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Posts posted by FrizzFreston.5290

  1. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > Mostly satisfied. I didn't expect this to be for us, I expected it to be more for new players. To get them into the game. Which is good for me.


    I'm wondering how useful it is to be looking for new players after your game turns 7 years old.


    And if i think about it, I fail to see how this was for new players. The only thing that new players would be interested in was that HoT and PoF are now under one package. Which is only part of the announcement. And would only make sense if you know about GW2 and it's expansion packs and monetization plan.


    The majority was about continuation of the story. A story a new player couldnt even follow. And then an advert for items clearly made for people who are already a fan.


    If you meant returning players or free to play players, at least already a bit in the know with GW2, that would make more sense.



  2. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > > I don't know why people dislike it. Honestly, I really don't know.


    > The combat in 3 dimensions is off-putting for many.

    > In PvP, I already hate those ledges that I can't jump on, yet Thieves etc can just Shadowstep onto.


    But while true, not impossible to solve.

  3. > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > Everyone detested the underwater content — the underwater PvP map, for example, was removed — but people are so desperate for something new in the game that they want underwater combat.


    Just like everyone detested mounts. EVERYONE!


    But really, the only truth about underwater content is: good UW content is hard to create.


    With free movement throughout the water, players find it harder to orient themselves, devs need to fill 10 times the space, has a second set of unoptimized imbalanced skills, that can easily require double the effort to develop and balance.


    Which simply makes it require more effort and resources than they have available and get less in return making it less cost effective.


  4. > @"psizone.8437" said:

    > Man, the trailer was amazing. The hype of it was ruined by the event though, if they had just done a blogpost and the maybe a bog standard Guild Chat on Twitch then it would have been better.


    > If you announce a "special announcement event" and go through all that much trouble, make sure you have something special on hand.


    Well, technically they do have special things on hand, but they have had those on hand for a few years now. They seemed to mostly repeat what we already knew, making what was actually news, less impactful.


    Of course, if anyone didnt closely follow ArenaNet quotes, they would know now too.




  5. > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > any UW content would be a fiasco.

    > UW content is one is overhyped things that exists only on forums. last time Anet heard these ideas them come out the repeatable Hearts in LS3, thats in practice no one liked it. just because a vocal minority in forums was saying for years that repeatable heart content was a good idea.


    Black and white thinking doesnt really work imo. Sure you could say this failed lets never touch it, that works so lets do more of the same of that. But ArenaNet started this game with revolutionary ideas and concepts.


    That is what excites people and that is what is interesting.


    One thing that I personally was surprising is that HoT is becoming included to PoF. Or vice versa, so that not just their masteries could potentially move over and continue to evolve, but so could Guild Halls.


    Potentially anyways.


    Instead of locking doors, like where ArenaNet shut the doors on UW content, and shut the doors on raids not being public and guild halls only being for expansion x and mounts only for expansion Y.; what they should do, imo, is keep all those options open, open the game up to the potential, and when possible, exploit those potentials.


    They should be done with closing doors on the ambitious ideas. And start bringing in some more crazy ideas.


    As long as they balance that with stuff that does work, they could have a great revolutionary game on their hands again.

  6. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > I've been dealing with this at work. We're due to get a new database "soon" and I keep being told that it will work with all the software we're currently using because it has "this very whizzy, techy thing called...an A...P...I for talking to other programs" (direct quote from my boss).


    > head --> desk


    > > I can't seem to get people to understand that unless the other programs - some of them over 10 years old - are capable of receiving and interpreting that data it still won't work.


    > Gotta love bosses who are clueless. One has to wonder how they even got that position in the first place. Sadly, this is common.


    Bosses manage and divide the tasks that need doing, this doesnt need much more knowledge than, an IT dude does IT things.

  7. > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

    > As a person becomes an adult and gathers knowledge and understanding of the world around them, they come to understand some truths in life that often escape young inexperienced and unknowledgeable people. It's not the fault of these children honestly, experiences happen over time and through these life experiences, deeper understanding of the world takes place. One of these simple truths in life, that any functioning adult can tell you, is that what one person likes, another person may not like. I'll make it very easy to understand. Some people like hamburgers, some people like hot dogs, and there are even some people who like a salad. Some day you too will come to understand that there are many different kinds of people in this world with many different tastes. You'll get there sport.


    In my experience it's rather pointless to point out that an opinion is just an opinion (which is 5 words rather than one paragraph :P). It doesn't change his opinion on the weapons. And to then expect people to not share their opinion on a forum that is there exactly for that reason, seems like you're a bit out of touch with reality. We are in an age of (over)sharing everything. But that's just my opinion.

  8. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > Yeah you know ... in business for many years doing online games, creates a game based on appealing to an underserved market, runs it and continues to successfully ... you nailed it ... absolutely no idea what they are doing

    > > >

    > > > LOL

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > They're not running it though. It seems like when they get involved everything blows up. They're a publisher that knows how to flip a buck. Any credit to maintaining player base falls solely on the subsidiaries. I guess i'm not super familiar with blade and soul or lineage but every other game owned was indirectly owned by acquisitions.


    > Yeah ... the success of the game has NOTHING to do with what Anet does ... they have simply been blowing things up for 7 years. Completely incompetent. The games they makes are successful DESPITE what they do.


    > Same with GW1 ... just a long history of blowing it all up ... for over a decade.


    > /SURE!!!!



    Uhm, he's talking about NCSoft,not ArenaNet..?

  9. > @"Westenev.5289" said:

    > I don't think queens gauntlet was content you are supposed to defeat one after the other for self-gratification. It's a game mode where you're meant to keep banging your head against a wall until either you or the wall gives up.


    Whenever I read that youre supposed to keep banging your head against the wall to defeat this and that, I feel its always about brains vs. brawn.


    I mean, you can also try to figure out what is going on. Especially in Queens gauntlet

  10. Not wanting to dig up the past, but I personally love the style the original personal story with its branching storyline, the same as I used to love storybooks that let you pick your story as you read through it. And albeit that this obviously has its limitations, and unlikely to return in the shape of the vanilla personal story.. I would like to ask: Where can we expect some sort of storytelling, (or gameplay) where our characters take more control over their own narrative. In order to avoid the feeling that I occasionally felt where our character's are mostly along for the ride, rather than actually in leading, especially with the last episodes, where we really don't seem to be in control of Aurene and we just have to follow where she goes. And similarly the story of the Skyscales where Gorrik is just directing us around seemingly aimlessly.


    Basically, do you guys have any tricks up your sleeves, that could give us more of the impression that we're directing where the story goes, and that the commander is the one planning out his/her next few steps?

  11. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > I've run Fractals with guildmates in T1, T2, T3 or T4, even on days where I've already done the T4 dailies. You still get encryptions and some relics, and on lower tiers, it gives an opportunity to play alt characters and different builds.


    > My only criticism of group content in GW2 is how heart progress only applies to people who have tagged the target NPCs. In a game like WoW, if I'm on a quest with a friend, any mob I kill count towards the quest for both players, which then means grouping up can actually speed up the process. In GW2 you can run beside a party member, but if you have longer range, better AoE or just higher burst, you might delete your target before your companion has a chance to tag them.


    Ofcourse, in WoW it's 100% participation to anyone in the same party (I guess? I dont actually play it), whereas in GW2 anyone (party or not) can technically kill the MOB together, which might simple not work with level 80s in low level zones in practice. But interactables generally are plenty, or phased.

    It's rather interesting to think about how the parties in GW2 have no effect on your progression at all. I think it would be nice to have the additional party heart progress sharing on top of the social system GW2 has. I always felt that GW2 lacked that bit of incentive to play within a party, or with friends, where some things are simply 100% solo, and don't mesh well with doing it with a friend. You're always doing it more alongside a friend in most cases, missing out on that teamwork. Might be something to do with personal goals, and basically making certain things too easy, even though scaling is also a thing in GW2. (maybe something GW2 could have in the future. idk)



  12. Playing progression games with friends is always difficult, if you or your friends aren't willing to "lose out" on progress.


    Some measures are within the game design (like in fractals, dailies that are specific fractals at specific fractals.) Or daily quests that only appear for veterans that reward them for mentoring a low level character. And there are some redesigns that could help. Like, I suppose the fractal dailies could be entirely separate for each tier. But then in order to get all the rewards, players would need to do 4 times as many dailies. I doubt that would be popular. It would help with the popularity of lower fractals, but at the cost of more grinding out lower levels (less fun). PvP could have 5man teams, so that people can play with more friends, in ranked. At the cost of more imbalanced matches (probably).


    Ofcourse, there are some measures you can take yourself.

    In WvW, simply start playing, find a zerg and make new friends there. (Even though, free but time limited transfers could be nice. imo)

    In PvP, you can play with 5 man teams in tournaments, this also has way more rewards. The down side it's only 4 times a day of course.


    But the best solution really is, talk about it with your friends, if you don't have the AR, don't have the materials, then bring that into your friend circle or guild, be active and ask for help, while providing help when others need yours. Ignore that you aren't as good (if that's the case) and just being there when someone needs an extra hand is usually all you need to do. If playing with friends is that important, then you need to make a few sacrifices, like not progressing that fast, or not making as much money, and balancing that against what you get back from your friends.

  13. Personally never liked that key. I like the premise , that you can get to this hidden spot by collecting some very hidden stuff and doing not so obvious puzzles.


    But waiting for the Fire Elemental, and needing to share that experience with anyone else doing the fire Elementalist with a possible useless key because its very likely someone else has one anyway is rather dull.


    Imo I rather would have some small instance which you need to invite your friends to in order to progress. (better good reason than some events that simply refuse to start because its dictated that not enough people are nearby.)£

  14. Its a bit weird to see a post complaining that you have to play specific content in order to get a reward.


    Even for Vision you need to get out of WvW,.


    And yeah, Raids require you to have some sort of dedication, and at least one regular play day in the week. I cant make it either with my lack of schedule, but I definitely think that you can join or even make a PUG lfg every time you log in and just have a crack at it, if you really wanted to. It might not be super fun, and quite tough. And possibly be forced to play builds you usually dont play. But its definitely possible.


    Also forget weekly reset, you can often find someone who can open the raid instance at the boss you want to do.



  15. Definitely ask support first, before destroying. They don't always do so, and you dont want to be left destroying 100g without getting it back.


    When I do such a mistake, I contact support, wait for response and then do whatever comes from that.


    Only do it very rarely though, If i can reuse or if its only a few dozen gold I might not even bother.

  16. > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > This game is “not like WoW”? Are you guys serious?! That may have been true in 2012, but everything they’ve done since HoT has been to make this game more like WoW: adding raids, pleasing hardcore fans, adding mounts, adding gear grind (legendary armor, trinkets..), the Skyscale grind, etc.


    Clearly, because every MMO is like WoW.

    Whats the point to point out the few things that every MMO has. Where it matters is where its different. Why people play GW2 instead of WoW or vice versa.


    You basically said GW2 is like WoW because they are both MMOs.

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