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Posts posted by Bloodstealer.5978

  1. > @"cyndelaq.7148" said:

    > The weirdest thing with me is that I don't use any kind of app or sms on either of my accounts, yet - after the announcement - they both have authentication enabled. I removed the one on my 2nd account, but can't log in to my main account to remove that one which is the account that I ABSOLUTELY want access to! I don't know how 2FA got enabled on my accounts, but I didn't put them there...


    Yep sounds like someone might of got contr of your account and plz ex their own authenticator onto it to stop you getting in and changing things up or putting your own 2FA on the account.

    Need to get scanning your PC, change up your email passwords and perhaps any other things you might store on hour PC that may be affected.... Hopefully you don't use the same password for other things either.

    Send in a ticket to support, with as much detail to can gather on hour account and hopefully they will perform an account rollback to a time you last recall being able to get into the game.


    Good luck

  2. As Inc has pointed out, this has been brought a few times before and met with the same response I'm afraid.

    Likely it is just not cost effective in relation to the size of market it will be relevant to and utilising a third party translation could be abused and open up a can of worms they would rather avoid.

    Hopefully it won't affect your continuing enjoyment of the game too much.

  3. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

    > > > @"Substance E.4852" said:

    > > > > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

    > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > > > > > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

    > > > > > > People are expecting too much especially considering the shafting of things is pretty recent (especially since it hasn't even been a year since that shafting).

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I cannot deny that perhaps in comparison to what they could have done previously, this felt a tad bit too small, but I can't deny the fact that, from a development standpoint, there's only so much they can do with the resource they have available to them.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I'm surprised they even got anything out at this stage.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I was expecting to watch an event about gw2, the future and its content, not about merch. What should ppl that flew or drove to watch that should feel when you sell them merch?

    > > > >

    > > > > I mean given the amount of red lights on what's going on with GW2 right now, you'd think people would be aware of what's happening with GW2 and ANet as of current.

    > > > >

    > > > > Honestly, I didn't even watch the livestream of the event because this was exactly what I expected from them. Either way, people expected way too much from a dev team that got a huge shafting very recently.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > I think a lot of us were expecting them to hint at proposed solutions to the problems people voice. Especially when they stated they had a renewed focus on the game.

    > > >

    > > > I wasn't upset that they didn't reveal a bunch of new instanced party content but I am upset that they didn't mention it at all.

    > > >

    > > > They didn't have to showcase half a dozen new dungeons, but simply saying "we're bringing back dungeons with new locations and revamps to existing ones" would have blown people away. Even just saying "we have X amount of new fractals and new rewards in the works" would have been enough.

    > > >

    > > > I have a feeling the general idea was we thought getting more LW instead of another expansion meant we'd be instead getting a more diffused improvement of the game but all we know for sure is we're getting fake raids and more LW content.

    > > >

    > > > If you were someone who struggled to log in during season 4, that presentation was a giant sign that read "Maybe come back in 10 to 12 months".

    > > >

    > > > And that goes for pvp/wvw people as much as the pve folks.

    > >

    > > I won't deny that people expecting a good number of things is definitely gonna happen and ANet made a **huge** mistake in announcing the next LWS via an event instead of something simple like a stream.

    > >

    > > That said, I still think the red flags were pretty obvious from the get go with the recent things happening in GW2. I support this game wholeheartedly but when red flags show, I think it's better to simply lower the expectations for the moment. And them not mentioning other things despite the fact that they were mentioned in the past and were told that they were working on it is definitely a wrong move by ANet.


    > I think its a bad thing if theres a flag to go in not expecting some kind of reasurance.


    > Ofc some things wouldnt be mentioned like rqods or fractals but considering this event was supposed to be for new players mention of the expansion stuff in lw would be good enough. Ideally if you wanted to draw in players a mention of an expansion being worked one would too be great because then new ppl know theres a future.


    > Now if a new player sees the announcement and then decides to check reddit its more likely that they will lose interest in the game.


    TBH Reddit is the last place on earth I would look to steer prospective new/returning players to in order to give them an informed opinion abut the game.


    EDIT - or anything for that matter.

  4. > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > > > Of all the music streaming programs that exists, spotify is the most known and most used in the world.

    > > > and what do they do, use tidal, a streaming program that is all but known in the general public.

    > > >

    > > > Many players including myself have asked it to be on Spotify, why they skip it is anyone's guess.

    > >

    > > Maybe there were deals, etc. Your post is really naive-sounding.


    > It doesn't, spotify pays for every X amount of played track.

    > it's not naive when i am actually helping, spotify is known a hell lot more then others and popularity pays.


    But you can still get it from Tidal.. right?

  5. > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

    > > @"c space cowboy.2764" said:

    > > It's more apt to now say that WvW is the runaway as is obvious by the population decline.

    > >

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/X1KcXvD.jpg "")

    > >


    > Right? It's more evident that the population for "Full" status has been declining as well. Blackgate, being used as the definition of a "full server", lost many of it's population and activity. Guilds leaving and popular commanders. It's a shame really. WvW during seasons was such a blast. We had a reason to fight and win in WvW. Now without seasons, everything is just a karma train. Also I find it funny that Blackgate opened as soon as Cookie left. He brought such a huge following, in terms of WvW.


    And players had reasons to server hop thus creating some of the problems we see today.. players complained of long queues just to get onto stacked servers, players complained they couldn't xfer to stacked servers and had to be content with being steam rolled day in day out on decimated servers throughout tourneys and normal WvW weeks, months, years. That right there is where I saw much of the current issues begin because when servers were allowed to depopulate and hive players to stacked servers there was only ever going to be population declines as players got bored of not being able to compete (ooh yeah they threw out the outnumbered bonus... weeee).

    Then the issues have of course then been further exacerbated by ANET's lack of attention to the game mode, culminating in the errmmm 18month Alliance "talking about in the coming months" announcement.

    Not great all round imo, but hopefully there has been a wake up call internally this past week and we start getting something conversed soon...


    Then again as families go, you could have the most perfect of family environments, the best, most intelligent, hardest working and caring of adults and children and there will still be conflict at some point or another :)

  6. > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > > @"Erasculio.2914" said:

    > > > @"RyuDragnier.9476" said:

    > > > > @"GreyFox.8046" said:

    > > > > **Why are they focusing on the "toxicity"**

    > > > Because there's a lot of negativity going on, both here and on Reddit. The criticism of "you overhyped this" is something we can all agree on, but I've also been seeing quite a few people bashing Anet.

    > >

    > > You're making the same mistake ArenaNet does - thinking that any kind of negativity equals toxicity.

    > >

    > > The players who complain are the players that are so invested in the game they actually bother to try to change it for the better. It would be a lot easier for people to see something they don't like, give up and stop playing the game. Instead, players here try to be heard, to show ArenaNet the problems of the game and how it could be made better.

    > >

    > > Is there a part of the community who's toxic? Sure, just like in any community, there are a 0,01% of toxic players who just want the world to burn. But for every toxic post, I could show you one thousand posts offering constructive criticism, all being dismissed by those who think that any kind of comment that is not praising the game is toxic and should be erased.

    > >

    > > Trying to be in a happy little bubble where everything is always perfect and ArenaNet is always right is only going to lead to a very little, very lonely bubble.


    > While not all negativity is toxic. I do also see a lot of people who assume that if anyone says something is toxic that it means they just don't like negative feedback. And I've been seeing a lot of outright toxic behavior. Things ranging from calling the devs names and making fun of their physical appearance to insulting other players just because that player expressed a positive opinion about something anet did or said.


    > I think pretending that the toxic people don't exist or that they are a teeny tiny minority in the community and therefore can be ignored is not a good way to go about it. Part of the big draw for GW2 for a long time was that the community was better than the communities in a lot of other games. I don't want that to change. Even if those people are relatively few in number, we need to do our best to shut them down. Do not accept toxic behavior even if you agree with the reason the person is upset.


    > And this isn't trying to be in a happy bubble with perfection or an ever-right anet. I have my gripes with things the devs have done. I've voiced concerns in the past and will do so again whenever I feel something isn't right.


    Agree to a large extent with this, but at the same time we have to also consider the reasoning behind some of that toxicity.

    ANET cannot be held blameless in this, we has seen of late some prime examples of that, but also there is history within the game of creating the perfect storm in which toxicity is allowed to manifest itself.. look no further than the Orr champ train, the fail events for better reward design flaws, the double edge event reward/achievement where both were once needed for differing reasons, the Frostgorge event chain that pitched story/achievement hunters against champ train.

    Sorry but ANET have been their own worst enemies at times, even dating back to the good old Queendale Wars. If you create an environment in which the community can be pitched at odds with itself then toxicity will immerge absolutely, that is why we have PvP/WvW competitive game modes. Then again that in itself has fueled the potential for toxicity as other parts of the game have seen continuous update and improvement, while their particular choices of game modes are left to fester for years.

    Now saying that there are of course some players that just want to be nothing more than toxic wannabes, those that thrive on the glare of infamous notoriety and will stop at nothing to get their 5minutes of fame in a forum or map chat environment and quite rightly ANET jump on it and even hit back on it..

    Some maybe are just not all that great at articulating their thoughts and feelings as well as others and can find themselves on the wrong side of the line.. myself included at times I will admit that. But calling players toxic just because they don't agree or are trying to express how they feel let down by ANET like we have seen this week, is in itself just being the toxic someone this topic is centred around imo.


    Don't get me wrong ANET will never please everyone and there will always be conflict surrounding what players want and think is right for "THEIR" game.. that actually can be healthy as ANET can not just learn from it, but maybe help steer them creatively to implementing things they perhaps had overlooked or not considered to be important to us.. but at the same time they need to improve their own ability to communicate back out to the community and not in the ways we saw this week because that has only proved to be the spark that has ignited more fires imo… learn from it and don't overhype stuff that clearly isn't anywhere close to even talk about let alone reveal.

    I have said many times before, I would value ANET all the more if they would come here and just be honest tell us " look, we need to adjust the cadence of our update cycle as it is just not working too well, we need a little more time in between chapters and seasons to help us deliver the quality and quantity of content across the various facets of our game that we know is needed by our players".. that right would tell me they really do care about the game going forward, they really do listen to the community and they really are acknowledging the issues they themselves are partly responsible for creating.


    7 yrs is pretty good in MMO space these days, but there is so much potential for many more, the possibilities to expand on GW2 are limitless imo.. if they want to - and yes to date we have got a lot out the game for free, much more than any other MMO I have played this past 15years, I don't see the gemstore as an issue in fact it is a necessity if we are to keep getting nice things, but that is a two way street.

    Perhaps ANET did make mistakes a whiles back to move key people off GW2, but it's their only product they needed to explore options imo, should NCSoft allow ANET to once again express itself creatively without the burdens of so much reliance on microtransactions, have these even been the reasons behind the firestorms of the past 12-18months that has led to an uplift in this toxicity.. who knows, it's not our business, but either way both parties need to improve in a variety of areas, if we are going to get back to that happy place of 7 years ago.


    EDIT - I said in the other large thread regarding the event.. I wasn't expecting an expansion, but I was expecting more detail.. but more importantly the event could of been so much more interactive between devs and players. It was such an opportunity to showcase the dev teams responsible for pouring their heart and soul day in day out to bring us something we can willingly throw our time and money into, to support.. but what we got was very lacking in anything the devs could or would talk about, to the point it just felt so awkward, almost gap filling.

    Learn from this, get stuff in a place of readiness where those responsible for bringing it to us can freely and openly converse their creative thoughts, their visions and their work... that is where the devs should be judged not on some hashed together almost last minute looking live event that they were never going to be able to come out of smelling of roses, because it was so lacking in anything for them to showcase, that was not fair on them or the players imo.

  7. > @"Acheron.4731" said:

    > Have you noticed all the random posts recently being put in to push topics like these down?


    Actually there was an interesting topic raised a whiles ago about other infamous very active threads being seemingly pulled down the viewing strip.. I remember not agreeing that any kind of thread suppression was going on then it became a little more questionable when players including myself were still posting into the threads and seeing it get pushed down more and more when it should of being, at the least, staying relatively close to most active part of page 1.. so I do get a little suspicious nowadays when hot potato topics get raised and it sinks faster than the Hindenburg.

    EDIT - OP if your referencing this particular thread I don't see that happening tbh and hopefully it wont.

  8. > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

    > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

    > > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > > > > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

    > > > > > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > > > > > If The stockings were replaced by socks I'd be interested it it, too.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > > > > > > > > I think the issue is less about it being a skirt and more about it being a skirt worn by people of a certain age.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Our characters are at least in there 20's.

    > > > > > > > Would you be offended by adults wearing School Uniforms?

    > > > > > > > At least here in Germany we have schools for adults.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Its got nothing to do with me being offended by an outfit, and everything to do with people who roleplay certain things

    > > > > >

    > > > > > People can RP "certain things" with asura too. Should we ban them too? Can we stop with the thought police and focus on adding more variety in game?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I 'm not even interested in that outfit but the fantasy school/academy setting is back in style lately, especially after the latest Fire Emblem game. So I can see why players would like something like that in game.

    > > > >

    > > > > Sorry but no.... I already tire of much of the disgusting and vulgar focused RP chat and emote chat in DR especially. This kind of thing will only make it that much worse because we all know what it will open up to.

    > > > > Want to RP playing with school kids then go hire some dress up and do it in privacy of your own room I say.

    > > >

    > > > Cool story (projecting much?). Can you tell me exactly what is vulgar about an academy setting similar to the game I mentioned? I'm not sure but I think it has even lower age rating than GW (Nintendo is notoriously family friendly).

    > >

    > > You just answered your own posting.. projecting and it will only be abused for some vulgar twisted RP spiel like exists each and every day in DR especially. It is why some players frown upon the RP scene, which is a shame for those wanting to play it in the socially acceptable way it should be.


    > Designing a game around whatever players chose to do in their private chat boxes(or even external clients), is a nonsensical notion and a slippery slope. It ends up severely limiting options and punishing many who may wanted to use those offerings in the mainstream manner they are intended for. If the same logic applied to items already in game we'd end up with a butchered wardrobe tab. Because there are already plenty of items in the game that could (and are) being used in the way you are implying.


    I agree, which is why I said it is a shame that it ends up tarnishing genuine RP'ers with the same brush. But I would rather not have such a specifically themed outfit in game that will be abused in a heart beat, there is already far too much of that kind of garbage talk going on in game as is.. so as I said no thanks, the rest is of course up to ANET.



  9. > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

    > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

    > > > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > > > > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > > > If The stockings were replaced by socks I'd be interested it it, too.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > > > > > > I think the issue is less about it being a skirt and more about it being a skirt worn by people of a certain age.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Our characters are at least in there 20's.

    > > > > > Would you be offended by adults wearing School Uniforms?

    > > > > > At least here in Germany we have schools for adults.

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Its got nothing to do with me being offended by an outfit, and everything to do with people who roleplay certain things

    > > >

    > > > People can RP "certain things" with asura too. Should we ban them too? Can we stop with the thought police and focus on adding more variety in game?

    > > >

    > > > I 'm not even interested in that outfit but the fantasy school/academy setting is back in style lately, especially after the latest Fire Emblem game. So I can see why players would like something like that in game.

    > >

    > > Sorry but no.... I already tire of much of the disgusting and vulgar focused RP chat and emote chat in DR especially. This kind of thing will only make it that much worse because we all know what it will open up to.

    > > Want to RP playing with school kids then go hire some dress up and do it in privacy of your own room I say.


    > Cool story (projecting much?). Can you tell me exactly what is vulgar about an academy setting similar to the game I mentioned? I'm not sure but I think it has even lower age rating than GW (Nintendo is notoriously family friendly).


    You just answered your own posting.. projecting and it will only be abused for some vulgar twisted RP spiel like exists each and every day in DR especially. It is why some players frown upon the RP scene, which is a shame for those wanting to play it in the socially acceptable way it should be.

  10. > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

    > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > If The stockings were replaced by socks I'd be interested it it, too.

    > > >

    > > > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > > > > I think the issue is less about it being a skirt and more about it being a skirt worn by people of a certain age.

    > > >

    > > > Our characters are at least in there 20's.

    > > > Would you be offended by adults wearing School Uniforms?

    > > > At least here in Germany we have schools for adults.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Its got nothing to do with me being offended by an outfit, and everything to do with people who roleplay certain things


    > People can RP "certain things" with asura too. Should we ban them too? Can we stop with the thought police and focus on adding more variety in game?


    > I 'm not even interested in that outfit but the fantasy school/academy setting is back in style lately, especially after the latest Fire Emblem game. So I can see why players would like something like that in game.


    Sorry but no.... I already tire of much of the disgusting and vulgar focused RP chat and emote chat in DR especially. This kind of thing will only make it that much worse because we all know what it will open up to.

    Want to RP playing with school kids then go hire some dress up and do it in privacy of your own room I say.

  11. The sad thing about the event for me really, aside from not getting very much more out of it that we didn't already know, was that it was such a good opportunity to put those devs front and centre and let them express their creativity, their visons and really make it an opportunity to celebrate the hard work they put in every single day for us.. but having nothing there to talk about or even Q&A with the community made it yet another lost opportunity imo.

    At a time when the company has bled a lot of talent from the teams, this was a way of not just launching LS5 but to celebrate those devs now tasked with putting forth their creative talents in an effort to take the reins and push onwards, but all we got for the most part of the event was a ranting MoS who was about as funny as a dead donkey, lots of fluffy cosplay merchandising airtime and a marketing chap dressed up on the cheap looking more like the Grim Reaper begging for coin to buy a new scythe.

    The event was definitely overhyped, underprepared to the point nothing was clearly ready to even begin talking about yet and well sorry, but it felt kind of desperate to me, which is a real shame, an opportunity lost.

  12. > @"attachi.1792" said:

    > > @"Starbridge.7926" said:

    > > > @"attachi.1792" said:

    > > > Did you noticed A-net increased their gem-store production last mounths? Brand new stuff every week + sales for some of the old goods. Gold price for 400 gems rised to the 170+ gold and won't drop. Looks like another way to get more money plus sink ingame gold from the player's pockets.

    > > > Reminds me SWTOR and their Cartel market focus with short chapter content scheme.

    > >

    > > No one forces you to buy gems.


    > Yerar 2019, there is still the people who believe in this (or maybe - only maybe they are just "not too smart"). No one "forcing" you - good answer for a court session, but nothing with real state of affairs. Companies want you to buy it, because this is how they making money, in this case they have more subtle approach how to make you buy it. Limited inventory, bank, character slots, exclusive hair cuts, colors, faces, alot of other account upgrades. Weapon/armor skins which is mutch better than thouse we have in game. Usually gem store skins and outfits littlerally hase mutch more pixels and better textures - "coinsidence, that's all".

    > But yes, alot of hyporcitical fanboys will tell you this is 100% optional stuff, doesen't need in game, nobody forcing you (you know, korean pay to win games doesen't forcing you too, and thats true, if you insist on "forcing" term).

    > But I'm OK with it, I understand they need a money and I'm good with my ingame gold I can trade for games, BUT I telling you about gem store stuff increase in production and reduction of actual game stuff people talking so mutch about here. Only 3 new LS episodes called "saga", and thats all, no big expantion like features like mount system, glider, elite specs etc. I'm afraid this is their new policy and buisness model - SWTOR like.


    > PS: as for "auguast sales", don't be fools, there is nothing with it, this situation appeard exactly after N-softs's employee dismissal events. New goods and discounts every week. August sales only increased gems'es price for a little more.


    > But of course we should wait for a whole LS 5 season and their next announces. If they'll give us another LS 6 season with different name - "saga", "legend", "adventure", "rat's run" or any other stupin name in a feeble attempt to disguise old content, all will be clear about future of the game.

    > In current state there is still a little hope for a big expantion in the far future.

    > And sorry for my english, I'm shure everyone who want it understand me, others just hypocritical posers. Just reminds you there is 3 official languages and alot of "non official" because of people from the whole world playing this game.


    The end resut still comes down to the fact.. we, you, I control the opening of the purse strings, no one else.

    GW2 is a B2P game it is not a P2W game, there is nothing in the gemstore that you have to have, need to have only that which we choose to have. So it matters not how subtle they may be in enticing players to part with money, it is ultimately the player who gets to make that decision.

    However, we must remember GW2 is a product just like lego sets, etcha sketch and motor cars - all nice to have but not in any way something we all need, but ANET is a business and like all businesses it must make money to carry on being a business so there will always be carrots to dangle in our faces and there is nothing wrong with that no matter if it be constant new fluff, flash sales or anniversary offerings.

    The troubling thing to me is that perhaps the game is now at the stage where it has become soley reliant on our good will each month to be able to release anything other than piece meal, small bite content going forward and in my experience there are just too many variables that can affect that kind of business plan to be able to forecast and budget accurately enough long term.


  13. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

    > > I like being thrilled and wait for the new features that are yet to come. Not just log in and "_Oh, cooking 500, cool_". I hope you get what I mean,

    > While you personally may like the wait and the hype for a big content drop(so do I), I think we saw yesterday that this community on the whole is simply not mature enough to deal with the difference between their personal fantasy of the future and reality.


    I think that's pretty harsh tbh.. measuring ones own expectations is hard I admit for many of us, but it kinda comes down to "what did we actually learn of the future and the reality from this half baked event... not much more if anything from that which we already knew. We didn't really get much more detail around LS.. just some extra sound and content bytes that kinda made me feel they didn't have anything near ready to speak about, hence why we are only getting a short prologue first up, which in turn makes me think they know it's been to long, so lets just get what we can together and get something out to start the ball rolling after the summer recess.... breathing room if you like.

  14. After the fiasco of HoT and the subsequent offer of a character slot (iirc) I do give ANET some credit for at least thinking about Vets this time round, but yes if you already unlocked all those old skins (I luckily had 1 single skin left unlocked - red eyes) then you got an old themed glider (likely never to be used by many as we have progressed to mounts) and a free transmute, not really of the same level of reward we got previous but something at least.. I give them a 6/10 for effort.

  15. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"CherryWolf.2768" said:

    > > I'm also sad that the hard work that people put into this content release will be diminished by the flawed marketing decision that this announcement was.


    > **This** is a wonderful summary of why people are miffed. It's not the content that is being criticized by most but the lack of an in-depth presentation thereof. (And yes, the unanswered questions, I agree, but that would really have been the cherry on top of the episode preview.)


    > I don't get the whole "doom & gloom" attitude over yesterday's fiasco, though. Some reactions are totally out of line. Frustration is okay (and probably justified), but threatening to quit over this really is a bit of a harsh reaction, and saying that the devs don't care is far-fetched. Who knows whose decision it was to keep the whole thing as brief as possible. I doubt that the people who put their hard work into it made that decision.


    That's just it.. the disappointment derives from the fact there wasn't anything to talk around because there was nothing obviously anywhere near ready to discuss with the community.

    Keeping tight lipped and having us on tender hooks is one thing, but blatantly putting out the notion there was some big announcement with a double than normal promo to anything they have done previous in a live theatre people had to get to just to be bombarded with a merchandising fiasco for over half the time.. nah I can defo understand there is some genuine angst amongst the players.

    The announcement was about LW.. that much we knew before hand, we also knew that was the focus and that it would be coming (soon) months ago and yes most of us likely guessed where it was heading after the logo change a month back, but then the 48hr timer followed by.. well not much, a few sound bytes about stuff we already knew and some titbits about the direction of the story. Everything else is just glossed over in seconds, with perhaps the exception of a little bit about Strike missions but that was so vague leading me to think they don't even really know how they are going to work, how they are going to fit in and whether we the players want it, making it sound more and more like a twist on bounties.

    There just wasn't anything solid to get our claws in, what is this expansion type content we can expect, heck we are only going to be getting a short prologue with no idea when we can expect even Part 1.

    Nah it looked pretty cheap, pretty scrambled together last minute content bytes and a whole lot of merchandising moneymaker stuff.

    We each can take away our own thoughts and opinions on the event for sure, but I am of the mind there is one heck of a lot of the community left wondering what just went down. It is said there is no such thing as bad publicity, but I am not so sure now if I am honest.


    At least the LS itself looks and sounds intriguing, I just hope this wasn't a pre-cursor into switching LS into a payable DLC to replace expacs in the not to distant future as to me there was an early impetus into highlighting all we got previous from LS for free, but no tangible detail for the future of the LS or the game.

  16. Several reasons spring to mind... As Inc said avoiding content drought is likely a priority not to avert player discontent as such, but to avoid those troughs in revenue potential.

    Secondly ... it seems pretty feasable, to me at least, they need to generate revenue before they can commit to spending resources on further content with the exception when its needed to support the next deluge of gemstore fluff.

    I am of the mind ANET are stuck in a vicious circle right now of needing to draw in revenue as fast as they have to spend it to keep the game going hence why moving away from expacs perhaps makes sense, at least to the bean counter part of the business.

    As for putting armour sets within the LS updates to give some extra zing... didn't they recently try that with Requiem..... then look at the flipside of it and the uproar that ensued... no thanks, but I am confident that wont be the last we see that nonsense going forward.

  17. > @"Mass Pandemic.3517" said:

    > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > > @"Mass Pandemic.3517" said:

    > > > > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > > > > @"DzT.8127" said:

    > > > > > If i was the owner of ANET i would have seriously fired most of the people. This announcement was a joke really. Hey we announcing a LW5 that we allready announced weeks ago.

    > > > >

    > > > > More like since March. I really do not understand Anet. Do they really think people care that much about the story? If I rate content in GW2 in terms of quality:

    > > > >

    > > > > Open world PvE + great combat system

    > > > > PvP

    > > > > Instanced PvE

    > > > > Story

    > > > >

    > > > > Story is the GW2 weakest content.

    > > > >

    > > > > Open world is some what tied to story, but story does not carry it. And open world quality too a nose dive with PoF. LWS4 had some improvement, but it is far from what it used to be.

    > > >

    > > > I think you underestimate how many people play this game solely for the story , i'm not one of these people, but a lot of people are heavily invested into guild wars lore/story. Arenanet has all kinds of data on how people play, if it wasn't that popular or desired they wouldn't be focusing on it as much and if pvp was most of the community's focus like any good business they would do what they would believe would net the most income for them. Why do you think the game is very casual friendly in a lot of it's design?

    > >

    > > Oh I agree... LS is there go to moneypit for sure and to me that is fine, I enjoy it quite alot and consider the story writing to be top notch and made all the more richer by the quality music, VA and art.

    > > But GW2 needs more than LS. Gemstore and grindfest mechanics will only last for so long before even the most diehard of players grow tired of it all and imo I Think we may be reached, if not over reached that point already.

    > > Servers have lost their identity, competitive gameplay feels like it is on life spport and the whole ebb and flow of the game has been reduced to trickle of it's former greatness. Aside from a few hours of new predominantly single player content every 3 or 4 months the biggest features of release are new skins in the gemstore.

    > > The game needed this announcement to push new or at least reignite old passions for investing in GW2... for me it failed to either.

    > > Sure the new LS sounds intriguing and fun, I expect nothing less but the game as a whole needed this to offer more, much more imo but it didn't so it is no sprise to that many players are asking... what was the point of yesterday, what was there that they couldn't of done on a live stream back at HQ considering it was mostly old news with a small piece of new talking points that clearly aren't even close to being in a state of readiness to talk about in any detail. Heck if strike forces are the next big thing to co.e out of their flagship content then it absolutely should of been given much more air time than it got and it should of been at a point there was actually somethi g to show and talk about, but it wasn't imo.


    > Trust me i agree , i wast expecting an expansion announcement, but at least if one was coming at some point or if they were stopping them for whatever reason. I hate to be overly dramatic , but it seems to be gw2 is on it's last legs so to speak. Which is very sad , because it's possible for games to be very successful for much longer (WOW is a perfect example of this). I want to wait to pass full judgement until the ice brood saga at least gets a full episode, but i can't say i'm very excited for the future because they haven't given me a reason to be. The announcement unfortunately was exactly what i was thinking was going to happen, but was hoping they had something more surprising and substantial. For the people who are generally excited about this whole thing, i'm very happy for them , i wish i could be as happy as well, it just doesn't seem to me at least that the game is in a healthy place and the announcement just seemed like a desperate attempt to make us believe otherwise. I am curious though, if we get just a prologue on the 17th how much longer do we have to wait for the offical episode , because i heard them say in the coming "months" which depending on the size of the prologue could be one of the worse droughts gw2 has had in a long time.




    Well I wasn't expecting any announcement of an expansion as I think that preverberal pact ship has already sailed into the four winds. I was however hoping to hear about some of this expansion type content we can expect to see within the LS seasons.... errrmm saga.

    Sadly that didn't materialise and as much as I really enjoy LS it is nothing more than a few hours of solo content followed by lengthy repetitive grindfests and more currencies we can shake a stick at.

    I too am beginning to feel there is a distinct lack of any long term plan beyond this next season and it's now all about pushing as much microtransaction stuff out to the players as possible and the live event did nothing more than to reinforce that tbh imo.

    As for SWTOR I still have a fondness for the game and will definitely keep heading back to it to get my glow stick teddy bear bashing fix. I think they have one of the best player housing systems, cartel points can be earned and rewarded to us... heck I still get monthly coins without logging in just for having my authenticator linked.

    Crafting in SWTOR is easy and in no way forced on you as is buying things like decorations from either the player galactic market or for reasonable price of cartel coin microtransactions... or run the content and get them as rewards.

    The story isn't bad either, not as good as GW2 imo but still pretty good and Bioware are not afraid to actually put things like roadmaps and discussion out there. The one thing that does make me snigger is the gear grind every update or three but that does give us something to aim for rather than impossible odds RNG systems for infusions and fashion wars.

    Meeeh just my take on things I guess and after 3hrs of jet washing I'm maybe feeling tired and nigly:)

  18. > @"attachi.1792" said:

    > Did you noticed A-net increased their gem-store production last mounths? Brand new stuff every week + sales for some of the old goods. Gold price for 400 gems rised to the 170+ gold and won't drop. Looks like another way to get more money plus sink ingame gold from the player's pockets.

    > Reminds me SWTOR and their Cartel market focus with short chapter content scheme.


    Summer sales are a thing... it's a notable slow down for most businesses, mine included because ya know we all like a break every now and then... so to try and offset the potential downturn in revenue, we get to have sales and new bits of fluff to tempt us.... nothing out of the ordinary I'm afraid.

    Remember without gem sales and gemstore revenue would likely have a negative impact on getting even things like LS for free.

    Of course on the flipside no one is holding a gun to your head to buy anything you don't want to... you hold the power in your own wallet.

  19. > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > - underwater is a hype thats exists only in foruns. In game, the underwater areas are the most empty ones,

    > - even in zones full of underwater events like Orr no one come back here to swiming around.

    > - The underwater infusions prices only drops because demand is lower and lower, is probably a Anet test to see if underwater stuff is really a hype.

    > - Ironically the best "water" related stuff is the Skimmer mount, **because its help you skip the water content**.

    > - Pvp and WvW? i dont even need explain what these communities thinks about underwater.


    They are empty because after 7 yrs nothing has been done to expand upon it.

    For me GW2 UW environment is one of the best out there. It is not just visually pleasing it opened up a whole new area of exploration and potential conflict. But is was never capitalised upon and so as time went on it became more and more underused.. just like most of the core land maps.

    The krait daily and bubbles brought some new vigor for a short time, but even that seems to have little relevance to the game anymore, might as well craft an ascended breather instead.. swim speed is irrelevant when we have mounts that can do it for us.

    I would love an UW update, maybe the new LS saga will have some and perhaps some new weapons/gear in relation to it, but I would not hold my breath (pun intended).


    Perhaps at the very least they could incorporate some UW content into dailies or perhaps an UW event rush. If not then yep it truly has become another piece of wasted content creation.

  20. > @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

    > Again, I am satisfied with the content they announced - however, the way it was hyped and advertised was really deceptive. Plus they spent more time talking about merchandising than they did talking about the actual updates.


    > NCsoft should have been much more realistic with their announcement.


    I think I would run along these lines as well...LS stuff was the focus and it does sound intriguing but if you search for that elusive expansion type content within it.. it just didn't deliver on what was very much an overhyped effort to post old news.

    What was new to the dialogue was devoid of any real detail, lacking in substance and seemed merely included to help steer the next round of merchandising and gemstore launches.

    So..if I was to actually put a poll score I would likely say 2.5 - some interesting LS update as expected with a poorly thought through over the top event that lacked genuine excitement, something that would of been far better to have had done via Guild chat stream.

    Perhaps it was just my own mood skewing opinion, but it looked like there was some pretty disappointed faces leaving the theatre, which would say much more than this poll will though... but as I said, it might be my own disappointment leading me to think that.

  21. > @"Mass Pandemic.3517" said:

    > > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > > @"DzT.8127" said:

    > > > If i was the owner of ANET i would have seriously fired most of the people. This announcement was a joke really. Hey we announcing a LW5 that we allready announced weeks ago.

    > >

    > > More like since March. I really do not understand Anet. Do they really think people care that much about the story? If I rate content in GW2 in terms of quality:

    > >

    > > Open world PvE + great combat system

    > > PvP

    > > Instanced PvE

    > > Story

    > >

    > > Story is the GW2 weakest content.

    > >

    > > Open world is some what tied to story, but story does not carry it. And open world quality too a nose dive with PoF. LWS4 had some improvement, but it is far from what it used to be.


    > I think you underestimate how many people play this game solely for the story , i'm not one of these people, but a lot of people are heavily invested into guild wars lore/story. Arenanet has all kinds of data on how people play, if it wasn't that popular or desired they wouldn't be focusing on it as much and if pvp was most of the community's focus like any good business they would do what they would believe would net the most income for them. Why do you think the game is very casual friendly in a lot of it's design?


    Oh I agree... LS is there go to moneypit for sure and to me that is fine, I enjoy it quite alot and consider the story writing to be top notch and made all the more richer by the quality music, VA and art.

    But GW2 needs more than LS. Gemstore and grindfest mechanics will only last for so long before even the most diehard of players grow tired of it all and imo I Think we may be reached, if not over reached that point already.

    Servers have lost their identity, competitive gameplay feels like it is on life spport and the whole ebb and flow of the game has been reduced to trickle of it's former greatness. Aside from a few hours of new predominantly single player content every 3 or 4 months the biggest features of release are new skins in the gemstore.

    The game needed this announcement to push new or at least reignite old passions for investing in GW2... for me it failed to either.

    Sure the new LS sounds intriguing and fun, I expect nothing less but the game as a whole needed this to offer more, much more imo but it didn't so it is no sprise to that many players are asking... what was the point of yesterday, what was there that they couldn't of done on a live stream back at HQ considering it was mostly old news with a small piece of new talking points that clearly aren't even close to being in a state of readiness to talk about in any detail. Heck if strike forces are the next big thing to co.e out of their flagship content then it absolutely should of been given much more air time than it got and it should of been at a point there was actually somethi g to show and talk about, but it wasn't imo.

  22. > @"ricky markham.8173" said:

    > in truth if they would have held cooking announcement to this livestream and theatre event i wouldnt have been so disappointed. they really should have waited on the cooking to 500 also jewelry announcement then i would have felt this big thing was something. i think anet has to tailor there announcements better. the cooking thing being a big thing and given little announcement compared huge announcement and pretty much giving us stuff we almost already knew or could guess. its funny how i went with ecstatic over cooking and soon jewelry announcement to meh over this one. yeah strike might be a good idea the least they could have done was given us a nugget to what was coming after the next season and it didnt have to include anything about what was in it it could have been hey and yes ls6 will be coming after five announcement


    To me that's what makes yesterday's live theatre even more disappointing... we got so much more out of just the cooking 500 expose than all of yesterday's display merchandising event. Did anyone else get the impression Mike Z just didn't want to be there or that maybe he knew this was never going to go down well.... he struggled so badly to put any excitement or emotion into this and at times it seemed like he was searching for words to fill the void and the more he struggled the more perspiration appeared above his top lip.

    If you break the whole thing down the actual announcement was no more than about 10-20 mins max the rest was just ear bleeding shouting by some random and a head of marketing trying to do cosplay on the real cheap (though to be fair he was a smidge funnier than the Mos they paid to shout and laugh at his jokes). Might of been more apt for him to of attempted a Dhuum esc cosplay outfit with a hammer smash finale to close the event.

    The best moment by far for me was when he attempted to poke fun at that "one PvP guy at the back".... how to hammer nails in has never been done so well imo.

  23. > @"Archwizard.1603" said:

    > Anet said both LS5 and build templates were coming down the line but no where did they suggest that an expansion was coming right now. Sure maybe after the next season there could be an expac but they been stating for months now that Season 5 was their next priority so nothing new here.

    > Just find it funny how much expectations have snowballed out of control.


    Not specifically talking about an expansion.. the new kid on the block is "expansion type content within LS".. and many of us are asking - where, what, when and after the live theatre retelling of old news, still are.

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