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Mungo Zen.9364

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Everything posted by Mungo Zen.9364

  1. > @"Ashantara.8731" said: > > @"Gorani.7205" said: > > **Baseline:** All professions have a Power (Marauders) armour set > > You meant **Berserker's**. No one uses (a full set of) Marauder's in PvE. Marauder's is a fine PvE set, not everyone can mitigate every attack. It is a great buffer to have that extra vitality when facing new content and solo content, and how often in Open World Zergs does having the extra few percentage points of dmg matter?
  2. I tend to think that, in the long run, getting all the mounts available to you will be the end goal. Yes you can focus on Skyscale as it is very popular, but the utility of different mounts means having each gives you the most flexibility. As you already have the Griff funds, I would suggest going for that, and enjoying the Griff now. As for Skyscale, if you are buying LS4 you get the advantage of accessing Rollerbeetle as well, another great mount and really easy to obtain comparatively. However in order to make Skyscale grind way easier, you want Bjora Marches access as the currency there can be used to trade for LS4 currencies, cutting your farm down immensely. I think that is IBS1 Whisper in the Dark and IBS2 Shadow in the Ice. Is the Skyscale worth the extra investment for you right now? I would say no, as it is a lot of buying, playing, grinding, collecting, before you even get to use it, where-as the Griff will be available to you in a few days of play. However, in the long run, I would say go for the Skyscale _when you have bought those story chapters and enjoyed the content_. As for Skyscale utility, yes it is a little broken in that they added it to the game later on after they had built the maps for the Raptor, Springer, Jackal and Griffon. However since the game up to LS4 was built without Skyscale specifically in mind, it means that you don't _need_ the Skyscale to enjoy the content. The Skyscale will definitely make some parts of the game easier in ways the other mounts cannot, but it isn't a huge gap between the Skyscale and other options.
  3. If you consider WoW a gear grind through instanced content, then GW2 is a collection grind through open world content. Yes there is PvP and WvW as well as 5 and 10 man end game content but, the majority of the game is catered to casual open world gameplay. The 'collections' are what most achievements are based around and one of the driving forces behind the game. You can get Gearing, Titles, Mastery Points etc through the various collections, as well as Achievement Points, which some people focus on itself. As you already have exotic gearing, there are two directions you can take your gear. Either upgrade to Ascended or Legendary gear (both offer a minimal stat boost over Exotic) or start looking at alternate stat sets. You might want to experiment with your build and different stat sets can augment those builds better than Berserkers will (thinking Condi related stuff as an easy example). Regarding Living World chapters, they do go on sale periodically so, you can look for that and buy accordingly. Alternately, you could buy them as you want to complete them. Buying a LW chapter is currently 200 gems or converted about 75 Gold. Some players will periodically convert Gold to Gems to keep until something like the LWS Chapters go on sale. You may not be able to farm that kind of gold currently but, as you complete the stories, you will gain a lot of materials and other items that can be sold on the trading post and generate very good funds. It can also be as simple as hitting up Silverwastes for a RIBA farm (which you should try out as map meta events are a great way of farming). A couple hours in a map meta can generate very good funds (Look at Auric Basin, Drizzlewood, Silverwastes as meta you currently have access to that can offer different play experiences but good rewards). Outside of Open World, PvP, WvW, Raids and Fractals all offer different paths for exploring the game and your chosen profession. These areas can also be rewarding to get involved in and may inform your choice of profession progress as the builds you use outside of Open World content tends to matter a bit more.
  4. This might be a bit more than you need for your PC setup but there are posts on the forums from users who have setup working foot pedal system as an alternate input device. Perhaps introducing your feet to the equation will help!
  5. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > Suggestions are fine, but when they're so focused on losing money for Anet, you have to realize that it's unlikely to happen. How can you be sure that it would be a net loss for Anet? How much actual revenue do you think Trans charges are generating? Would it be more or less than Self-Style Hair Kit? Seeing as they made the reusable Hair Kit, which sells for 2500-3000 Gold on the TP, I think this opens an avenue for a similar item for Transmutes. It may actually be the safest way to add this type of item to the game, as a Ultra Rare drop from BLC that can be traded or sold on the TP.
  6. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said: > > @"Mungo Zen.9364" said: > > I don’t think comparing transmute charges in WvW or PvP is the same as comparing Gifts in PvE. > > > > But then Gift if Battle tends to be more efficient to work toward than Gift of Exploration as well. Maybe the competitive scene have it easier in gaining some things when compared to PvE? Although you do have to PvP and who really wants to do that!?!? > > > > Except that you need both to build a Gen 2 legendary. You do, and it is easier to get the PvP piece than the PvE piece right? But the comparison was Gifts vs Transmutes and that is not a fair comparison, as, just like Gifts, it is easier to get the Transmutes via playing competitive modes, but unlike Gifts, you do not need to PvE (or a different game mode) for Transmutes.
  7. I don’t think comparing transmute charges in WvW or PvP is the same as comparing Gifts in PvE. Transmute charges are available through grinding PvE the same as grinding competitive modes, it just happens to be more efficient in competitive modes. Gift of Battle vs Gift of exploration is a fair comparison, as they both relate to similar pursuits. But then Gift if Battle tends to be more efficient to work toward than Gift of Exploration as well. Maybe the competitive scene have it easier in gaining some things when compared to PvE? Although you do have to PvP and who really wants to do that!?!? That said, I have no issue with the proposal for an alternate way for players to access transmutes. I personally will never buy a transmute charge, but I would buy an unlimited transmute charge. Anet has an opportunity to make money from people who will value a reusable purchase over rebuying a single use item again and again.
  8. > @"Eramonster.2718" said: > Could this be the reason why there aren't any players afk/parking their characters in expansion maps to "farm"(?). That would be one of the least impactful reasons. PoF doesn't offer compelling Meta or Rewards like HoT and some LW Maps. If there was a farmable meta like AB for TD for example, players would flock to it. I can't say I have ever thought of PoF as offering decent node or mob farming either, compared to other zones you can farm in, and those other zones may offer events or metas I can do while farming that offer rewards worth my effort.
  9. Map completion is likely the fastest way in game only, as BLC Keys have about a 25% chance to drop on Zone clearance (75% its Transmute Charges). HoT maps are pretty fast for this in my experience and I have run multiple characters there in part to farm the keys.
  10. > @"DaFishBob.6518" said: > > @"Mungo Zen.9364" said: > > > @"Fuchslein.8639" said: > > > And here we go again. > > > More XY pages where everyone will discuss in a circle. > > > > If we could quantify annoyance among players it might be an easier conversation to have. What I perceive as totally fine others perceive as annoying. And neither of us are wrong as they are personal opinions. > > > > Where some players adapted their play style and expectations to the content, others feel the content should be adapted to their play style and expectations. Again neither is wrong in these approaches, however we know that some approaches are more successful to enjoying the game. > > How about we quantify how many times mobs that players intend to fight turn around with the invulnerability buff because they actually came from several thousand units away while the players are getting in position to fight them and every other mob around them, resulting in somehow stepping out of their leash range. I can't recall any other place this happens besides maps with mobs introduced in PoF. Maybe I can purposely cause this on other maps by taking potshots at them from a cliff but not when I am putting my boots on the ground and engaging them close up. > > Can anyone claim it's acceptable that mobs will come at you and follow you all the way to the edge of their leash range, hit you, and then proceed to run back to where ever they came from while being completely invulnerable to you because you had to move just a bit farther to fight off one of the other mobs after you? If you agro a mob while running past it on a mount, and then stop at or near it’s leash range then what you described is expected. If you don’t attack that mob, you are out of combat (assuming you aren’t in combat with other mobs), if you do combat may take a second to fall off. This is a new take on what others have been complaining about. Mobs that enter combat and stay in combat from extensive range. Not mobs that run away! Again to the post you quoted, you find this behavior annoying and I don’t. How can we best quantify our experiences in a relevant way in the course of this conversation?
  11. > @"Fuchslein.8639" said: > And here we go again. > More XY pages where everyone will discuss in a circle. If we could quantify annoyance among players it might be an easier conversation to have. What I perceive as totally fine others perceive as annoying. And neither of us are wrong as they are personal opinions. Where some players adapted their play style and expectations to the content, others feel the content should be adapted to their play style and expectations. Again neither is wrong in these approaches, however we know that some approaches are more successful to enjoying the game.
  12. I am not a fan of tiered raids or scaling difficulty for the same instances. Looking at Fractals, some of them have been successful with different tiers, others, less so. However I think there should be better training tools available and something like a Solo Training Instance/Arena would be useful for new players. Something to get players up to speed on various game mechanics they may expect in ALL game types. For example, in this theoretical training arena, the player would face challenges including CC and Breakbars, Ground AoE, Telegraphed Attacks and Dodge Rolling, Buffing and Debuffing, Condi Cleanse, etc. The intent is to allow players a 'learn at your own pace' type system, outside of any existing content by focusing on the specific mechanics not rewards or group play. It should be really deliberate like "equip a weapon or skill that can provide CC and then break bars on 5 training dummies". I would suggest that these training activities give no rewards but, perhaps, a title or achieve that could represent that a player has completed the introductory training and understands the core game mechanics. The problem isn't at the top of the chain, it is at the bottom, where new players start. I feel that by raising the lowest common denominator for player knowledge will increase uptake in those joining new raids or strike groups and being successful. With greater base knowledge more time can be spent on the nuances of a specific fight and successfully clearing in a timely manner.
  13. > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > **A few of honest questions to those who agree with the OP:** > 1. Are there any specific areas on the PoF maps where you think there are problems? > 2. Are there any mobs/enemy types that you feel are specifically overtuned? > 3. Would you describe yourself as a new, intermediate or veteran player? Hahahahaha Those questions have been asked multiple times in different ways and not a straight answer has been given. Which is funny considering this thread is weeks old now, that people responding to this thread couldn’t say ‘today I went here and this thing happened’. Like, if it happens with such frequency to have so many passionate responses there should be many easy daily examples of what is causing the issue for some players.
  14. 9 is the magic number, one of each class. Although I don’t play them all they are set up for different play modes or tasks when I want them.
  15. > @"Teratus.2859" said: > > @"Mungo Zen.9364" said: > > > @"Westenev.5289" said: > > > To be fair, maybe mounts was such a great idea that Anet could reintroduce new mounts in EoD that serve similar (or the same) utility. That way you won't need PoF to complete (or have a significant advantage while playing) EoD, and it means everyone would get new mount cosmetic options and better open world design options. > > > > > > Because, after gliding and mounts, I don't see where else they can go. > > > > This touches on my thoughts, where EoD has to be designed for people who never played HoT or PoF and thereby don’t have gliders or mounts. > > > > In turn, I would expect them to create either A a way for new players to get gliding and mounts easily in EoD or B they introduce new mechanics around travel (and I think B is more likely). > > > > Perhaps they add new unique mounts, or some as yet unthought of travel system, but I tend to think it will be something new over updating something old. Although I can imagine they will keep releasing mount and glider skins as long as they generate revenue. > > > > The problem with something like that is that if the new means of travel can be neglected by those riding mounts then you'll end up with a bulk of new tools in EoD being completely useless to most players.. > It will come across that Anet is favouring some players over their most loyal playerbase which wouldn't be a good image for them. > They also can't just go and ban mount use in the content either to force us all to use the new mechanics as that would really annoy a lot of players. > So I expect EoD maps will be designed with mounts in mind, that's just going to have to be a thing I think. > > There is a possibility that Anet may just bundle the PoF expansion free into EoD much like the did with the core world game and HoT. > This is the best thing I think they could do in all honesty as it would completely fix the needing mounts problem and give Anet total freedom to design EoD maps with the main 3 mounts in mind. (Raptor, Springger & Skimmer) > > Some may complain about that decision much like they did with the core game being bundled into HoT but it would certainly be a more preferable solution to having our mounts banned from use in Cantha (temporarily or otherwise) or having a bunch of new mechanics/abilities that are completely useless to most players who have played the game for a long time and have mounts. > > If it means we all get a better expansion then I say let a few salty people cry about some getting a free expac.. it was a ridiculous petty complaint back with HoT and it will be a ridiculous petty complaint with EoD as well. > I say that as someone who pre ordered a collectors edition of Gw2 and bought the ultimate editions of both HoT and PoF.. and will be buying the most expensive version of EoD as well be that another Ultimate edition or a physical Collectors (I really hope it's a physical collectors with an Aurine statue XD) > > I do not care if PoF gets included for free with EoD, specially if that means Anet gets to use more creative freedom with EoD map design to include mounts. > And of course that also means they get more freedom to enhance the mounts we already have with new abilities like the underwater skimmer did. > This is a win for us, a win for new players and a win for Anet as well in my opinion. Consider the ‘new player experience’ for someone starting at EoD. They will be forced at some point to go back to HoT and PoF to farm for gliders and mounts. Rarely do you find a game company who release new content but require new players to go backwards to access it. Using Hot to PoF as an example, do new players today need gliding in any way to enjoy the PoF content? Not at all, but the maps were designed with gliding in mind, and I could see the same for EoD and mounts from PoF. However, Just like we don’t see Nuhoch Wallows in PoF we may not see Jackal portals in EoD. We probably won’t see Roller Beetle walls to break either, unless EoD offers some alternate way of doing the same. The niche of some travel options won’t come to EoD, unless they offer a new way to get mounts that offer similar/same tools as the PoF ones. And I can definitely see them taking the path of offering mount training in EoD for PoF mounts, but I can also see them trying to offer something new that updates or negates the need for the PoF mounts and provides a new or unique twist on travel.
  16. > @"Westenev.5289" said: > To be fair, maybe mounts was such a great idea that Anet could reintroduce new mounts in EoD that serve similar (or the same) utility. That way you won't need PoF to complete (or have a significant advantage while playing) EoD, and it means everyone would get new mount cosmetic options and better open world design options. > > Because, after gliding and mounts, I don't see where else they can go. This touches on my thoughts, where EoD has to be designed for people who never played HoT or PoF and thereby don’t have gliders or mounts. In turn, I would expect them to create either A a way for new players to get gliding and mounts easily in EoD or B they introduce new mechanics around travel (and I think B is more likely). Perhaps they add new unique mounts, or some as yet unthought of travel system, but I tend to think it will be something new over updating something old. Although I can imagine they will keep releasing mount and glider skins as long as they generate revenue.
  17. Are you killing stuff okay? Are you surviving okay? If so then the build/weapons are secondary to your enjoyment. I would say work towards Soulbeast as your Elite and try and few different power builds with it. As well, try out each of the different weapon combo's that suit power builds (and then eventually Condi to save you buying new gear right now). Getting to know the versatility of your profession will serve you well in the long run.
  18. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said: > Honestly, if every class should be able to do everything, then we should really only have one class and you can spec and build up to play like that on one class.... I really don't feel this is an accurate statement for the way the game is today, yesterday or in the future. Not all professions can do all things equally well. I would suggest that every Profession has areas they are stronger or weaker, and that is where the roles are defined. Can your profession CC? Can they Group Buff? Can they Condi Cleanse? These and more are the areas where Profession division occurs, not at Tank, DPS or Heals. If you look at Meta for T4 Fractals and Raids/Strikes, the balance is derived by who can bring what based upon the toolset of each Profession. The Meta is built around what each profession excels in context to each other in a group setting.
  19. I don’t think this is necessary, part of the challenge of racing is knowing how to traverse areas with enemies in it. If you are taking enough damage to dismount then you should be stuck fighting. If you manually dismount (say to swap mounts) and an NPC tags you, that’s on you for choosing to dismount.
  20. I have experienced this but, if you stay on a map long enough it will click over. This can happen with leveling toons as well as at 80 with Spirit Shard xp. I have witnessed this specifically while leveling by using the Skyscale Rifts (Core Tyria and PoF maps) to get a bunch of XP quickly but having it stall the XP bar. On a few occasions I was able to get it to go 2 levels without resetting however, in my experience if you hang out on a map for several minutes it will catch up again.
  21. > @"uberkingkong.8041" said: > Start being positive > Think positive > When you think negative you get negative. Think positive get positive. I agree with the sentiment, however as players we can only control the message we send the devs. The devs ultimately decide what they work on and that doesn't always align with what the player base is telling them they want. If you search through the forums you will find a great many requests for change that have been heavily supported but have never seen the light of day. That doesn't mean a specific request will never happen, but when you look at the overall scope, it does mean that most will never happen. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Upcoming_changes_and_features Have a look at what the devs have told us they are working on or planning to launch, and then consider how old some of the references are.... I would like to see Guild events updated for 2020, like Racing, Missions in HoT and PoF (EoD?), or competitive modes but, I also want new specs, balance updates, new PvE content, updates to festivals, etc etc... They could do a Guild only patch but, if you are thinking like the devs, what do you cut in order to assign resources to something like this?
  22. I have been to this zone multiple times in the past 36 hours and it has been bugged consistently over that time.
  23. > @"Hesione.9412" said: > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > > @"Mungo Zen.9364" said: > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > > > > @"Mungo Zen.9364" said: > > > > > --snip -- > > > > For me, it's not a condi-cleanse issue. I can defeat a mob but the game considers me to still be "in combat" so I can't mount, SB can't swap pets, other professions can't swap weapons, etc... Players end up having to travel a significant distance from the encounter before they are no longer locked in combat... but then are subjected to the vast aggro range of other mobs or if they remain in-place and wait for the "timer" to let them out of combat, the mob re-spawns. > > > > > > > > > > If we understand how we interact with the game world, or how it interacts with us, then we can plan for those eventualities. > > > > > > If you are in combat, then there must be a reason. Is there an enemy attacking you? Is there a condi on you? Is there a ground aoe you are in or close? Did you just take fall damage? There are many more questions one can ask about the game state they are in, and exploring those questions will help with understanding the game and having confidence in entering any situation that may arise. > > > > > > Personally, I haven't had the same game experience that some have raised here. Occasionally I get stuck in a situation I can't just escape, but occasionally, not always. If the same sticky situation happens to me reliably, then I have learned to expect it, and adjust my gameplay when applicable. > > > > > > > > > > Nope. The in-combat session just lingers much longer than in other zones. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one to have experienced it. /shrug > > Yes! > > And: a lot of the time I can't see which mob is aggro'd so I can kill it. Also, mobs aggro'ing on a higher level that assumes I would use a mount to get up there. I can't mount to attack (because in combat). Which leaves me to: > 1. jump off the place and glide until I'm out of combat. This assumes I can jump off and glide. Also, using stealth gliding often doesn't remove me out of combat (e.g. DWC and the portal activities) > 2. run on foot to get away, and then aggro another set of mobs because I can't wp as I am in combat. > > I have noticed a time delay between when the debuffs tick off and I can mount/wp again. This is super annoying. The last few days I have travelled to maps in Core, HoT, PoF and each LW on different toons trying to replicate the issue being talked about here. I ran a simple test, how long does it take for me to mount from the time I killed a mob and cleared debuffs. I generally stood still as combat was ending before mounting, and repeatedly clicked my mount button until I was mounted. The fastest mounting time was about 3 clicks, the slowest was about 9. I measured my click speed using a Beats per Minute/Tap Tempo tool. I was clicking at 320 beats/clicks per minute. Meaning that my 9 click mount time was taking about 1.7 seconds. It didn't appear to matter what zone I was in, what mob I had just killed, the results were pretty much the same from mob to mob taking 0.6 seconds to 1.7 seconds to mount after combat. Now, I was theorizing that lag would impact mount time but, I have had fairly stable latency between 70ms and 90ms. Although the PoF maps do tend to be higher than others, and I did see my latency bump into 150ms on those maps only, it doesn't appear to be significant enough based upon the testing I could do. As well, my FPS has been fairly solid at 60FPS or better, as visual latency can sometimes cause interface issues as well, but not in this test. Would those who are having issues exiting combat say that my experience with the tests above are better, the same or worse than their own in game experience? My thought was, as there have been complaints about PoF maps having increased latency, does that affect areas of the game like leaving combat? Games generally have a back and forth conversation from your PC to the server and back so your actions are reported to the server and responses are sent back. If there is increased lag between your sending "deathblow attack" and the server responding with "mob defeated" then your time to exit combat would naturally increase. However, from your perspective, timers are still counting down smoothly, you are moving around the game world okay, but as you are still technically in combat until you get the all clear from the game, which prevents you from mounting.
  24. I would be stoked If they managed to include a small Interface tweak or update every patch to help streamline the game. It was two relatively small but impactful changes, and I did like the original change in the prior patch to move compact and deposit buttons.
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