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Posts posted by Kovu.7560

  1. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > Ya I've thought of a few categories that would offer unlimited dimishing return sinks for points.


    > Increased Magic Find,

    > 0-1k, 0-150%

    > 1-5k, 150-225%,

    > 5-10k, 225%-300%


    > Karma,

    > 0-1k, 0-30%

    > 1-5k, 30-40%

    > 5-10k, 40-50%


    > WvW reward track,

    > 0-1k, 0-10%

    > 1-5k, 10-15%,

    > 5-10k, 15-20%


    > You know, just utility stuff.


    I like this idea.

    I think the different things that may be affected could include:

    - Magic Find (specifically in wvw)

    - Karma Gain (in wvw)

    - WvW Reward Track Gain

    - Gold Find (in wvw)

    - WvW Experience Gain


    Defense Against Guards, Guard Killer, Mercenary's Bane, Siege Bunker & Siege Might are strictly numerical benefits as well and could be reworked to be exponentially costed, improving their current effectiveness but at a much higher cost. For example Guard Killer currently costs 70 points (1-4-10-20-35) to max out the benefit of +20% damage. One could instead increase the invested cost to 625 ranks for 30% damage at a rate such as 15, 50, 105, 180, 275. (Mind you I'm just throwing numbers out there, I'm not any good with exponential growths.) I wouldn't increase the numerical effectiveness of siege, though -- just the cost. These particular masteries don't provide much for utility or versatility so increasing the cost on them wouldn't alienate newer players with fewer ranks to throw around.


    Unrelated, introducing a new mastery revolving around gaining and maintaining participation & generating pips would make for a decent rank point sink. I would ditch the commitment pip and bake it into this track.


    ~ Kovu

  2. Could you post a picture of which wall you're referring to?

    I'm going to assume you were pulled by a Mesmer, as all other professions (to my knowledge) need line of sight to pull.

    The Mesmer pull is an [extremely generous aoe](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Into_the_Void "extremely generous aoe") on a relatively small cooldown -- I know mesmers who don't even use focuses _(foci? English is a stupid language)_ carry one around for this exact reason.


    The best thing you can do if you think a Mesmer is going to try and pull you is stand as far back as you can -- the pull doesn't go that far -- and if possible make sure you're not standing on a wall that has no lip at the end. If there are two mesmers, be prepared in case they coordinate a double pull.


    They may have allies throw CC up on the wall to daze/stun/fear etc. you once they pull, so have a stunbreak on your bar and be ready to dodge backward.


    ~ Kovu


  3. > @Cinnamonfox.4965 said:

    > > @Veprovina.4876 said:

    > > So what's the best motivational way of obtaining the legendary set?

    > >

    > > Get all the ascended pieces first, then make the legendary one by one or get one ascended piece, then make it legendary before buying the next ascended piece? :sweat_smile:


    > This probably depends a lot on how much having an ascended armor set (the precursor) means to you. The precursors are the cheap part of the cost, so if you do need a set of ascended, by all means go for a whole set first. However, if you do buy the precursor armor a lot in advance to upgrading them, make sure to remember that 1) you cannot stat swap it in the forge or it won't be a precursor anymore and 2) you will lose your runes when you upgrade them to legendary. For these reasons, and due to the masses of t6 materials needed taking some time to gather, I made mine straight to legendary level piece by piece.


    I'm in the same boat. Half of my armor is exotic, the other half is legendary. I'm upgrading my armor one piece at a time as the tickets become available and black lion chest salvaging the exotics for their pieces. Stuff's expensive, yo. But that's a good thing. _Legendary_ content _should_ be expensive and time consuming.


    ~ Kovu

  4. Depending on the effort involved (and how they look, I usually transmute anyway,) I may pick some up.

    I don't have the patience for doing map completion (for legendaries) more than twice, so neat looking ascended wvw weapons that hopefully only require wvw currencies & playtime to build would be a better alternative to the mostly exotic weapon sets I have now.


    ~ Kovu


    edit - though with that said, it'd be neat to have the option to upgrade them to legendary in a similar fashion to how we are able to upgrade the armor. Just throw on obscene wvw currency costs similar to the amount of time it would take to do pve map completion, (which is, frankly, the biggest timegate). The only people who would ever go for them are the people who invest that time into wvw, anyway.

  5. So, in point of order...

    When assaulting a wall with catapults at fairly close range I often throw a bunch of garbage siege build site blueprints up on the wall so enemy casters or AC users have more difficulty targeting our catapults with aoes, unless they're right on the edge of the wall. (I don't think it actually hinders their targeting, but it does make it visually more difficult.) Am I going to be warned for siege trolling if I continue to do this?


    ~ Kovu

  6. I'll admit I've been working with the ascended mistforged triumphant hero's armor from the getgo, so I'm not sure how one would go about upgrading the aesthetics should they opt to use the non mistforged version. I generally reskin my armor anyway, I'm not fond of most medium armor leggos. It'd be weirdly easy if it were a simple reskin.


    I'll refer some guildies to the thread later tonight if there's still any confusion.


    ~ Kovu

  7. This game has more projectile hate in large scale fights than any other game I've played. Good luck getting anything through without an unblockable proc. Relying to soulbeasts or deadeyes to pick off tanky dual endure pain (and heavy resistance) spellbreakers is a silly idea. Most scourges out there are running trailblazers and have 29348765 cleanses, too.


    ~ Kovu

  8. You know, I've actually been meaning to try this sort of thing out. I have the controller and the software, just never thought about putting time into getting used to controller controls. Most games I play with a controller.


    ~ Kovu

  9. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @AlbinoSnowWhite.4189 said:

    > > > @cpchow.7416 said:

    > > > WvW content release on its own schedule. (Soon) / (GW3) / (year 3k17)

    > > > 15 charrs.

    > >

    > > better not do a gw3. . id stop playing. they need to continue to do what Wow is doing. To come out iwth a new game, im not going to chase this. i spent thousands on this game. im not going to start all over again. Stop with this trash talk.


    > You've... spent.... thousands??


    > Man. That is the most distressing thing I've heard all day...


    > Go..


    > Out



    > Side..


    I mean, [i'm not surprised](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/291149 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/291149"). I've thrown 6k hours into this game and have probably thrown $200~300 at the gem store over that span (mostly in 2013). Its a little crazy to think I could buy a used car with the money some individuals have thrown at this game.


    ~ Kovu

  10. > @Ricky.4706 said:

    > in old D&D days, there was this spell called dispel, this skill had the ability to remove all your buffs and allow you to basically be one shot.....for competitive play it was agreed that dispel was not allowed and instant disqualification. A tournament would have been impossible without that rule - especially since at the time mages depended on buffs for protection, where as fighter class depended on armor.


    In 3.5/pathfinder, casters, especially arcane casters put up insane crazy buffs that fighters/rogues etc couldn't hope to match (even with obscene amounts of gold). Clerics could basically turn themselves into fighters whilst still being primary casters. Having some spells to counter that bullshit helped to put a bit of a leash on late level mage OPness and force them to not rely on all-day buffs to keep their shit afloat.

    You're talking about a system where as of about level 11~ mages throw save-or-die spells your way. Being able to shut down their shit so that the fighting types could actually stab them is a completely okay counterbalance in my book.


    Unless you're talking about anything before 3.5. I only played a couple sessions of 2nd edition before hopping on the 'nope' train. Holy hell was that system ever broken.


    ~ Kovu

  11. Back when trap _throwing_ rangers were a thing (and before the spike trap nerf along with trapper rune nerf) I used to drop poison, burning & bleed traps on the sentry point south of hills. I would hide around the corner and wait for someone to come and reclaim the sentry.

    Whilst attacking the guard they'd set off all the traps and then I'd come running in with another set of traps in hand (as they'd be off cooldown, back then spike trap didn't take a half hour to refresh).

    Got a lot of salt from people just trying to cap a simple sentry.


    I miss trapper ranger. =(


    ~ Kovu

  12. It was quite courteous of you to point out your thread on profession balance here. Not everyone frequents the entire forum.

    I happen to agree with Shirlias. It's a difficult balance, we don't want bunker builds to take over (like eles & druids did in pvp after HoT's launch), but on the flipside of the coin we don't want single attacks connecting for 15k+. (Certainly not from stealth.)


    ~ Kovu

  13. Certainly. My initial thought had it as a physical projectile as well, in addition to being blockable and dodgeable. More along the lines of a targeted thrown item, than a trap per se.

    There should definitely be counterplay. It would be neat to give wvw supply some minor combat utility that _everyone_ can access, especially if these effects can be used to counterbalance some of the elements that are more potent specifically in wvw due to the open world nature of the gamemode. Perhaps bind some improvements to a wvw mastery, like cast times, supply cost, cooldowns and effect potency or duration.


    Now I'm just letting my mind wander, though.


    ~ Kovu

  14. That's why I suggested to cut the duration be cut by 5/6ths. Though I wouldn't be against other nifty trap ideas. I was thinking about that earlier, actually. Countering the mobility of certain professions is an issue in this gamemode, so I was thinking a 'snare' trap to shut off the movement effects of mobility-based skills for, say, 6 seconds would be a nifty idea. Or perhaps a thrown net. Call it what you will.


    That said, I've never in the thousands of hours I've put into this gamemode in the past several years, had a commander or anyone in parties/squads suggest a stealth disabler as a countermeasure to enemy groups trying to sneak up on my own. And yet the other two tools have found their way into everyday use. ~~Except on FA where no pug can afford disablers apparently.~~


    ~ Kovu


    edit-- and yeah, shadow meld would get around that. But, I mean, that's kind of why the skill exists.

  15. > @OriOri.8724 said:

    > Instead of buffing it back up, why not try nerfing the ridiculous condi application instead?


    Pretty much my feeling on the matter, too. You shouldn't counter offensive power creep with defensive power creep, and damaging condition application shouldn't be as spammable as it is.

    Address specific professions that are overtuned with their condition application, (or those with forgiveness in their condition application, such as dropping conditions then slinking away in stealth whilst they tick,) instead of nerfing everything including the effects of conditions apart from damage which Kokomi has depicted.

    Perhaps introducing some more changes that allow condition _damage_ to be mitigated somewhat would help the matter, as well.


    Though with that said, honestly, I wouldn't be sure where to begin.


    ~ Kovu

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