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Posts posted by Dante.1508

  1. > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

    > > @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

    > > > Should thief have 15 initiative as a baseline?

    > >

    > > Yes. Though with the rate of nerfs the Thief receives, I'm beginning to think that 20 is a fairer number.

    > >

    > > Honestly, two nerfs in two days. Yet no buffs to builds/styles that actually need it.


    > I'm happy something about s/d condi got touched.. Less bandwagoners running the build, not that I had issues with them to begin with (it's a free kill for an experienced thief). These changes, while painful for staff thief, will serve to improve the match quality in a way, for whatever that's worth.




    Do you have a build for that cause i'd love to try a s/d or s/p setup.. Staff in opve is not cutting it for me imo, its ok but limited.

  2. > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > After the Build tabs patch today, i'm now being constantly disconnected from GW2 back to the Character selection screen, This has never happened to me before.. I'm Australian on Sea of Sorrows server, my ping is about 320ish? was 290ish before the patch..

    > >

    > > Not sure what has changed.


    > Same, seems to be an issue brought on with the templates.


    Good to know its not just me.. Hopefully a fix incoming at some point.

  3. > @"Wakani.1829" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > Also GW1 hardmode was dead, no one did it..


    > Horseshit. We were thousands and thousands of players who enjoyed HM in gw1.


    > Every Dungeon, Every Elite Area, if you popped into the corresponding outpost, you had 15+ districts full of people ready and wanting to go.

    > I get the sense that you didn't like it, and thats fine, noone blames you for being a casual. But dont attempt to take away from something people DO actually enjoy just because you dont.


    No it wasn't i was there yes a small minority did it thousands doubtful but maybe, but 10x that didn't.

  4. They really need to tone down how much these things cost gold and mats wise.. A stack of leather is now almost 40 gold.. and you need thousands.. Just stupid.. I gave up i'd need 15 sets at least..

    > @"TheAgedGnome.7520" said:

    > > @"noiwk.2760" said:

    > >

    > > was thinking about celestial for open world tempest and wvw weaver. for the sustain some healing health and such..

    > > i tried to run tempest on full zeker and when i reached HoT i just died instantly over and over .. to a point i got really upset and almost quit the class.. then i saw some ele video using some celestial for survive honestly this game is so complicated for new players and the game does poor job helping to understand

    > >

    > > also i want to use celestial for my Scourge in WvW. i hear it works well. idk anymore whats waste or not.. but for open world i feel like i dont wnt to run zeker set.


    > Just to throw it out there...I've recently been running a Trailblazer Tempest for OW PVE and it's quite robust for HoT. It's all condi damage, so you spend all your time alternating fire and earth - there is 100% condi duration on bleeds and 80% on burns. I'm just using exotics and its fine. it was very expensive to craft for exotics....if I had planned it out (why would I do that!?), I'd have gone right to ascended or used airship parts to buy exotic selectable stat [bladed Armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bladed_armor "Bladed Armor") pieces and then just crafted the chest piece and trinkets.


    > http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAsilJw0YXMKGJOKPXtNA-zRJUkRDfhAKXQCkQB4zskw0G-e





    I will give this a look thanks. Been after a PvE ele build for a while.

  5. Well at least on my server the populations are far diminished compared to 4 years ago.. There are maps in tyria i go to that never see other players at all.. And this was before the Halloween event.


    Not dying no but very diminished over the years.


    Gw2 is its own worst enemy.. Its biggest problem is how much it costs in game to play it.. You either farm your life away like a drone to afford things or buy Gems at an insane price to buy gold.. That over time is self defeating and it shows by the diminishing populations.

  6. > @"Vicariuz.1605" said:

    > We understood the issue with extreme evade and invuln frame chaining with chrono was a serious issue, and while staff thief is no bunker chrono, it is exactly the same idea.


    > Should we see a change to a side noder that does nothing but evade chain with a vault for 7k here and there?


    Its the only real build that works in PvE please don't nerf this as well..

  7. > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > I think its a great idea if you want to lose populations and customers.. Many many players enjoy this game casually.. Hard mode only appeals to minority. Also GW1 hardmode was dead, no one did it..


    > That's not my memory of HM but sure, fewer people played hard mode compared to regular.


    > That said, a great deal of the currencies, rewards and more were farmable in _**solo**_ runs in portions of HM. Spirit spam farming ectos in UW are an example here.


    > And frankly, considering how much regular PvE there is and always will be, I dont see the harm to the severity that you and others do.


    > I've supported the game since GW1, wheres my say? Did the money I've spent in Gems not count? Surely as a paying customer i have some input, just as much as anybody else.



    The issue isn't hardmode if its done right and only hardmode customers have to use it.. The issue is Anet hides all the best rewards behind hardmode and forces everyone into it to get anything nice to justify their coding teams work.. Then everyone is forced into it like it or not to receive rewards that were in the standard version before this was added..


    I've seen it happen time and time again.

    > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > > Please keep in mind, just like GW1, it was a completely optional system.


    > This is where your idea falls apart. There isn't much value added in making it harder AND making it optional. It just means most of the population will ignore it. Frankly, I would complain if Anet wasted their time adding a hard mode to old content that would be optional ... not only do they ignore most of the people that play this game, but it's not actually new content either. So even if a player DOES want harder content, they would have to go through the old story to do it. It's a bit of a 'so what' moment.



    Again if it isn't optional the customers leave, look at HoT.. many customers quitted..

    > @"aspirine.6852" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > I think its a great idea if you want to lose populations and customers.. Many many players enjoy this game casually.. Hard mode only appeals to minority. Also GW1 hardmode was dead, no one did it..


    > Wut? Gw1 hardmode was the most I played since normal was too easy with powercreep. Gw1 vanquish was my favorite pastime. Same for my game mate.


    Population wise no it wasn't popular or it would have been added here already years ago.

  8. > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > I love how people call open world pve trivial.. yes Tyria was but season 2 onwards was far from trivial.. Go up against 5-10 mordrem or worse forged veterans and see how trivial it is being dead on the ground 24/7.. imo its harder than pvp or wvw because you are 99% on your own..

    > >

    > > 7 years i've been playing GW2 on and off and its still not easy..


    > to the most necro builds this is just blink of eye to kill. i remember how ppl struggled to fight the pre-nerf soul-eater, struggled unles theyre the pre-nerf Scourge, the pre-nerf Scourge can solo any champion in the game.


    > @"Alexa Scorpionwitch.8567" said:

    > My main is a GS Power Reaper. I've soloed core and both expansions and haven't run into much that's given me any problems. As others have stated here, pair it up with a staff for when you need to back off for a quick break. I run Marauder and a few Soldier for the extra vitality and toughness. She's my absolute "go to" for story and open world.

    Try using something outside of the op "i have five other creatures defending me" meta.. Try a Chronomancer or a Druid and see how well you survive.. Try an ele on its own.. Even my Staff thief goes down constantly with marauder and valk gear..


    Pve is far from trivial..


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