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Super Fuzz.4980

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Everything posted by Super Fuzz.4980

  1. > @"LetoII.3782" said: > > @"Super Fuzz.4980" said: > > I tried Piken Square which is T1, but it seems to be mostly PVERS? Haven't seen many open tags or guild activity despite it being T1. I also tried Desolation last week, and it's kind of dead. > > Somebody drank the EU koolaid > Had to, average ping dropped by 50-80 by moving to EU.
  2. Hello! I would like to join and learn fractals and raids if you are still recruiting!
  3. > @"Super Fuzz.4980" yeah when i'd have tht much average ping, i would try to restart the game here. u can be nearly sure that u will hve a better ping here. we even had NA players in EU, and quite some gone back to NA because the ping situation is just worse here for them. (ofc, for the night ppters who farm at 4am - 6am CEST this won't matter since nobody to fight anyways due to every sane person sleeping...) Thank you, I will give it a try. Any recommendations for a good EU WvW server? I see Desolation and FSP are open currently. I like blob fights but also comped havocing - so any servers with dedicated and competitive Guilds for that would be cool!
  4. > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said: > if your web and PC are good, in EU u shouldn't have big deals. i have potatoe PC and web (laptop and wlan) and it really only spikes periodically. in big battles, if threesomes and stealthpushing goes on, then for sure. but rarely complete crashes, despite my bad setup. like, i manage to get over 1,2k kills each week with this ... it's not too bad therefore. > > my ping is around 70-90, in blobfights can get surely way higher. weekend prime tends to be more laggy, bc simply many players online. our server has lots of UK players afaik, with no bigger ping issues afaik. (lagspikes are also to an extent due to anets potatoservers) Ahh, 70-90 sounds good. My average ping when just roaming in WvW is 70-150 - which I guess is bad?. So it seems like maybe I would get lower ping on EU servers.
  5. Oh wow, thank you so much for this. I did not know this so was getting frustrated.
  6. This is happening to me too only on Saturday evenings in WvW and PvP 8pm U.K time. I am on an NA server so I assume that is the middle of the day there and so peak time.
  7. Just block people and move on - and appear offline if you have any issues with friending or DM's from enemy players. There are toxic people in all games; just report it if appropriate and don't respond to it emotionally. If people grief you, they generally give up when they don't get a response out of you.
  8. I am running an i9 and 3080 too and the graphics look great to me. Sure, the base game graphics don't look as good and certainly show their age; but they are still good. I think the newer maps look great. I am using a 27 inch 1440p monitor btw.
  9. It would be nice to have another WvW tournament. It would also be nice to see some abilities added to the Warclaw. Maybe some kind of zerg combat based on Warclaw riding and new abilities?
  10. I regret buying the Halloween mount skins. I think they were some of the first skins to come out for mounts; and I just got overexcited. I never use them now and they are honestly ugly and kinda boring compared to some of the skins released since.
  11. The bots on the NA server in ranked are ruining the game. I've seen them as high up as Gold. ANET not doing anything about the bots actually encourages AFKing in players and other bad behaviour, since people get frustrated by the bots and also see ANET doesn't punish rule breaking.
  12. I do love WvW - but would like to see new maps and also more tournaments.
  13. Please can you bring back the cosmic mining/harvesting/logging tools to the Gem Store?
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