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Posts posted by Dante.1508

  1. > @"Tukaram.8256" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > I want bosses in story missions to be toned down.. After playing living story 2 and half way through 3 i've given up, everything is so hard solo and my hands have been starting to hurt..

    > >

    > > Please tone done the CC and red circles for story mission bosses, its just too much.


    > This is the first Season I was even interested in trying. So far, so good, but it is just the opening. I have never been able to finish the personal story, or expansion story, on any character. This is not a very solo-friendly game. But I still have fun playing all the time :)


    It was at release but over time it just went fully stupid.. team content sure but no one wants to follow your story so everyone does it solo, but now the bar is so high its gotten ridiculous..

    And i'm not kidding about my hands hurting either.. They really do after a few hours dodging red circles.. Man that balthazar fight was horrendous.

  2. > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > How did you aquire that?


    > I obtained it through the WVW reward track but you can buy it from the chili vendor (after completing the concert achievement). It isn't advisable to get the weapons + expensive tradable armor pieces just for the T-shirt.

    I still have no idea where that vendor is.. I'm still battling through living story 3 because its so hard i went on to Pof instead.

    I do agree with others the modern stuff really feels out of place but each to their own i guess..Strangely the Asura tech doesn't feel wrong to me no idea why.


  3. > @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

    > I just came back from 3 yrs break. went to kessex hill last night. why that map still havent been fixed? after all these year. still like a landfill.

    > i am not expect a rebuild like lion's arch, at least clean up all those garbage. this is against the concept of living story.

    > i think the new player dont really know what i am taking about.

    That was my first thought as well when i returned.. It used to be one of my favorite maps, now i detest the place.. Its kinda like orr we killed zaitan 7 years ago but its still never gotten cleaned up, all our efforts were for nothing.

    > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > Because of the changes from Season 2 onward being instanced, while everything from Season 1 is literally part of Core Tyria maps. This shift also marks the point where the regions of the game world are now effectively locked in Time, so the content is permanently accessible for Players wanting to go back to it. So since Kessex hills was a disaster zone prior to Season 2, it gets to stay a disaster zone.


    > But judging by the backlash to Lion's arch, it seems the community doesn't like remodelling projects.


    Actually the new lions arch grew on me over time.. The old one i never really liked because i dislike Pirates they just do not appeal.


  4. First game was far far superior than the second for many reasons. The story was more interesting, the mechanics game wide were far more balanced, there was no insane power creep like guildwars 2 and everything was in the game, not in a cash shop.. There were a lot less currencies and grinds and they had bots to help you pass most content.

    They also had Cantha.


    I played Guildwars for more than 4 years non stop.. I played Guildwars 2 for about 2 and then took a 4 year break.. :)


    The list goes on..

  5. > @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > A lot of Antisocial and introverted customers play MMO's as well, i believe Developers forget this when they design team content everywhere.. Its a mistake forcing customers together to complete story parts, and i agree the pvp and raid aspects need team play.. but the rest should not and the rewards should be the same everywhere.


    > People who play alone typically aren't "anti-team play". They're typically not for content like Raids, and it isn't due to team play, but how inconvenient it is to get a group.; as it requires sitting around talking to random people to get one going.The most popular games globally are team oriented games, but getting into a team of randoms is quick and easy for these games.


    Most are team play when its forced on them.

  6. > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > Doesn't make any sense what so ever, what did that have to do with my post.. Charr in Guildwars 2 pale compared to Charr from Guildwars 1.


    > It had this to do with your post:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > They were how i expected charr to be.


    > Basing your expectations for GW1 charr on GW1 charr is circular reasoning.


    Again GW1 started guildwars so your post is moot.. Guildwars 1 charr were far more primal and accurate to charr. Guildwars 2 turned them into some odd fuffy toys.

  7. > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > A lot of Antisocial and introverted customers play MMO's as well, i believe Developers forget this when they design team content everywhere.. Its a mistake forcing customers together to complete story parts, and i agree the pvp and raid aspects need team play.. but the rest should not and the rewards should be the same everywhere.


    > I believe you wanted to say 'asocial' rather than 'antisocial'. Asocial people are people who tend to avoid the company of other people but not necessarily hostile toward society. Antisocial people are actively hostile or antagonistic toward other people and/or social institutions and order.


    > Other than that I agree that developers should take into consideration that there are plenty of players who prefer to play mostly alone and tend to avoid team-oriented content. I would love to see more solo-oriented content catering to this kind of people.

    I mean't both.. I personally am very Antisocial, but yes Asocial are also included.


  8. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > Dante: Do the concert achieves, it unlocks the ability to buy it from the map vendor for some gold and 200 map currency. You can also get it by collecting all the parts of Merchandise Collector, but that's way harder.


    > I just wish there were heavy armor regular pants for guys. My slacker guardian neeeeds grungy trousers. Best I can do is worn chain leggings dyed black to minimize the metal skirt part.

    Is this in living story 4?


  9. > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > Guildwars 1 charr were the best.. They were how i expected charr to be.

    > >

    > > I'm not sure what happened to charr in Guildwars 2.


    > Considering charr didn't exist before GW1, I'm not sure how expectations play into it.


    Doesn't make any sense what so ever, what did that have to do with my post.. Charr in Guildwars 2 pale compared to Charr from Guildwars 1.

  10. A lot of Antisocial and introverted customers play MMO's as well, i believe Developers forget this when they design team content everywhere.. Its a mistake forcing customers together to complete story parts, and i agree the pvp and raid aspects need team play.. but the rest should not and the rewards should be the same everywhere.

  11. Wow i wonder why everyone hates Taimi.. Shes the only well acted character on the team and killing her off would be like ending the whole team because shes their heart.. Now i'm ok with ending the team but not Taimi shes great.

    > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

    > Kill Caithe and her people please

    > I hate the Sylvari so much I want them all dead

    > Make a salad with their dead bodies and don't forget to season it


    I gotta say i'm totally with you there, they should have made proper elves or kept the Dwarves, cause i detest those salad huggers.. That said isn't eating salad cannibalism.

  12. > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > > @"Ryukai.6524" said:

    > > > Considering there are children as young a 5yo running around using the 'f' word as part of there everyday vocabulary nowadays. The dialogue in question is as sparkly clean as a freshly washed white bone china plate.

    > > 5 year olds shouldn't be playing this game the age rating is at least 16-18... Thats more bad parenting than the game imo.

    > I think they were talking about the vocabulary of 5 year olds in our world, not about them playing GW2.


    Thats not how it was explained and swearing is a lot more mature than whining about virtual swearing in a forum..

  13. > @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > I dunno all the modern team is pretty forgettable... Only one i like is Taimi.

    > >

    > > The rest are very over acted or really really boring, i'm following season 2 now and i can say holy hell is it bad, between the lackluster characters and the over tooled enemies its not remotely fun to play.. i really hope season 3 and 4 are dramatically better character and mechanics wise..


    > If you are yet to play through the seasons I would say the same too

    > I found Season 2 to be long, boring and a chore but Heart of thorns onwards its gets quite interesting


    > I personally found Path of fire story and Season 4 story really good


    I hated HoT with a passion it needs a very big overhaul.. and monsters need their CC toned down before i go back there... That said I've completed HoT on my main i wont be doing it again on my alts.. I started Pof and yes its a lot less insane, needs a lot more waypoints though imo..


    Although i haven't gotten far in pof. I decided to go back and complete stuff i missed but i'm really starting to regret my decision..

  14. > @"MaliceAwakening.9205" said:

    > Anyone else thrown off by the amount of expletives being used in dialogue during the Bound By Blood release for Icebrood Saga? I understand that the Charr are meant to be portrayed as a warrior race and edgy, but I expect there are better ways to demonstrate this. Some of these expletive comments make them appear less like battle-hardened veterans and more like tantruming children (especially for Charr leadership).


    > Just seemed like the game was trying to earn its Teen rating for mild language in some cases.


    > FYI, I like the vast majority of this new release; this particular topic just seemed a bit much and unnecessary in some cases.


    No in my opinion we need more, less babying is actually more interesting.. At least make fantasy writing some what realistic.

    > @"Ryukai.6524" said:

    > Considering there are children as young a 5yo running around using the 'f' word as part of there everyday vocabulary nowadays. The dialogue in question is as sparkly clean as a freshly washed white bone china plate.

    5 year olds shouldn't be playing this game the age rating is at least 16-18... Thats more bad parenting than the game imo.

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