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Posts posted by WindBlade.8749

  1. > @"dani.5680" said:

    > > @"Excursion.9752" said:

    > > Unless you make your own group with like minded people then you will always get a pretty heavy dose of needing KP or "L2p".

    > >

    > > I am a fairly experienced in raids. Not god tier by no means but what I have found is that just because you learn something one way does not mean that is the way it is ran by the next group. You will be judged constantly. Everyone will be running arcdps (not really but assume so) and watching your performance. Giving you tips on how to do your rotation. Just assume when your a healer if someone dies its automatically your fault. Even if they didn't know the mechanics or made a mistake. You must prove yourself.

    > >

    > > When you decide to partake in raids this is the agreement that you sign up for. Either you have tough enough skin to brave the flames and let the words roll off your back or you will get upset and quit. You may think its dumb but so is waiting 15 min for a specific class to join so you can clear something 2 min faster and that happens. So normal logic does not always apply.

    > >

    > > If you want change, you have to be the one willing to take the first step. There is more than enough content to teach you what you need to know to command your own group. Or you can be like me and roam the LFG looking and waiting for things that I want to do. I am at the mercy of people making groups or needing more. I choose this just as you choose to be restricted by KP and armor requirements.

    > >

    > > So you can let this dictate you or you can control it. The choice is yours. Here is a funny story to leave you with. I joined a group we 1 shot the whole wing. No one died no mistakes. I asked if we were doing more. The commander replied we are! but your not because you suck! and kicked me. I laughed so hard tears came to my eyes. Sure they could have been serious but I took it as a joke. This game and life is about how you react to it. Don't get upset do it as how you feel it should be done. Good luck!


    > I run arcdps myself and i can say i top dps in all raid bosses i've made or 2nd place! So those 250 LI dont mean anything! Internet is full of mechanics and how do you run bosses in 4-5 lines to read! I feel like this stupid things should not be able to be linked! Its not a player ability to play a game! And we all saw that some bosses can be made 6-man so 4 leeched in that case? So there is a surplus of LI out there in the world as some player leeched their way thru it!


    The best dps in low kp group by the way mean nothing, since no one know how to do dps properly, the top dps player (except if there is veteran to help) is often the classes that relly the less on allies to get dps and that have a low learning/mastering curse for the dps, like the reaper, dh, soulbeast which do ton of damage even without any skillcap, everything change when you're in an experienced group.

    By the way in some good exp group people are good enough to reach a point where they are limited by their class and the type of encounter they do.

  2. I started raids a few months ago, i'm now at 500li, how do you think i get them ? i joined training then a guild that do raids on a weekly basis.

    Raids are not that hard to get into, there is ton of training guilds, and guild that recruit newbie, also exotic are fine, training recommand ascended but as long you have correct build in exotic it's enough, and if you take 3 months to do a ascended set something is wrong, a tips is to only do weapons and buy trinket from lsw3/4/5 maps since ascended armor stats increase is really low compared to weapons and trinkets.

  3. Honestly the fact that this fight is considered hard is not because of the damage deal or his hp for ounce.

    But because it's one of the rare fractal boss with shattered that relly on mechanics, which what is really hard for newbie, scalling hp and damage do not work as well as other fractals do.

    Not sure if it's a good things to do but if they want to make it easier, you need to make either the mechanics for forgivable (which should be), or remove some (which souldn't).

  4. > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

    > > @"Sylosi.6503" said:

    > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > > Anet hates the ele class.

    > >

    > > Not really, over the life of this game Ele has arguably fared better than most other classes (Guardian being the obvious exception).


    > not really, Ele obviously enjoyed core days the most but ever since HoT, other classes have been getting what ele can do with additional effects


    Too bad i started just after that ......

  5. tempest was not even "meta" or everywhere, why they kill whole profession of gamemode instead of balancing them out, there is litteraly no reason to use them except if you really want to have strong heal now ....

  6. Raids are fun because they are not braindead, so powercreep or nerf will be a no go,


    Why not a story mode, opposed to what some people think, raids are not abbandonned like dungeons but just on an hold like close to every others contents of the game since it's a bit fanky in aenet theses days, they can't even put story anymore, (their editor ncsoft played a part in this sad situation).

  7. I tough about it, isn't because we are not the commander in raids but a group of average elite aventurers and the hp are way big enough to simulate a relative view of the adventurers skills ? Which explain why a being like a legendary djin is way harder than god or elder dragons to kill simply because even 10 elite adventurer are way weaker than our player ?

    Which mean that even if a group of raider do way more damage and are more effiency in game stats than a random commander in his living story episode, it's the reverse in lore wise, where the adventure struggle harder because they do nothing compared to us ?

  8. Without need to do a lot effort like reworking all the armor models of the game, i don't see a lot of race that could be played except largos (human armor).


    But that will still be problematics left, like the voice overs for everything ? each race have a male/female voice for everything (story/skills, well anything), how this will work, and largos still have backpiece problem (even if they could just disable backpiece skin like others mmo did).


    There is also that a lot of players want new race, but it don't give much, except fashion for some race like silvarys/charr, largos also have quite a lot of intric traits that can add to fashion wars.


    Also don't forget the spagetthi code that is the living story, how will that work for a new race ? they can't start from the beginning without putting a "where the fuck you comes from" as the main character, the only solution i will see is to lock it until one of your character reach EOD (after or at the beginning), and unlock the race for new character that will start at this moment. But honestly if i remember correctly, touching anything from the personal story break everything because spagetthi code.

  9. > @"weaponwh.9810" said:

    > for beginner pdps, or just beginner overall, what are the easy -> hardest boss in term of mechnic/messy


    Like a lot of people will say, vg (you only need to evade blue aoe some time and cc);

    cairn, a bit harder, since people with red aoe need to have a brain, but the only thing you need to do is to not go on group and people going on green.


    Mursaat, you only need to follow the tag and dps the shit out of him (evade when ads explode).

    Samarog, a bit more tricky but still easy, you basicly need to always go in the back of him and jump his shockwave like tequalt.


    Gorseval ?, i mean, his mechanics are really simple but you need a certain dps check for the whole squad so i will said a little bit less easy for beginner, you also need a good heal, but the healer shouln't be a beginner in raids anyway.


    When you have finished all of them, you can go to sabetha to have a fight with a bit more difficulty, but still easy to apprend for someone that already did some raid bosses.

    And after that you can start seing others bosses.


    Maybe CA to is quite easy, but there is some mechanics to cover and you need to know how to burst, easy but not the first boss to do.


    The hardest bosses you definitly need to avoid are : Quadim1, Dhuum, Largos, Souless Horror, Deimos, Matthias, Quadim2 (not really hard but not for beginner).

  10. > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

    > > @"WindBlade.8749" said:

    > > To be fair a lot of content are still missing in the roadmap, it's more a story roadmap than anything else. (don't mean alliance are comming or not)


    > I have a small fortune of 1.4 million USD in a bank in my home nation of Africa I need your help to get out of the country if you believe that.


    i didn't say it's will be out, neither it's will not be, just that the roadmap they release is more a story roadmap than anything else, even strikes/raids or other pve content are often not announced int (sometime are).

  11. > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > > @"WindBlade.8749" said:

    > > Any gamemode that create link between community by being played for long is what really make a game healty, it's not for nothing if there is big guild of pvp/wvw/raids and silverwaste made such big boom in the gw2 community, since peopel was farming it 24h/24)


    > And creates a "toxic" cesspool. You can say that your group isn't like that, but mostly? Yeah, it is. If it was most of the playerbase, then obviously i wouldn't be here as the game wasn't made for my tastes, but since it's only a small part of the playerbase, as it is in most games, it really isn't worth the time and effort.





    toxic definition : very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way.

    Hum i rarely see that in raid, maybe sometime in wvw/pvp but rarely in pve HL.


    Btw openworld is way more toxic than you think, just see the chat after a failed meta event. Ofc it's happend less since some people are carying all the work.> @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > > @"Tom.1852" said:

    > > > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > > > If it's fun, why does it require more rewards? You say you speak for other people, but in that case you should consider telling them to sign in with their own accounts. Would make this more believable.

    > >

    > > just because something is fun means we shouldnt get rewards for it? It is fun yes, but it also requires endgame gear and getting enough gear to raid with different characters/builds is expensive, sure, you can wait for all the correct raid drops to gear the next character you want and only ever buy the gear with magnetite/gaeting. But thats a very slow process and trying out new builds/classes for many people is an integral part of the game not becoming dull for them.

    > > I really wouldnt want to play a game were i only ever get rewarded for unfun content.

    > >


    > If you and your friends just want stuff, then it obviously isn't fun. If entertainment isn't what motivates you to play then, well, i don't know what to say...

    > Besides, what "endgame gear"? Raiders always say they enjoy it/it's fun while at the same time beg to get more and better rewards, and i'm just disillusioned by all your BS.


    If you love a gamemode, but the gamemode reward are not that great compared to the others, even if you still play it without any change you will still ask for more reward sometime, specialy since raids are way harder than openworld


    For the reward track itself, it's will be a good idea, the cm rewards are a joke honestly for the time spend on it and the fact you can't farm it (opposed to any meta event).

    Guess that even if it's implemented ti's will be a simple thing like dungeon one but i'm fine with it.

  12. > @"Woltarion.6829" said:

    > > @"WindBlade.8749" said:

    > > Whut, In PVE HL, mesmer is one of the strongest build on condi, power, tank, boon kitten are you talking about xD it's so powerful that everyone just stack them.


    > Yeah but in PvE ennemies are most of time not moving that much, and you're not the direct target of most of the damage and condi that you have to dispel. You can't stay immobile in PvP and expect to survive more than 3sec alive so you always have to move, all your wells are spells that force you to stay at the same place.


    "Laugh in largos where you can't stand in one place for more than 5s and the mob always dash everwhere"


    anyway yes, but this topic is way more on the PvP/WvW side, it's should be specified in the title, in pve, mesmer is overpowered compared to others professions.

  13. > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > Raids are the wasted hole within PvE that used up way to much time for little use, i rather see Anet turn raids into something more friendly for the majority of the PvE crowd so the time wasted isn't lost completely.


    Lol, most of the player who are in the raid community do each wing every week sinces years (same for pvp/wvw)

    Story ? Most of players only do it once.


    Any gamemode that create link between community by being played for long is what really make a game healty, it's not for nothing if there is big guild of pvp/wvw/raids and silverwaste made such big boom in the gw2 community, since peopel was farming it 24h/24)


    And people only do most of meta event for reward (except really special case) (don't make them less legitime for being played yes, but you can do the worst meta event but that give ton of loot and people will still play it for the loot, opposed to the raid that have a really low reward compared to other things).

    And even if it's on a hold, raids are not throw out of the window for now, we need to wait lws6 or the dlc to get more information on it (after the set of strike is finish).

  14. > @"Nazarick.9653" said:

    > > @"Starbreaker.6507" said:

    > > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

    > > > > @"Aceofsppades.6873" said:

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > I pug strikes every day and I've literally never seen an lfg requesting LI. On NA if that helps.

    > > > >

    > > > > Is this a really such a widespread issue on eu?

    > > >

    > > > It's worldwise-spread issue to be annoyed by other people's LFG requirements instead of making your own.

    > >

    > > One of truest statements you'll find on any forum where something like this comes up


    > And along with it you'll find the most ignored statement - not everyone has the knowledge to lead a squad. (FS is fine because anything will do, but the rest all require a specific squad make-up)


    And people don't own you anything to lead other people in a way they don't like.

  15. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"WindBlade.8749" said:

    > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > Meta is meta unless you or your group are unable to execute it at which point is becomes non-meta for you or your group.

    > > >

    > > > If a group runs a meta layout and fails consistently, then that layout is by default not meta for that group. If said group changes their layout to an 'off-meta' layout and successfully completes a run without issue and in a timely manner, then they have found the meta for their group.

    > >

    > > Hum i understand what you meant, but i don't think the definition of meta is scopping the user ability to use the most effiency tactical available, the question is, the "available" concern the user or the whole system... i guess i'm just going to much in definition xD

    > >

    > > Anyway yes, meta build are often not for newbie as they sacrifice everything they can to be more effiency in their role.

    > > But SC have ton of off-meta build, or to be more accurate, they have every meta build of each exisiting viable build, want to play power or condi tempest, you have the meta build for the two, even if they are not meta, they are the best as the best power tempest build to do damage and the best condi tempest to do damage. SC basicly give that to and meta teamcompo for each boss, so there is a ton of offmeta build on SC.


    > My point is less about Snowcrow and more about what is 'meta' and people's insistence on others running what they deem is meta rather than that person running what is most effective for them. Some warriors truly need double EP to function for instance. Some don't. But the ones that do should need it should keep carrying double EP until they get better. After all dead DPS is 0 dps.


    > SC and Discretize have GREAT resources for the builds that their guilds found to be meta for THEM. Ditto for Metabattle for the twitch streamers. These are great resources to go to for a first cut on someone's build. But the community itself needs to come to terms with the fact that Meta is relative to the ability of the people running it. What should be emphasized more is general build crafting and class knowledge relative to the mechanics to be encountered.



    yea i know and i'm also at this opinion, just speaking about the definition usage of meta.

  16. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > Meta is meta unless you or your group are unable to execute it at which point is becomes non-meta for you or your group.


    > If a group runs a meta layout and fails consistently, then that layout is by default not meta for that group. If said group changes their layout to an 'off-meta' layout and successfully completes a run without issue and in a timely manner, then they have found the meta for their group.


    Hum i understand what you meant, but i don't think the definition of meta is scopping the user ability to use the most effiency tactical available, the question is, the "available" concern the user or the whole system... i guess i'm just going to much in definition xD


    Anyway yes, meta build are often not for newbie as they sacrifice everything they can to be more effiency in their role.

    But SC have ton of off-meta build, or to be more accurate, they have every meta build of each exisiting viable build, want to play power or condi tempest, you have the meta build for the two, even if they are not meta, they are the best as the best power tempest build to do damage and the best condi tempest to do damage. SC basicly give that to and meta teamcompo for each boss, so there is a ton of offmeta build on SC.

  17. > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > > @"WindBlade.8749" said:

    > > > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > > > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > > > > > > @"CashCow.9548" said:

    > > > > > > I want raid rewards with out ever raiding.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Please, Anet. I am so casual and not really interested in playing your game but pleaase give me the rewards anyways, I insist.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Yes, imagine the horror if every player could go through something that was designed for solo and scaled for groups so everyone could participate in the content. I can imagine it now... Wait, i can't see any downside to this. Except then people couldn't boast about clearing the "difficult" thing, again.

    > > > >

    > > > > Group content needs people to participate in an actual group. Opening some kind of "solo modes" for group content pretty much kills group content, because usually it will be easier and faster (and preeeeeetty sure that's what people vouching for it also want). This is an mmorpg, having some group content is usually desirable by default.

    > > > > Here, "found" a downside for you.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > If you want rewards for completing the content, then you need to learn and complete the content. If you don't want to complete the content -for literally any relevant or irrelevant reason you're capable of comming up with- then you'll get no rewards for that content. I don't see anything bad about that tbh.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > > Still wonder why people are so obsessed with rewards when there is no gear treadmill. Let me guess: they stuff sells really well for a lot of gold?

    > > > >

    > > > > I'll need you to explain how is this supposed to be some kind of great catch. Are you upset that people are able to learn/play through content and use (or sell) their drops as they see fit or what is this sentence about?

    > > >

    > > > You know, i know it's true and i will have to say this: If people play group content only because it's enforced, that just proves that nobody actually WANTS to group up with random mooks, which is obvious. If they could without any extra benefit, then people could play with their friends and/or solo when they feel like it, because there is no requirement for it. If they want to suffer through other people and their requirements and all that rot, then that is also their own choice and they can live with the consequences. Only downside is game developers obsessions and lack of thinking outside the hunderd times recycled old box.

    > > >

    > > > Since when is it a good idea to force the developers preferred playstyle down the players throat? Because the other games did it first? Yeah, great reasoning that.

    > > > If there wasn't any story in the raids then i couldn't care less, but since there is, why is it shoved into that steaming pile of garbage? Because someone else did it, and that means anet and the rest just recycled the same old kitten, as per the usual. The same old, same old...

    > > >

    > > > Your question seems pointless, as the answer is pretty self-explanatory. You don't want the stuff to be widely available, because that would cut into your profit and/or you flaunting it around would ring rather hollow as it's more widely available. Really, i don't care about your precious stuff, you can keep it all. Can't speak for others though.

    > >

    > > Yea, except that just the gamestyle you prefer, a lot of people do raids because it's hard and engaging in a group content. It's not the raider fault if other people don't want to do "hard" group content together and so have less supply, raids profits is already a joke anyway, you will get way more gold in openworld so your argument is already felling.

    > >

    > > If people love raids, it's because it's engaging, you can't be brainless except if you really know the fight by hearth and have a perfect team, which is rarely the case, even in roster or raid guild.

    > >

    > > Raider don't play the raid in group because it's forced, it's because it's in group and is not braindead that they play the thing.

    > > And why a gamemode can't have something to him like lore or story to it just because you don't like it, it's pure entitilement, i don't play wvw or spvp, but i will not care if they get exclusive rewards, it's not like i can't go play them to get them, i could get to it and get it. Plus side note, most of lore behind raids are not even related to the main plot but more gw1 or backstory.

    > >

    > > Openworld players have like +30 legendary gear they can get, but god, when they can't get one armor and one ring it's heresy. Even if it's usless for casual player to switch stats opposed to wvw/HL content where it's usful to switch stats often.

    > >

    > > Sure a story mode will be nice, but like everyone said it here, there should be no raid reward in it, maybe some skins unique to it. But it's a story mode anyway, it's should only be here for the story or to train.


    > Yea, except if most raiders would admit what they actually do, and some of them actually have but that thread got deleted, we all find out how they do everything in their power, and use every exploit to skip as much of the "difficulty" as possible. There is nothing more brainded than doing the same exact thing over and over and over, which is the only thing raids have in them. Know the dance? THEN DANCE! But even that is too much time "wasted", so just skip everything you possibly can to get to the precious rewards, the only thing people covet over everything else. Even fun is less important than stuff.


    > Also, if they make a solo version of raids, why would that mean it requires less effort to complete it? Sure they would have to actually put some effort and imagination into it, which is more than can be said of the same old recycled raids anet simply copied from other games.


    you will never have the same version of the raids, and skipping things on raids happend, but most of the time it's make the raids harder,

    And raids are probably the content that repeat the less itself, sorry but except raids and fractals cm, anything else in pve is excatly the same, there is no event that players still enjoy after doing them for years every day/weeks, the only content that are more unique after each run than raids and fractals cm are spvp and wvw where you fight againsts humans.


    And you just can't doing solo versions of raids without reworking the entire fight of bosses honestly, so much mechanics are team related, you better of creating new boss than trying to patch boss in a new game design that was never made to be that way.

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