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Posts posted by Kovu.7560

  1. Wait, you want siege to only be useful against _players_? That's, like, the opposite of what I want. I'd rather siege _only damage siege_, if you want to damage the players come out and do it yourself instead of standing on an AC (or five) behind a wall. But I'll never get that so meh. =<


    People have been asking for adjustments to the contesting mechanics for years to avoid the cheesiness of individual players being able to shut down entire waypoints strictly for being within breathing distance of a guard. I agree, but I don't see that changing anytime soon. Perhaps change it so they have to at least kill a guard or two so nearby players have an opportunity to at least potentially respond. I dunno.


    ~ Kovu

  2. > @"Chaba.5410" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > As someone on a server trying to escape week after week of aforementioned wildly unbalanced cruise control server I still find it somewhat amusing.

    > > If two servers can coordinate a successful tie, all the more power to them. At most its a fault of the system, not the players.

    > >

    > > ~ Kovu


    > Time to roll up that F2P account (or alt) and help out on a T2 server ;)


    Yeah, 'cause _that's_ how I plan to spend my two-hours-per-week of gw2 playtime. =p


    ~ Kovu

  3. As someone on a server trying to escape week after week of aforementioned wildly unbalanced cruise control server I still find it somewhat amusing.

    If two servers can coordinate a successful tie, all the more power to them. At most its a fault of the system, not the players.


    ~ Kovu

  4. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > @"ZhouX.8742" said:

    > > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > > > @"ZhouX.8742" said:

    > > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > > > > > > > There's really only two issues I have seen with soulbeast and one is similar to the issue with holosmith.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > 1. SBeast and Holo have way too much on demand stability. This allows them to enact the mindless playstyle of "pop stab, spam rotation without fear of being interrupted".

    > > > > > > > 2. Unstoppable union is busted. It's like a turbocharged version of Revs trait that gives them 2 unblockable skills except it affects ALL your skills for 4s as many as you can spam, is on half the CD ( 10s instead of 20s ) and breaks stuns because why not? So now you have "pop stab spam unblockable skills without being interrupted" and the only counterplay left is to evade. This is one of the most overtuned adept traits in the game.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Notice how I didn't mention Sicem? Sicem gives a good damage boost but it's honestly carried by the above two problems. If you could just CC the ranger or block as soon as you see/hear sicem it would be a l2p problem rather than a balance problem.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > And finally someone pointed out the real problem. I had pointed this out in several threads but chose not to bring it up in this thread because I was tired of repeating myself. Regardless, the actual problem here isn't the raw damage output, it's the unholy duration of unblockable that Soulbeasts have access to:

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Call_of_the_Wild = 4s unblockable

    > > > > > > * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Clarion_Bond = Another free Call Of The Wild proc

    > > > > > > * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_the_Hunt = 6s of unblockable

    > > > > > > * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unstoppable_Union = 4 more seconds of unblockable

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > ^ That's a ridiculous amount of unblockable duration, that has no real CD cycle even. **I've been saying it for months now, these are the compromising changes that Arenanet should give us in the next patch, to keep everyone happy:**

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > * Either halve the durations of the unblockable skills, or significantly increase the CDs, maybe both.

    > > > > > > * Keep Sic Em the way it is now, but it should have it's range halved. This would make the Ranger have to get closer to its target, allowing the target more counter-play gap closing options vs. the ranged. This change will nerf the hell out of mid to low tier Ranger pew, which is what everyone is complaining about. On the other hand, it won't effect higher tiered Ranger play very much at all, so it won't be a nerf really within the tiers where Rangers struggle vs. other classes to begin with.

    > > > > > > * Additionally, there needs to be damage redistribution amongst Ranger weapon skills concerning Longbow & Greatsword. Right now all of the damage is front loaded into 3 skills: Rapid Fire, Maul, Worldly Impact. This creates an effect where the build structures can easily nub stomp around with 1HKO or 2HKO or at least 3HKO, because nubs don't dodge roll or LOS. But at higher tiers, this is why Rangers struggle. Veteran players can dodge those 3 very telegraphed skills very easily, and then just face tank all of the other lower damage attacks while their defensive CDs come back in preparation to dodge the important 3 skill damage chain again and again. If the damage as redistributed more evenly amongst all the skills on LB/GS, Rangers could actually brawl with other classes instead of having play like a bursty ranged Thief, which would make them more viable at higher tiers. It would also serve to satisfy those who believe that Ranger has to much damage, because the 3 attack chain would have a bit of damage shaved off from it.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Anyway, here's to hoping this post doesn't get scrolled off and forgotten too quickly. People need to be reading this one.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > > I get your points, but ranger is probably the most hated class next to thief.

    > > > >

    > > > > ..... It isn't....it isn't by a mile....

    > > >

    > > > You are simply delusional then and don't truly understand just how many guts and bounce backs this class has seen due to people not understanding how to play against one. Pew pew ranger even has it's own meme and dedicated title for a reason.

    > > >

    > > > Please stop, it's easily one of the most hated classes in both PvP and WvW and is a love child in PvE because it's healbot capabilities.

    > >

    > > Haha haha no. You simply haven't been playing this game.

    > > When I think most hated next to thief it is immediately mesmer. Followed very VERY closely by warrior. As the history of ups and downs are especially severe for those two classes. I don't think Rangers would even survive if they had a FULL YEAR of nerfs, and those nerfs hit in mostly wrong places. Like come back and talk about moat hated when your class has suffered a nerf to 50% or more of their kit starting from core. Come back when you have a skill nerfed repeatedly by 80% .

    > > Most hated LMAO


    > 1. Celestial Avatar went from a 10s cd to 20s cd. (100% total)

    > 2. Ray of Light had a 50% base healing power reduction + 30% flat healing reduction. (80% total)

    > 3. Seed of Life had it's condition removal halved (50%), 20% base healing power reduction, 18.5% base heal value reduction, and a 35% healing reduction. (123.5% total)

    > 4. Lunar Impact had a 25% daze duration reduction, 30% cooldown increase, 34% base healing power reduction, and a 40% healing power scaling reduction. (129% total)

    > 5. Rejuvenating Tides had a 75% base healing reduction. (75% total)

    > 6. Ancestral Grace went from a 12s cd to 18s cd (50% increase) and a 10% healing power reduction. (60% total)

    > 7. Smokescale received a 65% damage reduction on Smoke Assault.

    > 8. Bristleback had a 234% damage reduction on Spike Barrage.

    > 9. Ancient Seeds had a 100% cooldown increase.

    > 10. All pets receive a 20% stat reduction when slotting Druid.

    > 11. etc. etc.


    > It's not even a contest. I'm pretty sure Druid has been nerfed harder than any other spec in the game. It went from meta, to barely playable, to one of the WORST things you could ever run in PvP. I'd play Renegade before I touch Druid again.


    I'm _still_ sour how they completely gutted and destroyed Druid pretty much everywhere outside of raids. It used to be a fun support spec in pvp, fun for roaming in wvw with an interesting rotation that melded well until the CA cooldown nerf.


    Alas, boon up, merge, sic 'em, pew pew, smoke assault, takedown, WI, maul it is....


    ~ Kovu

  5. > @"Ni In.6578" said:

    > In T2 - T4 NA, Red BL is where you go for free keep caps as green or blue. It's simply not defended.



    And in T1 green and blue can't farm the map as well because green already has half of the objectives all day and defends them.

    Buuut that's an issue with population, the map itself doesn't bother me too much. Especially now that mounts are around.


    ~ Kovu

  6. > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

    > I'm sorry, but "just dodge" is the stupidest argument I've ever heard.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/ShllNLy.jpg "")


    Anywho, I do agree that _all_ of the PoF specs are a little overtuned, I don't see that changing until the next expansion hits and _those_ specializations are the ones that are the most potent. Gotta sell that expansion, after all. Outside of Sic 'Em I don't feel Soulbeast is any more overtuned than the other professions you mentioned at their respective strengths. Do you see any Dragonhunters, Firebrands, Reapers, Druids or Berserkers running around? I sure don't. _Maaaaybe_ Chronomancers.


    ~ Kovu

  7. Most servers have some form of community both in-game and on discord.

    Join a tag and ask the group how you could get more involved, there are always players of organized wvw guilds online looking for fresh blood that can point you in the right direction. Join a few, run with them, see which group of people you enjoy running with the most. We won't really be able to give more specific ideas without knowing which server you play on and in which timezone, but it's the same idea on most servers. If you note your server, players on this forum from that server can point you in the right direction.


    That said, your best bet is to just hop right in and get the feel as you go. Wvw often seems daunting to newer players but once you're familiar with all of the mechanics its actually straightforward. Just keep in mind this is basically open world pvp, just with siege, and try to have fun. Welcome to the gamemode~


    ~ Kovu

  8. > @"derd.6413" said:

    > have sic' em only affects the pet skills when merged but not the weapon/utility skills


    You know. That's actually a really good idea.


    @MUD, because the two professions I use reveal against the most have the most evasion frames, oftentimes without much of a tell. I'd rather the reveal just work even if the damage wasn't a thing.

  9. > @"Zephyra.4709" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > > @"Zephyra.4709" said:

    > > > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > > > if you make sic em avoidable, most rangers will waste it.

    > > > > Heavens, no, please don't do that. Thieves (and to a lesser degree mesmers) have crazy evasion uptime and missing that targeted reveal would hurt a heck of a lot more than the damage boost. Nerf the damage, not the ability to land the reveal. RNGBless RNGBless RNGBless

    > > > >

    > > > > ~ Kovu

    > > >

    > > > Don't worry, rapid fire still tracks through stealth. That'll teach those pesky thieves!

    > >

    > > Oh that reminded me, they should further buff sic 'em to strike through evasion frames so that part of the channel might connect. =O

    > >

    > > ~ Kovu


    > Patch notes confirmed:


    > * Rapid fire now hits 20x instead of 10x if used with sic 'em

    > * Sic 'em buffed to 9000% dmg and now strikes through evade frames


    Meanwhile lower in the patch notes....



    * Evading an attack now applies 4s of reveal.



    Seriously though, faaar to much love for ranger hate lately. Swagger's got the right of it.

  10. > @"Zephyra.4709" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > if you make sic em avoidable, most rangers will waste it.

    > > Heavens, no, please don't do that. Thieves (and to a lesser degree mesmers) have crazy evasion uptime and missing that targeted reveal would hurt a heck of a lot more than the damage boost. Nerf the damage, not the ability to land the reveal. RNGBless RNGBless RNGBless

    > >

    > > ~ Kovu


    > Don't worry, rapid fire still tracks through stealth. That'll teach those pesky thieves!


    Oh that reminded me, they should further buff sic 'em to strike through evasion frames so that part of the channel might connect. =O


    ~ Kovu

  11. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > if you make sic em avoidable, most rangers will waste it.

    Heavens, no, please don't do that. Thieves (and to a lesser degree mesmers) have crazy evasion uptime and missing that targeted reveal would hurt a heck of a lot more than the damage boost. Nerf the damage, not the ability to land the reveal. RNGBless RNGBless RNGBless


    ~ Kovu

  12. > @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > * Home instance nodes are expensive to build up and the living story nodes require a lot of initial farming of materials you won't find much of in wvw. But the yields of those nodes are less of an issue because those materials can be obtained via reward tracks while...

    > > * The majority of the currencies found under the 'map currencies' tab are not obtainable via wvw reward tracks at all and are a hard requirement for pretty much anything with purple text.


    > So, I want to be clear here, the OP’s topic was regarding rose quartz, an item which is NOT found under map currency. So you are moving away from this specific item to discuss the availability of map currency in general to WvW?


    > I have been commenting on rose quartz and it’s accessibility to WvW players and recommending either TP, home instance or both. The home instance nodes cost 50g & 10k either volatile magic or unbound magic, both of which are available to WvW players via reward tracks. Simply consume the appropriate material. Gold can be earned through WvW to purchase the nodes. Once one node is purchased it’s output can be leveraged toward speeding up the purchase of a second and so on and so forth until the home instance is fully stocked. Yes it it expensive, but no more so for a WvW player than a PvE player. If one invests earlier rather than later, the return on investment is higher.


    > But to return back to the topic at hand of rose quartz, and only with regards to rose quartz, the availability of this material already meets the standard you applied earlier that I quoted above. It is available eventually through playing WvW by way of earning cash and buying off the TP, or using the reward track to acquire the VM necessary to purchase the home instance node, all of which can be done with only very minimal time outside WvW.


    I agree.

    I apologize if I was unclear. The concerns I have with regards to currencies unavailable to wvw'ers by any means has neither anything to do with the items harvested in the home instance nor the rose quartz in specific. Forgive me for seemingly derailing the thread by speaking about wvw reward availability on a broader scale. Perhaps I'll start a thread addressing things like Ley Line Crystals and Elegy Mosaics at some point.


    ~ Kovu

  13. * Home instance nodes are expensive to build up and the living story nodes require a lot of initial farming of materials you won't find much of in wvw. But the yields of those nodes are less of an issue because those materials can be obtained via reward tracks while...

    * The majority of the currencies found under the 'map currencies' tab are not obtainable via wvw reward tracks at all and are a hard requirement for pretty much anything with purple text.

  14. "If you want the stuff, play the associated content," seems to be the idea.

    For what its worth, I agree. There's, on the whole a lot more reason for wvw'ers to go dabble in pve than there is for pve'ers to dabble in wvw.

    Considering how hilariously difficult it is for pve'ers to access the legendary trinkets, I can't see wvw'ers being granted access anytime soon considering how comparably straightforward wvw is.


    ~ Kovu

  15. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > I was referring to your "WvW-focused players as [not] being worse off than others" statement. That's untrue with regards to both the (powdered) rose quartzes and with general income.

    > The topic isn't "general income". And no, WvW-focused players are not worse off _with regards to this material_... unless you compare to those PvErs who do the meteor events, which many do not. Rose quartz only drops from Brandstone Chunks and the home instance node. The B-chunks only appear at the falling meteor site, for short periods of time, only after being revealed by the Brandstone Multitool


    > If the OP's suggestion were implemented, WvW players would have, by far, the easiest source of Rose Quartz.


    > And even if that wasn't true, Rose Quartz is plentiful on the TP. The only time it has been expensive in bulk is during brief periods after new achievements, i.e. hardly ever.


    > My point remains: the OP's suggestion is based on temporary price increases, misleading information about the sources of the material, and ends up being overly-specific.


    You can keep saying this topic isn't about general income, but when the item in question is something you can pick up on the trading post, adding (or not adding) it to a reward track _would affect_ general income. Because rose quartzes are something you can pick up on the trading post on the cheap I'm not too bothered about it not being accessible through a reward track.


    That said, wvw players not being worse off with regards to a particular material than PvEers who do not do the event with that material is shotty excuse not to have it accessible through a reward track because the same could be said of _pretty much any_ material associated with a specific event or map. The whole point of map-based reward tracks in wvw (and pvp) should be to allow wvw players to eventually access to equipment and treasure associated with the pve content without having to grind the pve content for days on end in a game mode they prefer not to spend as much time in -- and they still have to do at least some of the content to unlock the track.


    ~ Kovu


    edit- To clarify, I'm not stating that its Anet's philosophy/goal to have reward tracks mitigate the grind for wvw'ers in pve, I just _wish_ that were the case. Clearly its not.

  16. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > People have posted videos showing profit-per-hour of wvw vs. the other gamemodes (pvp, pve) and shown the profit is noticeably worse in wvw.

    > This isn't a thread about gold farming. It's a thread about increasing the supply of a single material into the game, for no other reason than that some people don't wish to use the TP. It has a limited use that occasionally is meaningful, and mostly not.


    I was referring to your "WvW-focused players as [not] being worse off than others" statement. That's untrue with regards to both the (powdered) rose quartzes and with general income. But you're right, there are much larger preferred priorities with regards to wvw reward track currency ideas to mitigate the amount of time wvw players have to farm in pve rather than their own preferred gamemode. Elegy Mosaics were a personal peeve of mine, though at least that got substantially easier recently.


    ~ Kovu

  17. > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

    > Just buy the home node and run a gathering booster, I got 8 rose quartz from it tonight.


    Holy h0t damn, I run my home instance daily and I'm _lucky_ to get 1/day. Like 50% of the time. There must be more to it than that.

    Also, I'm not entirely convinced boosters work in the home instance. I don't have data to back this feeling up, I just don't seem to get anything extra when I run them there. (I used to have one of my toons being a dedicated daily noder with the boosters running, but it didn't seem to make a difference.)


    @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" People have posted videos showing profit-per-hour of wvw vs. the other gamemodes (pvp, pve) and shown the profit is noticeably worse in wvw. It just doesn't bother most wvw'ers all that much because they get enough back from the gamemode to purchase the elements associated with wvw (siege, gear etc.) Also a lot of wvw'ers also play the other gamemodes. Its the dedicated wvw'ers who want the shiny-but-expensive pve gear who have to pull out their [Gift of Credit Card] that tend to make the most noise.


    ~ Kovu

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