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Posts posted by ZeftheWicked.3076

  1. > @"Kenshu.3825" said:

    > Totally agree. For the first time ever I feel like Anet is forcing me to play another char. Since the Rev has came out that is the only class I play. Now when I choose hammer I am already nerfing myself from the start cause it is not a main weapon for solo roam only pretty decent for raids. Since u just nerfed the ONLY kitten decent dmg I can even bring the a raid with the hammer I now have nothing to bring to the table. GG anet on not thinking things through at all. So far I am sure that I will be done with this game.... Thank u anet for making me not this game anymore.




    yes, it needs to be that big. Hammer was nerfed **only** in WvW. Unless they moved raids to that game mode i have no idea what you're on about...

  2. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

    > > **Hands off HoT difficulty**. That being said the latter part of OP post makes a lot of sense.

    > > WvW has it's own currency that can be used to purchase xpac hero point completion, so you don't have to go and grind HP if you have been playing enough WvW.

    > > Why there is no such currency for spvp'ers is bit beyond me...


    > sPvP’rs have everything unlocked.


    Only in spvp. Meanwhile you can earn perfectly valid legendary armor set by playing spvp, a reward that has 0 value in spvp itself, but has huge value in other two game modes.

  3. First off - Soulcleave's summit leeches life regardless if you crit or not. There is no trait or skill that makes you leech life on crit in the renegade spec.

    And your suggestion to improve AA suggest that we should leech life when critically striked by the enemy? Because that's what it sounds like in your opening post.

  4. This is not a rage, or sarcasm post (a rarity in my case), but an honest question:


    **Are player ideas regarding balance, game features etc welcomed by a-net?**


    Pretty sure i read somewhere devs can't use ideas posted on forums for some legal reasons, but not sure if it was here or in another game.

    Also as much as I love to brainstorm, let's all respect our time and effort here. If devs can't or generally don't want to use player ideas, please let me (and some of others like me) know, so I don't rack my brain over game balance and move to greener pastures if that sort of thing is not desired or welcomed.


    Generally be it negative or positive, i would like to know the general outlook a-net has on player suggestions and ideas.


  5. If things like:


    Aetherblade light armor skin

    Permanent Noble's Folly Pass

    Mask of the Queen


    Were to appear on black lion sales, I reckon some gems would get bought and spent, at least on this end ;)

    Just throwing down my 3 cents as i feel i'll grow old and senile before these 3 appear in gemstore again...

  6. Then again condi Herald can have much better survivability then any power build, since power herald has to put on a lot of squishy gear to do damage, while power renegade can build more tanky stats, but he's not a herald so there goes the shield and all defensive herald-exclusive benefits.


    As for playstyle - power rev feels close to thief - lotsa gap closers, great burst, fast playstyle. But bottom line is he's a melee sword user (and hammer for range), which means very little aoe, you play bit like warrior - you have to get them in your face, or take them out 1 by 1.


    Condi style is indeed far more aoe, and let's you do bit of kiting if done right. Also if it's ranged damage you need (something that' rev's achilles' heel), only shortbow (so condi) on renegade offers some real options. Hammer is far too slow to output real dps in things like raids of high end fracs.

  7. Last time i checked dredge were our enemies not buddies (save very few exceptions) so let's not act like dredge and try to turn this game communist.

    We're all free man (save those who are married) and we have the safety and security offered by Black Lion Trading Post whenever we want to make a sale. If someone wants to play it unsafe taking big risk for ..medium reward (no taxes) he can, but it's then on him.


    We can't and shouldn't forbid players from making their own choices. Who knows? One poor sod that send a legendary or two for sale to "a friend" and never received payment, might one day not sign a really shitty real life deal, cause earlier he got scammed in gw2 and learned not to trust others at face value, especially when big money is involved.


    One way or another if someone takes a gamble (like selling outside of safe BLTP), if he suceeds the gains are his and only his. Therefore it's just as fair that if he gets cheated and scammed, the consequences are also his and only his, and there is no need to hear or cater to his bitching.

    It's player's job to use their head right, and it's game's job to punish such ppl if they don't. Good lesson for the future.

  8. If you got pvp precursors of one armor type (heavy for example) and are aiming for raid ones of another type, then no problem. Just wanna say that spvp legendary progression means nothing for raid legendary gear progression. Different precursors, different mats for gifts save the standard 100 of tier 6 crafting materials + 250 tier 5 ones + 50 of both tiers 4 and 3, and what not.


    So you're starting from scratch if you chose the raid route, just wanna be sure you're aware of that.

  9. So in short you chose power. That's ok too but be careful of your own squishiness, especially in HoT maps. As i'm not specialist from power i won't say much here save to slot roiling mists instead of song of the mists so you're closer to 100% crit chance, which is bread and butter for power builds.

  10. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNApemn3geNSuQvJRboHlsP0kS4I6SJ4EtrkFUlxO92nPNgCSQtiPGB-jBiAQBR7UA0l9BopSQA8EAOl6PkU5HA1HouFGIFAE70A-e


    Power aspect goes out the window, but you got much more condi damage and toughness. You can gear settler (also cheapo) if you're willing to get some healing power and bit more toughness in exchange for vitality and bit less condi damage. Apothecary can do same, only with more healing power, and tougness being same as dire.

  11. quite a few tbh. Before i throw one for you, answer me this:


    Assuming i give you condi tank build, which part of it you want to receive special attention?


    a) condi damage

    b) stronger survivability

    c) ease of use

    d) more versatile

  12. > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > No thanks.

    > Passive stuff like confusion is already ruining the game ( mostly because it works on AA too ), and there's no need to feed unskilled players with passive stuff which kill other enemies without playing.


    Confusion is not passive, it's ways that it's applied that may or not be passive. On rev you have banish enchantment which deals serious amount of stacks in competitive, but is very short lasting - so it's not fire & forget, only "use it at right time, or waste 20 energy easy."

    If other profession have spammy, easy 24/7 confusion, then that's subject of balancing their skills, not condition itself.

  13. Herald condition can work just fine, it has far better aoe capability then power. That being said that devastation line doesn't do build favours.

    If you're going condi I would advice retribution or invocation instead. And if just getting to know rev, then definitely retribution. Planar protection is just diamonds in HoT maps and you'll need every bit of defense you can get early on.


    If you however feel more confident about your ability to survive then invocation has a lot of nice utility and damage options for you to grab.

    Also i don't know about investing into healing power. Thing is, that for it to work, you need a lot of it **and** a selection of skills that have good scaling with healing power (quite a few don't). In plain english shield is one such thing that benefits off healing power, but you're not using that in your build, so wasted stat imho.

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