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Posts posted by Kovu.7560

  1. Snap to target is a crutch that'll bite you in the arse.

    You need to lead with your attacks or you'll miss.


    That said, someone needs to make a gif of a finger rolling back and fourth along the 'f' keys and tacking the 'Scourge' caption onto it.


    ~ Kovu

  2. > @"MadBomber.3719" said:

    > SOS probably already queues 2-3 maps a night. FA probably queues 1-2.


    FA doesn't que anything outside of reset, it sustains its coverage through above par ocx and solid sea.

    But yes, stacking the more populated servers would be kind of silly.


    ~ Kovu

  3. People, if any more people join FA we'll be > @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

    > ![image](https://i.imgur.com/gLytENE.png)


    > / Picture worth more than 15 char


    Yeah, that FA had the fewest kills and deaths thus lowest participation due in likelihood to being the smallest server during the first 32 hours of a matchup, when all of the servers are all likely to be at their most active, involving two Alpine servers hellbent on not hitting each other and putting waypoints on the desert server's side keeps.


    I'm actually impressed FA's kdr did as well as it did in that first day and change.

    Good bags, though.


    ~ Kovu


    edit- Oh, and Chaba's post.

  4. > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

    > You guys are ticking +245 atm.


    Wow, that's above the old-school average. Here on FA we haven't seen 200+ in aegis.

    Moving to SoS is like a $25 investment. To put that into perspective PoF is $30. Be sure you're done with JQ before moving on. It sounds like they have plenty of people in the timezone you play.


    ~ Kovu

  5. > @"Bee.9217" said:

    > There is not really a better game out there, since GW2 we have played AA and BDO both with pay to win cash shops. With all the faults GW2 does have our guild had some great times in this game, we met lots of people who fought with us and against us.


    Its nice to have someone around with that kind of perspective. =)

    Waay too much bitching about the game's perceived imperfections goes on in this subforum.


    Like my personal favourte, the obstructed-when-trying-to-use-a-ranged-weapon-at-point-blank-range bug. It makes me really salty. =<

    This isn't Fire Emblem. You can shoot the guy fucking next to you.


    ~ Kovu


  6. If cashing out were a thing, in my opinion, only one tick worth of pips & reward track should be granted, participation should be reset to 0 with a 5 minute lock on the ability to gain participation.

    Otherwise people who participate in large scale battles would cash out after every tick and be back up to T3+ before the next tick, effectively doubling their rewards.


    edit- wow, okay, I see you guys have covered this already. Glad we're on the same page. Also, this thread is ancient.


    ~ Kovu

  7. Join SoS.

    If your goal is "getting to number one" joining any other server will likely frustrate you due to lack of coverage and ability to compete in the ppt game in T1.

    If anyone's going to take a week from BG, it'll be SoS. But as someone playing on the third server I can tell that even SoS is a farcry from having BG's consistent coverage.


    Best of luck.


    ~ Kovu

  8. The initial effect could be toned down. Maybe have it strip 3 boons initially + 2 for every second you remain within the bubble afterwords. Reduce the cooldown to 60 seconds so that its a little more readily available and give warriors a little more AOE potency (without further touching the elements of the profession that make them overtly potent at roaming).


    It _is_ too much for a single button press.


    Of course I'm still of the opinion Stability, Quickness and Resistance should be their own effects, not boons -- so that those effects aren't easily removed or corrupted but cannot be chained to last forever. I would be alright with warrior farts if this were the case.


    ~ Kovu

  9. Don't do this. Awful idea.

    Blackgate & Maguuma will abuse this item so hard by pulling out their credit cards, buying up a bunch of these and then using them to allow people to bypass their three digit ebg que by popping these and then alt+f4'ing to allow those players onto the map before returning to the map themselves.

    Do you want 200 player zergs? Because that's how you get 200 player zergs.


    Seriously OP, think before posting threads like these.


    ~ Kovu

  10. > @"Bellefon.1259" said:

    > > @"YTKafka.4681" said:

    > > I agree, my guild still uses stuff similar to support/condi Scourge and tons of times Transfuse and Well of Blood will save important people from certain death. Plus Transfuse procs TWICE on scourge because each pulse is considered to be "Going in Shroud" so with a hidden ICD of 4 seconds but a shroud duration of 7 seconds you can pull people twice as far. That's not even talking about the revival on Well of Blood and the fact that transfuse pulses heals to nearby allies.

    > > Finally ALL of this kitten doesn't even include barrier which is also based around healing power. Scourge barriers are CRAZY and healing scourge is even crazier.



    > It works a little different than that. F4 will activate transfusion, but not going in/out of shroud (only F5 activates in/out shroud traits). Transfusion pulses 9 times, with 2% revival/pulse for a total of 18% revival for that duration. But the real power is also traiting Ritual of Life, so that when you revive you activate a Lesser Well of Blood, which revives 7%/pulse for 5 seconds for a total of 35% revive.


    > So what you can do in a 5 second window is F4 to teleport (includes 2%x5sec = 10% revive, putting aside the final 4 seconds to remain in the 5-sec window) and then start to rez (active healing + the 7%x5sec = 35% revive). Additionally, if you have enough life force to activate F5 and are traited in Life from Death, you provide a 10% revive at the end of the 6 seconds when you come of shroud, while giving yourself a barrier to provide more protection while enemies bomb you in the rez location, so F4 + F5 + rez can be very effective.


    > If you teleport multiple allies, while you can only actively rez one at a time, they all get the benefit of both pulse revivals. If they still have a majority of their downed health, you stand a good chance of getting them all up unless you have to back off due to your own health.


    > You usually don't want to use Well of Blood itself as a heal utility during this tactic. While it benefits from Ritual of Life as well, the 1 second cast will slow you down too much from the business of providing an active rez in addition to the trait's revival power.


    Incidentally I've been meaning to ask, is downstate pulse healing affected by outgoing healing effectiveness such as the monk's rune or rice balls?

    Where is healing power actually effective, and where are the numbers static? Can you play an effective transfusion spec with strictly offensive stats (no healing power)?


    I've been getting a fair bit of mileage out of transfusion. Saved a lot of people and even pulled the driver out of the fire with it once in SMC lords room (though I subsequently died). This traitline makes me wonder why I ever tried making use of SnR on ranger. (Single digit cooldown, multi-target, always works, doesn't hog a utility slot, synergizes well with other traits and you aren't forced to actively revive as the healing pulses. Why in the blue hell did I ever use SnR.)


    ~ Kovu

  11. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > Wait.. so now we're allowing even rangers to join?

    > How far you've fallen Mag, how far you've fallen...


    I will fuck you up. From 1,500 range.


    Or 1,800. Or 2,400. Honestly, it depends who you ask and how many rangers they've died to that day.


    ~ Kovu

  12. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > I mean, technically you can mow your lawn with scissors


    Hey don't poke fun. When I moved into my new place I had to cut my lawn with lawn shears twice before getting out to pick up a lawn mower.

    They could increase the stances to affecting 10 people and grant the full duration to allies, I'm still not sure people would want a Soulbeast in their party over any type of Guardian or GW~~**E**~~N in general.


    ~ Kovu

  13. > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > make gates immune to normal attack like walls. and contest equals damage by siege only.

    > > > >

    > > > > no more tapping problem and you know it's really enemies sieging by having siege hit the structure.

    > > > >

    > > > > also, guards and archers dont spawn until sieges do damage. and once the keep or tower is contested, continue what worked as before.

    > > >

    > > > And what if 5 enemies are already inside and attacking the Lord...

    > >

    > > If you haven't noticed a place is under attack until they're on lord, that's on you. If they hide a mesmer inside, that's on you.

    > > But if you want to make the lord an exception to the rule I guess that'd be okay.

    > >

    > > Inb4 ranger/elementalist lord-tapping meta.

    > >

    > > ~ Kovu


    > Tapping keeps and making waypoints unusable is very annoying and frustrating and I wish it would be changed. But it also serves an important function to help with scouting. Removing one part of that mechanic, in this case hitting guards and making it based only on siege damage would only hurt defenders and especially when outnumbered and unable to have people actually standing in a keep scouting it.


    > Many times, scouts are mobile, they are doing other stuff on the map and they look around for swords to see if anything is contested to check it out. It is very easy to miss something especially if you take out the Guard mechanic.


    As a part-time scout I would honestly _prefer_ to have fewer white swords on the map to have to bounce around between. At least I would know if something had white swords it meant it was legitimately under attack in some way -- and not just some pve'er who popped the guards for a daily.


    ~ Kovu

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