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Posts posted by Kovu.7560

  1. I mean. Its a tough sell. What you did did not contribute to your server, you were just having a bit of personal fun.

    That said, I wouldn't be against a 5s pause on participation decay anytime you touch an enemy. Those longer fights _do_ happen and sometimes they won't let you break combat.


    ~ Kovu

  2. So OP's suggestions for adjusting pip rewards are:

    * **Grant more pips based on individual play** rather than the server's placement.

    * Grant more pips for a higher tier of participation.

    * **Ditch or reduce the potency of the outnumbered bonus.**

    * Increase the pips granted by the commitment bonus.

    * Repairing should not contribute to participation.

    * **Celebration/birthday booster to grant a bonus to wvw reward track gain equal to its bonus to pvp reward track gain.**


    I agree with the bolded. To clarify, I feel a server's placement in the skirmish should contribute to pip gain. You should get _something_ for being in the lead. I do, however feel that individual contribution should also play a role. I'm not sure how one would go about measuring this, perhaps participation should be reworked to measure this. Currently its too easy to increase participation, particularly in zerg play.


    One way the one could go about it is reward pips based on how much the player participates in every 5 minute skirmish, resetting the participation bar on each tick but lowering the floor to allow for _some_ pip rewards at low tier participation, granting an extra pip or two if the user participates a lot in that 5 minute tick. That would kill afk farming. (Of coruse they'd need to modify the reward track numbers, but that's a different beast.)


    I hate the commitment bonus. I've only not had it twice since they introduced the pip mechanic and that's because I was on vacation from work and away from the game. To be punished the following week for not being present the previous week is a stupid mechanic.


    I have suggested in the past that they rework the pips rewarded based on a player's rank. +0 pips for rank 1-999, +1 pip for rank 1000+. People at rank 5k+ literally doubling granted pips on non-outnumbered maps compared to people who are newer to the game/gamemode is kind of silly, unfair and discouraging to the newer player.


    I don't see an issue with repairing contributing to participation. Even if they don't get participation for repairing, they'll still get it for the defend event. There's no way around that and we shouldn't be discouraging defensive contribution.


    I agree on the other points. Good thread.


    ~ Kovu

  3. Does the trait grant the bonus to stats? Its a little fuzzy exactly which things normally affect pets actually affect the merged Soulbeast so its difficult to say what's intended and what is not.

    That said, +1. Traits that affect pets _should_ affect the Soulbeast whilst they are merged.


    Since we're discussing Soulbeast QoL, I notice WHaO sometimes refreshes the boons on a merged Soulbeast, but sometimes it doesn't. Anyone else noticing this?


    ~ Kovu

  4. So you want to change it so that instead of keep & castle lords on their own are able to survive long enough for defenders to respond, Warriors instead have to constantly be nearby and are forced to commit their elite skill to assisting in allowing the lord to survive long enough for defenders to respond. (And probably dying in the process.)


    No thanks. That would actually make a Warrior's life significantly _more_ difficult.


    There are a lot of things in this game that need to be looked at. I don't personally feel like this is one of them.


    > @"Jerry CCH.9816" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > Banners _are_ one of the things I wish would be readdressed. I mean, I don't feel bad for warriors since the newest expansion, they're hardly the profession that needs the most help in wvw. That said there are three issues with banners.


    > > Thus the solution I would suggest would be something along the line of:

    > > * Once the utility skill is activated, instead of holding the banner the visual effect would be along the lines of having the banner strapped to the warrior's back.

    > > * The passive effect is always active, so long as players are within the radius.

    > > * Modify warrior profession specific abilities ('f' skills) or weapon skills to have additional effects based on the banner the warrior is wearing. These effects would need to be minor, considering that the warrior is already granting stats to nearby allies. Or perhaps this is not even needed.

    > >


    > this's good feedback :+1:


    Thanks. Though apparently I misinterpreted the purpose of this thread.


    ~ Kovu

  5. I don't think its broken. Enemies still get damage through, especially if the attackers are using rams (as one must on inner SMC).

    Pro stealth disables between bubbles is also hilarious, even if I'm on the receiving end of those far more often than the giving end.


    Personally I think unreachable defensive siege behind tier 3 walls is more of an issue than catas/rams & shield gens. Can't disable or AOE that shit.


    ~ Kovu

  6. Rangers are one of the better options for countering necromancers.

    Soulbeasts are one of the better options for countering scourges.


    Range is rarely a difference maker in a game where most people have counter ranged options, projectile reflectors and/or teleports -- but against all necromancers rangers can legitimately kite them for days like they can against no other profession.


    ~ Kovu

  7. > @"grifflyman.8102" said:

    > All they need to do is give a renegade a spirit ability that grants a unique buff that gives stability. Since it's not a boon it won't be removed


    > @"Sabre.8251" said:

    > I laugh every time a Revenant dies as Resistance is kind of the only way for a Revenant to handle Conditions.


    God damn.

    Just hurry up and turn resistance into an effect, not a boon, so that it's not corrupted by scourges or recycled permanently by mesmers.

    Do it with stability, too.


    [... getting major dejavu...](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/231053#Comment_231053 "... getting major dejavu...")


    ~ Kovu

  8. Banners _are_ one of the things I wish would be readdressed. I mean, I don't feel bad for warriors since the newest expansion, they're hardly the profession that needs the most help in wvw. That said there are three issues with banners.

    * They're basically a kit that turns your weapon skills into subpar alternatives.

    * They're static once you place them.

    * Their passive effects are only in effect whilst the banner is planted in the ground, at which point they're about as useful as ranger spirits. (i.e. not)


    Thus the solution I would suggest would be something along the line of:

    * Once the utility skill is activated, instead of holding the banner the visual effect would be along the lines of having the banner strapped to the warrior's back.

    * The passive effect is always active, so long as players are within the radius.

    * Modify warrior profession specific abilities ('f' skills) or weapon skills to have additional effects based on the banner the warrior is wearing. These effects would need to be minor, considering that the warrior is already granting stats to nearby allies. Or perhaps this is not even needed.


    That's a big no on battle standards reviving lords, however. That was dumb.


    ~ Kovu

  9. 2nd place doesn't drop a tier. 3rd place does.

    Servers are selfish. And why shouldn't they be, its a competitive game. Picking on the weakest server to guarantee you won't drop tier is what we're all often going to do, even if we don't outwardly admit to it.

    The desire to not drop a tier severely outpaces the desire to gamble to try and finish first in a matchup, especially in T2 where the 'winner' graduates to fighting Blackgate.


    ~ Kovu

  10. If, for example, they made skins that could be purchased for guild claims on camps, towers & keeps I would spend real money to purchase those skins. A cosmetic uplift and some daily changing aesthetic diversity is something that I feel would help keep the game feeling that much fresher.


    Though not at the expense of the gameplay. If introducing skins to the maps themselves introduces game affecting bugs and/or causes noticeable lag I wouldn't be in favor of such a change. Moreover, these sorts of changes shouldn't happen _in place_ of updating the gameplay and mechanics itself.


    Good idea, OP.


    ~ Kovu

  11. Necromancer and all of its elite specs has always been ranger's easiest fight. All other classes have enough range to counter or obscene mobility to close.

    So yeah. Okay. If they (scourges) close and shit on you with 14 conditions you're pretty much effed on core ranger or soulbeast, but at that point you've already put yourself at a disadvantage.

    _Unless you're playing a melee-only ranger. But if you're really doing that you'd save yourself a lot of effort by just uninstalling the game._


    Rangers are pretty much the answer to Necromancers. Which is nice, we're not the definitive answer to anything else.


    ~ Kovu

  12. So what I'm hearing is right now we have the ability to organize unofficial gvgs in guild halls using the _pve_ rules/skills set, and this new option will open up the ability to organize gvgs in this new arena or w/e using _pvp_ rules/skills set.


    Could we, perhaps, switch the guild hall over to wvw rules & skills?


    ~ Kovu

  13. Is nobody else here blown by the fact that a wvw thread got an Anet response in _5 minutes_? Entire server/matchup threads come and go without being closed these days.

    Anywho, it'd be neat to have the _guild_ put back in Guild Wars 2. I hope these updates extend to the wvw rules set.


    ~ Kovu

  14. With the exception of condition-based mesmers and thieves I don't see conditions being too much of an issue in the small scale.

    If the general opinion is that conditions are too potent in larger fights, but alright in small scale skirmishes then the obvious solution is to expand on grifflyman's idea and increase the number of targets condition removal skills effect, and change some personal condition removal skills to also pull a condition off of allies.


    ~ Kovu

  15. I have some thoughts on steamlining drops to help micromanage WvW inventory clutter on the go and in general:


    - Killed enemies or NPCs that drop specific equipment should instead drop the equivalent Unidentified Gear.

    - Embroidered Belt Pouches to drop Masterwork or Rare Unidentified Gear, (unless they drop a named exotic,) in addition to their resource drops.

    - Loot Boxes and other items providing non-named gear via reward track advancement should instead drop the equivalent Unidentified Gear.

    - Un-account bind traps & tricks. There's no economical reason for these items to be account bound.


    Introduce a World Ability Point Economy Management reward track that would unlock several options specifically for wvw.

    - Create a separate Tab/Sidebar in the inventory for WvW-related items, such as siege blueprints and traps & tricks. It wouldn't hurt to bake the Permanent Portable Provisioner item and its benefits into that tab, as well.

    - Automatically sell junk items at their value upon aquire. (Such as spikes and dandelion blossoms.)

    - Automatically have the contents of any **account bound** item, (such as a bags of coins, embroidered belt pouches or loot boxes with no selectable items via reward tracks,) opened and contents placed in your inventory/bank.

    - Reveal an option in the Game Menu > Options > General Options menu that would automatically open non-account bound items that drop strictly materials, gold or other currencies such as Heavy Loot Bags upon acquiring them. This would need to be optional.

    - Autoloot should probably relocate here, as I'm sure down the road the option to purchase Path of Fire recipes, sigils and runes will be added to the Provisions Master reward track.


    I would be interested in hearing further thoughts and feedback.


    ~ Kovu

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