so that others can see it.


    If it truly was not actually sold to another player in the TP, the OP has a chance with Customer Service. Anet will not help with actual TP sales no matter what.

  12. > @maddoctor.2738 said:

    > > @Ohoni.6057 said:

    > > I like platforming, I was not one of those complaining about HoT. But I totally get the complaints. The difference here is that getting _across_ PoF maps require relatively little platforming, and where it does exist, it's fairly straightforward, like make ONE raptor jump or ONE Springer jump onto a ledge and then keep moving. HoT maps, by comparison, had a ton of platforming just to get across the map, so if that wasn't your thing, you didn't really have any other options.


    > Only that's not true, simply getting across Heart of Thorns maps requires zero platforming.


    In the platforming games I've seen, there are mushrooms that bounce you upward, there are tubes that take you from one part of the map to another, there are air jets that shoot you up in the air, etc. These are all part of "platforming" and all necessary to navigate HoT maps. Not sure what kind of platforming games you are talking about.

  13. > @Ohoni.6057 said:

    > I like platforming, I was not one of those complaining about HoT. But I totally get the complaints. The difference here is that getting _across_ PoF maps require relatively little platforming, and where it does exist, it's fairly straightforward, like make ONE raptor jump or ONE Springer jump onto a ledge and then keep moving. HoT maps, by comparison, had a ton of platforming just to get across the map, so if that wasn't your thing, you didn't really have any other options.


    > Another thing is that the platforming in PoF is much more forgiving. There is basically no fall damage, and in most cases if you miss a jump then it only sets you back 10-30 seconds work getting back up, whereas in HoT there were a lot of glide puzzles that would set you back several minutes if you dropped.


    > Also, the navigation is much more linear, you don't have to worry as much about how to find a way from one layer of a 3D map to another, it's basically just "cross a 2D map, and then maybe move up or down a bit when you get there."


    Great summation - I heartily agree.

  14. > @Vayne.8563 said:

    > There are a lot of people who have bitterly complained about how HOT had become a platformer and that the game was badly received because of it. I think it's easy to see that PoF was far better received than HoT was..but it also has far more platforming...actual platforming in fact.


    > In fact, almost all of the stuff people complained about in HOT exists in POF except for the timer meta events, which apparently some people like. I find it interesting that some people who complained about platforming seem to enjoy PoF even though it has far more platforming that HoT ever had.


    > I like both expansions, myself, for completely different reasons.


    I disagree that PoF has more platforming than HoT. I spend most of my time running along flat surfaces.

  15. > @leasm.1279 said:

    > Thanks guys. Just entered Bitterfrost now for the first time, and got 20+ berries in a few minutes. So seems way faster than Bloodstone Fen. Too bad those frozen tentacles backpack is so ugly :)


    > Will try to finish LS3 first, and then I can choose which map seems nicer to farm.


    Keep in mind that you can change the stats of the the Blood Ruby Backpiece which will be really handy next time you want to change your build.

  16. > @Moyayuki.3619 said:

    > A Ranger I currently play that I would want to get to level 80 has been using the Shortbow as their main weapon, mostly because it feels good (I've always liked both bows, but I choose SB or LB depending on my character). My question is, do the stat benefits of Soulbeast give any noticeable edge to using one weapon over another? I tested Soulbeast out in the PvP lobby, and saw that there is a trait that makes bleeding last longer, as well as increasing damage to enemies with health under 50%.


    > What are your thoughts on using the Soulbeast trait line for weapons other than the main hand Dagger? And is Soulbeast useful even if I have no interest in the pet-melding ability? Otherwise, I'll end up just sticking to Marksmanship, Skirmishing, and Beastmastery for my solo PvE adventures.


    From what I've read, the pet melding is not intended to be used for long periods but as a very temporary stance. So you could still use it if you like pets.

  17. > @maxwelgm.4315 said:

    > When you first get your memory back during The Departing instance, the PC instantly goes on to mock Joko and very purposefully taunt him. In spite of supposedly being in a hurry to stop Balthazar, i.e, needing an army ASAP, we disregard Joko's offer completely and spend several minutes explaining how we would use his army without his help (let me repeat, we were *in a hurry to muster an army*). Then we spend what must have been in-game days of camp invasions in a very good but also nonsensical plan to take over the Awakened army, when in reality we should have stricken the deal with the kitten so we could dispatch Balthazar as fast as possible.


    I'm glad that they didn't make The Commander a liar that will make deals with someone and then go back on his word. Going back on your word to an enemy is still going back on your word.



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