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Posts posted by WindBlade.8749

  1. > @"Obfuscate.6430" said:

    > I think there might be a compromise that might work.


    > Consider an in-house DPS meter for guilds , which would allow guild members to see each other's information.

    > This helps in two ways: It can allow training guilds to directly work with members who need help the most as OP felt it might.

    > It will allow people to play with who they want and how they want to the standards they expect.


    > Another possibility is to expand this idea with Guild Alliances, a feature they might introduce with the newest expansion since guild alliances were such a major part of the Factions campaign.


    > I think there is a misconception that you need to have peak performance to clear content. That is the message the DPS meter sends and it is the wrong one.

    > While I don't want to /gg for half an hour until I rage quit, I also don't want to be forced in to a play style that isn't mine just to gain access to stories, and skins.

    > What OP and many others overlook is that you can still play well and still clear content , even if it's a little slower than ideal.


    > You do not have to play with people who want to play that way and vice versa. That's just the bottom line.


    you know that if you remove public dps it's gonna be worse.


    Because nowday, as long you do your dps, people don't care if you bring the class that is not absoulte meta.

    I play weaver at it's meta nowhere in raids but i still do 1-2 most dps so they don't care.

    Now what happend if there is no dpsmetter ? The community will have no way to know if you do your dps, so they will ban offmeta dps like in the old days (when they was no dps metter) because you will do better dps with the same skill on a meta class (except some exception).

    Back in the days necro and others was banned because the class do low dps and even if the player is really good with it, the group can't know that so they just don't take the risk.

  2. > @"WindBlade.8749" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > > > @"Oldyoung.6109" said:

    > > > > > > KP was never a indicator of skill it was and always will be just a tool for people to be discriminatory.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > and lie with chat code generator.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Truth is that, people peaked in their knowledge and skill at around 20 ESS. Most players experienced the largest growth between 1 ESS and about 20 ESS. The difference in player skill between a 20 ESS player and a 200 ESS player was so marginally low that it didn't really matter aside from if you really cared that much about completing your nightly fractal run a few minutes faster than normal. And yeah, that mentality brought in a lot of really really unnecessary toxicity actually.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > @"Fir.7932" Mark my words, having no ESS KP for this big fake imminence front will reduce toxicity in very significant ways.

    > > > >

    > > > > As mentioned in the other thread, the second biggest skill gap is between playing with and without a healer, not in being slightly faster in pressing buttons between 20 ESS and 100 ESS.

    > > >

    > > > And again, it seems like you encourage the idea that a player couldn't play with no healer unless they had some crazy amount of ESS, which is simply not true at all.

    > > >

    > > > If players were trained with no healer from the get go, they'd just get used to it, like they do with anything else in any other video game.

    > > >

    > > > Considering that a player was telling the truth and not fake pinging, KPs do speak for a certain amount of experience, yes. But there is an awful lot of this KP thing in specifically GW2 fractals, that is a big fat illusion of grandeur.

    > > >

    > > > Sorry it's just true.

    > >

    > > No, I am saying that it requires a certain amount of practice, one that will almost never happen at sub 100 KP groups. Even beyond that, many players never try or want to get good enough to play without a healer. As such, at 300+ KP level, players are communicating a specific type of playstyle, and gating for players who want to play the same way. Not gating clear experience.

    > >

    > > Your theory is also very easily disproven. Gating happens by necessity. If every player or the vast majority could play wihtout a HFB, this would not require gating. The fact that most players can't or won't (do to what ever reason) has lead to further gating.

    > >

    > > As such, your understanding of how KP are used is limited or incorrectly explained here. Players certainly do not gate 300+ KP because they assume other are to incompetent to clear the CM. They do because they want to run without a healer most of the time and communicating this.


    > ahah, each time my friends that have 1000kp carry me during the weekend, they bring a qfb and i become a carpet as a weaver if a take at least one attack because i have no healer to get back my hp, but the fight is going so fast you basicly do every cm in 10-20 minute, but that only happend if one of the dps don't do enough dps (or one of the buffer that don't give the buff) to instant phase the bosses, you are not supposed to get hitted (or fail to evade the attack that can't be skip without big burst).


    > Believe me i have 50kp now, and i cleary see heaven/earth or night/day between the skill of my little 50kp skill and the big 1000kp players.


    The most noticable difference i see while playing with pug with 50kp and my friends that have 1000kp:


    - All the cc is instant with the 1000kp guys, which mean a really high burst of damage which lead to the 2th point opposed of 50kp group that don't instant it (good luck to instant cc endolyss at the start of the fight when you're are in a 50kp group)

    - The boss never have the chance to really attack us as he is always cc or doing his phasing

    - No one get hit by aoe, attack or others thing, opposed to 50kp or people always get hit by things, but they don't care because they play with an healer

    - People know how to react to other people fails

    - the fight is 10x time faster

    - 1/3 of the time i'm under the bs dps, (my god, even with 50-70k burst i do, high kp bs player are monster), not speaking when they play dps while when i play 50kp pug, i'm always top dps from far away, but i do way less damage because of the slow cc and boon that are not perma because of some mechanics).


    and a lot of others things, but as a player that play regulary with really high kp player and low kp group, i really see the difference between skills, sure, at 50-100kp, the group can clear the cm nicely (but slowly compared to high kp player), but the players that say that the skill stop improving after that and it's usless to ask for more just never seen high kp player group

  3. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > > @"Oldyoung.6109" said:

    > > > > > KP was never a indicator of skill it was and always will be just a tool for people to be discriminatory.

    > > > >

    > > > > and lie with chat code generator.

    > > > >

    > > > > Truth is that, people peaked in their knowledge and skill at around 20 ESS. Most players experienced the largest growth between 1 ESS and about 20 ESS. The difference in player skill between a 20 ESS player and a 200 ESS player was so marginally low that it didn't really matter aside from if you really cared that much about completing your nightly fractal run a few minutes faster than normal. And yeah, that mentality brought in a lot of really really unnecessary toxicity actually.

    > > > >

    > > > > @"Fir.7932" Mark my words, having no ESS KP for this big fake imminence front will reduce toxicity in very significant ways.

    > > >

    > > > As mentioned in the other thread, the second biggest skill gap is between playing with and without a healer, not in being slightly faster in pressing buttons between 20 ESS and 100 ESS.

    > >

    > > And again, it seems like you encourage the idea that a player couldn't play with no healer unless they had some crazy amount of ESS, which is simply not true at all.

    > >

    > > If players were trained with no healer from the get go, they'd just get used to it, like they do with anything else in any other video game.

    > >

    > > Considering that a player was telling the truth and not fake pinging, KPs do speak for a certain amount of experience, yes. But there is an awful lot of this KP thing in specifically GW2 fractals, that is a big fat illusion of grandeur.

    > >

    > > Sorry it's just true.


    > No, I am saying that it requires a certain amount of practice, one that will almost never happen at sub 100 KP groups. Even beyond that, many players never try or want to get good enough to play without a healer. As such, at 300+ KP level, players are communicating a specific type of playstyle, and gating for players who want to play the same way. Not gating clear experience.


    > Your theory is also very easily disproven. Gating happens by necessity. If every player or the vast majority could play wihtout a HFB, this would not require gating. The fact that most players can't or won't (do to what ever reason) has lead to further gating.


    > As such, your understanding of how KP are used is limited or incorrectly explained here. Players certainly do not gate 300+ KP because they assume other are to incompetent to clear the CM. They do because they want to run without a healer most of the time and communicating this.


    ahah, each time my friends that have 1000kp carry me during the weekend, they bring a qfb and i become a carpet as a weaver if a take at least one attack because i have no healer to get back my hp, but the fight is going so fast you basicly do every cm in 10-20 minute, but that can't happend if one of the dps don't do enough dps (or one of the buffer that don't give the buff) to instant phase the bosses, you are not supposed to get hitted (or fail to evade the attack that can't be skip without big burst).


    Believe me i have 50kp now, and i cleary see heaven/earth or night/day between the skill of my little 50kp skill and the big 1000kp players.

  4. I aggre with everything you said.

    But honestly, there is like 15-16 cm, which mean that will often get dhuum cm, i don't want to have to do it every week. maybe have 8 of choice to avoid the really hard one ? (at least it's not worth it with the current reward).


    As for the reward it's really poor, even for 5 easy cm, you can get that for 20 minute of openworld.

    I think they do that to avoid too much raw gold to be generate, but why not giving us some t5-6 materials ? (and not the trophy shipment that are a total scam for 50 cristal/magnetic, so you do 5 cm, you get 70s profit with the 50 cristal ? wow)

  5. > @"Edge.8724" said:

    > With DPS meter: People are elitist.

    > Without DPS meter: People are elitist.


    it's more Like


    With dps meter: People are elitist, but can see that you do your job with an objetive metric (no need AP or gears or others things)

    Without dps metter: People are toxic elitist, no one can see who do the job, so they just ask stupid thing (because their is nothing better), like AP, and just ban off-meta build.


    And if you do your job, enough dps or enough boon uptime, why it's will even matter that people can see it.


  6. > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > > @"Josiah.2967" said:

    > > This is why we need a looking for group que (kick) system like what WOW has. We also need auto loot when you make the kill like Wow has for this type of content. I am a big believer in solving the problem and assuming positive intent.


    > We could just remove kick entirely, either finish or leave. If you cant get kicked then you cant br pushed out of content


    like the worst idea ever, what happend if someone join without the good role that the lfg asked, what is someone come with tthe good sepc, but can't do his role at all because of skills or wrong build, was if someone lie about his skill/gears just to get carried.


    What if someone is just trolling ?

    In a perfect world, kicking system will not be needed, but people abuse the other players group time already, it's will be worse.

  7. > @"Fir.7932" said:

    > > @"WindBlade.8749" said:

    > > It's true that you can get that in 15-25 minute of open world farm, it's kinda sad.

    > >

    > > But i'm happy that CM can be done multiple now, even if the reward is not worth at all.

    > >

    > > And the current implementation make that you will always do the easiest and same cm every week. will be better to do rotation but it's still better than nothing.


    > I agree with you, a bit. Not sure if there's really a difference between this and nothing tbh. And there were talks about it for years and it all ended up in 10 gold per week.. RNG mount skin drop or something would be as lazy as this but at least something worth going for.. Idk man, I am just really disappointed I guess, I hope that devs are still planning on doing something, but since templates fiesta there's a little hope in some kind of content for high end veteran players.


    Yea, i sincerly hope they give better reward, why the hardest gamemode of the game, give not even 1/10 of the easitest one in the same time (and only if you do a perfect clear). It's dons't make any sens. Maybe they don't want to much raw gold to be make, but at least give us more cristals or t5-6 materials for the cm reward, (and no, the 50 crystal for t5-t6 is a total scam and not worth it consedering you you need to do 1-2 wing to get one this amount of crystal)

  8. It's true that you can get that in 15-25 minute of open world farm, it's kinda sad.


    But i'm happy that CM can be done multiple now, even if the reward is not worth at all.


    And the current implementation make that you will always do the easiest and same cm every week. will be better to do rotation but it's still better than nothing.

  9. Not gonna lie, KP removal was the worst thing to do for new players. They can't proove their value anymore (and no a title that you got after 3 runs is not enough).


    Now veterans gonna play together because they still have their kp, and no newbie can join them anymore after progressing in cm because they can't drop them anymore.



    By the way, lol 1 old kp = 5 new ? That a totally scam conversion rate.

    you get 2 average by day before, and you get 40 new in the new CM only + the others CM.

    it's totally devalue the old kp that dedicate players have taken years to accumulate.

    (i only have 45kp, which is not a right spot but not the worst, i can still find some group in lfg, good luck for others players that was getting into the CM but can't proove their value and are stuck with no kp group forever)

  10. > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > anet is doing a great job, the next step is banning arcdps


    Lol, that will mean the dead of Raids and CM.

    Most of players that do them are people that love engagment contents that are no brain dead and love progressing in their mastering of their class, no arcdps mean no way to see if you have progressed, no way to find new tractic to do boss (because how the fuck do you see if it's work), so the leading clans and most of the clan leader of raids clan will go aways to other games.


    Without speaking of how the lfg will become mess, no li mean beginner can go with anyone even player that just want to clear it rapidly, theses player will make wip the group and their will be no way to know why. It's a coop gamemode, you're supposed to help the team, not get carried.

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