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Posts posted by Aza.2105

  1. The way stealth is designed poses a big problem in pvp. If I did game balance here is what I'd do:


    Stealth reduces your damage output by a certain % for a few secs after coming out of stealth. The only exception would be thief skills and mesmer ambush skills that are suppose to work with stealth. This would make stealth a defensive and positioning mechanic instead of one being used to setup insta gib combos.

  2. > @"viquing.8254" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > > @"viquing.8254" said:

    > > > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > > > > @"viquing.8254" said:

    > > > > > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > > > > > A class can be fixed to not overperform when you can identify their weakness. What is Mirages weakness??

    > > > > >

    > > > > > -

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > @"viquing.8254" said:

    > > > > > > Now the downside :

    > > > > > > 1) Easy to LOS.

    > > > > > > 2) Obvious animation.

    > > > > > > 3) Clones destroyables.

    > > > > > > 4) Using evade to attack and defense.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > + Only one breakstunt in a world where other class has minimum one or more 3 sec CC.

    > > > > > + Weak condiclear if not taking mantra of resolution.

    > > > > > + An obvious no def CD window. <= that's basically how I win my duel versus other mirages, you just have to count the two evade, then burst ; the first time he will scepter block, the second time he will get hit if he isn't doing op kitting.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Now I can ask you the same question, what is Mirages strengh ??

    > > > >

    > > > > None of those are weaknesses. 3 out of 4 can be applied to all classes. The 3rd which is destroy the clones is no longer a weakness due to the rate at which mesmer can just summon new clones.

    > > >

    > > > "'all class" can pop 4 to 6k damage instantly with no prerequise while mesmer had to rely on kitten clones to do something but yeah it ins't a weakness at all.

    > > > "all class" have more temporisation uptime for most of them by yeah again everyone look what he want to look at.

    > > > "many class" have condiclear in their build by not even specing into it.

    > > > Having a way longer animation cast time than other isn't a weakness ofc. A 1 sec cast staff ambush is as strong as thief/rev 0.25 or 0.5 cast under quickness.

    > > > As far as I know, mirage is the only spec who have to choose between burning a dodge to survive or damage but it's not a weakness at all...


    > > There is nothing you have said that illustrates mirage weakness. You continue to name the same thing each other class has. I don't know how long you've been playing this game but everyone has to choose between dodging to survive or doing damage. Maybe you should try playing other classes to broaden your perspective of the game.


    > ?? Maybe play the game ? it's been a long time now that metaclass can do damage **and** survive.

    > Now I open metabattle, for curiosity, what are the weakness of :

    > * thief

    > * fb

    > * rev

    > * holo

    > * sb


    > Describe me please because if you want to feed me with no content you can but I will never ending post asking more details.

    > What I wrote are mesmer weakness in general, mirage included. And no other class hasn't the same. But you can continue dreaming about the mirage op spec with no weakness if you want.



    With the exception of REV, none of those elite specs really have a weakness. Which is why there are constant complaints about them. The specs that you hear people ask for buffs, are the ones that generally have a apparent weakness. Unfortunately due to how Anet has handled pvp balance, a weakness in a build makes them unfavorable.

  3. > @"viquing.8254" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > > @"viquing.8254" said:

    > > > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > > > A class can be fixed to not overperform when you can identify their weakness. What is Mirages weakness??

    > > >

    > > > -

    > > >

    > > > > @"viquing.8254" said:

    > > > > Now the downside :

    > > > > 1) Easy to LOS.

    > > > > 2) Obvious animation.

    > > > > 3) Clones destroyables.

    > > > > 4) Using evade to attack and defense.

    > > >

    > > > + Only one breakstunt in a world where other class has minimum one or more 3 sec CC.

    > > > + Weak condiclear if not taking mantra of resolution.

    > > > + An obvious no def CD window. <= that's basically how I win my duel versus other mirages, you just have to count the two evade, then burst ; the first time he will scepter block, the second time he will get hit if he isn't doing op kitting.

    > > >

    > > > Now I can ask you the same question, what is Mirages strengh ??

    > >

    > > None of those are weaknesses. 3 out of 4 can be applied to all classes. The 3rd which is destroy the clones is no longer a weakness due to the rate at which mesmer can just summon new clones.


    > "'all class" can pop 4 to 6k damage instantly with no prerequise while mesmer had to rely on kitten clones to do something but yeah it ins't a weakness at all.

    > "all class" have more temporisation uptime for most of them by yeah again everyone look what he want to look at.

    > "many class" have condiclear in their build by not even specing into it.

    > Having a way longer animation cast time than other isn't a weakness ofc. A 1 sec cast staff ambush is as strong as thief/rev 0.25 or 0.5 cast under quickness.

    > As far as I know, mirage is the only spec who have to choose between burning a dodge to survive or damage but it's not a weakness at all...


    There is nothing you have said that illustrates mirage weakness. You continue to name the same thing each other class has. I don't know how long you've been playing this game but everyone has to choose between dodging to survive or doing damage. Maybe you should try playing other classes to broaden your perspective of the game.

  4. > @"viquing.8254" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > A class can be fixed to not overperform when you can identify their weakness. What is Mirages weakness??


    > -


    > > @"viquing.8254" said:

    > > Now the downside :

    > > 1) Easy to LOS.

    > > 2) Obvious animation.

    > > 3) Clones destroyables.

    > > 4) Using evade to attack and defense.


    > + Only one breakstunt in a world where other class has minimum one or more 3 sec CC.

    > + Weak condiclear if not taking mantra of resolution.

    > + An obvious no def CD window. <= that's basically how I win my duel versus other mirages, you just have to count the two evade, then burst ; the first time he will scepter block, the second time he will get hit if he isn't doing op kitting.


    > Now I can ask you the same question, what is Mirages strengh ??


    None of those are weaknesses. 3 out of 4 can be applied to all classes. The 3rd which is destroy the clones is no longer a weakness due to the rate at which mesmer can just summon new clones.

  5. > @"Acheron.4731" said:

    > Feel about the same as the last 11 balance patches.

    > I feel nothing


    GW2 balance patches are like how people get excited for the next big mmo. The wow killer, the gw2 killer, then they play it and are disappointed. Everyone expects the next big balance patch to be the thing that fixes everything, makes the game more enjoyable, more skillful, but they are always disappointed when they realize that its still the exact same game with the exact same problems.

  6. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > ## WAIT!


    > **Before you read anything, just post your ideas of what you think could make stronghold better.**


    > (then compare it to mine and see if we agree)


    > This was what we meant about content.


    > https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/stronghold-the-battle-of-champions-dusk/?utm_source=newsletter_gw2&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=april-2015-pulse-promo_us_04092015


    > Okay, somethings need to be improved from my perspective



    > 1. The Lord CAN NOT be solo-able. (secondary effects that make it impossible to extemely difficult with fewer players).

    > 2. The game mode should be 8 v 8

    > 3. The map, especially before the first gates should be larger.

    > 4. Trebs should work at least like the do in Khylo.

    > 5. The supply area should be a contest node, not a first come first cache.

    > 6. The mist hero areas should be a node, and maybe they can open periodically.

    > 7. The guards should be tougher, and no massive damage from the tengus. They could even be mini lords for all I care.

    > 8. Max 2 of any profession in a game per team

    > 9. Disallow certain amulets and runes


    > consider translating some of the mechanics or concepts from https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guild_versus_Guild


    > Maybe dying can incur a death penalty, and securing supply can morale boost some of it away.


    > If there are classes that are super dominant in this mode due to design, like perma stealthing, speed, better aoe. (they should be limited for this mode)


    > If you ignored my request, please go ahead and put your ideas in a post.






    This has my vote.

  7. The only way to increase the population is to get rid of the conquest game mode and replace it with something that is actually created with random teams in mind. What people tend to forget about conquest mode is that its designed for a organized team with voice comm. In comparison to every other mmo, GW2 has some of the most rage quitters and toxic players.


    Its not really hard to understand why, its that they are frustrated. Conquest mode DEMANDS that you communicate with one another. But Anet offers nothing other than map pings and target assists. So either you have to stop what you are doing to type out commands that either people won't read or some team mate will tell you to STFU and run off or you just hope everyone magically synergizes with the unspoken team strategy.


    Anet needs to import the alliance battle game play mode from gw1 into gw2 and drop conquest or reserve conquest mode for automated tournaments. This would bring a lot more players into pvp. No one wants to be frustrated when playing a game, they want to have fun. And conquest is not a fun game mode for randoms.

  8. Shadowpass,


    There is no reason to really debate with people who think that mantra mesmer is ok. I mean, after they say that its fine it means that they tossed all ability to reason out the window.

    I agree with what you are saying. What most people do not understand is one of the founding principles of GW2 was the abilities to make decisions based upon the opponents animations. In other words, animations to skills were suppose to be readable so you can weigh your options to make a choice. Its the reason why we don't have cast bars. When you remove that principle of being able to read animations then you get stuff like mantra mesmer. Its sad that most players do not understand this and apparently the devs no longer do either.

  9. GW2 was destined to go this route. It wasn't hard to see at the beginning though I believe people were in denial.


    The foundational problems with combat are as follows:


    * Evade on skills

    * Immunity

    * Hard CCs: stun and fear

    * Thief initiative design

    * GW2 Mesmer design

    * Lack of cast bars

    * Excessive spam with graphical effects cluttering the screen


    We are 7 years into gw2 life span, nothing has gotten better. Its slowly gotten worse. Its because the game can't get better if the foundation remains the same. The only way we would see real improvement is if Anet nuked GW2 pvp entirely, recycled the assets remake it from the beginning using GW1 as a blue print. Other wise what will continue to happen is the same thing that has been happening from the beginning. More spam, more power, more cheese, less animations it won't stop ever.




  10. > @"Jayce.5632" said:

    > 5 and 1/2 years ago in a galaxy far, far away...

    > [2014-01-26 00:41:03 UTC - No class should be able to simultaneously attack while evading (invulnerable) incoming damage.](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Thiefs-evades-and-blinks/page/1#post3550846 "https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Thiefs-evades-and-blinks/page/1#post3550846")

    > You were suppose to bring Balance to the Force, Not leave it in Darkness.


    Ah, I see my posts are there too. Good find.

  11. > @"everyman.4375" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > > @"everyman.4375" said:

    > > > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > > > > @"everyman.4375" said:

    > > > > > > @"Hex.8714" said:

    > > > > > > a broken mechanic that dosent exist in any other competitive game.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > That's not true tho.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Yea it is. When the game first launched its something I pointed out. It should not exist. The reason being is that there is no counter to evade. Before you or any one starts talking the BS that you have to use timing, I will tell you to stop it and stop it now. The window of vulnerability to hit a thief spamming evade+dmg skills is very tiny. You also have to consider the fact that most GW2 skills themselves have a 0.25 casting time. Then you have to consider latency. So in other words, in order to hit them you have to preemptively cast your skill and add in latency, it makes it nearly impossible to hit them. Its why the only semi counter are wards, but then wards are weak because stability and being able to port right through them.

    > > > >

    > > > > The solution is and always has been to create un-evadable skills like what already exists for block. But at this point in the game I don't think Anet would ever do something like that.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Ok so you're saying that there is not a single competitive game where doing damage while being invulnerable/dodging exist ? Because that's what i was talking about.

    > >

    > > I'm sure you can list games and I will list why its not the same as it is in gw2.


    > The only game i have knowledge on is LoL and there's a champion with a spell exactly like rev sword 3. There's many more exemples from this game alone and i'm sure you could fine even more exemples from other "competitive" games.


    Rev sword 3 is fine.

  12. > @"everyman.4375" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > > @"everyman.4375" said:

    > > > > @"Hex.8714" said:

    > > > > a broken mechanic that dosent exist in any other competitive game.

    > > >

    > > > That's not true tho.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Yea it is. When the game first launched its something I pointed out. It should not exist. The reason being is that there is no counter to evade. Before you or any one starts talking the BS that you have to use timing, I will tell you to stop it and stop it now. The window of vulnerability to hit a thief spamming evade+dmg skills is very tiny. You also have to consider the fact that most GW2 skills themselves have a 0.25 casting time. Then you have to consider latency. So in other words, in order to hit them you have to preemptively cast your skill and add in latency, it makes it nearly impossible to hit them. Its why the only semi counter are wards, but then wards are weak because stability and being able to port right through them.

    > >

    > > The solution is and always has been to create un-evadable skills like what already exists for block. But at this point in the game I don't think Anet would ever do something like that.

    > >


    > Ok so you're saying that there is not a single competitive game where doing damage while being invulnerable/dodging exist ? Because that's what i was talking about.


    I'm sure you can list games and I will list why its not the same as it is in gw2.

  13. > @"everyman.4375" said:

    > > @"Hex.8714" said:

    > > a broken mechanic that dosent exist in any other competitive game.


    > That's not true tho.



    Yea it is. When the game first launched its something I pointed out. It should not exist. The reason being is that there is no counter to evade. Before you or any one starts talking the BS that you have to use timing, I will tell you to stop it and stop it now. The window of vulnerability to hit a thief spamming evade+dmg skills is very tiny. You also have to consider the fact that most GW2 skills themselves have a 0.25 casting time. Then you have to consider latency. So in other words, in order to hit them you have to preemptively cast your skill and add in latency, it makes it nearly impossible to hit them. Its why the only semi counter are wards, but then wards are weak because stability and being able to port right through them.


    The solution is and always has been to create un-evadable skills like what already exists for block. But at this point in the game I don't think Anet would ever do something like that.


  14. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > > @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

    > > > Anet should change Burning back to how it was for PVP ONLY (and possibly WVW): Burn is stacked up to 9 times but NOT DAMAGE WISE, only duration wise.

    > > >

    > > > I find the super high burn stacking frankly very absurd, lol. If this change were to go through then condi Engineer would make a possible come back.

    > > >

    > > > On to your topic: it's easy. Very easy and effective. A noob running the meme Mirage build could even beat me with ease on many builds

    > >

    > > Conditions were better before the big change. I agree.


    > Before the change they were near on completely irrelevant.


    Thats why they were great.

  15. > @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

    > Anet should change Burning back to how it was for PVP ONLY (and possibly WVW): Burn is stacked up to 9 times but NOT DAMAGE WISE, only duration wise.


    > I find the super high burn stacking frankly very absurd, lol. If this change were to go through then condi Engineer would make a possible come back.


    > On to your topic: it's easy. Very easy and effective. A noob running the meme Mirage build could even beat me with ease on many builds


    Conditions were better before the big change. I agree.

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