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Posts posted by Aza.2105

  1. > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > > > Im not even bother going through your text wall, there is a reason meta builds are meta, and it's because they perform better in almost any environment and with any player, low or high skilled.

    > > >

    > > > Game is not blocking from play whichever build you want, just play the builds you have fun and if the build is viable you can even climb to high plat as we still seeing eles up in the ranks

    > >

    > > There are lots of other builds to be discovered. Many gw2 players lack innovation and are just followers. Its funny because gw1 was quite the opposite in many ways.


    > game is 7 years old now, I don't think there're a lot of build to be discovered, most viable things were already in meta once, they come and go as the patches come out, making them more or less viable. I've never played gw1, but from what I know the game had a ton of more options than gw2.


    No there is. The problem is the crowd has been roughly the same for 7 years. Before metabattle there was "following my favorite gw2 streamer". Because you know if he/she says its good then it must be! Gw1 community embraced build making, creating counters to the meta. While the gw2 community just sits on their butt crying how strong the meta is when there are tools to shut meta down. They just don't use them. In gw1 when a team knew that they were going to be up against a certain group build then they would make a build to counter it and win. Gw2? The players run the same meta to defeat the meta and complain when they lose.


    If you notice Anet balance patch notes, they tend to buff under used skills so that players will start to use them. It never happens usually though, players will glance over the notes then pretend like the buffs never happened UNTIL it appears on meta or they find out some top player is using it. Then it becomes known. Like I said, gw2 players lack innovation. It could be that this is a different generation of players than those from gw1, so they just want premade stuff.

  2. > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > Im not even bother going through your text wall, there is a reason meta builds are meta, and it's because they perform better in almost any environment and with any player, low or high skilled.


    > Game is not blocking from play whichever build you want, just play the builds you have fun and if the build is viable you can even climb to high plat as we still seeing eles up in the ranks


    There are lots of other builds to be discovered. Many gw2 players lack innovation and are just followers. Its funny because gw1 was quite the opposite in many ways.

  3. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > meta is basically herd mentality. something can be effective against meta builds and not widely recognized, and because of this fact it is deemed inferior. its only until people realize that something might actually be good, some widely recognized person "creates this weird new way to play the game", the rest of the pack follows, and poof meta is made. ofc if you claim to have used something before anyone else, they'll laugh you out of the room cuz you're not famous. its funny as hell imo.


    Its true. The herd mentality is real man. Its amazing to see people rage just because you play something different. Meanwhile they are fighting off the point and are ineffective.

  4. > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

    > as long as meta wiki exist, ppl will still think that meta builds are the only viable ones

    > just make a selfie build and play it .... you will earn so much hate from others ....


    They get really upset. People don't pay attention to skill changes or anything until it makes it to meta battle. Sadly.

  5. > @"Exedore.6320" said:

    > All of the above and more.


    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > None of these. What they need to do is reduce how much power might gives in spvp.

    > So basically make might useless unless you have a ton of stacks, thereby reinforcing that power creep needs happen. No thanks. What needs changes is how easy some builds can stack might.



    No it would be the same effect. If Anet is unwilling to change how much might a single character can have. Then fine, 25 stacks of might is now the standard so might over all should have less value.


  6. > @"Rehk.6574" said:

    > I tend to agree with the OP.

    > TTK just always felt a little too fast in this game's PvP for me. I think that mainly comes from the fact that some burst combos just do what feels like an extraordinary amount of damage for the HP pools we have. I've often thought that increasing HP, decreasing damage, or some combination of both so that the fastest TTK on a Glass Cannon vs another Glass cannon should at least allow for enough reaction time to pop a ccbreak and use a heal skill and potentially drag it out to another rotation instead of just going poof would help tremendously.


    Damage is tuned for raid bosses who have hp beyond what a player has. Anet for whatever reason has kept damage roughly the same for pvp.

  7. > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

    > Hello bois,


    > Finally i've bought a new PC, but performance on GW2 is making cry, lol.


    > CPU Type - AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor

    > Graphics Chipset - Radeon RX 580 Series

    > Core Clock - 1366 MHz

    > System Memory - 16 GB

    > Storage - 246GB SSD


    > But i'm barely getting 30FPS on [really low settings](https://imgbbb.com/image/SpBmO "really low settings"). Only app i'm running simultaneously is Discord.

    > What can i do to improve this?



    Something is wrong with your pc.


    I have a Ryzen 1800x and I'm getting around 60+++ @ 2580 x 1080. Here is a screenshot in the exact same spot as you. Don't mind the spvp pop up, its bugged ahhhh.


    ![](https://i.postimg.cc/76qcdfRt/gw054.jpg "")


    My pc specs are:


    Ryzen 7 1800x

    AMD Fury X

    64gb of ram




  8. "There are no dedicated healers that do full healing. Every profession has some form of support to a greater or lesser extent, but none of them enough that they aren't also fighters," Peters told PC Gamer.


    "What we don't have, and what we didn't want to have, was a character who stands at the back of the party and plays the 'party health bar game' - where they just look at an interface, watch health bars go down, click on a skill, click on those health bars, and that's all they do during combat,"




    Can we get cast bars now?

  9. I spend most of my time build crafting. My observation is that we either have very high damage or very high sustain. The is never any middle ground. Guild wars 2 could use a minimum and maximum for damage and healing. Just like gw1. Right now gw2 just continues to scale infinitely. Its why damage and sustain is so high. In addition to that gw2 suffers from over tuned skills.

  10. > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > And, by the way, when I did it, it did not drop in PoF maps, only in HoT and Maguuma Wastes maps. I recommend Dry Top, there are two or three Ori nodes there which aren't usually hard to find or get to.


    I will try this. Thanks!

  11. > @"Nokomis.5076" said:

    > It only comes as bonus resource from Orichalcum Ore, are you gathering those? And do you have the appropriate collection unlocked?


    Yep! I have the collection unlocked and Im gathering ori ore. Its strange, a few months ago I gathered 25 of them with no issue. Now I can't get a single one.

  12. The quality of players is related to the conquest gaming mode. Conquest is a mode that requires strict communication and coordination. None of which naturally exist in spvp. Conquest works well when are on team speak with 4 other friends. But falls apart when you take 5 randoms, put them together and expect them to be coordinated. Each player on the team is so important, that if one person is underperforming then its almost undoubtable your team will lose.


    Its baffling that out of everything Anet didn't add voice comm in game or at the very least voice commands (like CS) in game. There is literally nothing, but stand there and type (which team mates complain about often) or target assist. I always felt that conquest should be reserved for tournament play and random queue should of gotten a entirely different mode that requires less coordination and communication. Maybe something like Alliance Battle from gw1 or they could of built upon the stronghold mode.


    We are six year into the games life span, pvp rarely gets updates anymore. Its very unlikely that we will ever see a surge of quality players. Maybe with GW3, if there is ever one.

  13. > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > News flash, whirling wrath does more damage. But no complaints? Why?


    > Does it one shot in 1 sec?


    Its channeling time is actually faster.


    Whirling Wrath


    3/4 channel time 8 sec cd

    Damage (7x): 1,274 (3.15)?

    Projectile Damage: 151 (0.375)?

    Number of Impacts: 7

    Number of Targets: 5

    Radius: 130

    Combo Finisher: Whirl


    Arc Divider


    1 3/4 channel time 5 sec cd

    Damage (3x): 564 (1.4)?

    Number of Targets: 5

    First Strike Radius: 240

    Second Strike Radius: 360

    Third Strike Radius: 480

    Range: 450


  14. When GW2 was first designed part of Anets perspective on balance was this thing called "roles with holes". I think that is the term anyway. Well, what it mean was that each class would have a specific weakness.


    Warrior: Was suppose to have trouble dealing with conditions

    Guardian: Weak when boons get stripped and slow run speed

    Mesmer: Weak when clones are destroyed leaving them vulnerable.

    Necro: Slow run speed, low access to stability

    Ranger: When pet is downed, ranger becomes weaker


    I don't remember all of them. Over time the holes in roles begin to vanish and many classes no longer had a specific weakness. Part of what contributed to the problem was elite specializations. Elite specs pretty much added a layer of complexity on top of the base class, all the while in many cases eliminating weaknesses the class originally had. With Anet focusing on trade offs, they are going back to their original balance idea but applied to elite specs. Since they are sort of classes within a class.


    In regards to Guardian. DH virtues are much different than core. DH virtues all have a cast time and a animated function and in some cases longer cds. Core guard virtues are instant and provide different benefits in many cases. Like f3 for core gives a aoe aegis to party members. F3 with DH creates a shield that provides frontal blocking. So yea its different. Not sure about engi since I don't play them!

  15. > @"BadMed.3846" said:

    > I'm not singling out Berserker here. I meant any spec should not be able to hit that hard in one single hit. Nerf or not, I guess time will tell how it plays out.


    Its not one single hit. Its three separate attacks that have a 1 3/4 channel time. Each attack is around 8k ish "IF" it crits. Its no op, the average gw2 player just has trouble dodging. In addition to being 3 separate attacks and 1 3/4 cast time its awfully telegraphed. It does much less damage than whirling wrath on guardian, but nobody complaining about that! Because its a old skill.


    The pattern with a lot of gw2 players is like this:


    Old: Silence

    New: Complain and call for nerfs

  16. The real issue with Conquest mode is that it was designed for organized teams who are using voice communication. Conquest should be reserved for tournament play only, randoms should of gotten a entirely different game mode that didn't require too much team communication and coordination to be successful. But too little too late.

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