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Posts posted by Kovu.7560

  1. > @Zero.3871 said:

    > > @Hitman.5829 said:

    > > No, with all the necros running in WvW corrupting boons is already an issue.

    > > We don't want pirate ship wars 2, we don't want range wars 2, we don't want condition wars 2.


    > what is the alternative too pirate ship? it was all the years BRAINLESS YOLO PUSH WHILE SPAMMING AA while boonsharing every boon permanently to the group. thats kitten. the current anti boonshare meta is the heaven on gw2-earth.


    > i dont want boonwars2, i dont want brainless yolo push ballmeta wars2, i dont want kitten every class can 10million secs invul cast wars2!


    Your hyperbole aside, not going to lie, mindless #yolo pushes were a lot funner than what we have now.

    Just sayin'


    ~ Kovu

  2. > @Sleepwalker.1398 said:

    > I'm on TC, **logging from Australia. **


    Oh hey, serious question.

    When you're in wvw engaging a large enemy group with your scourges and spellbreakers, does your group always rotate clockwise?

    I'm not sure if its different in the southern hemisphere or if that's just a misconception.


    ~ Kovu


    edit- I heard about the DDOS attacks. Unfortunate. I log late at night, hasn't been an issue for me yet.

  3. I have a shortlist of issues with the potency of roaming Mesmer builds, but power damage is not on that list.

    While the damage may seem instantaneous, there are usually several attacks in quick succession involved with that burst. Therefore Endure Pain will work most of the time.


    ~ Kovu

  4. In an ideal world stability, quickness and resistance would not be boons, but instead effects like superspeed and alacrity. As well, resistance would only reduce condition damage, not negate it entirely (soft control effects would still be negated). All three of those boons are infrequent enough on most classes.

    That way those effects would not be corruptible, but could not be affected by an increase of boon duration or as easily be stacked for duration.


    In the warriors-spam-elite, necros-faceroll-'f'keys meta I do feel stability should be a little more reliable. It would help bring actual engagements back to the meta, and cut back on this toilet bowl crap.


    I'm all for anything that cuts back on the CC spam. Nobody on either side of the fight finds that fun.


    ~ Kovu

  5. I mean, at this point in the story would they really _have_ to retroactively involve a new race in all of the base/HoT/PoF storyline?

    I feel like the number people crying butthurt that they can't play through the story up until a certain point on a specific newer race several years down the road would not be many.

    Up until this point Anet has kept all of their aesthetic and mechanical content relevant to the expansion itself. If they were to introduce a new race there would be some reason that race got involved with the story, and would therefore be present for everything in the _future_.


    That said, it'd be a lot of work for many of the reasons mentioned in this thread, and that would only increase the upkeep Anet would need to maintain for something almost entirely aesthetic.


    I'm not bothered one way or another. I only play one race, anyway.


    ~ Kovu

  6. Personal condition cleansing doesn't need a buff. And certainly not on ele. If one person get shat on by 5 people running condition builds its hardly because conditions are overpowered, it just _feels_ worse than getting shat on by 5 power builds.

    What the game needs is more generous group cleanses among the classes that don't already have AOE cleanses and ways to actively sustain condition effects as well as a group is able to sustain power damage. For example, the Light Aura's condition damage reduction needs to be more potent than -10% damage to be worth the time. Protection negates 33% of power damage. I wish resistance reduced condition _damage_ by 33%, then the balance team could be more liberal with handing it out to the other professions and for longer durations. For heaven's sake, its called _resistance_, not _immunity_.

    Perma -33% is a lot less overpowered than perma -100%. Or even 50% up time -100% (i.e. warriors).


    The whole balance concept was just handled... poorly.


    ~ Kovu

  7. There might be some population disparity with the servers currently winning their skirmishes.

    Obviously just one-twelfth of the 24-hour pie, but its a decent enough snippet. Even adding up all of the servers' points in each tier its quite obvious which ones are more active flipping objectives, killing dolyaks, snagging sentries and all of those other things outside of killing enemy players and passive ticks that generate points.

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/HZH9OZ7.png "")

    My point being its not even close.


    ~ Kovu


    edit- T3 is broken for some reason, each server is actually 5~6k. Still, half of what Blackgate is ticking.

  8. > @"Shining One.1635" said:

    > I really wish they would replace the Tomes of Knowledge in at least some of the reward tracks with WXP Consumables. I'd also be happy with a WXP-focused reward track with the 40th chest containing Kegs of Liquid World Experience.


    Good thoughts. Though I don't know how I feel about boatloads of automated free wxp when a lot of these pip (and therefore reward track) farmers are afk'ing on outnumbered maps. I'd be okay with cutting back on the Tomes of Knowledge and replacing them with those wxp boosters/wxp mini boosters. I'm not sure there's anywhere to get those wvw exp-specific boosters anymore.


    A wvw-oriented track that granted things like wvw traps, siege, wxp _boosters_, memories of battle, high tier salvage kits, perhaps with extra testimony of heroics at the end would be a neat idea. You know. To cut back on costs for those people who spend most of their gw2 time playing wvw.


    Generally some good thoughts in this thread, even if I disagree with the nature of it.


    ~ Kovu

  9. > @"Sethanon Stormrage.6721" said:

    > > @KeyOrion.9506 said:

    > > I would at this time ask that the Commanders of all Servers VOICE their opinion what they would like to see Rangers have


    > A firebrand, scourge or spellbreaker alt they can bring instead


    This fucking game. ._.


    Anywho. More support utilities/traits need to affect 10 people, 'Wilderness Knowledge' needs to allow survival skills (including those proc'd via 'Soften the Fall' and 'Zephyr's Speed') to affect allies, Druid healing skills need to have larger AOEs so that zergs can move a bit within them (this includes Celestial Shadow), and Soulbeast's 'Leader of the Pack' needs to have stances affect allies for their full duration and grant a 20% cooldown reduction. Traps need to not suck, 'Search and Rescue' needs to have a range of at least 900, be reliable and allow the ranger to target specific downs on cast should they desire (by, say, selecting them before casting). That's just a start. I could go on.


    Long story short rangers need more things that affect them _and_ allies. The reason they're fine for roaming is because they have a lot of really good but really selfish abilities. Rangers don't need stronger personal skills, they need their existing shit to also affect allies.


    ~ Kovu


    Edit- Oh, and some god damn AOEs. Fuck.

  10. Weren't people whining about gliding before it was introduced in wvw? Did that kill the gamemode? No.

    Introducing a form of transport to help travel around the maps more quickly will not hurt the game. On the contrary, it'll increase the fights.


    Stop whining for the sake of whining.


    +1 OP.


    ~ Kovu

  11. I want _Destroyed Walls & Gates Week_. All structures lose their walls & gates.

    I'd even take a 90% wxp/exp/karma cut that week (considering the potential for karma training) in favor of the decreased monotony of prolonged sieges on the same maps's T3 structures in a 5 year old game, and in its place increased fights.


    I know. It goes against the nature of the gamemode. So sue me, this game doesn't otherwise have walk-in large scale pvp outside of wvw.


    ~ Kovu

  12. There isn't a timezone outside of NA reset (I assume, I can't play right on reset,) where FA isn't outnumbered on at least two maps. Usually the two opposing borderlands. I would know. I enjoy 13~15 pip ticks.

    I can't speak to Blackgate.


    ~ Kovu


    edit - And I mean right now, in T4.

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