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Posts posted by Kovu.7560

  1. > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > make gates immune to normal attack like walls. and contest equals damage by siege only.

    > >

    > > no more tapping problem and you know it's really enemies sieging by having siege hit the structure.

    > >

    > > also, guards and archers dont spawn until sieges do damage. and once the keep or tower is contested, continue what worked as before.


    > And what if 5 enemies are already inside and attacking the Lord...


    If you haven't noticed a place is under attack until they're on lord, that's on you. If they hide a mesmer inside, that's on you.

    But if you want to make the lord an exception to the rule I guess that'd be okay.


    Inb4 ranger/elementalist lord-tapping meta.


    ~ Kovu

  2. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > contest equals damage by siege only.


    There we go. I was wondering if someone else would put fourth the idea I was thinking of.

    Sorry, but I happen to agree that one person aggroing some guards keeping a waypoint closed is a silly mechanic. I understand some people enjoy doing it, and by all means continue to play with the tools given to you, doesn't change the fact that its completely butt-fuck retarded.


    ~ Kovu



  3. I haven't played GW1 so I'm not too up on my dwarven lore in this setting, but I've played a lot of dungeons & dragons and have participated both in sieges and general combat in underground dwarven cities and the tunnels connecting them.

    I actually got kind of excited when I saw the trailers for the desert borderland map because I really liked the design of the fire keep area.


    A large underground city carved out of a mountain with lots of interconnecting tunnels connecting larger open areas is a concept for a map I'd really enjoy. But then that's the d&d in me.


    ~ Kovu

  4. SoS runs blobs rivaling Blackgate and gets carried by Blackgate's backcapping of the third server's (desert) BL.

    Also FA had a higher kdr than SoS last week despite having far less kills & deaths (participation) overall. With the exception of the mag-cloud, (that's what we're calling it, right?) The fatter servers usually have the higher kdr due to their constantly running over smaller groups.


    I'd say stack a third server to lock T1, but with the system we have now we'd have to face that server every other week and IMO T2~3 have it pretty good right now. T1 can continue to just be a two-server matchup, I guess.


    ~ Kovu


    edit- That said, it'd be nice to see SoS shit all over BG because it'd be nice to see _any_ server shit all over BG. So by all means, stack SoS. If any server's going to give you that precursor its going to be Blackgate.

  5. "Don't spam skills" is weak advice in a game where you need to use your skills (character abilities, not personal competence) to participate in a fight. Whether you're mindful of the ability you're using or not doesn't change the fact its interruptible, and couple of classes have access to an obscene amount of interrupts.

    _Of course_ you're going to use your skills, and that's what makes interrupt-heavy builds such a pain in the butt to fight.


    ~ Kovu

  6. > @"Shadowcat.2680" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > @"Artaz.3819" said:

    > > > 4. Soulbeast - two variants/both solid in solo roaming

    > > They are? From what I have seen when roaming, soulbeasts are nearly nonexistant. I mean sure there are soulbeasts running around in random builds but they dont stand a chance against the top roaming specs IMO. I havent even been able to pick out any particular variants. Druids seem more common and become far more dangerous when you reach small scale/random group of people sizes due to their insane tankiness and support.

    > >

    > > Hell I would put a condi scourge in full zerg gear as better for roaming above a soulbeast.


    > Soulbeasts delete scourges at a 1500 range.


    > I'd put soulbeast above druid for roaming. The soulbeast (if running gazelle) has superior mobility to a druid and higher damage output. A soulbeast is also deadly to stealth-reliant roamers with the way the shouts function in beastmode (the shout Sic 'Em applies reveal at a 2,000 range with the effect originating from the soulbeast itself and the damage buff from Sic 'Em gets applied to the soulbeast).


    You don't need SB to utilize Sic' Em. Don't downplay the murderous potential of [druid](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ancestral_Grace "druid") [kiting](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smoke_Cloud "kiting"), [CC](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ancient_Seeds "CC"), [sustain](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Druidic_Clarity "sustain"), [healing](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rejuvenating_Tides "healing") [and](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celestial_Shadow "and") [stealth uptime](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lunar_Impact "stealth"). Not to mention they're a lot less micro-managy, what with having to swap out of beastmode to swap pets. These days on ranger its less about out-DPSing your opponent and a lot more about getting them to chew through their defenses before you chew through yours. SB does win in the burst department, but against scourge I'd prefer to bring a Druid.


    ~ Kovu

  7. I unknowingly glided into three guilded roamers the other day. Of course they killed me and one of them (an engineer) threw a ram down on me. I continued to watch them and saw that they were heading in the direction of north camp. I was doing guild missions with about 6 guildies at the time so I called to the guild that those three were going north camp. We killed the three of them at north camp with 7. I threw a ram down on the engineer.


    It. Doesn't. Actually. Do. Anything.

    It. Doesn't. Actually. Mean. Anything.


    What goes around comes around. No need to add salt mechanics.


    ~ Kovu

  8. What has value in the view of one player differs from that of another player. I place no value in a player running around the open world flaunting a pvp diamond next to their name, nor do I really care about a player pinging their raid legendary unlock in Lion's Arch. I don't especially care whether someone in WvW has only been playing a few months and has bronze next to their server rank or if they're an EotM hero with a diamond rank. I don't care if people have done world completion 8 times, have all of these crazy fractal unlocks, a full instance full of nodes, a guild full of 500 players, 32 character slots, a toon full of legendary gear or a crazy griffon skin.


    If by "prestigious" you mean "wealthy" than yeah, unlocks, gold, mastery & achievement unlocks, resources, gem/gem unlocks -- basically the things gw2efficiency keeps track of. But personally its the time I spend playing the game with others and if I MUST pick something worth value in-game the ability to access stat-changeable equipment would be my #1 pick.


    ~ Kovu

  9. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > @"FlOwMaKeRs.8623" said:

    > > Like, Mounts that can help us destroy walls or towers , A great war elephant or something like that... More deploy siege weapons...

    > >

    > > I'm already bored of seeing the same thing always... EBG is already old and boring, map needs a remake of graphics, details and textures... More buildings. also etc..


    > I really do like ESO's RvR map. Has good textures and even some pve in it's vast open terrain. Ewwww pve? I just like the pve/PvP blend it's map has.


    Whenever Anet puts in pve interaction, (orbs, quaggan/pearls, ruins, mobs causing rallies, laser event to name a few,) people bitch until they're removed. Skritt/Centaur events are a legacy events which are still on the maps because their locations have no strategical bearing, don't interfere with any fights and would require resources to remove rather than just leaving in place. Which really sucks, the laser event made for some fun roaming/skirmish fights 'cause that crap's the only thing in this game that forced a zerg to split up. I suspect the Skritt and Centaurs would've been removed ages ago had those mobs been able to attack and flip NWC & NEC respectively.


    So yeah, wvw players don't get to bitch about not having more pve elements in their gamemode.


    ~ Kovu

  10. I find that running around Verdant Brink tagging events during the day is especially productive both for farming Pact Crowbars (which you can't buy) and HoT mastery experience.

    Throwing on [Experience boosters](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Experience#Experience_modifiers "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Experience#Experience_modifiers") and farming the mobs during the events in Dragon's Stand (which are all trash mob heavy) is also a decent way of getting experience, if that's all you're after.


    ~ Kovu

  11. > @"LaFurion.3167" said:

    > 3) Has this type of "wvw roaming" (which it isnt, by the way.... -_-) made other classes very very unviable to roam, unless you have access to very specific skills? The answer is undeniably yes. There are far less necromancers and guardians roaming than there are mesmers, thieves, **rangers, and holosmiths** (all of who utilize stealth + gap closers/escapes to remain roaming viable).


    I see a lot more spellbreakers, berserkers and even core warriors roaming around in wvw than holosmiths or rangers. They may lack stealth, but don't underestimate their damage immunity options, (both physical and condition), stability, health regeneration, damage, lockdown potential and mobility.


    The various thief specs are annoying and a little too potent in roaming situations, I agree, but IMO the Mirage spec is the true offender.


    ~ Kovu

  12. I mean, yes. The OP is right.

    However the drop rate for that item from the BLC is not stellar and the contents are only 3/5ths of 1/4 of that which you require for the Gift of Insights, which itself is the least time consuming part of the Gift of Maguuma Mastery, (unless you can already afford the Bloodstone Shard).

    Honestly if the ingredients for Fulgurite (apart from obsidian) were obtainable from that BLC item I might actually consider pulling out the credit card and do some gambling -- those ingredients are so. fucking. tedious. to farm. I don't feel like doing the same meta events over and over 30 times each.


    ~ Kovu

  13. Dumbest thing I've done?


    Well, when the Advanced Leather Rack and Cloth Racks came out I opened 11 chests with keys that had collected and sat in my bank. Got the Advanced Leather Rack. It was worth 2,200 gold on the trading post at the time. I consumed it. Liquidated a bunch of my bank and bought the Cloth Rack off the TP for completionists sake, 1,700 gold I really didn't need to spend.


    On a related note my account devalued several thousand gold with yesterday's BLC statuette introduction. Not going to pin that one on myself, though.


    ~ Kovu


    Edit-- Oh, hah! Yeah I've had alt account mishaps. Accidentally purchased 1,600 gems on an alt thinking it was my main. I can't remember what I was buying at the time but it wasn't giftable. Ultimately it wasn't worth my time to put in a ticket, I did eventually spend the gems. I've also gone through wvw guild rallies on unintended accounts. (I keep two accounts on the server I play wvw for, one on my laptop for scouting.)

  14. Its true. A quarter of one of my bank slots is filled with superfluous level boosters and birthday-related stuff I can't see myself ever using.

    Its unfortunate, but ultimately I didn't do anything to earn that stuff apart from owning the game, so I can't in good conscience complain about it.


    (The other three quarters are filled with Tomes of Knowledge, which I WILL bitch about down the road. >.>)


    ~ Kovu

  15. In my experience its more difficult to win fights with 'bruiser' stats these days because bunker/sustain builds have gotten more ridiculous since before the first expansion was released. To be fair, burst damage and condition application have gotten equally ridiculous, the bar has lengthened at both ends. You'll notice how much more difficult is to kill those tankier builds if you're running power-based-but-less-than-glassy stats. Zerker stats might make the difference on getting around all of that sustain, but then it might not before you yourself are killed. Keep in mind when I say 'tanky' builds I also mean builds that are more slippery or have lots of invuln/evade/stealth buttons.


    That said when roaming around on my ranger I tend to play with a mix of marauders and zerk. Some healing if on Druid. Full zerk and half the classes in this game two-shot me. Heck, mirages, berserkers & thief elite specs often still do.


    ~ Kovu

  16. I have 190(ish). I'll trade you all of them for your fractal spoon. =D

    Thrown a couple dozen hours at fractals over the last couple of years with no success.


    They should really cut back on the RNG and put that spoon at the end of a track, or something.

    Its understandably frustrating when you're sinking hours upon hours into a gamemode you're not really interested in and Gesus doesn't play fair with you.


    ~ Kovu

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