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Posts posted by Aza.2105

  1. > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > I don't know about other classes, as warrior main, I think the FC nerf was a lil bit too much, I think 33 to 50% would be ok.


    Its a good change. Warrior did a lot of damage while being durable and have lots of sustain and disengage. That is a bit too much. PoF specs created a mess that maybe they will finally clean up.




  2. > @"zerorogue.9410" said:

    > The stealth mechanic at it's base is not that bad. The idea of having a class that can go invisible has been in rpgs for years, if not since the very beginning.


    Yes but a it has no place in a competitive setting. At least not in this form. When you look at a successful competitive game like overwatch. Sombra has stealth but its balanced by the fact that she isn't very strong. Her tool kit revolves around flanking and deception. She can not come out of stealth and one shot you. Like wise the Spy from TF2 has a similar playstyle. That it revolves around flanking and deception, except he could one shot you with his knife. But to do that you had to meet requirements (i.e stand behind the target and melee range) and even then it was risky because you are unstealthed after wards and the will likely be killed.


    Now look at GW2 stealth. Both classes have high access to evade, extremely high damage from range, can weave in and out of stealth, has the ability to disengage at will, is relatively tanky due to lots of evade frames.


    Stealth is unbalanced in GW2 because of the tool kit that surrounds it. Its like giving bastion mobility and the ability to stealth. It just doesn't make sense. At this point in time I'd say the damage is done. I do not think Anet will ever address the problem. Its been over 6 years and they still have not.



  3. > @"Swagg.9236" said:

    > > @"Ryan.9387" said:


    > > My point in short:



    > You're probably the only other person in GW2 to understand this concept. It's the same reason why nobody plays/people got sick of Street Fighter 1 (which is literally just Ryu/Ken vs Ryu/Ken match-ups; perfect balance) but Street Fighter 2 was/is still (to a certain extent) wildly popular (due to variety of playstyle options even with the same character). Balance can be "good" or "optimal," but the game can still be hot garbage.



    SSF2T is still popular yep. I believe that they actually tried to balance one of the newer versions of it (switch one?) but no one plays that one competitively.

  4. > @"incisorr.9502" said:

    > "break target " = unfun for the victim/enemy

    > stealth = unfun for the victim/enemy

    > blinking away or behind you or on elevations and terrain with a skill(class based) and not walking up to it (control/person based) = unfun for the victim/enemy

    > blind = unfun for the victim/enemy

    > confusion = unfun for the victim/enemy , especially if they have high apm and skill chaining and want to press a lot of buttons and play on high speed

    > hitting a target that doesn't take damage cause of distortion or just standing still and having projectiles and swords pass through it = unfun for the victim/enemy -triggering to watch even, it's almost as if they're laughing at you


    > it's literally a trickster/trigger mage which by concept is annoying and invokes hate but in terms of actual power in the current meta condi mirage is really good at punishing greedy builds (with no condi removal, like holomancers with 16k hp) or bad players who don't know what to expect but vs evenly matched or counter classes at high elo it's meh w/e


    > the only way people won't hate mesmer is if it doesn't exist




    GW2 combat in general is unfun for people. A lot of the problems with memsers is just a byproduct of how poorly system mechanics were designed for pvp.


    * Aoe every where

    * AI clutter

    * Stealth


    GW2 takes many ok ideas and dials them up 100x. GW1 had AI, but no one really considered it obnoxious. There was aoe but it wasn't abundant. And stealth didn't exist. Stealth on isn't op on its own but it is when a character can potentially 100 - 0 you within a second or so. At this point in time, I do not expect GW2 to improve on anything though. I'd say the game reached its peak (pvp wise) maybe in 2013 -2015 ish.

  5. > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:


    > I think if you list all the evade thief has it will be even more impressive?

    > Whats your point though? Mirage needs these evades to survive


    So does every class. Name me a class that can take direct damage without dying in a millisecond? Answer? No one. At this point in time every class relies on: Evades, blocks, invul to survive(which is a huge part of the problem). Specific classes have all of the latter in addition to stealth and easy disengagement. It just so happens that Mirage has higher uptime of those 100% mitigation skills than anyone, in addition to stealth and easy disengage. Its like I said in a previous post, all of this is just a symptom of a bigger problem with the game. At this stage of the game, it probably doesn't matter. I don't think Anet will ever revert the game back to how it was in the beginning. Which was 100x better than what we have now.



  6. > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > The problem players are having with Mirage is that when they try to roll their face on the keyboard and just spam their offensives it doesnt work out quite so fantastic is does for them in a regular mid-fight.

    > The Mirage is a duelist and is extremely fragile when caught with his pants down....you suggest to take away his dueling capability and leave him with what....exactly?


    They are not fragile. The best form of tanking is not getting hit at all. And mesmer is master of not taking direct damage. Don't pretend like you don't know why they don't. With that said, even when the tankiest class specs for max toughness or health and purposely takes every defensive type skill and trait. They will melt in seconds. Ultimately, Condi Mesmers problem is just a reflection of bigger problems going on with the game itself. Damage is too high overall in pvp, boons are too abundant.

  7. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > The reason for all the toxic behavior is because the game mode. Its designed for coordinated gameplay with voice communications. Instead everyone experiences it with randoms and no voice com. In fact, you might even get randoms who don't speak English at all. Conquest should be AT only. Solo/Duo Q should get a mode that requires less communication and that is actually fun to play.


    > Well, that's not the lead dev's opinion on that matter...


    > Here's what @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" had to say about bringing team ranked queues to the game:

    > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > Will a team queue ever be an option?

    > >

    > > We don't have any current plans to bring 5 person queuing back to ranked queue. I don't feel it's competitive. On-Demand tournaments and AT's will be our method of support for people who prefer to play in 5 person teams.


    > That's it. Teams aren't competitive for Ranked Conquest. The rng clowfiesta that we have now, apparently is. When i read this response was the day i truly acknowledged that PvP is dead, and there's little to no chance it will ever recover.


    > IF ranked was deathmatch, or even stronghold (stronghold is easy to solo carry), then i'd give it a pass, although it's really nonsensical to claim that team-based games are less competitive when played with teams.

    > But Conquest? Conquest is 70% coordination 30% individual prowess, the worse individual players in the world can beat the most mechanically talented ones easily, as long as that first team is much better coordinated. How many times have matches been won by teams with a fraction of the other team's kills, simply because of out-rotating and playing for the objectives?




    I feel the same way you do about that quote. Its disheartening. I agree with everything you are saying, its absolutely true. I thought about how stronghold would be better for solo/duo Q, but they would need to fix it first. At this point in time that is probably unlikely and its unlikely they will ever add a casual gameplay mode specifically for randoms.

  8. The reason for all the toxic behavior is because the game mode. Its designed for coordinated gameplay with voice communications. Instead everyone experiences it with randoms and no voice com. In fact, you might even get randoms who don't speak English at all. Conquest should be AT only. Solo/Duo Q should get a mode that requires less communication and that is actually fun to play.

  9. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > Tier 1 stay the same

    > Tier 2 come down 1k

    > Tier 3 come down 2k


    > There are more combos than that, but I get the feeling this thread will get overwhelmed by nononos


    > The most played and successful pvp

    > classes atm have a variety of health tiers so why should it change is one of the arguments


    > (Guard, holo, necros).....1,2,3



    > LoL


    I honestly don't think its that simple. I think health tiers are fine and that they aren't the problem. But rather how its easy for each class to obtain 25 stacks of might along with other dps buffs. The entire boon system needs to be re-evaluated. For pvp anyway.

  10. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > Mesmer should never have been able to dodge while cc'd, much less break stun on every dodge.


    > While I don't agree that exhaustion is the right way to nerf the trait, I don't think it should exist at all.


    Its the right way. How can I explain it? Everything is or should revolve around risk vs reward. Being able to dodge while stunned is A HUGE reward. So what was the risk initially? It really didn't have one. So the way it looks now is that if you are stunned, then use your stun breaker. If your stun breaker is on CD or you don't have one. You take the risk of losing your stamina regen in order to dodge while stunned. That sounds fair since you are able to do a action when normally you would not be able to. Some people say that a ICD would of been better, no it would not be the same. A ICD isn't as punishing as it allows the Mesmer to continue to play like normal after being allowed a action when they were stunned. That isn't a very big trade off what the trait does. Anet made the right move, finally.

  11. None of the skills in game alone are that powerful. Its all the stacks of might and other damage buffs that all classes have easy access to now. In the beginning it wasn't like that. But anet figured hey lets give boons for every thing someone does. Dodge get a boon, walk get a boon, jump get a boon, stealth get a boon, auto attack get a boon, use a heal get a boon, boon everything!

  12. I uninstalled the game. Only nostalgia of gw1 was keeping me playing. I was hoping for the old Anet who really cared about pvp. I realized that this game is just a pve game and thats were the developers focus most of their attention and effort. Pvp is a mess right now and has been since PoF launched. It will never get better but only worse.

  13. > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

    > > @"Vaughn.8172" said:

    > > I think a total revamping would bring players back in to the game. I think a total rescale revamp of the PvP and WvW would help the game in to the next stage of being a progressive MMO.


    > We need new additions to PvP and WvW.

    > Imagine WvW with multilayer (underground + floating above SM one) EB and increased player cap (double).

    > We need 3 times faster reward tracks and 5 gold at the end of each.

    > We need more PvP and WvW exclusive items and skins.

    > We need more PvP and WvW events and tournaments.

    > We need something to bring not only PvE gold farmers but also a completely new auditory to the game.



    Rewards aren't the problem. At the beginning there were just glory vendors that sold only bags...and everything was fine. The problem is Anets lack of commitment to pvp and it shows.


  14. Yep there is nothing fun about gw2 pvp atm. I played GW1 pvp from launch up until the game was in its later life stage. And it never felt like I wasn't having fun. I rarely encountered team mates going afk, giving up, extreme toxicity. At most the only time I'd see raging is when someone didn't bring a rez signet in their build. GW2 is very different, matches feel more like a tedious task rather than being enjoyable. The levels of toxicity from other players is substantial. At first I thought it was just the people, then I realized they aren't really at fault. At least not most of them.


    Rather its the conquest game mode. Anet has forced a tournament style game mode play upon everyone. A mode that requires communication and coordination to succeed. This doesn't work well with a bunch of randoms put together. There really isn't a way to communicate with players besides pinging and stopping to type. Its a nightmare and its always have been. Conquest mode causes a lot of people to rage since its just not fun. The mode should be reserved for ATs and unranked and ranked should get a different game mode. Maybe similar to alliance battles in gw1.


    I rarely login these days and I have a hard time playing the game since its just not enjoyable. I brought gw2 to pvp just like I did for many years in gw1. Since pvp is a hot mess and it will never ever change, there is little motivation for me to play.


  15. > @"FtoPScrub.5476" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

    > > > > @"FtoPScrub.5476" said:

    > > > > Not to say that Reaper didn't need buffs nor do I think it's particularly overtuned, but is anyone else concerned with the fact that they're seemingly becoming more content with just handing out free quickness to anything that isn't support? First engi now reaper. Increasing amounts of stability and resistance are one thing - after all there is way more CC and condis then before, but there's no reason why any spec should have insane amounts of quickness unless they are a pure support build. I fully expect them to introduce perma quickness while in berserk mode for Warriors as another lazy solution to balance Berserker. If the spec is poor, they should buff the spec as is. Don't randomly introduce insane amounts of quickness to shove a spec down our throats. The fights in this game already end way too quickly.

    > > >

    > > > Reaper's Onslaught over Blighter's boon and Elixir U over Hard Light Arena,

    > > >

    > > > Free quickness is what someone who doesn't understand build trade-offs would see it as

    > >

    > > We got choices? Nonsense!


    > You can get choice without very high quickness uptime. Surely you can see how proliferation of quickness can eventually lead to incredible levels of power creep?


    I will argue that 25 stacks of might is more game breaking than quickness.

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