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Posts posted by Dante.1508

  1. > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > Also there's this little gem:


    > **"The challenge is that the skill disparity between average players and hardcore players is extreme. We’re talking about ten times damage output. You can’t necessarily put a DPS check that the average player is going to be able to overcome without making the fight entirely trivialized for the hardcore."**

    > -Mike Z - [https://pcgamesn.com/guild-wars-2/pvp-raids-world-restructuring](http://https://www.pcgamesn.com/guild-wars-2/pvp-raids-world-restructuring "https://pcgamesn.com/guild-wars-2/pvp-raids-world-restructuring")


    > This says a lot about the range of player capabilities and I continue to point this out wherever I can. Player performance means a lot, and until there's a reason to perform well, people likely won't push to any sort of "bar". For lack of a better phrase, "sloppy" or "unrefined" playstyles, builds, and players will have no reason to buckle up and hit something with 100% of their attention span.


    > This isn't everyone, and I hope it's not as flippant as it looks, but I know a lot of people aren't here because the combat system is neat and offers a lot, but instead because the combat with PvE mobs doesn't demand much from them. It's cool for them to have their cake and eat it too, but I consider myself to be pretty capable at the game. I'll die in PvP or WvW many times more often than I will ever die in hardest fights in open world PvE that aren't mechanical gotcha traps.


    A lot of people (me included) would not push the bar even if it was enforced, many would leave. Challenge is not fun for everyone.. Gaming is about casual after work entertainment not a second job i'm not paid for..

  2. > @"Healix.5819" said:

    > > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

    > > Imagine trying to attract new people to this game now if they found out they couldn't experience any of the events of HoT, PoF, or any of the seasons. This type of system doesn't work for MMOs.


    > It is however the (distant) future of MMOs.


    I'm not sure MMO's have a distant future honestly.

    > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

    > > I'd like to know why gw2's events never reached this hype level that Fortnite has? Is there any sort of difference?


    > playerbase of 250k vs playerbase of 40 million.

    > Yeah it's a puzzler.


    Are you for real? 40 million accounts made maybe.. concurrent customers no.

  3. My only issue is the wiki really doesn't explain at all how to do a lot of the more complex stuff like crafting...


    I spent hours trying to work out how to get Marauders insignias etc and the wiki was completely useless in explaining how it was achieved, turns out you can just purchase those off a crafting npc.. which is odd considering many other 4 stat you must go hunting for them..


    Wiki was of no use in this respect i had to go to a multiple other sources before i found this.. Why the Wiki cannot be more straight forward and to the point on many things is beyond me.

  4. The only time i weapon swap is for ranged and melee options.. And due to how annoying enemies are in later GW2 content i never really use Melee.. That said Engineers and Elementalists are forbidden from weapon swapping just because...


    Tyria core gameplay was the perfect bar for GW2, the expansions were just over the top for many customers.. I spend way more time in the core maps because the expansions are not fun to do at all and the living stories are atrocious difficulty wise.

    > @"Operator.2590" said:

    > > @"Court.7180" said:

    > > Please read carefully what is written.. because a lot of you are just responding to what you think is being said, instead of what was actually said even though you quote them. To put hard definitions like "disability" on not being able to perform like someone else is extreme in this case.. We all have different skill sets and capabilities.. Whats so bad about an OPTION, (key word: "option", not forced on everyone, since some of you keep putting words in my mouth) so that others less capable can enjoy playing a game where skill and SUCCESS is ultimately determined by mechanics execution.. and on the flip side what if ANET was to just one day say: "this game is too EZ because the, falsely claimed majority, think we should have to press more buttons" will people rejoice or shift sides of the debate then? When is too much too much and enough enough?

    > >

    > > If more people can have success in this game, the better in my opinion. But the popular individualistic view of todays society says otherwise. Success should be determined in this game by ones work and determination, not solely on whether they can meet what might be impossible requirements for them. And please spare everyone the extreme scenarios, your not losing your precious elitism by considering others difficulties. We were all noobs at one point.


    > Now you're just sounding like "today's society" of participation awards, celebrating every mundane achievement, and everyone deserving to feel "special". Again--your heart's in the right place, as is all those sentiments. But it's just not needed--especially in a game where, once again, the point is skill. That's the point of any game--skill. Otherwise this wouldn't be a _game_, it would be some giant online social "choose your own adventure" book, like those tell-tale games. There's no skill involved, you just push a button and watch the story--and it's still _marginally_ considered a "game."


    > That's like trying to say they should change the rules of Chess to make it easier / more enjoyable for people who are bad at it. It's a game--the point is to, _essentially_, "git gud" (even though I hate when it's put in that condescending way). But the sentiment is correct--yes, you're supposed to get better at it, as that's the point of progressing in the game and taking on harder and harder content.


    > So no--there shouldn't be an "easy button" for _harder_ content. It's just that plain and simple--it's harder for a reason.


    Chess is not hard to play at all.. It requires zero hand eye coordination and twitch skills and is only complex due to how far you think ahead strategy wise, even a disabled person can be a master at chess.. But not GW2...


    We have supposedly advanced beyond petty things like virtual achievements and fake difficulty as well.. Well some us have...

  5. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > > > You wont get any help here op, the forums don't favor the customers here, its far too bias to the developers.. Better to use other avenues to air grievances, Also the game makes far too much on BL chests to ever stop the gambling. The only way it will stop is through government laws.

    > > >

    > > > Or we stop complaining and be realistic?

    > > >

    > > > I mean, you can earn like 40g an hour in the lab and buy those skins cheap on the TP... Or do you feel Anet should just mail them to players bc we are customers?

    > >

    > > Yes i do.

    > > > @"Gryphon.2875" said:

    > > > I just bought 2 of the new Seven Reaper BLC skins off the trading post. Simple.

    > >

    > > If other people hadn't bought BL chests you wouldn't have been able to buy them off the Auction house... Free chests would take years to get skins like Seven Reapers.

    > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > The Seven Reapers weapons are 50+ gold each right now. https://www.gw2tp.com/search?name=Reapers+

    > > > No opening of Black Lion Chests required to get one.

    > >

    > > Again if others don't open them you wouldn't be able to buy them..


    > So Anet should mail you all legendary weapons, legendary armors, legendary trinkets, infusions, every skin and convenience item... because you bought the game?

    Well mailing one weapon choice skin box each time a new set of weapons was released on the BL out of good faith would have gone down well imo.. nope, but hiding everything behind hideous grinds isn't to their favor no matter what you think..


    Apparently they had to lower how hard Ascended and legendaries were to get because 4 years ago it was insane compared to now.

    > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Excursion.9752" said:

    > > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > > You wont get any help here op, the forums don't favor the customers here, its far too bias to the developers..

    > > 100% this. I have never understood why this community defends ANET as if it were their family member. It's like a really messed up relationship that you know you should get out of but you can't because you love them and you hope it will get better. We all know nothing will be changing because its just to hard just ask them. They'll tell you.


    > What a terribly irrelevant comparison. Some people just understand that it's a company and if it stops making money, it has no right to exist. They also understand that skins are just skins and they don't desperately need to own them all. Other people -like you- just want to get everything for free or with minimal effort, because apparently logging into the game is more than enough.

    > But hey, good job not addressing a single argument in this thread other than trying to blindly back up a person that tries to play a victim in the whole thing. I'm sure that makes you correct.


    I actually thought it was pretty accurate compared to some of the customers here.. Never understood the need to put developers on pedestals like communities do.. I understand developing games is poor and a horrible job but looking up to them like gods seems inappropriate.. For the customers and the developers..


    And yes standing up for my rights is playing the victim these days.. wow out of touch much..

    > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

    > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

    > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > The Seven Reapers weapons are 50+ gold each right now. https://www.gw2tp.com/search?name=Reapers+

    > > > > No opening of Black Lion Chests required to get one.

    > > >

    > > > These weapon skins are not in current BLC, though. They are aquired from the ticket vendor.

    > > >

    > >

    > > We are referring to having to open BLC to get tickets to buy from a ticket vendor. If you don’t open chests you don’t get the tickets to buy from the vendor.

    > >

    > >

    > You don’t need to open chests for tickets either. Every finished BLC collection gives 7 tickets as a reward.


    You still need to purchase BL chests en mass to get enough tickets to buy the weapons to then post them on the Auction house to allow others to finish them.. I think people have been buying these things off the Auction house for so long they've forgotten how they got there in the first place..


  6. > @"Wahlao.1069" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > For me Forged and Mordrem just eat my mirage alive.. way to many condi to cleanse and the illusions just don't do anything other than attack random deer and things i've not even attacked... No idea what nerfs they have done but open world is not fun on mesmers anymore.

    > >

    > > Why pve always must be ruined due to the pvp modes ruining everything is beyond me but yes i'll stick with warrior, guardian and Engi thanks for the heads up.


    > Check out Lord Hizen's mirage build:

    > His build link is listed in the video description.

    > I use it and I can solo champs with ease


    I tried that someone linked it to me in my guild but even they said they have no idea how he pulls that off... That said hes using legendary gears and i don't even have Ascended..


    Great build i'm sure but with my net and the broken illusions i just cant do what he does. Thanks either way.

  7. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > You wont get any help here op, the forums don't favor the customers here, its far too bias to the developers.. Better to use other avenues to air grievances, Also the game makes far too much on BL chests to ever stop the gambling. The only way it will stop is through government laws.


    > Or we stop complaining and be realistic?


    > I mean, you can earn like 40g an hour in the lab and buy those skins cheap on the TP... Or do you feel Anet should just mail them to players bc we are customers?


    Yes i do.

    > @"Gryphon.2875" said:

    > I just bought 2 of the new Seven Reaper BLC skins off the trading post. Simple.


    If other people hadn't bought BL chests you wouldn't have been able to buy them off the Auction house... Free chests would take years to get skins like Seven Reapers.

    > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > The Seven Reapers weapons are 50+ gold each right now. https://www.gw2tp.com/search?name=Reapers+

    > No opening of Black Lion Chests required to get one.


    Again if others don't open them you wouldn't be able to buy them..

  8. You wont get any help here op, the forums don't favor the customers here, its far too bias to the developers.. Better to use other avenues to air grievances, Also the game makes far too much on BL chests to ever stop the gambling. The only way it will stop is through government laws.

  9. > @"Ototo.3214" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > Yes the loot system here is garbage, anything of worth is either hidden behind a korean grind or hidden in crafting that costs a small fortune.. Tried to make 24 slot bag yesterday then realized how insane it is to make... a 24 slot bag haha seriously kitten..

    > >

    > > I gave up... buy gems, buy gold, buy stuff.. thats all this game is about.

    > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > > Yeah this is one of the main reasons why I get bored with this game. I do come back but there's big breaks and most of the time after a couple of months I'm bored again. The game can be fun for a bit but repetition needs consistent rewards to keep interesting and this game doesn't do that very well. Loot just isn't exciting 99.9% of the time and then I start wondering why I'm even doing those same things over and over again.

    > >

    > > Same totally the same.. I've only been back a month and i'm already sick of the grind, might check whats new on Steam..

    > > > @"Ototo.3214" said:

    > > > I'll very gladly take the loot I get from playing GW2 compared to other games I've played like FFXIV. Just because I don't get a precursor drop from farming something doesn't mean that what I did get was "junk." I've capped my magic find and can confirm that it does help, I do get less of the vendor "Sell Junk" items than I use to, and instead get more blues and greens. At least those are something that can be salvaged down into valuable materials. Compare that to FFXIV where it's both a lottery if the piece of gear you need even shows up and if you happen to roll higher than your supposed teammates? No thank you, I'd rather not hate the people I'm playing with.

    > > >

    > > > I'll agree that things like karma could have a better use but that's about all I agree with.

    > >

    > > Try getting ascended drops in open world solo play, tell me then how it helps..


    > If you must ask, yeah I've gotten 2 or 3 ascended chests to drop from Silverwastes alone. More if you include other PvE things like Fractals. I got an ascended amulet in Jahai the other day as well, now that I think about it. But I don't rely on random drops to get ascended gear, there are plenty of easy ways to get ascended equipment for a new character that only rely on things like gathering a currency, achievements, or crafting, i.e., you can actually work toward the goal efficiently without really relying on RNG.


    > Also, fun fact: you don't actually _need_ ascended gear at all outside of fractals.


    > Another fun fact: Crafting in pretty much any game costs a small fortune.


    Fractals are not Pve.. Its basically raids before raids existed And Silverwastes also require a team meta play.. try doing those events solo.. anyway i just craft ascended i will never get drops. Fun Fact yes you do since the expansions power creep, and no it doesn't..

  10. For me Forged and Mordrem just eat my mirage alive.. way to many condi to cleanse and the illusions just don't do anything other than attack random deer and things i've not even attacked... No idea what nerfs they have done but open world is not fun on mesmers anymore.


    Why pve always must be ruined due to the pvp modes ruining everything is beyond me but yes i'll stick with warrior, guardian and Engi thanks for the heads up.

  11. Its bad enough in ESO we don't need it here...

    > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > > I'm not against games with subscription model

    > >

    > > but Guild Wars from the inception had always targeted a different demographic of gamers, those who dont want a subscription model

    > >

    > > the game and the company had also come too long and far down the track with the model, any sudden shift will cause mass chaos and split the community


    > Again, the key word here is “optional”. Those that don’t like it don’t have to use it.


    These things are never optional even if the devs say it is..

  12. Yes very much so op, Its why i stopped doing WvW after i returned.. Adding mounts behind a grind was a massive mistake.. plus the inane run to get to the zerg over and over is terrible now.


    How to turn a disliked game mode into something now hated..

    > @"Aridon.8362" said:

    > 8 hours is a long time? hmmmm....

    Took me 6 hours just to get to the first bar of the 20k ...

    > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > @"The Ventari Ele.5812" said:

    > > GW2 isnt a p2w game

    > > Buy Path of Fire to stay competitive in WvW!


    > Expansions aren't pay to win. Get out.

    They are after mounts, e-specs and masteries were added...

  13. > @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > Its simple..

    > >

    > > Its loot systems.

    > > Its over use of cash shop.

    > > Its currency systems.

    > > Its grind.

    > > Its lack of updates.

    > > Its forced Raids and Fractals to get items.

    > > Its over costed living stories..

    > > Its inane meta train focus.

    > > Its horrible balance

    > > Its poor pvp centric game modes

    > > Its content being way to frustrating for the standard customer.

    > > Its customers on the forums..

    > >

    > > They are some of the main issues this game never progressed compared to other mmorpgs. Yes Guildwars 2 is free to try.. And its a cheaper alternative but look what you get for that.. And honestly its not really cheaper over time.

    > >


    > As someone who's played this game a pretty good bit going all the way back to launch, this list is pretty kitten accurate. I think they've over-focused on the LW concept and under-focused on pretty much everything else, so you have poorly designed systems and balance issues that have sat static for years while, on top of that, very few new features come in.


    > I'd also like to emphasize "its content being way too frustrating for the standard customer" <- I think this is a bigger deal than people realize. The story instances, for example, are often so punishing they aren't fun. Even as an experienced gamer who does not suck at this game, I throw my hands with "kitten" quite often when fighting story bosses.


    On and off i've played since launch myself, the games fun on the surface but the above is why this game never took off like "others" did.


    And yes the bar has become insane.. mostly conditions on enemies have made the game into a die rinse repeat fiasco.

  14. > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > > > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > > > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > > > > > I've just returned after 4 years and well Mesmers are now terrible? Isn't the whole point of being a mesmer to have your illusions defend you as you are so squishy you don't die?... Well somewhere in this last 4 years Mesmers illusions have become useless.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > The illusions do nothing to stop enemies attacking you, they do so little damage and the hold no agro, so what exactly is their point these days, i can be the furthest away from an enemy and it will instantly attack me totally ignore my illusions and after what seems like an age maybe one illusion might! take an enemy off me.. chances are extremely slim though..

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Back 4 years ago mesmers illusions were working perfectly! What happened?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Phantasm's were reworked and now work differently.

    > > > > > But immediately afterwards many things that made mesmer viable were quickly nerfed due to the non-stop whining that plagued the forums.

    > > > > > Raiders thought chrono was too strong, chrono was nerfed.

    > > > > > PvP'ers thought Mesmer as a whole was too strong, The entire class including especs were nerfed.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The new game is whine until it gets nerfed. If enough people do it everyday, you'll see something change.

    > > > > Wow...

    > > > > Well i gave up playing mine now i've gone over to my Guardian instead, the game mechanics are just not fun anymore on mesmers.. Its just impossible to fight forged and mordrem now in the open world solo, even on mirage, What a wasted class imo. Anyway upwards and onwards good bye mesmers.

    > > > >

    > > > > Take note Anet i hope.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Core and Mirage do fine in Open world. Its only Chrono that got awkward due to losing all its short fight tools. Old Mesmer was back loaded damage with sustained output, because the majority of its damage was on Phantasms. The flaw in the design is that Phantasm were periodic bursts, had long cool downs, and shattering killed off your source of damage.

    > > >

    > > > New Memser works the way most other classes worked for years. A lot of front loaded burst damage on moderate cool downs, and you no longer have resource contention with shatters. This allows mesmers to be even more aggressive, and further leverage all the effects offered to shatters through much of your trait choices. Once you understand this potential, even Chrono can be used effectively in spite of its heavily nerfed state.

    > >

    > > So they have zero uniqueness great and they are squishy as so one mistake or lag or missed hand eye coordination and your downed.. gotcha.. Try playing one with a 300 ping time then get back to me...

    > >

    > > I'm dead faster than i can say dead again! Back to my Guardian, have fun.


    > Uniqueness has never helped, because too much of the game values pure damage output. The entire group structure in Raids and Fractals revolves around the Supports generating damage bonuses, so the groups DPS is high enough to potentially blow past entire phases of a fight. Open world is a war of attrition.... so front loading lethal damage nullifies the need for defenses, since a dead enemy deal Zero damage.


    > Plus I forgot if its been pointed out yet or not (I have to keep bringing it up because it seems like it never gets through to people's heads). But Mesmers have all the defensive benefits of a Thief with an army of Ranger pets, provided you're smart enough to use them correctly. Its not hard given how poor the AI behavior is. Just send the illusions in first, then add your own damage once the target is distracted.


    > Also..... 360 Ping, get on my level.


    Sure sure.. enjoy..

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