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Posts posted by Yasi.9065

  1. Honestly? Absolutely not needed. Just re-create your PvE build in HotM, go smack those golems there and you will know if you like the build or not. The skills arent that different between pvp and pve balance. The rest of the "void" is filled atm by SC hosting a benchmark overview.

    So, really not needed.

  2. > @"thrag.9740" said:

    > Yet miraculously this is one of the only lines you didn't address. So why don't you address it now? Make your view clear for us all. Do modern fractals require more attention be paid to team composition, less, or the same?


    Quoting myself. Fun.


    > @"Yasi.9065" said:

    > For fury you should look at personal fury uptimes on most dps builds. Quite a lot need only some starter fury or < 20% additional fury uptime. While alacrity is nice to have, its actually not that important in fractals. Healing and boonstrip see above. Might is important, yes. But theres a handful of builds capable of buffing 25 might, so that really shouldnt be a limiting factor. No, the really limiting factor is a clueless, unimaginative, meta-loving playerbase that cant problem-solve anymore and overestimates their own skilllevel immensely.


    Ill translate it for you: really "necessary" is only a chrono OR quickbrand. Everything else -> luxus. Quickbrand can be heal or not, doesnt matter. Chrono can be minstrel, or not... doesnt matter. Guess what, thats the same as before HoT, when you had to have a PS warrior.

  3. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > they are doing it for monetisation purposes nothing more.


    Considering that teapot streams 3-6 hours each day with only a handful days off since he started streaming, with Id guess on avg 400 subs over the last year... thats not even minimum wage here. Not even counting the time he puts into his guide videos or things like the raid tourneys.

    No GW2 streamer streams for the money, simply because theres not enough viewers for that. When I look at my followed categories on twitch, gw2 is always just barely above my city builder games and the lowest of all mmos I follow. Now you can personally like or dislike twitch, but it IS a very important marketing tool especially for multiplayer online games. To ignore twitch nowadays hurts any game.


    > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > Precisely ... this is why streaming is not 'advertising' for the game. Anet doesn't control that message.


    Thats a very outdated view on marketing. Direct advertisement is only one tiny tiny facet of marketing since, well... 30, 40 years. Exposure is way more important for example, and that you get on twitch plenty.

  4. > @"Stajan.4581" said:

    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRUQRBIhhG1IJN0Tjt0gpNwejFvBbqBEASAUdgQwEQfnGUPqA-jxRPAByrE8yTCQj6HE+JA8o6PAs/QnK/CAkAMeEPiHxDY8EPxT8EPxjrzmupba+kP5zmupxT8IFw3ysA-e


    Transfusion is too strong a trait to not use.

    Running high nomad instead of magi -> literally no reason for that. You can bring some nomad gear pieces for when your pug cant find a tank, but as a base build its very bad.

    The flockrune heal with your setup is barely above 1.5k healing every roughly 20 seconds. Thats 75 healing per second. Thats laughable.

    Sigil of renewal is not even 1k healing every 9 seconds (provided you swap weapon on cooldown), so thats at least around 100 healing per second - more than your flock rune.

    Well of power stability only works on yourself btw.


    Sorry, while I always try to encourage players to theorycraft, your motivation of high toughness to soak up dmg so to not have to watch for mechanics is just completely the wrong starting point. Rule of thumb for making builds for endcontent PvE in gw2 is: as little toughness as you can get away with. Always.


    The healing scourge build on SC website is not very optimized, but the one mightyteapot has on his yt channel is pretty much the best build there is. In a more experienced static you can run a marshal/apo variant with epidemic on bosses like MO or Sab, provided you have 2+ other condi classes in your squad to provide enough conditions. But thats pretty much it.

  5. > @"thrag.9740" said:

    > Essentially 1 ps warrior + 4 dps was enough to be pretty smooth.

    It still is. Declining understanding of basic principles in the gw2 playerbase however make people think you NEED at least one healer, 100% boons and perma aegis+stab to survive.


    > @"thrag.9740" said:

    > Then Anet made druid, a healer with so many offensive buffs they could literally do 0 dps and still be adding more dps to the group than another dps player (remember when gotl was a unique buff not just might?). Suddenly everyone was running druids.

    In the beginning, most actually werent, or insisted on power or condi druid.



    > @"thrag.9740" said:

    > This went hand in hand with a slow change to Anet's design philosophy. Nearly all Incoming damage in fractals was originally intended to be handled by player dodging. But with healers in the game, Anet changed their design philosophy. Dodges where now purposed to avoid the largest attacks, while healers were meant to handle a steady stream of much less avoidable damage. I'm sure someone reading this will exclaim that on some fights you can pull off no healer. That's true (although soul cleave summit or condi/power druid isn't exactly 'no healer'). But I think social awkwardness (the old one that did damage), toxic trail, and all the trash mobs in sirens reef are pretty distinctly different from dodging arch diviners hammer autos.

    You DO realize that old SA reduced incoming healing by close to 100%? The only healer build that could heal through old SA was heal rev. Toxic trail you could avoid, mind you that also was to a time where staff weaver/tempest still was a thing, so while it was annoying, it wasnt forcing anyone to run a healer. Trash mobs on sirens reef you want to aoe cc and cleave.


    > @"thrag.9740" said:

    > Additionally after hot, quickness was no longer a boon only obtained from either a guardian or a mesmer using their elite skill. It was now possible to upkeep 100% of the time. So of course, everyone brought a chrono. But then of course also, Anet had to balance around the higher dps.

    Actually, anet hasnt balanced around higher dps, thats exactly the problem we have. Hence why high dps groups can rush through t4+cm fractals. The problem is that newer and remaining players arent really invested in the game anymore. They play whatever is suggested on SC website as best in slot, or they play some randomly generated build without knowing what which trait does, why there's a certain rotation that works well, and/or how to adapt a build to any given situation.


    > @"thrag.9740" said:

    > And then finally, adding boon removal to fractals. Not every class can do this (at least not without really hurting personal dps).

    There is nullification sigil and absorption sigil for builds with lots cc.


    > @"thrag.9740" said:

    > While previously, groups only had to coordinate: might + fury + banners (all handled by 1 support). Now, they need to coordinate might/fury/quickness/alacrity/healing/boon strip, typically all passed out to 3 players.

    For fury you should look at personal fury uptimes on most dps builds. Quite a lot need only some starter fury or < 20% additional fury uptime. While alacrity is nice to have, its actually not that important in fractals. Healing and boonstrip see above. Might is important, yes. But theres a handful of builds capable of buffing 25 might, so that really shouldnt be a limiting factor. No, the really limiting factor is a clueless, unimaginative, meta-loving playerbase that cant problem-solve anymore and overestimates their own skilllevel immensely.



  6. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Because you will never know whether your group will stay together or not. The moment a single person drops out and needs to be replaced you know your answer.


    Before the reward nerf I used to think along those lines. To improve the raiding in general and so on.

    Now? If someone leaves my static, Im going to replace him with someone dependable that I *then* train on properly doing mechanics - though so far I got lucky and always found experienced, dependable and good players for my static.

    Im done wasting my time on training pug newbies. If anet wants the raidscene to survive THEY have to step up. Add easy-/trainingsmode. Make training newbies rewarding etc. Maybe if anet shows support towards raidtraining Ill come back to it, but as it is? Hell, no.

  7. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > Chrono can still perform his core functions, it has merely become even more tedious to do so.


    > The net result will be, as with every past patch:

    > - less chronos seeing play

    > - more mistakes from chronos

    > - more waiting on chronos

    > - more toxicity in the raiding community due to longer wait times


    > The main issue remains, it is a lot easier to find class mirrors (2 chronos, 2 druids) over 4 unique classes (chrono, druid, renegade, firebrand).


    I do not understand this. In any other mmo -> sure. Leveling another healer in ESO is a pain. In GW2 though? Ridiculously easy. At least for the heal or tank supporter slots - you dont even need ascended. Just exotic is already enough.

    Limiting factor in gw2 really is only amount of character slots.

    And then... learning to play the new supporter... honestly, thats not even the least bit difficult. You already should know each fight anyway - as experienced raider - and rest is just knowing your skills/traits. Theres no real rotation apart from an opening on supporters in gw2. After that its using the correct skills to counter certain mechanics, and pressing skills that give boons on cooldown. Done.


    > @"Rico.6873" said:

    > So 3 questions

    > Best tank for pugs?

    On every boss except Deimos it literally doesnt matter which class tanks in pugs. You just need high toughness, sufficient self-healing and condi remove. Insisting on chronotank just limits your LFG. Easiest to tank on is Chrono/Firebrand/Renegade/Revenant. Ive tanked every boss on minstrel druid, its not exactly easy if you are single healer, but with a 2nd healer it really shouldnt be an issue.


    > @"Rico.6873" said:

    > and best tank for normal raiding?

    Chrono. Because it can still tank best with lowest toughness.


    > @"Rico.6873" said:

    > Before you could distort with shatter to give your allies aegis for teleports/gorse knockbacks and other mechanics

    > That can only be done with the 2 signets inspiration and ether?

    Now you keep your healsignet ready for that, correct. Or in a static with pretty much fixed phasetimings you can alternate with SoI. In pugs I wouldnt bother with delaying SoI for aegis share.


    > @"Rico.6873" said:

    > And which shatter should be focused on when you support and which when you tank?

    F1 for power offchrono, f2 for condi chrono, f3 for all chronos for cc. Actually, in pugs cc is the most important one. Fast cc phases ensure a fast kill - especially so in pugs.



  8. > @"Fawx.9064" said:

    > > @"Yasi.9065" said:

    > > > @"Fawx.9064" said:

    > > > While wing 7 was completed for the first time pretty fast by the community, it is repeatable content. The cries of “9 months for 2 hours of content” are pretty inaccurate. Most of us will get hours and hours of playtime from w7. Just like we have had hours of playtime from w1-6.

    > >

    > > Its not even truely repeatable. Anet is so scared of players "farming" raids, they nerfed repeatable rewards - which were low to begin with - into the ground to make it as unattractive as possible to repeat raids more than once a week. So in this context that means, if (and thats still a big if) we get w8 in 9 months, w7 is only 30min * 36 weeks worth of "content". So thats 18 hours. Add 2 hours for progression and maybe 4 hours for CMs, you are at 24 hours.

    > > You can artificially (yay, buzzword) stretch the content by doing w7 only with pugs, then you get maybe a hundred hours of frustration out of it. I mean, seriously, how can you fall into the first hole on adina CM three times in a row?

    > >

    > > Guess why raids are slowly dieing? 24 hours of content that you have to stretch over 9 months.


    > Name me any content in the game that is adding more that 24 hours of content over 9 months if cleared at optimal efficiency. Also, you talk as if w5 was invalidated as soon as wing 6 released, and wing 6 as soon as wing 7. Wing 7 is permanent content. It'll exist until its removed, not until wing 8 comes out.


    > And don't make me laugh about nerfing repeatable raid rewards. Repeatable rewards never existed. Claiming that a champ bag and 2 bags of gear was "repeatable reward" for raids is laughable. You can't nerf something that was never there.


    For one thing, while it wasnt much before, it was still at least 120% more than it is now. Before it was barely worth spending the time to repeat raids, now its not worth at all anymore, you are now paying for it. Thats imo a big difference. You are now getting punished for repeating raidcontent.


    Living Story gets a release every 3 months that contains something to grind for at least 10 hours. Also stays in the game, map, story instance, repeatable hearts and all.


    > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Fawx.9064" said:

    > > Name me any content in the game that is adding more that 24 hours of content over 9 months if cleared at optimal efficiency.


    > Probably no content does that. However, in my opinion it's better to have 2 hour content every 3 months, than having 10 hour content every 15 months. On average, they are the same, but the first one makes me happy and allows me to continue playing the game, the other one burns me out first, then it bores me. For a free to play game, faster release schedules are always better.


    Neither w6 nor w7 had enough of a challenge to them to burn any raider out. The only wing that had that was w5.

  9. > @"Fawx.9064" said:

    > While wing 7 was completed for the first time pretty fast by the community, it is repeatable content. The cries of “9 months for 2 hours of content” are pretty inaccurate. Most of us will get hours and hours of playtime from w7. Just like we have had hours of playtime from w1-6.


    Its not even truely repeatable. Anet is so scared of players "farming" raids, they nerfed repeatable rewards - which were low to begin with - into the ground to make it as unattractive as possible to repeat raids more than once a week. So in this context that means, if (and thats still a big if) we get w8 in 9 months, w7 is only 30min * 36 weeks worth of "content". So thats 18 hours. Add 2 hours for progression and maybe 4 hours for CMs, you are at 24 hours.

    You can artificially (yay, buzzword) stretch the content by doing w7 only with pugs, then you get maybe a hundred hours of frustration out of it. I mean, seriously, how can you fall into the first hole on adina CM three times in a row?


    Guess why raids are slowly dieing? 24 hours of content that you have to stretch over 9 months.

  10. > @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

    > > Bottom line: Im all for boonthief comps at matthias, I love them. But please, not in pugs. It just doesnt work in pugs.

    > Kitty semi-agrees here. If squad doesn't seem to adapt by getting an alacgade and chronos swapping to something else, it's usually better idea to run usual double chrono+druid+healer comp as the squad most likely just doesn't have enough clue to work. But if someone actually swaps to alacgade, chronos swap to mirages or something and someone goes on 2nd healer, boonthief comp does work very well. How far people can adapt (most of all whether druid swaps to Lingering Light or not) determines whether boonthief comp will work or not.


    Your snarky comments aside, (correction time _again_? where did you ever correct me before? but whatever) thats the issue here. Pugs believe that boonthief replaces the healer - yes thats actually a comment I constantly read when someone insists on joining/swapping on boonthief. "We dont need a second/full healer with boonthief", when the truth however is... every pug needs a second healer on matthias.


  11. Hi,


    More and more Im reading "Im logging boonthief!" on Matthias kills. Usually thats then the point Im sighing "oh boi, this is gonna be harsh". And most of the time - Im right.


    So, why does a very valid tactic fail so often quite spectacularly in Pugs?


    It boils down to only really two things really. Too much dmg incoming, too spread out.


    1. Pugs have trouble handling mechanics and get downstated - a lot:

    You see this quite often, a squishy dps player gets poison, runs out.... and then circles the arena to find an empty well. Good players always know where the next empty well is before they get the poison.

    Or a player gets corruption, panic-dodges out twice, then runs the rest of the way out, drops the corruption and runs out - often dieing in the process. The correct way to handle this mechanic is the reverse. Run out, drop corruption, dodge once or twice out to not get hit and get back on boss.

    Not avoiding fire tornados.

    Getting hit by hadouken on their way to drop mechanics.

    Or just plainly getting hit by hadouken for the fun of it.

    Standing inside Matthias on the jump.

    And all of that is *before* 40%. At 40% all players get the bomb mechanic and start playing kamikaze bowling. Last second dodges (because the 3-4 seconds window wasnt enough time to spread out sufficiently - or theres _suddenly_ a ghost running through the middle) and dodging of course into at least 3 other players, resulting in 4 downstates. The correct way is to NOT panic, never dodge at the end of that positioning window - and if you positioned yourself badly then take the fall for it. Really good players will btw overlap bombs to stay as compact as possible, but thats something you really shouldnt do in Pugs, because they _will_ panic if you do that.

    But the worst thing that happens a lot in Pugs - is a missed reflect. A missed reflect means the boss stays invuln to steal. So boonthief cant get new ectoplasma. If that happens during fire or rainphase, then its pretty certainly a wipe because resistance runs out and the healer cant keep up anymore with all the incoming dmg (since pugs just ignore the debuff mechanics of those phases). A downstate-death spirale starts and you get to /gg.


    2. Pugs find it difficult to stack on Matthias:

    Im not sure why thats the case, but maybe players think they are safe from mechanics if they range dps. A lot of rather inexperienced players like to hover at around 600 range. The safezone on Matthias however is always behind him. Range dpsing only means you dont get boons, makes you hard to heal and you still get targetted by all mechanics.


    Now, a healscourge on the other hand fits perfectly to counter all those mistakes. You can power revive players that died on their odysee trying to find an empty well or got kamikaze bombed. You have lots of condi cleanse, and barrier can be used to keep players alive through failed mechanics - like dodging hadoukens. The range of healscourge is sufficient for those "hoverers".

    But with a boonthief - theres no room (and also, if executed correctly, no need) for a healscourge.


    Theres different ways to go about boonthief comps, usually I see in pugs 2 chronos+boonthief+druid, with chronos bringing feedback instead of WoA. That means you only have a druid as healer. Its more than enough if everybody plays well - its not even close to enough if players fail above mentioned mechanics. Thats the comp that actually triggers me the most, because theres no gain from using boonthief over a "carry" healer like healscourge, healscrapper or healtempest.

    Another comp I encounter frequently on monday clears, is a boonthief and dps-alacrity renegade, together with a druid and chrono. Again, not very optimal and you could just bring 2 chronos and any combination of might-healer+full-healer to get approx. the same squad dps, but with the added safety net of a fullhealer.


    Bottom line: Im all for boonthief comps at matthias, I love them. But please, not in pugs. It just doesnt work in pugs.


  12. Let me tell you a little tale.


    Once upon a time, when raids were new and no dps meter or golem benchmark existed, everybody insisted on running only power tempest or condi engi dps. Because thats what guilds killing bosses successfully did. Man, being a guardian main back then was tough. No matter my numbers looked bigger and I saw tempest afk autoattacking the boss on water out of range for boons, the first getting kicked from the squad when dps checks werent met... was me.


    Arcdps was an absolute blessing for the raiding community, and all those toxic noobs calling others out for "low dps" are just that... toxic noobs. DPS isnt everything, and every good raider knows exactly what to look for in logs to get the correct picture of what happened. Raids - and fractals - without arcdps would be a LOT more difficult, and therefore more toxic.


    You are the one constantly being called out? Then maybe the class you picked isnt the one suited for you. Or your build is trying to do things that are covered by other players already and you sacrificed too much dps on that one unnecessary feature (e.g. bringing a max might duration warrior to a squad with a druid). Or you just havent spend enough time on the golem committing your rotation to muscle memory. While the later one isnt per se necessary to clear raids/fractals, joining a speedclear or very experienced run without meeting that pre-req is just asking for a kick or mean comment.

  13. As I understood it years ago during a forum discussion about the change from solo/teamarena to unranked/ranked, its a LOT difficult, if not impossible to add another queue. I think duo queue and ATs is a good compromise there. You can always luck out and get 2 passable duos on your ranked match. Or join as duo yourself.

    Also, the poll wasnt clearly in favor of soloqueue, so neither solo-queuers nor team-queuers are a minority.

  14. > @"MoVitae.2417" said:

    > > @"Yasi.9065" said:

    > > Why are gw2 players so passive about everything? Go out and organize yourself, stop waiting for others to organize things for you - and that includes expecting anet to solve everything for you.


    > Why do you assume all these things about me or other players? That's not helpful.



    > @"MoVitae.2417" said:

    > **I would definitely like to have a way to train without having to rely on the availability and goodwill of more experienced players**. How about having options in the Special Forces Training Area to add boss mechanics to the Kitty Golem? This would bridge the gap for me between studying the mechanics and actually being able to navigate them in an actual raid without holding the other players back.


    Marked it for you.


    Also, theres things you can train already at the golem. Perfecting your dps / boon / heal opening rotations for example. A lot of mistakes I notice in raids happen because players are way too focused on their rotations still and/or dont know how to get back into their rotations when interrupted by a mechanic.

    Unbelievably, I know, but training your rotations - on whichever role btw - at the golem for hours will help you learn boss mechanics faster, because your brain can focus on the mechanics instead of having to use 90% of its power on trying to maintain dps/heals/boons.

    And yes, to get good at raids, you have to spend hours at the golem practising rotations. Not just the whole rotation, also your opening rotation and a burst rotation

    Every single one of my trainees that went on the golem for a few days before going into raids, had a way easier time handling any mechanic the raidbosses threw at them.


    Even to stay good, good raiders still go to the training golem regularly. I for example spend on avg. 4 hours per week on going over my already learned rotations. Should be more actually, but its summer.


    So, before asking for valuable devtime, time really better spend on developing new raids, maybe at least use the already given features of the game? And make your own progression static?

  15. > @"Sorem.9157" said:

    > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > > > > > > Re: the matchmaker not keeping high rated players in queue longer: The reward for getting better at the game can't be, "You don't get to play anymore."

    > > > > > > > > Re: Duo queue - We thought about this for a long time. **In the end, we decided it's just not fun to not be able to play with your friends.** Additionally, removing a feature is a poor reward for getting better at the game. It also motivated all sorts of bad behavior, which I won't go into.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Well, can we start playing with 4 friends?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > You can, if you queue up for an AT!

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I hope that wasnt a serious answer...

    > > > > >

    > > > > > some of us have jobs and family to provide for and cant adhere to your very specific time schedule.

    > > > >

    > > > > It's a bit of a joke, a bit of truth. We made the sliding schedule so that there should always be a tournament time 2-3 times per week that fits your schedule. We're currently considering increasing available tournaments to give people more opportunities. In the far distant future, we are planning for on demand tournaments. Basically, tournaments that will launch when at least 4 teams have signed up.

    > > >

    > > > That'll be great.

    > > > You guys have built such a wonderful combat system to enjoy, I miss enjoying it with friends.

    > > >

    > > > For me personally it's just timing, I happen to get home right as the enrollment closed and I'm generally in bed before the next enrollment.

    > >

    > > Well, I"ll be around in the distant future playing GW2 with my cybernetic implants as long as the game is still running.


    > Which is perfect, considering swiss will probably be coming soon by then.


    > PS: I love that Ben is being more active in this thread today, really appreciatte it.


    > With that said, there are some threads with some really good critics to PvP that should get some attention. I see a lot of constructive feedback being ignored and that is just sad. More transparency, please.


    Im pretty sure no constructive feedback gets ignored. Just because theres no direct discussion with devs doesnt mean they are not considering and discussing things internally.


    Swiss, alliances, more ATs... gotta say, cant wait for all the PvP changes.

  16. > @"MoVitae.2417" said:

    > I would definitely like to have a way to train without having to rely on the availability and goodwill of more experienced players. How about having options in the Special Forces Training Area to add boss mechanics to the Kitty Golem? This would bridge the gap for me between studying the mechanics and actually being able to navigate them in an actual raid without holding the other players back.


    How do you think we - the more experienced players - learned the fights? Its called "progression". Go get 9 other newbies ig or the forums, decide on roles, get your builds ready - Id suggest going for 2-3 healer comp first (healqb, healrenegade, healherald/druid, chrono) - and then take it one boss at a time.


    Why are gw2 players so passive about everything? Go out and organize yourself, stop waiting for others to organize things for you - and that includes expecting anet to solve everything for you.

  17. There is an easy mode for raids already. Its called 100% boon uptime. Easily achieved with the proper support comp. Herald over druid, renegade for alacrity, 1 chrono, 1 firebrand/chrono and you wont even need a good healscourge to carry you through 90% of all raidboss encounters.

  18. For one thing, easy bosses could have less loot. But considering that "farming" single bosses would be similar to fractals goldfarm, that would still be > 50s per kill.

    For another thing, a similar system to dungeon rewards, where a certain amount of different bosses give extra loot, could also be easily implemented, making singleboss farming pointless.


    Anet instead chose to nerf the repeatable rewards even more.

  19. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

    > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > Raiders complaining about not getting enough gold. With an abundance in ascended drops (selectable stat stuff), currency which they convert to ascended armor/weps (again, selectable stats), minis, exclusive skins, PvE unique legendary skins... Among other things.

    > > >

    > > > Oh, how bad it must be to not get those extra 30 bags of gear...

    > > >

    > >

    > > It's already low. There is no incentive to run raids more than once per week to help out newbies. Some people are ( or were ) in this game - believe it or not, only for raids. Lowering the reward more will ravage already low numbers of players that are left. I get that you play this game for different reasons than I do. Nerf in this case is simply bad move from anet. Unless they are actively trying to kill them that is.


    > Honestly, I have a very hard time believing experienced raiders help newbs for those extra 30 bags of gear. I do not day this sarcastically, and I honestly mean no offense. I also know people play gw2 mostly for raids, it is acceptable cause they play what they have most fun with. Nothing wrong here!

    > That being said, I do believe end game content (raids and T4 plus cm fractals) is very rewarding, for the time people spend on it.


    For the bags? No. But it made it bearable. As I said, at least I could sustain additional raiding per week with those "30 bags of gear". Now I have to dip into the loot from first clear, and really... why would I do that for random people that most of the time cant even be bothered to get on voice for explanations or switch around a few traits.


    @"Voltekka.2375" I have a bank full ascended gear. So what? I cant exactly buy food with that now, can I? Or a skin I like... Also, I think you are slightly over-estimating the dropchance of ascended gear in raids. I got more from fractals than from raids. The raid skins? Theres a reason pretty much nobody uses those skins. They are cheaply made and ugly. Minis? Who cares. Legendary armor? I got 3 sets. I dont use a single skin of those, because dye channels havent been fixed in years. Currently working on the wvw one because it looks fantastic. And can be dyed.


    Repeating raids never was "profitable" if you didnt sell runs. Dont kid yourself about that. Weekly first clears with pugs take 5+ hours nowadays, so even that weekly clear without a static isnt as profitable as doing the daily timegated hamster wheel routine.


    And here's something for everybody to think about. Rewards are also a measure of "educating" and "guiding" a playerbase. In gw2, running around a map on a mount, pressing f once in a while... or autoattacking during meta events are one of the most profitable things to do. Things that are more challenging and would force players to get better (not good, just BETTER than pressing 1 and f) are not rewarding enough to draw players in. Hence why many gw2 players are complaining immediately when theres something even a little more demanding (time and skillwise). The rewardstructure is with a reason why gw2 is basically a browser game with better graphics.

    I remember how the gw2 community meme'ed at the diablo players for getting diablo immortal. But you know what? I bet diablo immortal will have a better reward structure, less cash grab and more challenging content than gw2.

  20. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"Yasi.9065" said:

    > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > How much gold did players obtain from those bags prior to the change?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > How much gold do they make now from the unident bags?

    > > > >

    > > > > It was enough to keep you afloat. Not on par with SW or istan, but okayish considering the upfront weekly rewards. More would have been better to begin with, because then more players would have been attracted to repeating raids, which is important to get good and stop being the one that gets carried constantly.

    > > > > Now its a handful of BLUE unident gear. Worth not even 10s.

    > > >

    > > > What were the specific amounts before and after? Let’s say they did a full wing clear. How much gold did they get before and how much gold do they get now? That’s what I was asking.

    > >

    > > If I'm not mistaken the difference is between these two:

    > > old: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag_of_Gear

    > > new: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Piece_of_Common_Unidentified_Gear

    > >

    > > Bag of gear used to drop 3 items based on your level, so you could open them with a lower level character to get more expensive materials, or more useful ones if you craft Ascended items, they require materials from all tiers.

    > > Meanwhile, Unidentified Gear drops a single item that is level 80 meaning you mostly get tier 5 materials (which are very cheap)


    > What I was trying to get them to show was the actual gold about between the two. Despite the difference between unident gear and bag of gear, I don’t think players got enough of either to make that change being a significant drop in gold. Especially if assisting others with their raids.


    Before: 1-2 champ bags + 2-4 masterwork bags = ~12s + mats from champ bag

    Now: 4-6 unidentified blue gear = ~5s


    Was it worth it? Barely. Theres enough threads about this issue however.

    But now its even less so, and it feels like a kick in the nuts. Its the straw that broke this camels back. Until anet fixes this issue, Im going to fullclear once a week - maybe - and then log off. Since thats how its supposed to be done anyway.

    No more helping out. I dont need the practice, and its no fun to do raids with noobs anyway, due to the downtime between pulls mostly.

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