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Posts posted by Yasi.9065

  1. > @"trev.1045" said:

    > > Let's take WoW as an example, the game has thousands of dailies (going by the definition of: it can be done daily with unique rewards), 90% of which people do not do because they are of no use towards achieving better gear, etc. WoW doesn't have less dailies, the reward structure is simply designed in a way to encourage people to not do older dailies.


    > Wow has endless grinds, reputation grinds (for every alt!) endless AP/azerite grinds (with massive rng on top to make it more grindy) but more importantly lots of grinds that simply are not fun such as completing quests that say 'go kill 10 xxx' time after time after time- and fun is the key for me.


    > All MMO have grinds/repetitive aspects by nature, but if the repetitive bits are fun then they dont feel like it. Using wow as an example, when i first played battlegrounds years and years ago, i loved the huge alterec valley battles, i was actually a rubbish player most likely but i would get so involved in trying to coordinate my team. I was the same with the other battlegrounds


    > It didnt feel like a grind even though it took a long time to get a piece of gear as a reward.




    I thought about this quite some time, and it describes my problem with gw2 reward structure quite well. The things that would be fun for me - as Id say a typical mmo veteran - are quite unrewarding when repeating them outside of timegated rewards - worldbosses, HoT metas, raids, fractals. And the things that are totally unfun to me - silverwastes and istan - can be repeated (and yes, grinded) for best rewards in the game.

    And what turns "fun" things into grind, is when you have to do them daily even though you'd rather do something else.

    Those two things are whats fundamentally wrong with the rewardstructure in gw2.

    The rewards in gw2 are heavily frontloaded into timegated (dailies, weeklies) rewards, dissuading everyone from repeating content that would normally be fun to them. The only notable difference from this concept is Silverwastes chestfarm, which is my personal definition of grind to begin with.


    What we would need instead, is higher and streamlined base rewards. So what if you want to repeat worldbosses... you shouldnt be punished for that. Or raids, or fractals, etc. And thats exactly how it feels. If you want to do whats fun, you get punished for it. If you do what anet dictates you to do, on their schedule, you get rewarded.

    Daily and weekly extra rewards are fine. They really are. But they shouldnt be the only reward, there shouldnt be such a big discrepancy between timegated and normal reward. Rather those timegated rewards should be used to gain some extra EXP while leveling up, or getting special skins as rewards.

  2. Repeatable, challenging endcontent. So basically, balanced rewards in PvE with timegated rewards only for special accountbound skins, skill balance in wvw and pvp, a 15v15 gvg arena (not the joke that guild arena is).

    Gw2 in its current form cant keep me interested for more than 5 hours each week. Thats okay for a singleplayer game. But a mmo that wants me to spend regularly money on its gemshop? Nope. Anet has to shift their focus back onto mmo aspects, and they absolutely HAVE to streamline their rewardsystem. Istan being most profitable "endcontent" for so long... that was a very bad joke.

  3. > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > @"Yasi.9065" said:

    > > If you target something then you dont have any sliding at all on movement skills - just like you dont slide after a dodge. You also dont slide if you use your leap without moving before. If you use leaps without a target then you slide around 350, but you can break it and slide at the most 100.

    > You are just wrong there. You need to be on the edge of the hitbox or inside of it to not slide when using leaps. Max range melee leap will still slide you through the hitbox. Super fun on skorvald or artsaariv.

    > The dodge interaction seems to be a special exception since it really does stop all sliding.

    > Playing something with a leap like warr, weaver or soulbeast feels just terrible.



    Just tried it again, and no. Im not sliding in the least, even using max distance sword2 on warrior. No clue what you are doing, but Id guess you are keeping forward button pressed.


    I cant say this often enough: You have to stop lead-footing movement keys and that instab is not a problem anymore.


    And regarding old SA, ofc a lot of players didnt see it as a problem. They just expected druid to outheal all the dmg they caused with their insane wiggling around. There is no reason for constant movement in gw2 fractals. Not for years. So... I hate to say this, but: get good, stop the wiggling and use only short bursts of movement -> done.

  4. > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > I hate it and the first day it was implemented asked why bother lengthening stability if it doesn't even stop the effect.


    > Playing warrior or holo is horrific with it. You can't burst as easily with your F skill or use holo leap without overshooting it oftentimes.


    > I remember playing with it in Molten Furnace and half the group got fed up jumping the rocks til they were mesmer portaled.


    > Slippery slope could have been slippery puddles as in Thunderhead peaks.


    If you target something then you dont have any sliding at all on movement skills - just like you dont slide after a dodge. You also dont slide if you use your leap without moving before. If you use leaps without a target then you slide around 350, but you can break it and slide at the most 100.

    The issue, clearly, is that you are smashing your movemvent keys, which slippery slope punishes you for. Which is good, because all that unnecessary movement that gw2 lets you get away with is actually very unskilled gameplay. Old SA was horrible because it punished OTHERS for your wiggly wobbly antsy movements. Slippery slope is good because it now punishes you instead.

    Without a doubt, the days of seaweed salad are - thank god - over. So stop with the wiggling and you'll see how laughable all your complaints about slippery slope really are.

  5. > @"Amineo.8951" said:

    > > @"Yasi.9065" said:

    > > Please dont change slippery slope. I love it. Especially the part that makes angry threads demanding removal of it spawn on forum/reddit every few weeks.

    > >

    > > But in all earnesty: I really do like it. Slippery slope adds another dimension to fights in gw2. You have to be more careful and keep your movements to a minimum. Every unecessary wriggling around punishes you. And its already VERY limited anyway. So just... deal with it. Not every challenge has to be fun.


    > Then I'll just stack 3 Scourge 1 FB and 1 Chrono how about that? Challenge is not challenge if you can remove it when it becomes too much of a hassle and adds nothing interesting.


    Then why arent you doing that? Nobody keeping you from it. If thats how you want to deal with it, then do it. Though why you'd want to bring a chrono when you have a firebrand already and an alacrigade brings either more heal or more dps (and with both variants more cc and sustain), thats something Id rather question. But at least you'd actively DO something to meet that "challenge" of slippery slope. Instead of just whining about it on forums.

    Also, my friend, you REALLY should look up the meaning of "challenging". Because I have dismaying news for you, it aint what you think it is.


    > @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

    > My friend plays DD and he just flats out refusing to join any fractals with Slippery Slope. I'm truly sympathetic to him. I only play healer and this instab makes my wrist hurt from aiming at people who slide around. Imagine when u have to aim your dodge/Bound and Weakening Charge so they won't miss because you are launched ahead - so they are missed 50% of all times anyways...

    > Doing Orbs at Astarivv or getting into the dome when u have a bomb is pure hell.


    I play DD as well as power warrior, no issues tbh. Did you even try to adapt to slippery slope? I rather doubt that, because the first thing you'd have realized, is that you have to use your movement keys very sparingly and release them to keep from sliding further. Next realization would have been that dodging and special action key doesnt slide you then at all.

  6. Please dont change slippery slope. I love it. Especially the part that makes angry threads demanding removal of it spawn on forum/reddit every few weeks.


    But in all earnesty: I really do like it. Slippery slope adds another dimension to fights in gw2. You have to be more careful and keep your movements to a minimum. Every unecessary wriggling around punishes you. And its already VERY limited anyway. So just... deal with it. Not every challenge has to be fun.

  7. Hey,


    we are currently looking for 3 experienced players to fill our roster again. Our focus lies on the perfect balance of smooth/relaxed and speedy clears.


    ####What we offer:

    * Raidtimes: Monday and Thursday, 8 pm to 10 pm UTC+1

    * We are all raid veterans that have been clearing raids together for quite some time

    * While we speak mostly german in TS raid related stuff will be discussed in english

    * We will do raid progression for the new wing hopefully released soon


    ####What we want:

    * We are looking mainly for punctual and reliable players.

    * Theres no "carrying through" with us, no "someone else will do it" mentality. Everyone contributes equally.

    * While we dont need you to be top 10 in LI ranking, enough experience to immediately fill your roles is required.


    ####Classes/Roles currently open:

    **Boon chrono:**

    Build: Berserker + diviner, a bit tankier for Desmina tanking

    Special jobs: 2nd tank on Desmina, portals on W3, green3 at Dhuum


    **Boon druid/tempest/herald:**

    Build: Harrier or berserker, depends on alacrigade

    Special Jobs: Seeker control at VG, pushing out golems at Desmina, kiting (+ green2) at Dhuum



    Build: Diviner or Harrier

    Special Jobs: CC everywhere theres a blue bar, black kite at Deimos, green2 at Dhuum, patriarch tank at Qadim


    **Cleave/Utility DPS:**

    Special Jobs: Add control on W1-W2, as well as on MO, Deimos and Desmina. We'd prefer a "main" necro for this, power reaper and condi scourge. But are open for other suggestions ofc.


    You can reach me via forum here or per ig mail, write a small text as to which role you'd prefer, what you can offer etc. Im not a big fan of golem trials, instead the trial will happen during raid days.

  8. You'd need >116% boon duration for solo quickness without any additional boon extension.

    Problem with quickness though is that 5 stack cap, you get to the point that your TW gets less and less effective.

    On short fights not a problem, and those are also the bosses you can stack tightly... so... if you want to do that, it should work out with a boon tempest.

    My calculations were all without Sand Squall or Facet of Nature, since pugs still run with druids as boon source and will do so for quite some time.

  9. Seeing a lot of misconception in regards to the "new" chrono in my lfg squads, here's a few pointers and a "short" guide. Mind you, as with all my guide posts in this forum, the content is geared towards CASUAL raiding. Speedclear strategies are not relevant in my threads. Yes, I know them. Yes, I can execute them. No, I dont want to discuss them here. Please respect this, thank you. :heart:


    ### What to do at the start of each boss / phase

    The most important part of playing chrono passably well, is being able to 1-clone continuum split. Its a mouthful, but I guarantee you, with a bit of training and well thought out keybinding, you will shine at this with little effort.

    The thing with 1-clone continuum splits is, having your continuum split key bound to a key easily reached is already half the effort. I personally use a mouse keybind for this, but everything works, as long as you can reach it fast with your hand on mouse/keyboard. Id strongly advise against mouseclicking it, but I know some players pull that off as well... just makes your life a lot harder to do that.

    The other half of it, is being able to sweet spot that moment to press continuum split. You always want to start that continuum split in the last 1/3 of a long'ish cast. Continuum split is an instant cast, so start whatever skill you want to continuum split, watch your castbar and when the castbar is over 2/3 full, hit that continuum split key and queue up the next skill.

    That way you can get way more casts into your continuum split, which is really the basic mechanic of chronomancer.

    This takes practice. Summon yourself the biggest golem in the trainingsarena, give yourself quickness and alacrity from the buff console - dont bother with anything else.

    And then just rinse and repeat that opener rotation. In the past you had to respawn the golem for that, but nowadays you can reset your cooldowns in fight... so just make sure to destroy all your clones before re-trying.

    I promise you, for one thing it will be worth the effort, because as a good chrono you will always be put on friendslists of squadcommanders... and easily find a weekly fullclear squad. As a bad chrono, you end up on blocked lists, which will make raiding so much more difficult for you.

    And for the other thing, it wont take much effort. I usually can teach new chronos until "raid ready opener" in less than 1 hour. Considering what you gain from this, thats one hour of your life well spent. 1-clone splits arent only good for raids, they will help you a lot in openworld as well. Or pvp. Or WvW.


    So, what skill to start your opener rotation on? Thats something that can change quite often. For a long time it was shield5, but nowadays its mostly either Signet of Inspiration, or one of the wells. If you arent into total tryharding - then it really doesnt matter.

    Im a really lazy chrono myself, since it isnt my main anymore Im not willing to learn different openers, thats why Im opening my continuum split with Shield 5. That opener works for both types of chrono builds - mimic and double well.


    (Not relevant for most LFG squads, but you can start with a shield4 on a lot of bosses for extra protection uptime. Every boss that runs to you like Sloth, or you run towards like Gorseval or Matthias allows you for a bit of precasting shenanigans like that)

    1. Summon 1 clone (sword 3)

    2. Start casting Shield 5

    3. If your castbar is over 2/3 full, then use continuum split

    4. Signet of Inspiration

    5. Cast Timewarp - if you have it

    6. Well of Action/Recall (whichever you need more off, with last patch I use Recall nearly exclusively)

    7. Continuum split end

    Thats it. Thats your core rotation. After that its mostly only holding everything on cooldown and keeping track of your shield5 when on the other weapon set. Which you can quite easily do if you arrange your well of recall/action to be cast at the same time, they have roughly the same cooldown so you'll know when you have to switch back to shield offhand.


    ### Mimic vs. Double Well

    In terms of raw potential, mimic wins against double well builds hands down. The _big_ drawback of mimic builds however is that you absolutely need a good 2nd chrono in your squad. If your other chrono isnt using his Signet of Inspirations on cooldown, you are done for.

    Since you dont really have ways to predict how good the other chrono is, Id just always default to double wells builds. They are more reliable, easier to play and the dps loss is negligible - remember, LFG raids arent speedclears !


    ### Help, theres an alacrity renegade in my squad

    No reason to panic, an alacrity renegade (alacrigade) will definitely make your life as a chrono so much easier. First thing to do: drop your well of recall. No need to bring that, the alacrigade will provide a big chunk of alacrity. Instead bring Mimic and maybe Time Warp.

    Your minimum boon duration for that setup really depends a lot on what else you've got.

    Boon durations ->

    * If theres a second chrono, then you can run Danger Time trait with roughly 35% boon duration.

    * As a solo chrono but with a herald or tempest extending boons, you'll need about 45% boon duration with Danger Time, or only pack runes on Improved Alacrity.

    * Solo chrono without any help its either 50% boon duration with Danger Time, 35% with Improved Alacrity.

    Mind you, thats optimized, more boon duration is better. Always. Especially in LFG squads.


    ### What to do with that firebrand in my group

    First off, ask him if he is bringing the quickness mantra and quickness trait. Without those two, he's either a dps firebrand, or a pure healer firebrand and you can just ignore him.

    If however, you are so lucky and get a quickness firebrand (quickbrand) in your group, you can do the same as with the alacrigade, just... for alacrity.

    Bring Mimic and no need for Time Warp.

    Boon durations ->

    * If theres an alacrigade as well, and quickness is done mostly by firebrand, then you can drop everything except signet of inspiration and mimic. Also ask your commander if he/she is really sure about this? Pack runes have still quite high value, even if you dont need the boon duration.

    * Two chronos: roughly 35% boon duration


    ### But what about mirror comp

    Yes, I admit it freely, Im not a big fan of it ;p But still... its very useful for LFG raiding.

    As mentioned above, you want to just run 2x double well chronos. Only bother with mimic if you realize after the first boss, that the other chrono is actually pretty decent, or if you join with your chrono buddie for some mimic-fun.

    Boon durations ->

    * Double Well: roughly 45% with Danger Time, only pack runes with Improved Alacrity

    * Double Mimic: roughly 50% with Danger Time, around 35-40% with Improved Alacrity


    ### This is way too much to read, I dont care about doing 5k more dps

    If you dont care much about optimizing according to team compositions and just want that one build to play everywhere, then straight up go with 80% boon duration and Improved Alacrity. The reason is quite simple. You need roughly 75% for only barely 100% uptime on your own group without any help from a second chrono. With that covered, you can then switch to Danger Time trait everytime you get a decent 2nd chrono or an alacrigade/quickbrand in your squad.

    As for which well to put into continuum split, if theres no alacrigade, then always put Well of Recall in continuum split now.


    So, lets hope there arent too many errors in my testing... halfway through my bufftarget fell asleep ;) So, Im sorry if theres mistakes with the boon duration numbers. Feel free to correct them.


    /edit: Fixed opener mix-up, sorry, was really late when I wrote that.

  10. @"MoriMoriMori.5349"

    Why would you want to play tempest and then ignore the tempest mechanic? What kind of argument is THAT? And btw, staff elementalist still does 26-27k. So there you go. Replace water or air with tempest. Done.



    I did point out what dragonhunter longbow weapon is designed for. Ranged control. Just because it doesnt one-shot people anymore in addition to the control utilities it has, doesnt make this weapon trash. The dps was - granted - for quite a while undertuned, but anet is adding to it again, so its getting fixed.



    Btw, the iconic ranger weapons are bow, sword, axe and dagger. Sometimes spears. Sometimes crossbows. Everything that allows to hunt in forests. And here's a bit of my bow-knowledge for you... longbows arent really suited for hunting in forests - too heavy, too slow, too much space needed - so thats where you'd use a shortbow or better yet crossbow. Longbows are for openfields... you know... like what the english did to the french back in 1346 at Crécy. Just because it irks me that people always bring this argument for playing a subpar build in instanced content.


    And thats just what guildwars2 is about. Using the right weapons, with the right traits and right skills for a specific content. Its not about using the same weapons, traits and skills at every content. Thats a scenario you only get with unbalanced games where one build is so OP it is used everywhere.

    Again, what you guys want... to use the same lets call it "skillset" everywhere and get everywhere optimal results... is NOT balanced. Its also un-fun. You have so many different builds you can run on ranger. Why would you want to limit yourself to just playing longbow everywhere?

  11. > @"Reave.3609" said:

    > Fail rate in CM groups is now higher. New instabs make everything less fun and take more time. Everything is an anxious chore now.


    Funny, "fail rate" for my group is actually the same before and after.

  12. > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

    > And can you believe that people keep asking for even more new e-specs, when half of current core professions and e-specs is a mess like this? Or do they care only about flashy animations, mb?


    Just because you dont like something doesnt mean the balancing is bad or that skills are completely unused or that its "a mess".



    > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > I would come back if all the useless traits/skills were buffed. I absolutely loathe having the option of choosing between 20 utility skills but in reality its only about 5 for any given situation.


    But usually thats only a problem with totally OP skills that are so powerful, you simply cant pass them up for more situational but weaker skills. Buffing all other skills to that level would be just plain foolish and I thank everything that Anet's balancing dev dont listen to complaints like that. The reverse is the way to go. Bring those over the top skills in line with the rest on each class, so you arent power creeping the game into lala-fluff land where everything becomes a one-shot.

  13. > @"Gyousa.5609" said:

    > > @"Yasi.9065" said:

    > > Simply put: no.

    > > What you are proposing, is turning each and every weapon into a clone with different animations. Same with skills and traits.


    > I had to stop here because you clearly haven't read what I've said, so I'm not going to read what you've said.


    > Have a nice day.


    So mature. Ive read your posts. All parts pertaining to guardian are different variations of "make hammer do top dps so I can play this game with a hammer in hand because thats how I want to play this game do it now or I call this game a dead game with bad balancing and I wont play it anymore because you wouldnt buff hammer dmg and make it OP".

  14. Simply put: no.

    What you are proposing, is turning each and every weapon into a clone with different animations. Same with skills and traits. Thats for one thing incredibly boring, and for another really not what mmorpgs are about. Good balance in mmorpgs makes you choose between having more utility, defense, support or dps. And the guardian is very well balanced in that regard. Part of that decision, in gw2, is the weapon choice. You want to play a supporty guardian? Staff, mace and shield offer defensive support. You want to go about sniping enemies, keeping them from you while more or less slowly killing them? Longbow and scepter. You want to smash enemies in melee combat? Greatsword. Thats just how gw2 was designed. Thats a core function of this game. If you dont like it, then you dont like the game. Period.


    And build diversity? Sorry? But how does that even figure in this discussion? Do you even know what that means?


    You want to do veteran content - or even beyond, but you dont want to play meta builds because of the limited weapon choices in those builds. And then you blame balancing for this? Ehm what? Reality check here, the problem... isnt the game or its balancing. Its you and your fixed notions.

  15. Btw, if I see correctly, then they left out a rather pertinent part of MikeZs statement, that traditional "expansion level" content might be released alongside living story.

    I always understood that in a way that they dont need expansions currently because the story arc allows for that constant storytelling of living story, and the tech we usually would see added to the game via expansion gets released alongside the story as its needed or ready for release.

    Of course you can now say its because they hadnt anything BIG planned to begin with, but to make this into "they didnt have anything planned" or "the game is dead" thats very far reaching guys. So could you stop the drama already? Dont fall for every tabloid spin out there and just wait how it all progresses.


    After all, you all are playing the game for free. Theres no monthly subscription. So go and enjoy it and stop worrying.

  16. What you want would kill the flavor of each weapon. Guardian is actually very well balanced in that regard, so your example really is a bad one. Hammer is control, longbow is ranged and control, sword is a gap closer, scepter is ranged dps, greatsword is melee dps, staff is pure support etc.

    What you want, is typical easy single player rpg, where no one cares that you blow throw content because of an OP skillset, all while choosing weapons and armor purely by fashion. But gw2 is an mmorpg. And while the balance has serious problems, what you are describing is NOT a problem at all. ESPECIALLY in gw2 its not a problem, because you can still do openworld and story content, as well as lower fractals and dungeons without any trouble on literally any build you want to play. Thats very rare in mmos.

    But in every mmo theres a point that you transcend from being a casual newbie carrying around that yellow shiny hammer because it looks good, to a meta build playing veteran. Thats part of mmos, and for me personally, its part of the charm of mmos. In gw2, that fluffy casual newbie world is already very much extended into endcontent, so I really do not understand your complaints - at all.

    So you want to do veteran content? Then you have to develop that mindset for it. You dont want to develop that mindset? Also fine in gw2, nothing and nobody forces you into that content. Literally. You can totally not go into raids and high tier fractals, and not miss out on anything in gw2. They are, like PvP, an area of the game thats for players dedicated to that kind of mindset. If its not for you... then thats all okay. You still have HUGE parts of the game for YOUR kind of gaming style. More than 90% of gw2 is dedicated to your playstyle, please, at one point... stop being greedy with your demands.

  17. Hi,


    Let me start by pointing out all the great things gw2 has to offer. Theres the technical stuff, like the animations, the physics, graphics in general... and of course the combat system. The music is great. The whole world is just... gorgeous. No big gear progression, very little grind.


    Except, well... for me the game has been mostly a kind of grind for the last few years. Im logging in, and then my daily schedule starts. Tequatl, daily fractals with friends, VB, AB, TD. Followed mostly by metas I still need for a collection, or when Im working towards something I want to buy... then silverwastes farm. In between, Im going gathering on my daily route. So you can see, even though I cant repeat any of those things (except silverwastes) on the same day, they still become a grind very fast, because Im doing the same thing over and over, each time I log into the game.


    The reward structure in gw2, with its daily/weekly rewards makes the game very inflexible and yes, grindy, for me. Most days I actually want to do something different. Like just do raids, or just kill worldbosses. But doing so would mean missing out on those daily rewards and getting pretty much nothing instead. Most days, I have to decide between "do I want to have fun today? or do I want to be productive?", and when I decide to "just" have fun, then theres always this nagging feeling that I should do something else, that theres a chore that I absolutely HAVE to finish before reset.


    I know, the intention behind the daily rewards is probably to entice players to try out content and as an anti-grind measure. Thing is, Im still getting burned out grinding. That daily schedule feels like a chore and I cant even enjoy NOT doing it, because I always feel like Im missing out.


    Instead of daily rewards, personally Id rather have similar rewards across everything, and additionally repeatable achievements for each category, very much like what we have for dungeons. A special reward for doing X out of Y raid encounters/fractals/worldbosses/map metas/whatever. Keep daily login and daily achievement rewards so its still worthwhile to log in daily. But please, please... remove the daily/weekly restrictions on content. Its slowly, but surely, driving me away.

  18. If balance patch doesnt change too much, dragonhunter for power dps and renegade for condition dps. Honestly, I would be very surprised if mirage doesnt get a nerf, but it might not... then you can substitute renegade with mirage on all condition dps bosses.

    The margin however is quite small for power dps builds, so quite honestly: play whatever meta build you like. Personally I prefer staff daredevil and power chrono to dragonhunter, because dragonhunter bores me with its step-by-step rotation.

    In GW2 raids (and fractals) its not _that_ important to play the best build, but rather to play your build to the best.

  19. Well, I guess at least saying that theres gonna be a balance patch next week is some information, so thanks.


    Ive got to say though, that GW2 has the worst balancing process Ive ever had the displeasure to experience in an mmo. Take ESO for example. They have a PTS there and when the balance team over there wants to make some changes, they implement them first on PTS so players can test them. Then they finetune for weeks/months until they are happy with the results. And only then do they add the changes to live servers. So that players on live servers get the end result, and dont have to suffer through the finetuning process....


    In GW2 on the other hand theres no in advance information, no roadmap, no PTS, nothing. We often dont even know the general direction next balance patch is going to be, or which areas its going to focus on. Knowing next week will be a balance patch causes me - as leader of a raid static - already a panicky, angsty feeling that robs me of any enjoyment left when playing gw2 - little as it is considering my favorite content is raids in mmos.

    In GW2, live servers are the testservers, again, causing me to look towards balance patches with dread and anxiety. Will some change break pathing again? Is there going to be problems with CC, dps, boons, you name it, because of some unannounced change?


    I implore you, Anet, PLEASE... re-think your balancing process and information policy. Thanks.

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