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Posts posted by Kovu.7560

  1. Thieves can literally keep up with mounts.

    Conditions from _any_ profession will generally have that player dismounted within a few seconds.

    Sword rev can dismount players. Heck, melee rangers can dismount players with smokescale teleport.


    You have options outside of longbow ranger, and no they won't work everytime.


    ~ Kovu

  2. There have been times I've tagged a lord for the loot and stood in the ring and haven't gotten credit for the capture. Weird and rare so I don't really talk about it, but it does happen.


    I think the devs should screw with the players for a few hours on April 1st and have capture rings tie to different structures/objectives throughout the map. Like capping the circle in southeast camp actually flips west keep, while capping north camp flips a ruin and capping garrison actually flips south camp. That sort of thing. The gamemode could use some anarchy. =)


    ~ Kovu

  3. > @"coro.3176" said:

    > I propose a challenge to anyone who thinks dismounts are in a good state right now:


    > * we both start mounted outside a southern tower in one of the borderlands

    > * we both start at the same spot, within 100 range of each other.

    > * If I can make it to the other southern tower, I win. If you manage to dismount me and catch up, you win.

    > * use any class except soulbeast


    > sound good?


    > *I say "dismount and catch up" because I don't think it counts if you dismount with condi, but the other player is 5000 units away from you by the time they actually are dismounted. Then they just cleanse to break combat and remount.


    -hops on thief or teleport rev-



    And, I mean, what's wrong with using condis to dismount? You can mount up and catch up fairly quickly whilst they're stunned from the demount and breaking combat.


    ~ Kovu

  4. I mean, I mostly agree.

    Though I don't think solo roamers will care about being dismounted too much -- if someone comes along and evens the playing field by dismounting the roamer and themselves the roamer will be at an advantage due (likely) to being more mobile. If a zerg were to come along and dismount the roamer, that speaks more to the roamer's lack of peripheral vision than the new mechanic.

    Thieves can outright keep up with mounts while unmounted, revs can teleport/burst (usually long enough to knock the player off of the mount), rangers can build for enough mobility in conjunction with their ranged attacks to deal with the mount's low health pool, mesmers just need to get off a small burst for a few conditions and then wait a couple of seconds -- It doesn't feel to me like the whole mounted thing has changed the roaming scene _all that much._


    ~ Kovu

  5. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @"Cronos.6532" said:

    > > Could you also add a net throw Trick (AoE targetted throw like Target Painter) that prevents a large number of players from mounting up without putting them in combat?


    > Yes, this is something we've thought about. The main thing I don't like about it is the user experience of trying to use inventory items. Especially during conflict.


    A wvw-specific inventory/UI is something many players have been calling for, for quite a while. Easy access to siege, shops (if you have the mastery) and tricks would be a big boon for the gamemode not only because it makes that stuff more readily accessible but it also helps to keep regular inventories less cluttered. If you want to take it a step further and allow players to hotkey specific items for on the fly use (such as traps or siege), even better -- but I imagine that would involve more programming than it would be worth.


    A guy can dream. =)


    ~ Kovu

  6. Just bake the dismount skill right into the chain pull (when used on players).

    Pull them right off their high hor-- cat. (And you.)


    I don't know why but I subconsciously feel the 3 skill should be a pull when used on players/NPCs. I suppose I'll blame Mortal Combat.


    ~ Kovu


    edit- Ah, I see that was already suggested but is difficult to implement. Shame.

  7. > @"coro.3176" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > I know mount-hate is the flavor of the month, but in this case I think its more the scrapper stealth duration that needs to be toned down.

    > > I _do_ find it amusing that with all of the talk about the overpowered aspects of certain thief & mesmer specs being able to stealth so much, that Anet's solution to give engi's an obscene stealth option is kind of funny.

    > >

    > > Give the game a couple years, soon the meme image XenesisII posted will apply to every profession/fight in the game.

    > >

    > > ~ Kovu


    > It's actually LESS stealth than it had before. It just doesn't have any indication of where the stealthed players are. Previously there was the gyro bobbing around as an approximate target. You could also attack the gyro to kill it and stop the stealth, or bounce any number of ricocheting projectiles off it to hit the scrapper in stealth.


    > I preferred that, tbh. The new stealth applies over a very short period and then stops. Sure, you stack a bunch of stealth, but you can only use it for 1 engage or escape.

    > The old gyro would reapply every 4 seconds, so you could fight over a longer period while popping in and out of stealth. Meanwhile there was counterplay in that your opponent could sort of see where you were and could kill the gyro.


    > I'd suggest less initial stealth, but a longer smoke field so that you can keep comboing it to extend the duration. This adds a teamplay aspect and as a bonus can't be done while mounted.


    My bad -- its just that the old gyro had about the durability of a mesmer clone so I always cleaved it out super quick.

    I was running with a scrapper the other night and he was frequently putting 15s~ of stealth on me with only 1 blast finish on my part. It was actually really nice for roaming as everyone and their mother's dog targets the ranger first -- so getting some big damage in before being pressured was neat.


    ~ Kovu

  8. I know mount-hate is the flavor of the month, but in this case I think its more the scrapper stealth duration that needs to be toned down.

    I _do_ find it amusing that with all of the talk about the overpowered aspects of certain thief & mesmer specs being able to stealth so much, that Anet's solution to give engi's an obscene stealth option is kind of funny.


    Give the game a couple years, soon the meme image XenesisII posted will apply to every profession/fight in the game.


    ~ Kovu

  9. > @"Krizek.5672" said:

    > An opinion of PVE player.


    > Since there was an event for double XP and of course Warclaw mount I have logged into the WvW. All the time I have heard "go back PVE players", "useless s***" and other encouraging things. When I asked for help how to improve only one, ONE person helped me, check metabattle. So I did and changed mine build. There are some tips how to play, but for the player who really dont have much experience with WvW it was a little bit confusing. I know something when I farmed 2 gifts of battle. So I asked again with mine build if I can get some tips for improvement. Nothing. Same talks "go home PVE" and kicked out of squad. I have farmed several Gifts of battle, event ended and most likely I will never show up again in WvW. Why? Well because of really toxic community over there and absolutely not helpful. I would say even more than in raids and thats something (at least in raids you have training groups). And I m not some beginner player, I play GW 2 since the launch.


    > So its only your own fault that people left. You had a huge chance how to keep more players, but with this behaviour you have just burned it.


    There are toxic players in every gamemode, let me help you down off that high horse.

    Since we're discussing personal experiences, try being a wvw player trying to get into raids. Its much worse since its an instanced gamemode with limited players. It just doesn't happen. Unless you know people.


    ~ Kovu

  10. FA didn't have any queues Monday evening, and the buff was still a thing then. (For perspective, they had 50 man queues on all maps the evening of the patch launch.) I'm sure that's a similar story to other servers.

    Pve'ers weren't really there for the buff -- they just wanted to snag their cat and get out.


    ~ Kovu

  11. > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > If anything I wish the mount 1 skill dismounted other players so that each player could start on a level plain. I know starting in melee range isn't exactly the best scenario for most rangers, but it think that change would be better for the game overall?

    > >

    > > ~ Kovu


    > Have you met [Power Soulbeast?](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Soulbeast_-_Sic_%27Em_Roamer) Using a variant of that build, I basically delete anyone in 1v1 unless they are really built for sustain, in which case they can't kill me either.



    I do (but with Dolyak stance for stab and Wolf Pack for for damage), quite a lot, and my point stands.


    ~ Kovu


    edit- That' not quite the build I play. I generally run x/warhorn for pressure on evasion & reflection spammers.

  12. > @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > Guys. Guys. Sniff is useful for scouting information for the rest of your team.


    > Except the minimap pings on use of the skill only appear for the user. And even if they did appear for others they disappear so fast (like 1 second) that no one would even realize something had appeared on their map, let alone be able to scroll it to see numbers and direction.




    It only appears for the user? Well damn and here I thought I had been useful to my team for the past week. Its certainly misleading that it "marks" an enemy.

    Disregard my previous post, then. Its pretty useless.


    ~ Kovu

  13. Guys. Guys. Sniff is useful for scouting information for the rest of your team.

    -- Especially if you run headlong into an enemy group -- now your team knows exactly where they are and where they're going without you having to type out details. I don't think the skill has a casttime either, as long as you press the button it should go off before you're dismounted.


    I had previously been using the throwable detection trap for that purpose. Now I've got a version with larger range and no supply cost. IMO Sniff is the most useful skill on the bar.


    ~ Kovu

  14. > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

    > With Soulbeast + Longbow you will dismount every player if he is in a range of 1500. Rapid fire + 2 Auto or with quickness and he will be down in 3 sec


    You're blowing longbow skills and probably a utility to shoot them off their mount which will put you at less of advantage going into the ensuing fight, but I have succeeded on this.

    100% of the time? No, they have three dodges and move faster than I -- but I _have_ been successful.


    If anything I wish the mount 1 skill dismounted other players so that each player could start on a level plain. I know starting in melee range isn't exactly the best scenario for most rangers, but it think that change would be better for the game overall?


    ~ Kovu

  15. > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > Apparently I can't edit "Lpvi" from my phone. I am Lpvi today.

    > > Its also worth noting rangers I talk to tend to get more about OH axe than mainhand axe these days. I haven't tried it myself yet, though.


    > When I can't get much off with my mh axe I just bait them in for my oh axe. I can actually just camp in axe and use pet for movement until it gets really ugly but you can get some pretty nice dmg once you bait them into it.


    I keep meaning to try it -- I just can't get over my addiction to warhorn. Between the boons, blast finisher, unblockable and synergy between wh4 + wolf pack I just get so much mileage out of it. Between mh axe and longbow being entirely projectile-based, sometimes landing a wh4 is the difference between killing a mirage or being killed _by_ it.


    ~ Kovu

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