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Posts posted by Aza.2105

  1. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > > @"Volrath.1473" said:

    > > > Notes:

    > > > - Underwater abilities buffed

    > > > - DPS reduction across the board

    > > > - More split abilities between PvP/WvWvW and PVE

    > > > - skill fact fixes!

    > > > enjoy.

    > >

    > > where did you get this from?


    > It's a joke. It's every single balance patch ever.


    I see, right on!



    > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > Its a bug but does it require this much attention? Last stand trait has what? A 90sec cd? So every 90secs for 8 secs they have 1000 toughness and a small heal? Its a issue but not game breaking. Regardless the 1000 toughness does NOTHING with all of the high damage present in spvp.


    > I believe it works with the non trained balance stance, this is where the issue is from what Frostball has been complaining about.


    ah interesting.

  3. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > Heck no. We'll see a balance patch probably sometime in July. And that balance patch won't even be good, it will just make things worse.


    > The split balance patch was literally nothing but good changed with the exception of the Explosives Nerf for Engineer and the Fresh Air nerf for Elementalist. You can criticize how far off we are from the balance target, but the patch pretty much only made positive changes.


    > I have my reservations about dropping a big balance patch in the middle of the season again, however.


    Yeah but that positive is just a illusion. Because their positive changes are usually baby steps, while the negative changes are usually gigantic steps. The mesmer rework pretty much undid any positive change the patch might have brought.

  4. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > So this means its a problem with gw2 itself.


    > ...if it hasn't been properly optimized to work flawlessly on Windows 10 as well, yes. It still runs perfectly fine on previous Windows versions (not taking the general lack of optimization into account ;) ).


    Worked flawless with my windows before this.

  5. > @"Heather.4823" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > Having the same problem. What GPU brand are you using? Nvidia or ATI?

    > >

    > > ATI here. I wonder if Nvidia users experience the problem as well? I had the problem with one of the other windows 10 seasonal updates but after awhile it was fixed. No idea what fixed it though.


    > Nvidia here


    So this means its a problem with gw2 itself.

  6. Retaliation existed in gw1 but it reflected a a % of damage back instead of reflecting damage back based upon your attack power:


    Enchantment Spell. While you maintain this enchantment, whenever target ally takes attack damage, this spell deals 33% of the damage back to the source (maximum 5...17...20 damage).

    Concise description


    Enchantment Spell. Deals 33% of each attack's damage (maximum 5...17...20) back to the source.




    It also had to be maintained, like rev utility skills. Ret in gw2 is terrible, its either overpowered or useless. In spvp its useless.

  7. > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

    > Yeah but if it's half the amount of pips it'll still encourage noobies who want more rewards to fill queues in ranked polluting ranked. It should just be full pips in unranked that way people who only queue for pips won't go ranked and kitten off people who are actually competing.


    But then vets complain about noobies in ranked mode.


  8. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > The Defense trait line and the Signet go very well together, just like taking Tactics and To the Limit on a shout build would.


    Yep....true sort of. Difference is you need healing power with a shout build while you do not with healing signet and defensive line heal.



  9. > @"Aktium.9506" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > > Change scourge aoe into cones.....

    > >

    > > You beat me to it. When you look at scourge from a design perspective, changing the SHAPE of their aoes would work wonders. Large circles don't offer much counter play. Because the shape is even all around and larger than the point itself. Even if sand savant was gone, the aoes would still be relatively large. Probably almost larger than the point. Really only two shapes come to mind:

    > >

    > > **Cone**: Would offer counter play and make the move weaker around the base of the scourge. A small cone shape would be perfectly balanced.

    > >

    > > **Rectangle**: The same shape as warrior zerker burst with bow. A narrow rectangle shape would require positioning to hit and could be side stepped by players.

    > >

    > > Why hasn't Anet even considered this?

    > You're both plebeians.


    > Donut shades would be much cooler.


    That would be cool too!

  10. > @"witcher.3197" said:

    > They should keep GW2 for PvE and push GW1 for PvP tbh.. they even fixed the ping this week so the biggest problem was solved.


    They can port gw1 to the gw2 engine, rename it gw arena and i'd buy it.


    So should support continue in gw2 for pvp? Well its been bare minimum for a long long time already.

  11. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > Change scourge aoe into cones.....


    You beat me to it. When you look at scourge from a design perspective, changing the SHAPE of their aoes would work wonders. Large circles don't offer much counter play. Because the shape is even all around and larger than the point itself. Even if sand savant was gone, the aoes would still be relatively large. Probably almost larger than the point. Really only two shapes come to mind:


    **Cone**: Would offer counter play and make the move weaker around the base of the scourge. A small cone shape would be perfectly balanced.


    **Rectangle**: The same shape as warrior zerker burst with bow. A narrow rectangle shape would require positioning to hit and could be side stepped by players.


    Why hasn't Anet even considered this?










  12. None of this matters if the game its self isn't competitive. And the game can't be competitive if a character can kill another character in one second. The game will not be competitive as long as their is visual clutter and AI running rampant. The game also won't be competitive if the entire thing revolves around spamming.


    Fix the nature of the game first then maybe it will grow. Do you know what made HA exciting in gw1? The long tactical matches. In gw2 its the opposite, it will be a short, aoe spamming, non tactical matches. You can add all the modes gw2 is missing from gw1 and the population will still shrink. Why? Because its not the real problem.


    GW2 suffers from vet-syndrome. Its just a player who has invested a long amount of time into the game and has a very difficult time understanding why a new player isn't as interested in the game as he/she is. All the vet ideas tend revolve around improving his personal experience of the game, instead of ideas that would improve the experience of new players and attract them to come play. One common example is the bursty damage that is currently seen in game. A Vet player will say its fair, get gud, use reflect, dodge and you won't get one shot. A new player will say what happened? Does the game improve? Is high lvl pvp just one shotting? Eventually the new player will leave. Because guess what? There ARE better pvp games out there.


    If everyone wants to grow the pvp population then that means attracting new players. There won't be too many new players if any who choose gw2 over a moba, overwatch, fighting game or any other competitive game due to gw2 not being a very competitive game in the first place. Think why? Then look at what needs to change.



  13. > @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > I am completely fine with Unload losing its damage output if, and ONLY IF, the Dagger and Sword receive it in return.


    Why would you want dagger and sword to receive the damage? That is the problem with the game, damage is TOO HIGH.



  14. > @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

    > > @"Crinn.7864" said:

    > > if a glass cannon can counter a tank build then it will by definition autokill anything that isn't a tank


    > As it should be a big threat to non-tanks. Just as anything can easily kill a glass cannon.


    > > which then begs the question of what run anything that isn't a glass cannon


    > Different playstyles. Tanks should be more forgiving to play, slower and more passive.

    > If the above post is true, and tanks can 1v2, then why play anything other than a tank? Is it better that no one can kill each other?


    > I'm not saying a glass cannon should be able to 1-shot a tank. But it should be able to be a heavy threat if not focused on.


    > It's just as a Scourge is to a Thief now. Good luck to the Thief if he's playing Dagger or Sword. But good luck to the Scourge if the Thief has Pistols. Builds and counter-builds. Playstyles and counter-playstyles.


    But there was no point in time before hot/pof were anyone would tell you that in order to not be one shot you need to bring xx skill. So why is it ok now?


    In the past P/P was countered by retaliation, P/P wouldn't one shot a user with ret nor would ret instantly kill them. But it would discourage 33333. Now retaliation no longer matters, because P/P damage is so high that there won't be enough ret ticks to even be mildly threatening. Reflect has sort of become a scapegoat to justify the absurd damage that P/P does. Every time someone mentions reflect as the answer, it shows me how out of control Unload is with all of the ease of access boons going around and other random traits.


  15. A shrinking population just means there aren't any new players being brought in. I have a lot of friends that enjoy pvp in mmos, but will not play gw2. Many have tried it but then decided to play something else. When I ask them why its generally the same response:


    * Downed in about a second and they have no idea what happened


    * Toxicity


    * Tons of visual clutter


    * Too much pressure in conquest mode


    I can't say that I blame them. GW2 is not a fair pvp game. If I was a new player and never invested much time into this game, I'd choose to play something else that is more competitive.


  16. > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

    > Why 1/4 casting time? They should be instant casts. There's still enough animation delay until they actually do something.


    Instant would be even better. But I doubt they would ever change them to instant activations.

  17. I believe Anet really wants guardian players to use spirit weapons. But I feel that are a few things holding them back from being viable. They are however "slightly" better than they were originally. Here is what I'd change:


    * Make the cast range of each weapon consistent. I think shield is 1200 range, hammer is 900 range, I have no idea the range of the sword. But it makes spacing awkward since you might be in range for one weapon but out of range for the other.


    * Move bow of truth to the healing slot. Right now it directly competes with avenger shield. For the most part avenger shield is superior in every way. Bow of truth has always been weak. Further more bow doesn't even put enemies on fire like the other weapons do. Healing scaling should be greatly increased and it should also remove conditions. Three to five conditions would be ideal. I know most might think that is too much, but we live in a post vanilla gw2 world. Conditions are overly abundant so if it removed only one condition then it would be useless. Just like how signet of resolves passive is now useless.


    * Avenger shield should be a stun breaker again.


    * Hammer should be able to hit more targets.


    * Spirit weapons activation times should be changed from 1/2 to 1/4. The 1/2 activation time makes them feel very clunky.


    Each utility should always do the following: A way to remove stun and conditions. If they do not do this then they become useless in the big picture. No one runs signets for example because condition removal is absent. I can't really count signet of resolve.


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