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Posts posted by Kovu.7560

  1. Those changes are suggested precisely _to_ make the traps useful in those roaming situations.

    No thief, (or mesmer) is going to stop what they're doing and prep a sandwich whilst waiting for you to put a trap down for them to walk through, and they're certainly not going to intentionally trigger it if they know its there. The suggested change would help counteract one of the advantages the kite-y classes have in a large open world setting.


    The stealth trap is currently useless in _all_ situations as no commander is going to call for stealth traps when the enemy blob veils.


    ~ Kovu

  2. Do away with the cast time, cut the supply cost in half, cut the cooldown to use another one in half, cut the radius by 2/3, cut the duration by 5/6ths, allow it to be thrown like a physical projectile.

    Lets face it, this is a trap we use in roaming situations to deal with stealth spamming asshats, not against enemy zergs. It should be treated as such.


    ~ Kovu

  3. I've been getting carried by my exotics scourge quite well for a couple of months now. :3

    (Though admittedly not against competent thieves & rangers.)


    Everyone has access to the same tools. If you want that extra 5~7%, earn it. Otherwise deal with the fact that 1/20th of the time you might lose a fight you'd have otherwise barely won. Honestly, I don't notice the difference. (I ran, of course, an ascended cele reaper prior to PoF.)


    ~ Kovu

  4. I play on FA, that shit happens more than it doesn't.

    That said, that doesn't make it the system's fault. The issue is with scouts and a guild's choice of when to have tactics set to public or otherwise.

    The points you make, while true, are no less relevant with the current system's 'private' tactics, I don't see how adding a third option to help with managing griefers would _hurt_.


    ~ Kovu

  5. > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > @Kovu.7560 said:

    > > Introduce a third option in addition to public and non public tactivators.

    > > Set it so that when a non guild player pulls the tactivator anyone in the structure's claimed guild on map has the option to confirm or deny the activation of that tactic.

    > > Boom. Solved.


    > > ~ Kovu


    > And what if they are afk?

    If the _entire_ guild is AFK, that's on the guild, not the system. Perhaps if that were going to happen the tactivator should then be set to public. Creative ways to troll your own server aren't legitimate counterarguments for improving the existing system.


    ~ Kovu


    Buuut I suppose if you need a way to get around that, put a small window on the tactic once someone not from the guild pulls it -- If the guild doesn't 'refuse' the activation within, say, 10 seconds have the tactic go off. If 10 seconds is too long for people pulling an ewp they've waited too long to pull it in the first place. Between ewp'ing into instadeath and being thrown to spawn 'cause the loading screen takes too long -- ewp's have been more of a waste of my time than anything.

  6. Introduce a third option in addition to public and non public tactivators.

    Set it so that when a non guild player pulls the tactivator anyone in the structure's claimed guild on map has the option to confirm or deny the activation of that tactic.

    Boom. Solved.


    ~ Kovu

  7. > @Trajan.4953 said:

    > LOL Wait... Kovu still plays this game????


    > Mind Blown


    Heh, yeah, like twice per week. I've been chillin on FA. I hear news about getting the old team back together. =)

    Anywho, this page, though.

    - Yes I still play this game.

    - No, I'm not a pve player.

    - No, my main isn't necro, its ranger.

    - Yes, I'm tired of the wvw subforum being full of salty people screaming for nerfs in regards to mechanics they don't understand.


    I eat necros for breakfast on my ranger. They are tasty. They're in fact one of the _easiest_ classes to kill. Its fun picking them off in wvw because their defenses and mobility are garbage, but often I'm told to get off my ranger in larger fights for other reasons. That said, no I don't like the current meta. Its not the conditions that necros can put out, its the boon stripping of both scourges and spellbreakers that has turned wvw zerg fights into a flush fest. If we're going to kick and scream at anet for not nerfing things that are out of control, at least pick the correct things to nerf.


    On a related note, I mean to give power reaper a try at some point, thanks to the buffs. Anyone got any feedback on that in a zerg environment post patch?


    ~ Kovu

  8. If I were to take a swing in the dark I'd guess that lower tiers generally have a slightly higher proportion of individually skilled players, but the higher tiers still have substantially _more_ skilled players. I only have personal and friend experience to go on, though.

    And lets be honest, are stealth condi spamming mesmers and thieves, bunker druids/engis, permaheal eles and resistance x2 endure pain permastun nike warriors really a fair measure of skill? I feel like this is the wrong gamemode to be having this conversation.


    ~ Kovu

  9. > @Svarty.8019 said:

    > > @Kovu.7560 said:

    > > Frequently the groups I play with opt not to cap something in hopes the defenders will return, organize and try to fight for it back

    > Aaaaand how many times has that actually happened?



    Non zero. Either it happens or friendly pugs capture the objective.


    ~ Kovu

  10. I'll admit to a bias. I'd rather the offensive team have more of an advantage breaking into structures overall. I play this gamemode for the large scale RvR fights, not to stand in front of a gate taking AC fire from 6ACs in addition to free-casters, or 10k range away alt+tabbed checking facebook whilst waiting for my guildies to utilize trebs to open a hole so in something so we can pick at what’s inside.


    Frequently the groups I play with opt not to cap something in hopes the defenders will return, organize and try to fight for it back – its better than moving on to the next structure to begin the 10min-to-an-hour process of breaking open a wall all over again.


    Yeah, okay, it promotes karma training. I don’t care. I’ll take some karma on the side with all of these fights I’m getting.


    ~ Kovu

  11. The last thing we want is for things to be easier to defend. T3 structures, especially those with a shitton of siege, are cancer and not fun.

    Offensive bubbles are one of maybe two viable options for breaking through an upgraded structure in under an hour -- the other being lucky enough to ninja down a wall or two. Well placed defensive siege is just simply not destroyable.


    Incidentally I've seen catapults disabled from the inside of their bubbles -- not sure if that works on shield gen bubbles. I'm all for active counterplay.


    ~ Kovu

  12. > @Coolguy.8702 said:

    > Thats a load of kitten, **try standing in 1 of their shades** and you'll notice at least 8 kinds of condis on you in a second.


    You know, there's a solution to that. Try not standing in one of their shades.

    Also, a shade skill that applies 8 conditions? Please elaborate.


    Scourge has the least sustain of any necro spec.


    ~ Kovu

  13. I wouldn't be against an entire reward track with a reward of, say, 50 at the end. That's 6-8 hours for a few extra tickets, for those who want those instead of the stuff other tracks grant. It technically kills the timegate but still keeps people from just grinding out a shitton at once. Leggo rewards would still mean something.

    I wouldn't mind it being part of a wvw-oriented reward track along the line of the various ideas shared in [this](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/192463#Comment_192463 "this") thread.


    ~ Kovu

  14. Just set it up so commanders can have 1v1 pokemon battles to determine the outcome of skirmishes.


    Each commander has 20 pokeballs (their players). They select one player to throw into the pokemon stadium to take on enemy players, 1 at a time. When one player dies that player's commander throws in the next player, not giving the other player time to recover their cooldowns. Once one side's ~~pokemon~~ players have all died that side wins the skirmish and everyone on both sides gets a shitton of free stuff.


    That way server population doesn't matter at all, either side can still win based on the overall skill of their side's players, and commanders can take advantage of type advantage. Like how guardians have type advantage over thieves. And how mesmers have type advantage over rangers. And how warriors have type advantage over anything with a health bar.


    ~ Kovu


    edit- Oh, I like that idea about free stats on outnumbered maps. I always roam around outnumbered maps, I'll enjoy any advantage I can get against the enemy roamers/scouts.

  15. To add to the above post, Anz could do to be more easily defensible for the red team. It's basically the EBG karma bicycle. As it stands that place is waaay too exposed on all sides to the point where nobody even bothers with defending it. Durios isn't all that much better.

    Perhaps flip it (Anz) around and bake it into that cliff across the road in such a way that it can't be dropped into without gliding (or at all) -- not unlike Fire Keep. Negate the ability to scale to the top of that cliff to prevent easy sieging & desieging of Red Keep.


    ~ Kovu

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