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Posts posted by Tekoneiric.6817

  1. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

    > > Why doesn't the Mount Adoption License currently on the gem store have a matching Mount Select License available? I'm not a fan of RNG purchased from the gem store and refuse to purchase them. I do however buy the Mount Select licenses when they are on sale. I'm sure others feel the same.


    > Because it was the first set that came out and Anet determined that it wouldn't be fair to people that had already purchased it.


    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/15523/a-message-about-the-mount-adoption-license/


    Given the amount of time that's past this isn't not a valid excuse especially considering that the select licenses are more expensive. Basically that excuse says to someone like me who is morally opposed to RNG that we can never have those skins.

  2. > @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

    > > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:


    > > That would be a nice end to the Icebrood Saga. Jormag is about to win then Primordus comes in at the last moment to defend Tyria dragging Jormag to another realm. It would be interesting if we found out that the whole reason why Primordus went to the Shiverpeaks is to block Jormag and protect the more populated areas of Tyria.


    > i perfer it end like this. seriously create all elder dragons as villain made no sense.


    I agree because if all Elder Dragons go bad then eventually Aurene would as well. Long after the commander's time but eventually. If one of them is good or at least neutral then there is hope for Aurene.

  3. > @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

    > > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

    > > This makes me wonder if Primordus will be addressed at some point. I don't think Primordus is evil, just misunderstood. He doesn't have any sentient minions, just creatures that are more like pilot fish. Sure we have to fight them but I think it's more like fighting antibodies. Primordus mostly moves away from others. I think the Asura and Skritt being driven to the surface was just a byproduct of Primordus moving about to a new resting place. As far as I know Asura or Skritt haven't been taken as minions.


    > I always feel like Primordus will face Jormag one day. Jormag obviously is a tricky bad axs.


    That would be a nice end to the Icebrood Saga. Jormag is about to win then Primordus comes in at the last moment to defend Tyria dragging Jormag to another realm. It would be interesting if we found out that the whole reason why Primordus went to the Shiverpeaks is to block Jormag and protect the more populated areas of Tyria.

  4. This makes me wonder if Primordus will be addressed at some point. I don't think Primordus is evil, just misunderstood. He doesn't have any sentient minions, just creatures that are more like pilot fish. Sure we have to fight them but I think it's more like fighting antibodies. Primordus mostly moves away from others. I think the Asura and Skritt being driven to the surface was just a byproduct of Primordus moving about to a new resting place. As far as I know Asura or Skritt haven't been taken as minions.

  5. There are a lot of long term players who have a fairly stead in game income so they convert a lot of gold to gems which is why conversion rates are so high going from gold to gems. I remember years ago when the conversion rate was in the 60 something gold for 400 gems. They need a steady stream of new players coming to the game to increase the revenue but most of the marketing I've seen is aimed at existing players. I personally would like to see them branch out more into other funding sources like toys, books, comics and even venture into media. They have a prime property that could easily be converted to serialized animation and live action shows. They could even do personalized novels where a player's choices in their favorite character go to generate a novel that the player could purchase.

  6. > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:


    > > Well I've had situations where prank boxes have cost me game rewards. Loosing rewards from chests costs more than using the nearest WP. Frankly I'm good with getting rid of all gag boxes. But if we're going to have any gags let's go all in; no half-kittens. Let's get pies to toss at people, roll out spikes to flatten the roller beetle, wild snow wyrm eggs to drop in cities, etc. The whole kitten. An achievement scoring system to go along with it. ;)


    > Ahh I see, it's a suggestion born from bitterness. Always very helpful and constructive ;)


    No, I'm just saying if we're going to have jokes and gags then let's go all out; scoring and all.

  7. > @"Kulvar.1239" said:


    > Being unexpectedly dismounted is a death sentence for some people who lack reactivity.

    > The grief potential is still beyond any acceptable level. It would be a hundred times worse than people putting funboxes on NPC/chests.


    Well I've had situations where prank boxes have cost me game rewards. Loosing rewards from chests costs more than using the nearest WP. Frankly I'm good with getting rid of all gag boxes. But if we're going to have any gags let's go all in; no half-kittens. Let's get pies to toss at people, roll out spikes to flatten the roller beetle, wild snow wyrm eggs to drop in cities, etc. The whole kitten. An achievement scoring system to go along with it. ;)

  8. > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

    > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

    > > Just imagine people placing these in the path of a race.


    > Just in front of the starting zone would be extra annoying.

    > Or near a cliff so people climbing fall to their death.

    > It's a terrible idea.


    I wouldn't stop gliding just mounts and the zone wouldn't be that big. Smaller than the distance to fall to death distance.

  9. As the title says; a box that creates a no-mount zone for 15 minutes about the size of the mystic forge in Lion's Arch. Basically big enough to trip players up without being so big they fall to their death. If players are being annoying with mounts at a merchant then drop a no-mount box. Trip up a group of players about to fly off a cliff. Loads of fun.

  10. > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

    > > And let us rearrange the order of the tabs like with our inventory bags...


    > Bank Tab Rearrangement Contract - 200 Gems


    > or buy the Permanent Bank Tab Rearrangement Device for 2500 Gems


    > New opportunities to save the farm...I mean game...


    > To stay on topic: Bank Tabs in your Guild Bank can be named so why can't our personal tabs? It's a no brainer and one of the few occasions where I lean myself out of the window and say "it should be easy to do" (I'm not a dev and who knows, making personal bank tabs nameable might break an event chain in Orr or reset all build templates from players with lithuanian IPs...what do I know...)


    Why would you need a rearrangement contract/device? Just move the items to a new tab or to the inventory and back to the new location. Rearrangement and naming should just be built in along with remembering which tabs you left open or closed. There are far more useful things they could develop to make money.

  11. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > I'm going to put this out there: If your whole reason to play GW2 is to gather gold, then nothing will be fun. You're just going to look at playing GW2 as a means to an end.


    People play GW2 for many reasons. It doesn't all have to be about conflict. I personally do a variety of things in the game but following a gathering routing helps fight off depression. Doing it without getting tagged by creatures is fun; sort of like the concept of '[counting coup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counting_coup)'. I love getting creatures to fight while I'm gathering. I wish there was a 'counting coup' endless achievement that rewards for getting chests and farming around hostile creatures near some of the farms without taking damage.


    Gathering is like shopping but in the time of covid 19 real world shopping isn't fun anymore. Also part of gathering is making gold to spend in the game. If someone wants to be a supplier of materials and they enjoy it then for them it's not a wrong way to play the game. Someone has to gather the materials people craft with. If it's someone that enjoys it then why say they are doing it wrong?


  12. From a gold making perspective they keep adding easy ways to get mats that players would farm and sell. Platinum is one of the recent ones that they killed the value on because it's so easy to get in the Drizzlewood Coast meta. There hasn't been any additional sinks for major sinks for many materials of late. Of course quartz is down in value because of the festival but that happens every year. There are ways to make gold but you do have to work harder at it. It is a bit of a grind.

  13. I'd like to see the Revive Orbs and Teleport to Friend put in the account wallet to get them out of inventory and allow them to be accessed on all character. Revive Orbs can already be used when in a defeated state so no big difference on that. The T2F could be put on the Party tool, right click on the person and there could be a teleport option there. Ornate Rusted Keys could also be moved to the account wallet as the only function they serve is to allow you to open chests.


    Also can we get the map specific tools rolled into one universal scanning tool? Ones that stack in our inventory like the Charr Field Homing Beacon and Silverwastes shovels could stack charges in the wallet instead. We have to many map specific scanners like Brandstone Multitool, Listening Device Sweeper, etc. If they were tied to a universal tool it would save a lot of space. It would also be good for future development. Purchase or unlock a program module on the map and the universal tool becomes functional for that map.

  14. > @"Aavataris.5720" said:

    > It would be great to be able to put a **companion on the mounts back side**. So when you teach a new player both ride together.


    The problem is that mounts had motion sickness issues early on and a second player not in control of the mount would likely bring this issue back since not being in control of the motion is a trigger for motion sickness. I think it would be easier to just add a mount vendor to each map that players could rent a mount from on that map for 24 hours. It'd be a gold sink for new players.

  15. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > Please split the metas.


    > The first (south) meta should be player-driven just like it is now (like Silverwastes, etc.), and slowed back down, possibly even pulled back to a slower speed than it was before since it was still pretty hectic and rarely left time to do individual events.


    > The second (north) meta should be on a timer, like Auric Basin, every 2 hours, and should start at the Forward Camp, west of Wolf's Crossing. The south meta, once completed, should stay completed until the north meta fires, and would provide two assaults both from the south and west, otherwise just one assault from the west if the south meta hasn't been completed.


    > Something like "Control Wolf's Crossing to launch a unified assault on Frost Citadel in (time until north meta starts)." This provides both pressure and incentive to complete south meta while still giving a few hours for players to do it semi-casually.


    > Completing south meta before the time is up would allow plenty of time to loot hidden caches, as a reward.


    That's basically what I suggested above and on another post a couple of days ago. I think it's the easiest way to fix it. South either succeeds or fails 5 mins before north starts, everyone falls back to base camp then takes a portal to forward camp to start north meta from there. The hardest part would redoing the pathway from forward camp. South could succeed once or twice in the two hours between north meta depending on how many people are there.

  16. What about the combined meta length? This has turned into another Dragon's Stand where you can't get onto a map that anyone is doing the meta.


    I'd like to see the north meta set to start every two hours from the Forward Camp Waypoint rather than the bridge. If the southern meta hasn't completed by 5 minutes before the start of the north meta, fail south to reset so players can focus on the north meta. The dialog could say they need to fall back then rally at the Forward Camp. Put a permanent mesmer style portal open between Base Camp and Forward Camp. This would be more like how Auric Basin events and meta operate. It would enable more players to hit the north meta.


  17. > @"tomshreds.1745" said:

    > I wish all items, mounts and skins would be unlockable via gameplay.

    > WoW's endgame is all about unlocking everything. GW2's shouldn't force people to pay gems.

    > Let people try their luck on a dungeon/boss to get items.


    > Those who wants to pay will pay but at least give us a way of achieving those via gameplay.

    > RnG chests are also a very bad idea that will eventually get killed by law so hopefully games will see brighter days... soon.


    GW2 is supported via the gem store. We have the option to earn in-game gold then convert to gems so in essences you can unlock them via game play if your willing to earn the gold. It's not as easy as it has in the past or even the recent past. I think the glut of materials from the south Drizzlewood meta has caused a major drop in mat prices which affects people who farm but there are still ways to make gold. It just takes a little longer.


    I do think that RNG chests that can be purchased by real money need to be banned. I think they are a cheap way for the company to avoid coming out with more creative items on the gem store. People suggest and request items all the time that would make nice ways to make money. Not to mention they lock items away for long periods of time from the gem store. What they need to do is provide a backdoor method of purchasing gem store items not currently featured. One way to do that is via the chat codes. Post a chat code, then right click on it to purchase the item on the gem store. That wouldn't be a huge income boost but it would drive some.


    One thing I'd like to see on the gem store is a gift box valued at 50 gems that would allow you to wrap up ascended gear (up to 5 items) and send it to someone on your friends list. The items would become account bound to the recipient when they open it. I think there would be enough sales of it to make worth their effort.


    I for one would be willing to buy gems with money if they came up with a player housing map that we can add to like a guild hall. I've suggested a Dragon's Watch guild hall before as player housing where we could interact with the NPC members of Dragon's Watch, do upgrades and have a private farming zone in a wild area of the map.


    I'd even pay some money if they would remove the feed bag, one sided arm thing and oversized necklace from the Carapace Jerkin skin. ;)

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