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Posts posted by Kovu.7560

  1. Wait, why are they posting the wvw updates (using the word 'update' very loosely here) on twitter and _not_ the official forum's wvw subsection?

    That's certainly an interesting policy.


    Unrelated, up here in Canada snow days aren't a thing. Maybe I'll convince Trudeau to send some extra plows down to help out with the roads between Anet's place of employment and their houses.


    ~ Kovu

  2. > @"Jura.2170" said:

    > Blizzard and Arenanet are merging


    > So now there'll be a portal in the Mists to Azeroth



    ... well, since the new Kingdom Hearts came out a couple of weeks ago.



    ... well, until the new Avengers comes out in a couple of months.

  3. > @"dynomite.5834" said:

    > Gaile,


    > I remember well when the Devs used to give estimates, miss it by a week and the forum posters would crucify them. I like what one of the other posters here mentioned - just give some updates; no delivery dates, just updates


    Or even simple acknowledgement of the many long discussed points being recognized by the development team.


    "Hey, that's a good idea, we'll consider looking into it."

    "Unfortunately due to ________ its unlikely we could implement such a change/mechanic."


    People post some really good ideas here, and most of it is discussed by the populace, then forgotten about.


    One pinned post by the development brass per calendar season saying "hey we're still working on the thing, here are a few new things you can expect, you know, when its ready" (often with no follow-ups) with few actual substantial updates has left a lot of people rocking back and fourth in their chairs in anticipation for a very, very long time. Anticipation that often turns to angst and impatience compounded by those long months of radio silence. (That's NOT to say things should be rushed, just that a bit of chatter on the forum _would help_.)


    It may all be in our heads, but I can't really blame the people who feel like this gamemode is the black sheep of GW2.


    ~ Kovu

  4. > @"Chaba.5410" said:

    > Remember when we had a third-party forum for hosting match-up threads and then everyone who posted there basically quit cuz it got old and moved onto real-time flaming on discord?


    There was nearly no moderation, intentionally. Only a few things were taboo. That was the idea. Two years into that forum's existence few people were talking about the matchups anymore, instead flinging personal insults at each other. A lot of people enjoyed the banter, but that forum grew to be even less constructive than I expected. I haven't joined the discord for that reason. There's nothing really to be gained by matchup threads in that environment.


    > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > But mostly they were rude, crude, and socially unacceptable, a factor of Internet anonymity removing some people's self-filter and their impulse control.


    Nailed it. If people want to pull that stuff on some discord server unaffiliated with the game somewhere, they're more than welcome to. Not on the official forum. I'm done having my family insulted and being accused of practicing bestiality because people are salty I stomped them in game then poked them about it on a forum.


    ~ Kovu

  5. > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

    > I'd honestly rather that you got some kind of new mini events in middle of DBL, that let you control zones, and as long as you controlled them could get a mount (with the above limitations) to use until you disengaged. That way it could be more of a map mechanic/mobility. I dunno, collect dino eggs to spawn raptor hatchlings to ride ?


    A decent idea, but I feel like giving a heavy purpose to the pve events associated with the middle of the map would just cause players to get irritable.

    I'm not against people being mounted in their own territory, the people who are against this are likely the same people who thought gliding would break the gamemode.


    ~ Kovu

  6. Make an alt account at rank 0 and grind pips to diamond on it.

    I double doggie dare you.


    ~ Kovu




    > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > First of all, please stop calling yourselves Veterans for playing a video game. It is insulting to people who are actually Veterans.

    You _do_ realize the term doesn't just apply to those who've served in the military, right? It can apply to anyone who has a lot of experience with something, be it nuclear physics or an online computer game.

  7. Run zerk+concentration and offensive utilities, buff the crap out of my allies before engage and hope they can tank while I delete people from the back.(All while hoping an enemy doesn't decide to get smart and target the ranger in the back.) Usually longbow axe/wh.

    Once in a while I put on greatsword s/wh and pretend I'm a warrior, but well, I usually just get frustrated I can't facetank like a warrior for longer than the duration of dolyak signet.


    I usually bring a bird for mobility/swiftness and run either smokescale teleport/invuln WI or try for plasma RNG depending on my mood. Plasma on melee ranger is just too fun. You know. Until it runs out. Or you run into a necro. (Melee boonbeast isn't as great against necro as you might think as the first thing they do is corrupt your stability, in situations like that I tend to miss my longbow.)


    I see a lot of rangers running offhand axe, I'll probably give it a try at some point. I just like the pressure of wh4+wolf pack and if I wanted to counter projectiles 'till christmas I'd roll a guardian.


    I'm a very offense-minded player. I die a lot.


    ~ Kovu

  8. Make it toggle-able, like a lot of the stuff on the right-hand side of the screen.

    It does get kind of annoying when I tag a dragon banner and all of a sudden I have to scroll down my minimap to see if some of my boons are successfully cycling.


    Though it always amused me when people would intentionally run signets, stack boons, eat a dragon banner and put on as many black lion & laurel buffs they could find -- I'd click on an enemy and their clutter would run the whole length of the screen.


    ~ Kovu

  9. _All_ skills track stealth if they're used _before_ the target stealths. If someone uses a leap skill as a target is stealthing, it'll still connect. (Unless the stealther uses evasion frames, which the two stealthiest professions have lots of access to.)

    I wouldn't be against them applying some sort of "concealment" debuff to attacks targeting stealth, but it would need to apply to all attacks and stealth as a mechanic would need to be toned down.


    Attacks with long channel times against stealth seems cheesy -- but so does near permanently being _in_ stealth.


    ~ Kovu

  10. They should make a thief elite spec called 'bard' that specializes in stealing shittons of boons from enemies and granting them to allies.

    Want to win a fight? Bring a bard.


    I don't know why this thread made me think of that idea.


    ~ Kovu


    edit- Obviously the theme of the profession would be music.

  11. > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > > > Most mirages think they are not OP because they still getting curb stomped by a more OP soulbeast.

    > >

    > > Huh.

    > >

    > > > @"Thread" said:

    > > > Invis, **Invuln, Evade, Reflect, Block**, Teleport, Stealth

    > >

    > > The high uptime on the bolded makes it difficult, for even soulbeast.

    > >

    > > ~ Kovu


    > The mirages defending their OPness in the PvP forums think otherwise though.

    > One of their claims to their non-OPness is because boonbeasts counter them.

    > But they don't realize that it doesn't mean they are not OP just because there is a build/class that can defeat them.

    > Mirages are still overtuned. Like Deadeyes and Soulbeasts are overtuned.


    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/66881/how-do-people-decide-that-mirage-is-op-its-not-op-a-defense-of-the-cyber-bullied-class/p1


    Cool. Good for them. I wish I could invest in enough unblockable attacks on my soulbeast to get around their block & reflect uptime, to say nothing of their evasion & invulnerability frames. Give soulbeast 2 seconds of unblockable on _dodge_ and allow them to rapid fire or maul while dodging, then we'll talk. I sometimes do 1 pvp match for the daily chests. In case a pvp-only reward track I care about comes out down the road. My match yesterday was mirage, mirage, soulbeast, holo, guardian vs. a mirror'd comp. It was visual cancer. Mirages are clearly a far cry from obsolete, as some people are crying in that thread.

    People complain about passive defenses which is totally fair, though there _is_ such a thing as too many active defenses. Mirages cross that line. By quite a bit.


    Boonbeast needs to get toned down (namely the boon recycling traits) -- it doesn't hardcounter mirage. It's certainly capable of deleting chronos and core mesmers, but the latter isn't really a fair comparison. I don't keep up with the pvp meta, but I did catch this image dropped in that thread. I can't speak to the context or accuracy, but its something to think about.


    edit- To be fair this is all a subjective opinion from a ranger main. I actually have more difficulty fighting warriors and holosmiths due to their general tankiness, CC and ability to still put out heavy damage with tankier stats. Mirages are a clean #3 though.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/bmQ7gLn.jpg "")

  12. > @"Kilo.2539" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"Kilo.2539" said:

    > > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > > > @"Kilo.2539" said:

    > > > > > If I had to choose between losing to a soulbeast or beating a mirage I would choose the defeat. All I'm saying is, it's no fun to fight a condi mirage.

    > > > >

    > > > > That's kinda the point.

    > > > > even if something is OP. People would rather the OP thing exist as long as they arent annoyed fighting it.

    > > > > It is why mesmer and theif will always be targetted in the forum QQ. No matter the state of the builds they have

    > > >

    > > > I rarely say something is OP or needs nerfed but condi mirage is OP and needs nerfed. When someone defends mirage they're basically saying "I main mirage, and I like the cheesy wins"

    > >

    > > Here, here. Soulbeast is balanced.


    > Honestly I don't have any trouble with soulbeast on warrior. I have a harder time with skilled druids tbh.


    Its funny you'd mention that, as a ranger player warrior has been one of my worst 1v1 matchups since PoF, but nobody ever talks about how OP warrior is so I assume its either a ranger weakness or just me being bad. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Anywho, I'm one of those awful power boonbeasts that RNG's for plasma, and when I score it I stack the boons over and over again (fortifying bond, merge, WHaO) and then I'm just unkillable for 15+ seconds. Its great. Unless you're the enemy.

    Its super gimmicky, but it works. I won't be sad if it (**boon**beast, not the siamoth or w/e its called) gets nerfed.


    ~ Kovu

  13. These days I only play the game 1-2 times per week, pretty much exclusively wvw.

    The game has issues, the biggest probably being population imbalance (my server bounces to T1 every other week and those BQ blobs are something fierce,) but I make the most of it. I can understand the desire for updates, but its obvious this gamemode is the lowest priority of the developers and tends to have the fewest bodies dedicated to it. All we can do is make the most of it -- or move on if you're tired of it.

    I don't play the game enough to feel personally offended when my personal favourite gamemode doesn't get the most attention.


    I do feel the moderation here can be a little hefty at times (I actually had a post removed in the spvp forum once for putting it out there that people were whining too much) but the alternative of letting the place run rampant with insults and inter-server banter would be even worse. This is the official forum for an online game, those sorts of posts will turn new people away from the community and thus the game, regardless of the post's origin.


    ~ Kovu

  14. > @"GW Noob.6038" said:


    > wait around for other people to show up.

    Keep in mind this is a _multiplayer_ RPG. There's tons of solo-able content, but many events are intended to be completed with groups.

    I also find it annoying when there's some achievement involving a group event that only pops up once in a while and is often failed because there aren't enough players in the area -- but that's the nature of the game sometimes. There's often people around willing to help out if you ask.


    If you're just interested in things you can do by yourself, there's plenty of options on pretty much every open world map in the game. Actually this is probably the friendliest online RPG I've played with regards to how much high level content you can do by yourself, just due to how the game scales.


    ~ Kovu


    edit- Also, its kind of sleazy, but you can get credit for most events by 'tagging' them and moving on to something else, such as killing some related enemies or contributing to the event's objective. If you don't want to sit around waiting for allies to show up you can often just 'tag' the event and move on to something else while others complete the event. >.>

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