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Posts posted by Aza.2105

  1. > @"Morts.5319" said:

    > > @"Arioch.4810" said:

    > > I think this is not mesmer issue but game engine on your machine issue. Have you perhaps altered some graphic setting just before the match?


    > No I didn't alter any of my settings. One of my friends who plays mesmer also said that this happens to him as well when he spawns clones.


    Its the engine doing culling. You can increase the amount of models the engine can display at once at the cost of your fps.

  2. > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

    > It's sad if they took the effort into making the circlequest zzz ZZZ zzz ZZZ maps and used that time on Stronghold but mainly TDM then maybe this boring stale no fun circle fighting pvp would never have gotten this bad.


    I know I'm the minority, but I think stronghold is a way better design than conquest. Too bad the mode received negative feedback. If it hadn't we would have more stronghold type maps.




  3. It will never work. GW2 is a aoe spam game, GW2 players die in less in a second. GW1 was resource and a decision making game, GW1 you needed to assist to take down targets. Games in GW1 could last forever, in GW2 a deathmatch would last maybe 30seconds. It would not be fun.

  4. > @"Waffler.1257" said:

    > It started with the Heart of Thorns expansion and will just get worse as more powerful classes with bigger and more flashy skills are created to sell future expansions. People complained about visual clutter in core Guild Wars 2, but this tournament from March 2015 looks pretty clean compared to what we have now.


    Ah happier times. You could actually see the capture point.

  5. > @"bLind.6278" said:

    > > @"Celtus.8456" said:

    > > ^ Lmao. Someone should make a short compilation video of PvP from 2012 to 2018, just to show how far it has strayed. Can search for older gw2 videos on youtube and get depressed. Would love for Anet to make some coherent response explaining why it has gone this way.


    > To cater to kitten players, and to artificially increase damage. When every skill hits everything on your screen, you feel like you're doing more.

    > All combat is now is massive AoE's, massive cleave attacks. Nothing is single target damage anymore. It's awful.


    Nothing was ever single target really. I think 80% of the skills in game are aoe. The other 15% would be thief skills, which were mostly single target. The other 5% is from misc skills lol.

  6. > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

    > > @"OriOri.8724" said:

    > > > @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

    > > > > @"OriOri.8724" said:

    > > > > Now that passive defensive traits were nerfed in PvP, the next things that the balance team needs to tackle are roughly:

    > > >

    > > > Please just leave Thief out of the entire next patch. Thank you :-)

    > >

    > > Thief definitely has some things that still need nerfing. But I do agree that they need many fewer nerfs/redesigns than other classes right now.


    > Im curious what you think needs nerfed since our issue builds were addressed last patch. S/D Lacernous Strike got hit and D/P for no real reason at all. We have very little access to stealth unless we combo with black powder. If you are referencing the cheese build of Deadeye with rifle or P/P then yes I will admit I can see how that build is annoying as hell to play against.


    All evades on offensive skills need to be changed to "blocks while using offensive skills". That way you still get the mitigation but its open to counter play.

  7. > @"OriOri.8724" said:

    > Now that passive defensive traits were nerfed in PvP, the next things that the balance team needs to tackle are roughly:


    > * Reduce bonus damage from traits across the board

    > * Reduce stealth access across the board

    > * Reduce the amount of unblockable attacks across the board. Chief targets should be skills that make your next couple attacks unblockable. These should be extremely limited skills, and each one should have a very limited number of uses (think 2, 3 skills affected maximum). All traits that proc lesser versions of these skills should be removed. Ideally, 95% of the unblockable things in the game should just be non damaging: applying a condition, stripping/converting/stealing a boon.

    > * Reduce the amount of blocks in the game, but not too much. Will just be necessary after reducing the amount of unblockable kitten that exists

    > * Massive rebalancing of skills, making sure that skills aren't doing too much crap at once


    You seemed to forgot evade on skills.

  8. > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > > This is clearly one of the strangest ways to implement a nerf cry for a class in this PvP forum.

    > >

    > > Not really, you must not keep up with why things change. When something is overpowered in pve, its changed quickly. Look at firebrand, they nerfed them immediately when they seen the dps they could do on a raid golem. So no its not strange, it makes sense.

    > But why post in the PvP forum not in PvE where the chance that anet read and care is much higher than in PvP?



    Probably to be a smart ass. Showing how pve takes priority over pvp when it comes to balance. That would be my guess.


  9. > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > This is clearly one of the strangest ways to implement a nerf cry for a class in this PvP forum.


    Not really, you must not keep up with why things change. When something is overpowered in pve, its changed quickly. Look at firebrand, they nerfed them immediately when they seen the dps they could do on a raid golem. So no its not strange, it makes sense.

  10. > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > -Should honestly get an emergency nerf before the season starts or soon within it


    And that is the problem. It won't happen. We will be stuck the entire season or multiple seasons with Mesmer as it currently is. This is Anet's vicious balance cycle. They drop a balance patch, but do not address real issues and then we are forced to deal with it for many months.


    If Mesmer and Scourge were removed from spvp, then balance would actually be pretty good.




  11. > @"Solori.6025" said:


    > 3 clones were shattered, 2 warlocks were disappearing, 2 more resummoned from chrono phantasma, one clone summoned from im guessing staff 2, and one was resummoned from the trait in the chrono line.


    That isn't the point though. The point is the AI clutter, which is why I stood still to take a screenshot. Imagine 2 or 3 mesmers on the same team with all of that clutter, its a nightmare.


  12. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > Mesmer is fine if there is at least one challenge class. It does not have to be mine, but there should be 1 that can consistently make a mes worry.,


    I disagree, it can't be a single class that counters them. It would need to depend on the build the player is using. So if they changed evade on weapon skills to be block on weapon skills, to counter mesmer evade spam you would simply need to take skills that are unblockable.


    Right now the biggest issue with mesmer is the visual clutter from AI, followed by difficulty in seeing what they are doing. For example you can see clearly when someone dodge rolls, but its much more difficult to see mirage cloak dodge. Holosmith is a perfect example of a excellent designed profession that you can visually make out what its doing. It turns blue when they are in Photon Forge mode, when they began to overheat they start to turn orange/red color. Their skills are highly telegraphed but powerful, making the player able to intelligently react to them. All of their skills have very telling animations. But they are still a strong profession. Mirage and to a extent Mesmer's basic design is the polar opposite.


    I believe a lot of the frustration that players have with Mesmer is simply that they are very hard to visually read. Anet needs to fix that.

  13. > @"Kanok.3027" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > >

    > >

    > > > @"DaShi.1368" said:

    > > >Moa was a noob killer

    > >

    > > Moa wasn't a noob killer, it was a pvp killer. In no competitive game should a player ever lose control of their character. That is why it was bad.

    > >

    > >


    > You've never played Aion, have you? The different iterations of Fear from the Spiritmaster class saw people running away and literally being unable to do anything unless the debuff was cleansed by a class that could, which was any support class with said ability. Honestly, Moa is not that bad since it doesn't last nearly as long as Fear did in Aion. Seriously, a near 15 second fear where you could do nothing and were at the mercy of a Spiritmaster that could fear-lock you with several fears on short cooldowns was awful, but people made it work. Moa is no different, except that the CD on it is very, very high and the time on the condition is very low.


    I played Aion for a long time, I was a Templar main! Yeah SM fear was op as hell.

  14. > @"Velran.1052" said:

    > You can literally see the mesmer standing on his continuum split... And 4 of the illusions are caught in the middle of their death animation. GJ cherry picking the exact moment. How do you people even pvp when you cant even tell a mesmer from the illusions??


    Sounds like you are making excuses.


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