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Posts posted by Kovu.7560

  1. Perhaps I will. They have buffed sharpening stone, like, 3 times since I last played a condi ranger. Perhaps its viable.

    I'll have to invest in a new set of armor though, all of my legendary stuff is on my necro as I'm pretty committed to power specs on my ranger.

    I'm going to assume Skirmish 3-3-1, WS 1-2-2, Druid 1-1-3?


    ~ Kovu

  2. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > I'm currently having fun and being very successful as a survivalist Trap Druid focused into healing/condition/vit/toughness...


    > Can beat most classes easily, resistance spam warrior on the other hand is a little tough but can be kited with staff. The key is getting someones attention, running away and getting them to hit your traps then coming back to lay out the stuns and fears before they can cleanse or react properly.


    > You can also play games with people, pull out a merchant and pretend to afk on your traps. Someone always comes and attacks or laying traps on route to a sentry near a sentry, the traps hit someone and down them, the npc gets the kill and you're on the other side of the map


    Hah. Hilarious! [i did stuff like that years ago.](http://s10.postimg.org/k6sue4ivt/stalkingprey.jpg "s10.postimg.org/k6sue4ivt/stalkingprey.jpg")

    Not so much since the expansions came out and ranger traps are actually _worse_ than they were (trap-throw nerf, spike trap nerf, trapper rune nerf, general power creep etc).


    ~ Kovu

  3. If you want to kill a druid bring CC, if you're running condi bait out their Druidic Clarity and then have fun.

    Its a really powerful elite spec slapped on the shittiest base profession, I'd say it comes out in the wash.


    edit- I'm not even sure why empathic bond exists anymore. If you're letting conditions tick 80% of their potency on you you're probably dead.


    ~ Kovu

  4. I mostly play with my guilds, and more for the social and organizational aspect -- but communities are the antecedence of my guilds, so I would definitely argue that communities sustain the game more than guilds, especially 5 years into the game where there are fewer people to pull from.

    Wvw will continue long after guilds live or die.


    ~ Kovu

  5. Fair enough, but it still says it exists, and that you can get the mini version for hitting level 60. Is this still true?

    If so, why are these not more readily accessible? The mini versions should be rewarded as either track reward progress and/or rank up chests. Something wvw-specific.


    ~ Kovu

  6. Mesmer, Thief, Warrior, Ranger, Engineer.

    You'll note that 4/5 of those have stealth access and the fifth is basically a truck.

    They're all mobile and all have access to solid options for at least 900 range attacks.


    While four are interchangeable, the mirage spec is basically in a league of its own right now.


    ~ Kovu

  7. Cut back on their mobility though, they're able to move around the field and kite in combat FAR too effectively.

    Perhaps buff the staff and some? It doesn't heavily outshine all other necro weapons for some reason. Nerfing the other weapons is also an option, starting with dagger and warhorn.

    Also, give necros some stealth access. Maybe 1 second for every condition they apply? Nothing says 'good morning' like 8 condis to the face from nowhere. But not too much stealth though, we don't want the potency of those 8 conditions to rival mesmer & thief stealth & shatter bursts.

    Maybe remove that single stack of stability they get from that one scourge skill, its completely destroying the meta and changing the game. How are warriors going to use one of their fourteen stun/dazes if that necro negates its effect?

    Finally, increase the cast time of their heal skills, those are a little too easy to get off in the middle of a fight. Those skills should be heavily interruptible.


    Anet, please pin this thread. Its useful, insightful and should be at the top of this subforum so that all players can easily see and share their input.


    ~ Kovu

  8. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > the whole reward track thing was a waste of Dev time. The same effect could've been had by just raising the vendor price for a spike.


    Eh. You get quite a bit from reward tracks, especially the mats from the Istan one.

    If they wanted a system where junk items replaced all of income from reward tracks they'd really have to SPIKE the price.







  9. > @"draconicrose.6213" said:

    > I like reward tracks. I feel like **they give me a reason to play WvW.**


    That's actually kind of sad.


    > @"Elementalist Owner.7802" said:

    > Rewards are fine value-wise, I'm just tired of cleaning my inventory every 5 minutes. Just give us loot bags, pls stop filling my inventory with blues/greens.


    [i've actually made some suggestions in the past on how to deal with the issue of inventory management in the past.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20706/streamlining-the-inventory "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20706/streamlining-the-inventory") If all wvw threw at you was loot bags they'd lose some of their value. There does need to be some level of variety in the rewards the gamemode provides.


    ~ Kovu

  10. > @"xDudisx.5914" said:

    > Merge bleed and torment into only one condition. Merge chill and slow. Reduce the number of condis and make it easier to clear.


    Not the worst idea I've heard, actually. A lot of issues with cleansing conditions is not being able to cleanse the nasty buried conditions. Nobody bitches about burn guards, but some of my firebrand buddies talk about how their recorded arcdps often rivals scourges if those stacks of burning manage to get parked behind a bunch of other conditions. One of the biggest gripes people have with scourge is the sheer number of individually-low-potency conditions they're able to throw on you steady without any downtime.


    ~ Kovu

  11. Don't you guys have alternative guilds to claim with?

    3/5 of my guilds are wvw-oriented, two are pvx, no more than two are running in wvw at one time and all five have all of the upgrades that I can use.

    Join another guild. Use that guild to claim camps. This really shouldn't be an issue.


    ~ Kovu

  12. Ranking up in wvw, or opening skirmish chests from the pip reward system will grant you an item called Testimony of Heroics.

    Use that item to purchase scrolls of heroics via the Heroics Notary vender at each spawn location.


    Central Tyria scrolls of heroics will complete 1 random hero challenge in the base game's maps, a scroll of maguuma heroics will complete 1 random hero challenge on HoT's maps, and a scroll of desert heroics will complete 1 random hero challenge on HoT's maps.


    The base game's hero challenges grant 1 hero point, the expansions each grant 10 -- so as such the base game's scolls will cost 1 Testimony of Heroics whilst the expansions will each cost 10 ToHs.


    Its worth it if you prefer to just play wvw, or want to unlock hero points on alts without having to do map completion -- but if you don't wvw much its much quicker to unlock the hero points in pve, especially on expansion maps where the hero challenges are worth 10 points each.


    I'm awful at explaining things.


    ~ Kovu

  13. They need to rework how certain high mobility roaming specs deal condition damage, and increase the potency of removal abilities on certain **CORE** professions, but I feel like conditions on the whole aren't that big of an issue.

    I mean, if you get loaded up with 10+ conditions in a large scale fight you can hardly claim that conditions are OP because of that -- if these people were running power builds you'd still be dead. There's definitely a placebo effect at work here.


    ~ Kovu

  14. Trust me, necros aren't the only players having trouble with Mesmers. Yesterday me and two other militia were trying to fight a Mesmer but they were either invisible, reflecting projectiles or in evasion frames, whilst dealing damage with endlessly generated clones.

    Now I haven't played the new spec so I'm not sure how they pull that off, it would definitely be good to get some perspective. There isn't really any downtime with their attacks, they don't seem to have the same issues with cooldowns the other professions have. To top it off they're at worst the second most mobile classs these days.


    If I see a mesmer running the new spec I tend to just not engage. That said, mesmer perspective would be a boon.


    ~ Kovu

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