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Posts posted by Bloodstealer.5978

  1. > @"ScyeRynn.4218" said:

    > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > > @"ScyeRynn.4218" said:

    > > > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > > > > I think that just because a character creates tension or rubs people the wrong way, it doesn't mean they need to be gotten rid of.

    > > >

    > > > That's not what is being said here. Braham being conflicting isn't the problem. There are many characters in the story that conflict with the Commander and the missions and the other characters. It's about the execution and arc of Braham. It's about how Braham isn't being developed in a way that is authentic, significant, or necessary to the story other than as a way to redeem him.

    > > >

    > > > They "180'd" his character at least two times already, more than any other character because he is not a true character. He's a playing card meant to serve a purpose. Whether it's to be an ally who conflicts with the commander or the comedic relief. He's currently serving as the caricature sidekick just for forced-humor. He adds nothing significant or essential to the actual story.

    > > >

    > > > Saying "oh but he has been by the commander's side for many episodes!" is missing the fact that he was placed there recently and purposefully to put that idea in your head that Braham is now essential and not the annoying, useless, complaining character he was just prior. It's to make up for that. But they didn't even do that right. They decided to force down our throats that he's also now suddenly a highly comedic, buddy-buddy partner for the Commander.

    > > >

    > > > He may become useful in the Norn part of the upcoming story, but that should have been his story thus far. Instead everything till now has been filler or unnecessary conflict that went no where.

    > > >

    > > > Braham used to be a rising hero and an interesting character. He wasn't a whiny brat or a clown when we were first introduced to him. Then the commander took over much of the journey they had planned for him and instead of giving him a proper journey of his own, they decided to make him the tag-along group member with a grudge.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Wow slow down... remember this is a fantasy world and meant to have multi facets in its story telling, which in turn provide opportunities to branch or switch up all whilst creating the opportunity for players to explore them, cuss them or love them... there is no actual right or wrong except from your own personal viewpoint.

    > > Don't get me wrong I am not a Braham fanboi either as I've already said, but your not the voice of LS or do you have some sixth sense that can tell us what is in store for the character or any character cos from where I am sitting I can see the IBS being reasonably meaningful in context when considering both Braham and Rytlock, I also feel Rox could of had an uptick in character here as well but well it doesn't look like it.

    > >

    > > " It's about how Braham isn't being developed in a way that is authentic, significant, or necessary to the story other than as a way to redeem him. "

    > > I will be honest here and say I find this a little strange considering he is just one cog in a larger machine.. also consider the depth the narrative team are able to go to in the time and cost constraints they have upon them. I would hazard a guess they could of, would of, should of expanded Braham and other character so much more every chapter and likely did, but there will always be a need to edit out, shorten and change directions in an effort to get it all ready in time for the big reveals..

    > > Hopefully its not a sprint for this character or any of them, its a marathon


    > Multi-facets doesn't mean you choose multi-ranges of quality. That is just silly. You strive for the best quality you can achieve within the parameters you have or you concede that it's lesser than what it could and/or should be.


    > If Anet had the Predator alien from AVP suddenly appear from the skies and kill your character without any explanation and then have that change the entire course of your story, would you consider that right or wrong in the context of quality and natural story progression? There are clear right and wrongs in storytelling principles. That "Predator" scenario would be hilarious, but it would be wrong in this story. Braham going from William Wallace in Braveheart to Hayden Christensen's Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars to Tom Holland's Spiderman is not only unfunny, it's also wrong in terms of natural, fitting story-telling progression.


    > All those constraints do not equate to poor-quality writing being necessary. That just sounds like an unconnected excuse. In those same constraints, they could have written more suitable, interesting, and authentic scenes with Braham.



    Except ANET haven't done any of that. They have simply allowed a character with obvious flawes to begin to mature and in doing so they are using both his flawes and some of his racial stereotype to aid in the progression of the wider story.

    This is not about Braham remember its about a scheming Warmonger who is seeking Charr dominance and as far as we can tell he needed to get the bow from Braham, to which end we dot know as yet.

    This is not some book that a writer takes many years to piece together this is fantasy writing by a range of writers over a much shorter time period, it is never going to a Tolkien or CS Lewis fantasy masterpiece where each connection has years of research and deliberations.

    Look we get it, you see yourself as an expert writer but your forgetting that quality of this story is very much subjective, if it is not up to your high standards then that is something only you can deal with.

    I would hazard a guess that many lesser folk like myself don't feel the need to nit pick to such a fine degree of detail, we just try to enjoy it for what it is.


  2. OP, I very much admire the effort and dedication you have put into this discussion over a period of time, as well as putting a rich layer of detail to support it, such a refreshing switch up from the everyday "I want to just wear my panties and bra but have as much flesh over the top NOAW" stuff we normally get to see when discussing outfits and armours.

    I hope ANET takes the time to look at this and maybe find some solutions to make suggestions and ideas/requests like this happen., if only in a small way.



  3. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

    > > > > As a game redesign. I would be ok with removing the cd on swap if and only if the weapons you swapped out do not cd while they aren't selected. So if you use all 5 skills then switch, when you switch back all 5 skills are still on cd.

    > > > > This way you can't keep switching back and forth for fresh cd on every skill. The net result would actually be easier to balance.

    > > >

    > > > I was thinking same thing. Weapon cd's stayed as they were so u can't just swap to spam the same skills. I was just thinking I'd at so many more possible rotations plus would allow the weapons and their skills to be used in a more reactionary way as well adding more depth to the combat. Like for example a thief using poison field than cluster bomb swap to sword or dagger to attack than back to sb to IA to kite etc just as an example. Sometimes u know the skill u need and would benefit u in the fit at that moment but unfortunately the weapon swap us on CD and u can't swap. Just think it's a un needed restriction that holds back depth of combat for no real reason. I get the rune bonuses on swap but just give them a cooldown to balance so they work on the CD and not swap.

    > >

    > > Curious, if you want to maintain the cd's on weapon skills you have used but want the ability to keep swapping weapons without a cooldown, how does that really help rotations when your effectively going to be sat waiting to use the skills anyway as they would and should still be on cd.


    > Cuz u may and prob will have a skill off CD or one u didnt use before swapping? Like if u used poison feild and cluster bomb on thief sb than switched to use some s/d skills than swapped few secs later to use sb evade back or IA. Those rotations are impossible with CD on weapon swap.


    Sure, but if you wanted to use that skill why wait for the next weapon swap.. sorry I see this as a dead horse and serves no real benefit other than originally you just wanted to get rid of cd's full stop so you could endlessly swap, spam rinse repeat.. it wasn't until @"SinisterSlay.6973" brought the point up you strangely backpedalled.

  4. Hmm not had much trouble tbh.. I have probably run the event around 6or 7 times and I am sitting at about 150+ kills, predominantly by using an aoe spam flurry from my necro... cant believe I am hitting this 6.5k min dmg on anything as I am literally swapping targets and jump back to events during the meta.

    The first 3-4 runs I wasn't even concerned with the crazed fans knowing it was going to be a slower achievement, not actually needed to get the master of ceremony so I am thinking I can pretty much get 30-60+ kills per run now should I care to just focus on them alone.

  5. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

    > > As a game redesign. I would be ok with removing the cd on swap if and only if the weapons you swapped out do not cd while they aren't selected. So if you use all 5 skills then switch, when you switch back all 5 skills are still on cd.

    > > This way you can't keep switching back and forth for fresh cd on every skill. The net result would actually be easier to balance.


    > I was thinking same thing. Weapon cd's stayed as they were so u can't just swap to spam the same skills. I was just thinking I'd at so many more possible rotations plus would allow the weapons and their skills to be used in a more reactionary way as well adding more depth to the combat. Like for example a thief using poison field than cluster bomb swap to sword or dagger to attack than back to sb to IA to kite etc just as an example. Sometimes u know the skill u need and would benefit u in the fit at that moment but unfortunately the weapon swap us on CD and u can't swap. Just think it's a un needed restriction that holds back depth of combat for no real reason. I get the rune bonuses on swap but just give them a cooldown to balance so they work on the CD and not swap.


    Curious, if you want to maintain the cd's on weapon skills you have used but want the ability to keep swapping weapons without a cooldown, how does that really help rotations when your effectively going to be sat waiting to use the skills anyway as they would and should still be on cd.

  6. > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > @"Devildoc.6721" said:

    > > > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

    > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > I’ve seen how the metas scale with a low population of players and they’re quite doable. Granted, months from now, your best chance at doing them will be during the first couple meta cycles after reset but that’s the case with a lot of metas.

    > > >

    > > > I tried to do Effigy twice yesterday evening (PT zone). It failed both times. We did not have enough DPS to kill Effigy within the time limit.

    > >

    > > The real problem with that one is that people are dumb and either try to solo run the torch from brazier to brazier, or you have selfish sob's who want to get their pass the torch achievement done NOW rather than over the course of 10 events they need to do anyway, so they spam thrown torches right on top of the torch spawn so nobody can do 2nd leg of the relay. The timer does not reset once the effigy is active, so if you take up too much time on the relay race you're hosed.


    > If your torch gets lit before you'd like you can just put it out with skill 3 . . .


    > EDIT: and back on topic there are now TWO efficiency accounts that have unlocked one of the three skins. Still too early to tell but it is looking increasingly like this collection was poorly considered . . .


    Or maybe they are being artificially being subdued to keep players trying to obtain them for as long as possible because Episode 1 isn't close to being ready.

    Then when they are confident they have a release window more and more players begin to suddenly get lucky with the skins.

    Wouldn't be the first MMO to manipulate drop rates and call it bad luck.....

  7. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"ScyeRynn.4218" said:

    > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > I have no issues with Braham.

    > > >

    > > > The more reaction he provokes, the more the writers will feel justified in him.

    > >

    > >

    > > I'm sure they would. That's part of the problem with them and the point of this thread. Gimmick is the intention over substance.

    > >

    > > > Also, i like parsley

    > > Including the plastic version solely meant to decorate your plate?

    > >

    > >


    > Never been in any restaurant using fake parsley before. I'd still prob like it mind you, I just wouldn't like to eat it ;)


    > I don't necessarily agree with your other point. Generating a reaction, esp an intended one isn't an example of amateurish or gimmicky writing. I willing to concede most of the story has been of poor writing quality, but a lot of what I see from people's complaints about specific characters come from a dislike rather than an actual issue with the writing.


    > People toss around terms about bad writing a lot, when what they mean is they didn't like them. Not liking them is perfectly reasonable and acceptable.


    > For example


    > - Braham acting out after his mother was correct behaviour given his background and how he had finally started to feel a connection with a parent he'd rejected due to her Legend overshadowing him. That was twhen he's still young and immature enough to have raw emotion. It made him dislikable, but I wouldn't argue it was bad writing. In the end it allowed for some measure of redemption and characters development. The problem was, people kicked up because of his terrible attitude. And that was exactly what Anet had intended for that character at that time.


    > - Braham cracking Jormag's tooth in a throwaway cutscene rather than building towards it and relegating something which is entrenched in the culture and mythology of a race to an afterthought and barely referred to again for 2.5 story arcs is bad writing. Very bad writing.


    > We are never getting high quality writing in an MMO. No MMO has it (although I'd argue Secret World prob did it best for the style it was using and genre it was doing it in) and there are various reasons for it - you have a lot of writers coming and going over time, with a story that constantly changes as time goes on due to different writers and feedback from players. Expectations need to be tempered in this way and the diversity of the playerbase means understanding the difference between what is actually bad and what is just not individually liked



    This is a perfectly reasonable explanation, though I would say the quality of any story is largely subjective to the individual and because of that diverse playerbase ANET have to incorporate a little bit of wiggle room within each of the characters own arcs and to date I think they haven't done such a bad job.. not perfect by any measure, but then again what is perfect.

  8. > @"ScyeRynn.4218" said:

    > > @"Palador.2170" said:

    > > Let's be clear, I don't like Braham. For a long time, I've wanted him dropped from the story. And him getting drunk in the current story? Yeah, he pretty much ignored the reminder that he was representing our group there.

    > >

    > > But... he did have someone TRYING to get him drunk, so maybe that's not entirely his fault. And for the upcoming story, if we're going to learn something about the Spirits of the Wild, it may be best to have an immature norn with us. This way the player (and the commander, if need be) can learn about the spirits while Braham is getting lectured by wiser norn. It might give him a chance to grow up some, too.


    > It's completely irrelevant who or what caused him to be drunk. The point is that it's being used as a way to further their agenda with Braham as a caricature and not a character. This placeholder journey with Braham has been going on with his character for a long time now and it's unfortunate to see a character that started with so much potential reduced to an empty gimmick.


    No they are furthering the agenda of the story.. or are you missing the fact he was being prompted to drink more, fight and.. loosing the heirloom of his family , to which end we do not yet know other than the leader of this Charr dragonhunt now holds it with the instigator apparent by his side.

    I think your trying to read far too much into the Braham character at this stage of what is just the prologue.

    I see this as a way for Braham to open up the Norn part of this story and for him to begin maturing into a more solid, focused member of the group, at least I hope for that.

    I think we get it, you don't like the character or the personality that has been written into him thus far, but your missing the point somewhat in that Braham at a young age has had to deal with some pretty tough stuff that even those of greater years and maturity would also find hard to deal with.. this may be his chance to grow as a player in this story, this game.

  9. For me Tybalt and Forgal bring back a lot of early GW2 fun. Would of been fun to of afforded them a little more time in the LS to expand upon what was already some pretty good character narrative... bahh I miss all those apple one liners and now I just gotta go play a game of Belchers Bluff for old times sake :)

  10. > @"AnodicShadow.3647" said:

    > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

    > > > @"AnodicShadow.3647" said:

    > > > I wonder how many people here actually have experience in writing novels.

    > >

    > > I dont have any experience as an aeronautical engineer either, but I will not get into the aircraft with the wing falling off.


    > I think you missed my followup post.


    Actually I think both @"Ashen.2907" and @"Astralporing.1957" understood your post pretty well.

    Any good writing needs to provoke a reaction and that reaction can be good or bad.. it need not be any deeper than that to be honest.

    I wonder how many players actually sit and read a good novel or a bad one for that matter and come away without reaction to it.


    If a book is so poorly thought out, so lacking in content, direction and offers nothing to the reader to react to then I say that is a poor novel, but the fact we are all saying this and that, offering reaction to the character and ANETs narrative direction means we each got to portray some kind of emotion or reaction, but what some might well be missing is plot.. like @"Mewcifer.5198" said above.

    Remember this is a prologue, it is laying the foundation for the coming narrative and Braham (as much as I would not miss the hissy Norn personally) is being placed front and centre into the plot in a way that not only offers some comedic personality punch that maybe isn't so alien to the race, but opens the doorway into a new deception and a new character that in turn relates to Rytlocks story and the unfolding of the IBS.. it is early days in this SAGA, maybe too early to judge any character or plot or narrative as a whole just yet imo.

  11. > @"ScyeRynn.4218" said:

    > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > > I think that just because a character creates tension or rubs people the wrong way, it doesn't mean they need to be gotten rid of.


    > That's not what is being said here. Braham being conflicting isn't the problem. There are many characters in the story that conflict with the Commander and the missions and the other characters. It's about the execution and arc of Braham. It's about how Braham isn't being developed in a way that is authentic, significant, or necessary to the story other than as a way to redeem him.


    > They "180'd" his character at least two times already, more than any other character because he is not a true character. He's a playing card meant to serve a purpose. Whether it's to be an ally who conflicts with the commander or the comedic relief. He's currently serving as the caricature sidekick just for forced-humor. He adds nothing significant or essential to the actual story.


    > Saying "oh but he has been by the commander's side for many episodes!" is missing the fact that he was placed there recently and purposefully to put that idea in your head that Braham is now essential and not the annoying, useless, complaining character he was just prior. It's to make up for that. But they didn't even do that right. They decided to force down our throats that he's also now suddenly a highly comedic, buddy-buddy partner for the Commander.


    > He may become useful in the Norn part of the upcoming story, but that should have been his story thus far. Instead everything till now has been filler or unnecessary conflict that went no where.


    > Braham used to be a rising hero and an interesting character. He wasn't a whiny brat or a clown when we were first introduced to him. Then the commander took over much of the journey they had planned for him and instead of giving him a proper journey of his own, they decided to make him the tag-along group member with a grudge.



    Wow slow down... remember this is a fantasy world and meant to have multi facets in its story telling, which in turn provide opportunities to branch or switch up all whilst creating the opportunity for players to explore them, cuss them or love them... there is no actual right or wrong except from your own personal viewpoint.

    Don't get me wrong I am not a Braham fanboi either as I've already said, but your not the voice of LS or do you have some sixth sense that can tell us what is in store for the character or any character cos from where I am sitting I can see the IBS being reasonably meaningful in context when considering both Braham and Rytlock, I also feel Rox could of had an uptick in character here as well but well it doesn't look like it.


    " It's about how Braham isn't being developed in a way that is authentic, significant, or necessary to the story other than as a way to redeem him. "

    I will be honest here and say I find this a little strange considering he is just one cog in a larger machine.. also consider the depth the narrative team are able to go to in the time and cost constraints they have upon them. I would hazard a guess they could of, would of, should of expanded Braham and other character so much more every chapter and likely did, but there will always be a need to edit out, shorten and change directions in an effort to get it all ready in time for the big reveals..

    Hopefully its not a sprint for this character or any of them, its a marathon

  12. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > The character provokes emotions in people. That alone is enough of a reason to keep him.


    > I was no fan of Braham, even less after his tantrum in LWS3. In hindsight I have to say, I get where the authors were coming from, and any one who has lost someone close they loved might too. Was it narratively given enough room? Maybe not.


    > As far as Brahams bumbling and drunkeness this epilogue, all I have to ask people who gelt embarassed: have you been sober around drunk people?


    > Ask yourself, were you embarassed due to the acting and writing, or because Braham in character and context of the world was embarassing your squad? The second case would mean the authors got it right.


    Sensible opinion here ^


    Could not stand Braham right through the whole story .. until Bound by Blood.

    Finally some better personality has began to come through in the writing around this character.

    I personaly only saw Braham as some kind of Disney Star Wars diversity character, soulless and very out of place, but something has raised my interest in him this time round and maybe now there is a story where his character, his history, his race can have a positive impact on how he is allowed to grow and possibly flourish within the LS.

    The drunken theme does fit well with the race/culture and after all this was supposed to be a celebration so why shouldn't a Norn have his day in the ale houses around Charrlands, to celebrate the downfall of another Elder Dragon before Winter comes.

    Or maybe its the big crescendo and Jormag does, what many of us have wished for, especially since that childish hissy fit in LS3... in time all will be revealed perhaps :)


    On a side note, I wish the narrative team had put more effort into expanding Rox's character, I think there was potential for much more and this latest "SAGA" seems to have room for her to of been made a little more focal, but sadly it seems she has been sidelined once more.


  13. > @"Etria.3642" said:

    > My daughter said it is the vendor you buy things at that matters. The 'good' vendor is in the bloodkeep. I purchased the shirt outside the ooze stadium, and indeed, got zero credit toward the achievement.


    I bought every item from that "good vendor".. so maybe he is .. shall we say - less than shady perhaps :)

  14. Well.. scratch my initial thought on the issue being linked to first purchase.. cos now i've bought a few more items off the vendor some, which have definitely not registered as a purchase using chilies..

    So -

    NO CREDIT for Metal Legion Band T-shirt skin (200)

    Got credit for Blood Legion Banner Skin (100)

    Got credit for Flame Legion Banner Skin (100)

    NO CREDIT for Charr Scrap Cannon token (75)

    Got credit for Mini Crecia Stoneglow (30)

    Got credit for Bangar Ruinbringer (30)

    NO CREDIT for the Carne Khan Chili recipe (25)

    NO CREDIT for the Green Chili Ice Cream recipe (25)


    Total spent - 585

    Picante Achievement shows - 260/300


    Conclusion... NO COMMENT!!!


  15. > @"Mighty Xougo.7698" said:

    > The game for me is and has always been about playing with the right crowd. One reply said something of fixing bugs and issues on the game rather than worry about small things that would appeal to the end user. Yes the game has issues here and there, however overall... We are all still playing it and some have been since 05 including yours truly. I think when it is all said and done game crashing or not wouldn't it be cool to take a break anywhere in game with a mobile home of sorts to invite that right crowd your privy too for some amazing role-play. If for anything else its money in Anets pocket, and yet another fun and unique concept for players to enjoy. After-all if the game had no cool stuff like this then the game wouldn't be cool at all facts are facts.


    You already have that ability in game.. you can go where you want and invite who you want to come along with you.. if you want décor to add spice then you have guild halls and a home instance filled with nooks and crannies.

    As for amazing RP'ing experiences, no thanks I have seen enough of that in DR and LA and aside form the occasional genuine RP it tends to be plagued with vulgarity, rudeness and mom this, dad that... no thanks.

    In fact I would prefer ANET to bring back a designated RP server that way those players can go play out their fantasies and spam emotes in all chat channels to their heart's content.

    I don't have anything against players wanting to RP.. but unfortunately a large portion of that community tend to enjoy filling map chat with stuff that unfortunately leads to tarnishing those seeking decent RP with the same brush.

  16. > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > Seems like the yes and no are quite evenly matched in the poll!


    > > @"Doug.4930" said:

    > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > @"Doug.4930" said:

    > > This was evident as the moment BG opened a few weeks ago:

    > >

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/tn1fsem.jpg "")

    > >

    > > We went from 5 full servers to 2 almost overnight.


    > Also I was wondering, do you mean that the reason why we went from 5 full servers to 2 full when BG opened, was due to many players transferring to BG resulting in a Super full BG and lower pop in other servers?


    > Are we facing lower pop on a few servers because they mostly transferred to BG, or because players are leaving the game?


    Most likely both, but yeah when ANET opened the floodgates to allow servers like BG to become so stacked it upset what little balance existed in the mode and since then the server pops have not been anywhere near healthy.

    Many players will of undoubtedly got fed up of the coverage issues these reasons created on low pop servers and have grown tired of being steamrolled week in week out. Others have just simply drifted as the gamemode's neglect became more and more apparent.


    This isn't just an NA issue, tourney server hopping and WvW neglect has had an effect across the whole game mode not just NA and with Alliance still no closer than "we'll be talking about that in the coming months" it's unlikely to get any better. I am not even convinced Alliances will fix these kind of issues anyway.

  17. Let's have the ability to raise a may pole so we can have organised dancing with some traditional costumes....

    Seriously ... ANET have had to dodge so many things of late around content or lack of, I think it's best they focus on stuff the game actually needs or fixing stuff that needs fixing rather than meaningless things like this ... especially as you have those sort of things already available within guild hall's and scribe decorations.

  18. > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > This is such a non-issue.

    > > I actually think its a good idea to keep the scroll out of the vendor until you have played through the story on one toon, if you really cant wait then use a TP to friend.

    > > Again, such a non issue for ANET to spend even the slightest amount of time looking at imo.


    > A nonissue? Someone actually had to ADD a check to see if the story was done rather than just add it to the vendor.


    As I said... such a non issue.

    In the time you've taken complaint about this you could of gotten 10 toons through the story and not even required the scroll.

    It is one toon, doing an hours worth of story dialogue, hardly earth shattering stuff... or if that is too much effort used TP scroll with a friend or guildie.

    It really isn't that hard.

  19. > @"Stormcrow.7513" said:

    > I wont bother to open the chest anymore after doing the 4 metas..it just isnt worth it. I really loved the events but it was so unrewarding opening that chest....


    And that is what a lot of players are going to start to think.. this is just really poorly thought through imo.

    When enough players begin to take this route, even the price of the keys will drop as they are essentially a path to more garbage.

    Seems with every update over last 12+ months has something inherent to it that ruins the fun and thus its replay value unless your the type of player that likes endless grind for a chance to win at a game of chance at the end... just terrabad, which is a crying shame and take the shine off what has essentially been a good start to the IBS.

  20. I really like that big reveal trailer idea at the end of the Prologue.. the one where we get to see the trailer of the content we just all played through.. genius :)

    So I guess were stuck with either getting nothing new until its almost ready to be something new in order to get some merchandising airtime OR we get something that isn't new to promote nothing new.

  21. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

    > > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > > > @"ventusthunder.5067" said:

    > > > ~snip~

    > > > > Must do 4 separate meta events to earn the 4 keys for opening the Vault of the Khan-Ur. If you do the metas all back to back, this will take you about 2 hours. Alternatively, you can spend, and thus lose, gold to buy the keys on their own. As of right now, buying the 4 keys costs you around 6 gold. Not exactly what we're looking for considering that playing metas should be lucrative.

    > > > >

    > > > ~snip~

    > > > >

    > > > > **TL;DR Grothmar Valley meta rewards are awful for your time investment, not a single new infusion has dropped yet, a collection is effectively not completable, and the reward structure needs to be looked at before people quit playing this content.**

    > > >

    > > > I'd like you to keep in mind that the part about playing meta's should be lucrative is your opinion(and probably that of many others as well), but some people do play then just for the fun of it and don't really care about how much gold they make(which also translates to the rest of the game, they play for fun, not to make gold, it is entertainment after all).

    > >

    > > Ah "fun". Movies are really fun. There are some people who will go see a movie at the theatre 10 times. An extremely small minority. Most people go 1-2 times and move on.

    > >

    > > GW2 events can also be fun. You do them, fight the bosses, learn the mechanics and generally have fun. But how many times can you repeat the same thing over and over, before it stops being fun? This is were rewards come in. To ensure you keep playing even after you've seen everything an event has to offer. After that point, rewards "become the fun".

    > >

    > > Without them, this game would be dead already. Because MMOs are built around repetition, but repetition kills fun.


    > Like I said, not everyone plays for the rewards...not even after doing something a dozen or more times...otherwise this applies to everything in the game, even those meta's the OP referred to, if they're fun some of us will do them regardless of the rewards. I'll give an example of an event that I can do over and over and not care about the rewards...bounties, personally I find them fun and can do them over and over...mindless killing is fun, it's a way to relax and unwind, but then again I'm one of those "casual" players that will play for 3 - 6 hours at a sitting, so take it with a grain of salt, not everyone has the same outlook on games. We all have our own opinions on what is fun or not.


    Sure bounties can be fun.. but these days they are simply daily quick runs mostly, because they simply offer very little in return.

    Great example of just how poor the reward vs time has worked wonders in this game.. Serpents Ire.. the most under played meta in game imo, and even after the uptick in rewards it is still only run successfully once, maybe a few times a day, or worse.

    Why, because it simply isn't worth the effort, not because the content is poor.. its actually a pretty decent meta and should see much more playtime, heck even the hounds is a better investment for your time.

    Rewards don't have to = supa dupa unique skins each run or offer 100g/hr to be fun for those who like to measure content that way, but it absolutely is about feeling rewarded for the time and effort and sorry, but being handed a few Russian doll bags of blues and greens with some yellows thrown in for "best reward" just doesn't cut it.

    I mean c'mon, 7 years into the game and were still pulling endless amounts of blues and green gear that are simply vendor trash and salvage for bog standard mats to TP... not really all that creative. Why don't ANET just move us all back to Queensdale, re-enact the train and leave it at that, if that's all we really want for fun.

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