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Posts posted by Yasi.9065

  1. > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > You just have to be the highest toughness in your group to be the tank... In pugs I just run full Giver+Minstrel to play it suuuuuuuuuuuuper safe, but that's overkill. In fact, I'm pretty sure there are people out there that tank with like 1005 toughness (1 toughness infusion) since everyone else will not have any toughness at all.


    That assumption on this forum is pretty dangerous.

    Some builds bring traits that increase toughness, for example firebrand minor trait adds 250 on quickness. Heal renegade brings 100 or 120 in salvation, just for daring to bring salvation traitline. Condi weaver is the worst offender, thankfully that build is pretty rare.


    If you dont plan on facetanking all hits, you can go as low with your toughness to just have 1 toughness higher than the second highest. If you are relatively new to tanking and dont yet know all the "tricks" (like standing in hitbox to avoid hits, blocking critical attacks, sidestepping xera blurred frenzy etc) then givers+minstrel is advisable.


    As to which class, all support builds can tank. Some have an easier time of it (chrono, fb and renegade) because they have blocks, but its not really needed.

  2. > @"totaloverride.3240" said:

    > some fractals become unplayable!!


    > 1. Can't see birds in whole graphic mess!!!

    > 2. they spawn every few seconds!!!

    > 3. they stay around and re-engage!!! and engage others players in party


    > 5. Remove all new instabilities, please! i wrote about them all. amek bosses have more armor, more health, but remove all new instabilities, please


    Removed your pinging shit.


    1. Turn on your sound, the birds get a pretty loud chirpy sound when you have to dodge.

    2. They dont actually.

    3. Just cleave them? Thats the mechanic. You dodge them once, then they attack enemies for 4 seconds and then they come back and you cleave them. They have so few hp, just use 3 cleave autoattacks and stop running around with your hands in the air.

    4. Birds arent stupid

    5. Go play t2 fractals if you get overwhelmed. Honestly, the new instabs are WAY easier than the old ones. Theres just no mega op chrono carrying your sorry ass anymore.


    I applaud the fractal team for making the instabs very well balanced and the right amount of flavor added to spice fractals up a bit. I also have my "hate" instabs that I just dont like and annoy the heck out of me... but I dont go onto the forum and cry for nerfs just because I cant get my loot just handed to me on logging into fractals.


    > @"Phoenixtwolf.9213" said:

    > I have seen more people hate birds and bleed fire then any other.

    > And I have been in many games that even with the birds and bleed fire we ran though fast.


    Its because people dont know how to counter those instabs properly AND still do mechanics on more "difficult" fractals. And both instabs are reactive in nature, something quite a lot of gw2 players seem to struggle with thanks to how ridiculously casual most of the content is.


    > @"Phoenixtwolf.9213" said:

    > This said does not make them a good thing reason I say this is Because it forces special class and for a game that originally did not want a trinity (a game where you could play any class where ever you want) that sure is a turn about, making you have to wait for the right class or change your charter that you want or like to play.


    Every class in gw2 has dodge. Nearly every class can bring some kind of projectile reflect or hate. Every class can bring mass condi remove for itself, most for others as well. You can bring nullification sigils for boon remove, or absorption if you have cc and can time it properly.... You only need "specialty" builds when you dont know your class or you want to shift all support onto dedicated supporters to get more dps out of the rest. The only constraints in t4 fractals, are the ones you yourself put on the group. The problem isnt instabs. The problem is players having no clue how to adapt their BUILDS to counter them. And thats just so sad, its such a step back from where the game was in 2012-2014 when the majority players running fractals/dungeons knew exactly when and how to adapt their traits, weapons and skills to counter specific encounter mechanics. Just shows how absolutely casual the game has become when players think they have to log another class just to get boon remove or projectile hate.


    > @"Kahlan.7249" said:

    > everyone keeps pointing out that adjustment is important, and the thing is, **that is so kitten true** - it's amazing how much easier siren's reef becomes once i say, switch from ele to scourge. but a lot of times it's not even adjusting within a class (since not every class has projectile defense, plus ofc scourge is just op/makes things so much easier in high-pressure fights), it's just switching to a new class entirely. _and bam, suddenly things almost magically become so much easier._


    You could switch your ele just as easily to tempest, slot a staff and add water OL and water5, as well as rebound to your rotation/build. Voila. Easy mode sirens reef. You dont have to switch characters at all for that.


  3. > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > You are so angry because of +10K DPS for 2 supports ?? Wow, take holidays.

    > Have you even >**_TRIED_** berserker druid to SAY it is 12K ? You're more arround 16-17k, because you may forget there were a lot of patchs after Hot Release, axe/sword/gs buffs etc. Have you even >**_TRIED_** 1 chrono 1 War comp ??

    > The 30sec you win on a boss with ren-fb, chrono will double the time with portal to skip parts.

    > I'm okai with FB+Ren, I love FB since Pof release and have 3 gears + a DH, but stuck *ss people "WE NEED TO KILL CHRONO META IT'S NOT OPTI" oh come on, please stop that it's really disturbing, and stupid. Why should it exists only one viable compo, and others comp is instant kick + black list ????? Praise Ren+FB, but don't bash Chrono on "-5k DPS" argument.


    > Edit you're the guy who take a PS war with FB-REN in fractals and talk about optimisation ? pls don't talk about comp only on the DPS criteria without a look on fractals and instabiltities.


    Yes, I tried berserker druid, quite recently in fact. So yes, I know EXACTLY how much dps it does at the most on golem. So you can stop pulling random numbers out of your ass.


    This thread is about DRUID + chrono, so you are offtopic with your 3 dps comp anyway.


    And what the FUCK are you on about with PS? WHICHEVER trait would you INSTEAD bring on a power bannerwarrior? Synergy for 20 more dps? But only if theres a firefield to combo? Or... shout trait for that onetime healshout you are using as opener - if at all? Stop trying to defend your stupid idiotic traitline choices by trying to mock my very logical suggestion that all bannerwarriors should just stop being fucking idiots and just bring PS trait instead of renegades fucking over their alacrity uptime.

    And if theres still a problem with might - shouldnt be but there sometimes is... then bannerwarrior can just use cheap dumpling food without much dps loss, after all in groups that have might problems you dont phase fast enough for your max dps anyway. So what the fuck are you on about there?


    Please start to use your brain before posting.

  4. > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > Because you don't need harrier druid neither ; Berserker druid + runes of strenght. Because Chrono also earn some DPS because of Diviner gear. Because chrono (diviner or harrier inspiration) + PS war +3 DPS is still very effective. Because of pull, TP.... Because of range. Because of CC. Because that right people are used to. Because DH can take stab too.


    > I was really happy that people have a look to Ren+FB; which exists long before SC or discretize suggest it, but it's an error to figure META comp because of golem without looking the new instabilities. The suggested meta is heal ren + power FB (because "higher DPS"), but actually the opposite (or diviner FB) offers more utilities, more ease, more "mechanic counter" more soulcleve uptime, and so better carry > More dps.


    > It still need decantation and some adjustments. For now people don't know if they gear harrier or diviner or zerk or vipere, scholar or pack, RR or LL in ren spec ... if they play with PS war (and so rune of strengt and/or sigil or food)


    This post makes me so angry. For one thing you are comparing what exactly? And then so much total nonsense. Higher kalla elite uptime? What? With most bosses phasing before you even run out of energy on first kalla elite? You know, 100% is cap. Berserker druid? Have you even TRIED that ever on golem? Put your pet passive and be surprised, you will barely even hit 9k. With pet thats 12k at the most. Non bursty 12k dmg. And you DO realize that you can use your tomes on power firebrand as well?


    Shenanigans with switching out utilities and traits after singularity pre-stack aside, a diviner chrono most 17k, again no burst, last I checked.


    So it comes down to numbers. 12k+17k -> 29k top dps from druid+chrono, with additional 4k from frost spirit. So you are at 33k.


    Power firebrand is on par with power bannerwarrior, though with higher burst. So roundabout 24k on longer phases, around 30k on short phases. Power renegade is at around 22k without any burst. Kalla elite adds around 1-2k per other player. That means you are at 50-60k from renebrand. Roughly a third more dmg.


    Now lets compare 1 healer comps, druid healer + diviner chrono -> 26k

    renegade healer + power firebrand -> 34-43k


    The only reason to keep on using druid+chrono is because you are used to. Period. Just shows you can run pretty much every comp because gw2 so easy.

  5. > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > Well, in fractals or with any knowledgeable group in raids the alacrity on ventari IS worthwhile, especially since healing is often superfluous and between righteous rebel and alacrity from your natural harmony (4 seconds each cast) you can stack a pretty good amount of alacrity duration, losing any worry about losing alacrity uptime should you have phase intermissions where people split apart temporarily.


    Putting aside that good grps dont bring a healing renegade, and that you can "prestack" quite enough alacrity on nearly every boss with pressing F4 just before taking singularity and starting boss encounter.

    Ventari alacrity is 4 seconds alacrity with 20 energy cost and 1.6 sec cooldown. If you swap to ventari in a fight, you get roughly 90-100 energy until legend swap is up again, so you can buff at the most 20 seconds alacrity, but only that and everyone has to be in a 240 radius of the tablet. Thats barely enough for a quick look at glint for buffing other boons. And not realistic at all. For this to even remotely work you have to bring Core Value + Draconic Echo and either use F2 on glint just before you swap to ventari or just after you swapped to glint. But even then its all very very closely calculated, one clutch situation and your boons tick out immediately. Low duration boon stacks are something that all revenant buff builds suffer from.

    On renegade ventari alacrity is superflous. Just another low duration stack maybe replacing one of your F4 stacks. Your ventari uptime is lower anyway on renegade if you are doing it right, and then you want to cast F4 over Natural Harmony, so its quite a lot less on renegade than on herald.

    You are deluding yourself if you think you can stack up enough alacrity with Natural Harmony to cover split mechanics. Worse, you are significantly lowering your kalla elite uptime by doing stunts like that.


    And might trait? What? Sacrificing bigger radius for might PS warrior and fb already provide more than enough off? Having then to regularly switch to ventari for natural harmony, sacrificing kalla elite uptime for that? Sorry, but no. Just no.


    Alacrity on Natural Harmony is just a free bonus, not something even remotely useful. I wish they would remove it and instead increase base duration of F4 alacrity to 2 or 3 seconds. That would help so much more. But Im seeing it already, instead anet will make it 10man :(


    As to people panic-spreading. Thats something only bad or new players do. In both my statics (fractals and raids) we've been running with an alacrigade healer for quite some time (well before chrono nerf), and it took just a few days until players started to stick close to tablet for healing, with sometimes even players chasing the tablet and not the other way around ;) So Im quite confident that with some getting used to, fractal pugs will stop panic-spreading and instead trust the tablet.

    Its just important for you as a heal renegade to identify the "panickers" and not chase them, you are sacrificing good players for bad player if you do that. A friendly reminder to stay stacked at every boss also helps quite a bit, I noticed. Players that still panic-spread after that reminder just have to die. Theres a big part of the gw2 playerbase that cant learn otherwise, so dont worry about it. Just as a swift kick from group for unacceptable behaviour is way more educating than endless discussions, not rewarding bad positioning is the way to hammer stacking into the brains of gw2 players.

  6. > @"CountMozenrath.7631" said:

    > Nothing about exp but there were a couple with ping kp , but my point is how can you even gain exp if no one wants you in the group


    Training LFG squads, training guilds. Dhuum isnt an easy boss. As healscourge you are expected to kite and do greens. So when a LFG is up for "exp" that means you can do those mechanics + normal boss mechanics, which is a tall order for new players. You might want to go for a dps build instead. Like holo.

  7. If you read carefully the last sentence, it will come to you.


    And you dont generate alacrity as a herald, thats a renegade thing. Tablet alacrity on ventari is at best a gimmick and not worth it at all. Forget it exists. Radius is too small, energy cost too high, duration too low. I wish Anet would just remove it so players arent getting tricked into thinking thats worth using.

    Its on par with engineer getting random quickness that doesnt even cover 60% uptime on 5 players a few patches ago, just for anet to remove it again last balance patch. Totally worthless in PvE anyway.


    Here's a tip that will make you a really good herald/renegade healer: Ventari is for burst healing/condi removal. Its not for camping on it or generating boons.

  8. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > Not everyone can pull off those numbers though. For many players i have seen, condi sb is as good an option tbh. Well, for matthias and desmina. Largos is mirage-only definitely, byt i'd say that is as much for damage, as it is for survivability.


    > Also, i tend to hate some people playing mirages on desmina a lot, because they end up teleporting outside middle circle and spawning the big walls way too often for my liking.


    > yes, mirage is definitely good, but it's hardly the only reasonable condi option available as some seem to be suggesting.


    What many players dont understand, is that if you play confusion mirage badly, then its not worth it - especially if you have a firebrand+renegade support team. Either learn it properly, or just stick to your main dps. Its way more important to not get kicked of the platform and not bubbled, than bringing confusion to that fight.


    Id really wish anet would do something about the extreme outlier largos encounter. Tbh, Id wish they would finally revert the changes to confusion in PvE. This whole "crit" idea is nice for PvP and WvW, but its plain horrible for PvE balancing. Confusion stacking builds like condi mirage is horrible on the majority of bosses, while extremely OP on the few ones that have a fast attack rate.

    Horrible design. Just horrible.

  9. > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

    > You said ventari does not offer more sustained healing then kalla or glint. Care to elaborate on Glint part? How to I make glint heal on par with ventari?


    With all the healing modifiers and Elders Respite on top your regeneration ticks for 700+. In terms of sustain thats about the same as moving your tablet around constantly, which is your sustained healing on ventari.


    You can camp on glint until you need more healing than those 700+ from regen ticks, then you swap to ventari heal everyone up, and go back to camping glint.


    Think of it as a druid, but with might on staff instead of avatar abilities. You'd not go into avatar until you actually needed the healing because of the cooldown on it.

  10. > @"lightinthedark.2596" said:

    > > @"Yasi.9065" said:

    > > > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > > > > @"Yasi.9065" said:


    > >

    > > DH is op atm, way too much burst, they absolutely have to reduce that, preferably by reverting the changes to dragonhunter traits, so power firebrand doesnt get kitten. Condi renegade is a close second to that, and mirage is on third place, but only because its unsuited on a lot of bosses due to confusion being so horribly reworked (its either completely OP, or not worth at all).


    > This is so untrue. DH is OP? It's literally not brought for anything only for the fact people like playing it.



    And how would you know that? Whats your sources? Please dont tell me gw2raidar. On the other hand, I know for a fact that at least 1 speedclear guild is running at least 1 dh on the majority of raidbosses. Only because they like playing dh? No, sorry, but you are misinformed there.

    But lets just wait until after next raidwing release and teapots ERP, if Anet doesnt nerf it before then, you'll see how OP DH atm is.

  11. It really depends on what you want to do.


    In fractals you get 15% boon duration from 150 AR + fractal mastery + 5 stacks mobility potion.


    If you want to get most healing, you should go for monk runes and enough harrier pieces to reach the minimum boon duration mentioned. On renegade however, you cant keep up the buff for long, so water runes are imo better suited since you get more boon duration out of them. Revenant already brings 75-95% increased healing to allies with rice balls and transference sigil, so monk runes arent that important.


    If your focus lies on buffing on herald, you might want to consider a sigil of might instead of sigil of concentration. Its not necessary, but it makes your life way easier and you can bring Invoking Harmony instead of Tranquil Benediction in Salvation.


    The rest is business as usual. Cleric or magi gear for high healing power, Sigil of Transference, riceball food, peppermint oil or bountiful maintenance oil.

  12. > @"Slantix.3418" said:

    > If you want to ignore mechanics and dont care about time why dost just play scourges? =)


    > And if you dont care about time why dont play what you want? Why bother with meta builds T4 are not that hard ...


    Such an unhelpful comment. Theres a big difference between running with healfb+heal renegade+bannerwarrior+2x dragonhunter compared to 5x scourges. I tested this to shut up people saying you can just throw scourges at encontent fractals and be just as fast as meta comps and to see the difference between 2x healer compared to heal renegade+power fb.


    Difference between a heal renegade and diviners renegade is 10k boss dps at the most in fractals. Most grps in fractals however need quite a bit more than additional 10k dps to insta-phase bosses. And only if you can phase most bosses before they come out of stun can you really run without any heal in fractals.


    Heal renegade is the logical choice, given that you loose way more dps running heal firebrand compared to heal renegade.


    So, in a way, OP was correct and meant well. Though the explanations are rather jumbled, Im sorry to say. This thread and several other comments in this forum part prompted me to make a comprehensive heal revenant guide in the revenant forum -> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/67915/pve-heal-revenant-variants-explained


    Take a look and if you have questions, feel free to ask there. Im always willing to help new renegades and heralds.

  13. I wasnt quite sure where to post this, its mostly aimed towards the fractals and raids crowd, but since its a class guide.... ;)


    Hopefully this will help support players new to revenant get a good start on playing heal renegade in fractals.


    Heal herald is more of a niche build, with its problems in stacking might fast. But its on a very good way on replacing druid. Hopefully anet doesnt nerf it again accidentally.


    Let me know if I got something wrong or forgot something important.

  14. **Basics - energy system**

    Revenants profession mechanic revolves around its energy system. MMO veterans wont have much trouble with this, since its just like any other classic mana or endurance or whatever system.

    Max. energy pool size is 100, though after swapping a legend, revenant gets 50 (75 with invocation trait charged mists) energy.

    While in combat, revenant recharges +5 energy (indicated by the 5 small arrows to the right) per second.

    Each skill, except autoattacks, has either a fixed energy cost, or upkeep cost.

    Energy costs are deducted directly from your energy pool, without affecting your regeneration rate.

    Upkeep costs lower your regeneration. The amount of upkeep skills is limited by upkeep costs, you can have at the most 10 upkeep cost at the same time. So you go from +5 energy regeneration (arrows to the right) to -5 energy degeneration (arrows to the left).



    **Ventari - the misunderstood revenant legend**

    As you can pick 2 legends to bring to a fight, nearly always you are going to bring Centaur Stance (ventari) on a healing build. Theres some small exception, such as if boon remove is desparately needed you can bring Demon Stance (mallyx) instead, but ventari definitely is your go to legend. At the same time, ventari usually isnt the legend you are more than 9 seconds on (1 weapon swap duration). Camping it really isnt worth it (only exception see below), since it doesnt offer more sustained healing than kalla or glint and the energy costs of the burst heal are just plainly put too high to spam that.


    - *Ventaris Will* (healskill): Your healskill is a tablet on ventari, which you can either re-summon if you dismissed it (by moving out of range or using elite skill) or move around. Moving your tablet around heals everyone in a small radius around it for roughly 2-3k healing. If your grp stays stacked up, just move the tablet on the same spot to heal everyone, if your grp is moving somewhere, move your tablet as soon as you all moved past it to a spot ahead. This is your main heal on ventari. It has a low cooldown (3 seconds) and low energy costs (5), so make sure to permanently use this skill.

    - *Projective Solace - aka bubble*: This is a low upkeep cost (6, so you go to -1 degeneration of your energy pool) projectile destroying barrier around your tablet. You can still move your tablet around and heal with it while this is active. Since this destroys projectiles and does not reflect, it doesnt work on mechanics you need to reflect like removing matthias' own bubble. The most use you get out of this skill is on Molten Furnace fractal, with around 60 energy you can upkeep this skill for the full duration of a certain weapon test phase. Its quite useful on other encounters as well, though you shouldnt neglect your healing over it.

    - *Purifying Essence*: Pretty straightforward a condition remove (3) on 5 targets. Heals for each removed condition for below 1k, which is not really worth it. With 25 energy cost, this skill is quite costly, so use it only if your staff4 isnt up yet or you cant swap to staff.

    - *Natural Harmony*: This skill gets mistaken quite often for your main or even sole source of healing on ventari. It is a very big burst heal, but its also very costly. Make sure to only use it when someone drops below around 40% health. Above that, the majority of the healing is wasted. It has a one second delay, which feels a bit weird in the beginning, but is quite useful as you can cast this skill and move your tablet through the person you want to heal and is - most likely - running away from the tablet at that moment.

    - *Energy Expulsion* (elite skill): This skill depletes all your remaining energy. Its an aoe knockback, quite useful against pulled in seekers or to keep rigom from running out again. Its not that easy to direct the knockback properly, so be careful with this. Additionally, it removes conditions depending on the amount of energy you had left, between 1 and 10 conditions. And it leaves behind small energy swirlees that allies can run into for a nice 2-3k heal. Id suggest using this skill always before swapping of ventari - if possible - so you dont waste any energy.



    **Glint - the herald legend**

    A heal herald is played with glint as your main legend. Glint brings a new mini-mechanic to revenant with its facets.

    Facets have two parts each, first activation of a facet skill starts an upkeep skill that pulses a boon in a 600 radius every 3 seconds. Then you can consume this upkeep skill by pressing the skill a second time, causing another skill effect for example blinding nearby enemies on the facet that pulses fury.

    In addition to your utility skills, you get another facet on your F2 skill.

    The upkeep part changes with whatever legend you have active. On ventari it pulses a heal for around 2k every 3 seconds, while on glint legend it adds 20% boon duration to each boon being applied, no matter the boon duration of the caster of that boon. As an example, if you get 12 seconds alacrity from a chrono with 100% boon duration, that alacrity boon gets extended to 14.4 seconds.

    The consum effect of your F2 facet also changes according to whichever legend you have active. On ventari it removes 2 conditions from 5 allies, on glint it extends all active boons by 2 seconds - pretty much the same as chrono Signet of Inspiration.


    - *Facet of Light* (healskill): Pulses regeneration, on consume it heals you for the damage you would otherwise receive for the next 3 seconds. The cooldown on this is rather long with 30seconds, so you should always avoid consuming your healskill for as long as possible. Switching legend or running out of energy deactivates your facets without consuming them, so you dont have to use it.

    - *Facet of Darkness*: Pulses fury, the consume part is an aoe reveal of stealthed enemies which can be quite handy in openworld or pvp.

    - *Facet of Elements*: Pulses swiftness and on consume it casts a pulsing aoe effect that burns, chills and causes weakness.

    - *Facet of Strength*: Pulses 1 might stack for 12 seconds base duration. Since facets pulse with an interval of 3 seconds, you can stack up 4-8 might stacks with this facet alone. The consume skill is more interesting for power heralds, since it causes a buff that increases power dmg by 15% for 5 seconds.

    - *Facet of Chaos* (elite skill): Pulses protection. The consume skill is an aoe knockback that grants superspeed. The superspeed can actually be quite annoying in jumping puzzle parts of fractals, but very useful in raids and such. The knockback always gets targeted towards your target, so make sure to face away to keep from knocking back stacked mobs.


    **Heal herald:**

    The trait Draconic Echo causes your facet skills to pulse to 10 allies and keep on pulsing for 6 seconds after you consume the facet. If you activate and immediately consume a facet it pulses 3 times with draconic echo, and once on activation, so 4 times. Except might, all boons have a base duration of 3 seconds. Protection facet has the longest cooldown with 16 seconds (with alacrity). Now, Im rather in favor of upkeeping your F2 facet, since its additional healing on ventari isnt bad. But from a pure buffer perspective, if you activated and consumed all your facets every 16 seconds, you'd only need 15% boon duration for 100% protection, swiftness, regeneration and fury uptime, as well as 12-13 might stacks.

    The more boon duration you bring, the longer is the time until you have to get back to glint to activate+consume your facets again.

    By simply activating and consuming your swiftness, fury and might facets as soon as might/fury facets are off cooldown again, you get maintained might up to around 17, without any extra shenanigans like picking up your staff3 autoattack orbs or bringing sigil of might or using retribution traitline.

    So if you are needed as a might stacker, then you really have to be on glint everytime your F2 facet comes off cooldown, otherwise might will drop. If you have others supplying might, you can stay on ventari until you see your swiftness, fury, protection and regeneration blinking out.

    *In a nutshell*: Bring something between 15-70% boon duration and as much healing power as possible. On glint activate but DONT consume your healskill, activate+consume your swiftness, fury, might facets as soon as fury/might facet come of cooldown, same with F2+protection facet. Switch to ventari only if you just consumed your F2 facet if you are responsible for might, otherwise whenever and until your boons start blinking or your energy on ventari runs low. On ventari, see above.


    Traits and legends: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQFAmn3gmNSuQzJRboNlsP0oS4I6UJ4ENskFNFyOgH8htCg1m8kqA-e

    Boon duration: 15-70% (more is better)



    **Kalla - the renegade healer:**

    Renegade special mechanic are charr spirit summons, and new F2-F4 skills, though for healer renegades, only F2 and F4 are interesting.

    F2 converts your kalla stacks (which you gain for each attack, up to 5 stacks) into might for 5 allies.

    F4 pulses alacrity to 10 allies in a 300 radius around you.

    As to your summons, it needs to be pointed out, that they can be knocked away by mob mechanics. So make sure to keep an eye on them, especially your elite summons, to re-cast them if they arent on the grp anymore.


    - *Breakrazors Bastion* (healskill): Pulsing healing in area and reduces dmg done by conditions in that area by 50%.

    - *Razorclaws Rage*: Causes attacks to add bleeding stacks to enemies. As a heal renegade you should never use this skill, especially not with condi renegade in your grp/squad, since only one Razorclaw buff can be active.

    - *Icerazors Ire*: This is a fast attacking summons that stacks up vulnerability. Its quite nice for opening to get your 5 kalla stacks fast if you dont have sword 4 or staff5 for that.

    - *Darkrazors Daring*: Now this summons can be quite useful. Sadly its energy costs are very high (30) so only use it when absolutely necessary, or when you have energy to spare. Its an aoe daze field which is very useful in fractals to control mob groups (for example on cliffside, or the event in 99cm). As a cc for breakbars, its too slow. You can pre-cast it if you know cc is scarce in your squad, but only then.

    - *Soulcleaves Summit* (elite skill): Heres the reason for even playing renegade healer. Soulcleaves Summit aka kalla elite, is an upkeep skill you just want to have active for as long as possible. Its a lifeleech without internal cooldown. Meaning: each hit triggers the extra dmg and healing caused by it. Fast attacking builds/skills like deadeye, tempest, weaver, dragonhunter etc. do a lot more dmg with this skill on them. Last I calculated this, it was about 2-3k per player in your grp/squad from about 20-30% uptime. But its been a while, and new builds have emerged since then... its definitely a substantial dps increase and its more than frostspirit. Yes, I know the tooltip says 5 man, but it behaves a bit weirdly, like it ignores grp affiliation or some such, so its more 10man. Which is really nothing to complain about. I you have to move, just cancel the upkeep and re-cast it a few seconds later at the new position. The healing done by this ability is quite high, though only if people are attacking.


    **Heal renegade:**

    Other than heal herald, heal renegade is more focused on energy management. And the more boons you want to bring in addition to kalla elite buff and healing, the narrower the whole rotation becomes. With 80% boon duration, you can maintain 100% alacrity on 10man around you. 100% boon duration only gives you 2 seconds overlap, which is not much. In raids, which mostly consist of bosses with mechanics that force someone to leave the grp, or everyone to spread out, thats not good, since you cant really stack up alacrity without outside help.

    In fractals however, that doesnt matter, since you usually stack together. The area is big enough (300) to allow for dodges etc. Together with a power firebrand, heal renegade quickly emerges as the new meta for daily lfg fractals+cms. In addition to 100% alacrity, you can also provide protection with the trait "All for One" by using your heal summons, icerazor and kalla elite each time you are on kalla. Heal renegade could also provide about 14-16 stacks might with F2, though that immediately means less kalla elite uptime. In my experience its better to shift might duty to bannerwarriors and power firebrand in fractals.


    *Fractals* -> Heal renegade in fractals isnt difficult, though the energy management and having to trust in players to attack on kalla makes it difficult for players to switch over from druid to renegade. You start out on ventari on each boss that doesnt have a big dialogue before starting in which you are already in combat. 100cm Artsaariv for example, you want to start on kalla, since you can regenerate some additional energy before the real fight begins. Mama on 99cm you'd start on ventari. The reason is quite simple. In fractals you want to start with staff5 cc, alacrity buff and might buff. Thats 45 energy you want to spend in the first few seconds of a fight. Basically your whole energy. If you'd start on kalla, you'd be left with nothing. So start on ventari. Staff5 cc -> F4 -> Shortbow 5 or Sword2 to get your kalla stacks to 5 -> F2 -> Swap to kalla -> healskill -> icerazor -> kalla elite. Thats your opening on pretty much every boss in fractals that starts with a cc bar. Sometimes you can pre-cast your alacrity buff because the boss isnt yet attackable or spawned, if you cant, you should make sure to use it after staff5.

    After that opening, you either autoattack on sword, shortbow or staff until kalla is empty. Then swap to ventari. Make sure to empty your energy there and not overheal by spamming natural harmony (wasting energy) --> see above, and back to kalla again. Thats it. One note: you can outheal quite a lot, so dont focus too much on condition remove.


    *Raids* -> In raids, most of the time you arent responsible for any boons except alacrity. This makes it a lot easier, since you can just start each fight by pressing F4, placing down kalla elite, and autoattack. On cc bar heavy bosses like matthias and samarog, you should bring a shortbow as your second weaponset for another 2sec knockdown (skill5). Also, always make sure to have 20 energy to spare when a cc bar comes up. Either by cancelling your kalla channel or staying on ventari a bit longer. For your energy management, you should always try to use your staff5 on a nearly empty legend, not just after swapping. Im not a fan of using Darkrazor summons for cc, since its 100/second only, and you are already providing 800-1000 with your staff5 and another 200 with shortbow 5.


    Traits and legends: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQFAmnXMnNSumzJRZzNlst5oSY38UJ4bOskFNl6PIPymctJmiqoVAA-e

    Boon duration: 80-100%

  15. > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > Everything is extremely easy to play when you simplyfy it to mere platitudes.




    > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > Here's a bet. Pull up SC's rotation for renegade and put it up against the rest of the specs. Aside from condi engineer and some staff weaver variants, you really don't get any specs with as long a chain of actions in its loop. Especially when you have to consider hitbox size for your grandmaser trait and how it alters the rotation.


    See, and here's your problem. Energy management system means you dont actually have a fixed rotation. Rather you have a timeframe (until your weapon swap sigil is ready again in case of condi renegade), priority skills and "energy" pool limiting your priority skills.

    If you are trying to just memorize a fixed rotation, you've already lost.


    > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > Just looking at gw2raidar by percentiles confirms that while renegade has the higher potential of the condi specs, picking a mirage or soulbeast tends to render more reliable results, especially for pugs you keep bringing up.


    Any kind of dps on gw2raidar depends HEAVILY upon not just boons, especially instant application of all boons on start of a fight, but also on duration of fight. So while all those "general stats" are pretty numbers, they dont tell you the true story at all. Taking those numbers and jumping to conclusions - a very very bad idea. Those numbers are completely out of context, and tbh, I dont even know anyone anymore that even looks at those numbers. The really important numbers are those in each separate log, to be compared with other dps in the same log.


    > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > I also don't get where your chrono rant came out of. The point of bringing up the mantra was not to ask for chrono buffs, but to mention that the closest thing to group stability provision any other class besides guardian has is a pale imitation in mesmer mantras, a long kitten cd and fairly weaker druid elite spirit, and a gimmick herald jalis option nobody takes because Anet made sure herald sucked kitten last patch courtesy of pvp.


    For one thing, your post read like you want the SYG for mesmer, my apologies if I understood that incorrectly. Then the other part wasnt really in reply to you, but rather the poster a few posts up gleefully telling people "he told everyone so".

    Im actually currently making a build for a condi druid replacement - jalis-glint herald. DPS currently on just camping glint is already at 18k, with room for improvement. Not saying everything is fine with power revenant builds... the weaponskills are laughably weak... but its not as bad as you'd make it out to be.

    Thing is, "meta" only applies to the top 1% raiders. If you arent a part of that... you can play pretty much whatever, as long as you fulfill your role... in case of condi druid replacement: might, fury, swiftness, protection, some dps increase-buff, sufficient personal dps.


    > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > Boons are abnormally powerful compared to debuffing conditions, but I don't see that changing anytime soon. I wish boons had been more limited and were better tied to a more fleshed out combo field/finisher system to make sure boon upkeep was a group effort and not just something one class trivially farts out.


    Any kind of system would be nice already. I rather dont like all the more or less passive traits providing boons either... but maybe in gw3 we get something better, if it isnt a mobile game. ;)

  16. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > Hi, I want write small guide notice for player, who start or play rene alac build.

    > It may can be helpful and for skilled people and for beginners.


    > I will try make same FAQ


    > Why herald/rene is 'alac' ?

    > Alacrity is very useful boon, you can read more about is on https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Alacrity

    > so get it for all party can be useful. Orders from Above and Centaur tablet heal spam get it.



    > Should I use hearld or rene?

    > Anything that you want, take and play for your pleasure! This is GW2!

    > Just make attention what if only you in party should uptime Might rene is easiest way do that.


    > What weapon should I use?

    > One of weapons should be staff, and be ready get cc if needed from skill nr5.

    > On swap you can take sword*sword, or what you want, .. just keep mind that main wep - staff.


    > Should I take full Diviner's set ?

    > This is great choose, and very useful with 0,2% players in fractlas, so in 99.8% you need another stats.

    > ofc possible make combination 65% Magi + 35% Diviner .. or Cleric + Diviner and etc but this not optimal way.



    > Best stats ?

    > Minstrel's You have boon duration, heal, and can more easy survive. At start ofc you can take only cleris or magi. On begin I was use combination magi armor with ater runes +cleric jewel.


    > Boon duration?

    > Yes, the concentration stat give possibility uptime bool longer. Softcap for rene is about 75%. And take 100% is good choose.

    > More detail on https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Boon_Duration


    > Runes/Sigils

    > one of sigls - Superior Sigil of Concentration to grow alarity uptime, second - anything that you want.

    > runes - take any that give at last 15% or more boon duration from https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Boon_Duration

    > Ofc best shoose is monk or water runes.


    > revenant legend - ?

    > main legend is Legendary Centaur Stance — Invoke the power of the legendary centaur Ventari.

    > Take tablet and spam heal, bring some alac for party!


    > Setups

    > Nice when someone share quickness so be ready say welcome fo chrno/FB, and ofc take druid/necro sup/scrapper sup and others.


    > Also, with current instabilities be ready join in 3 support+2 dps configuration, so be flex and remember downstate is a first step to start again!


    > What about raids?

    > I don't go raids, that content is heavy for me, only cms+t4.


    Is this a joke?

  17. > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > > @"Yasi.9065" said:

    > > These comps are for very optimized speedclears, not really for "normal" raiding. Scourge or power reaper are solid dps choices in those.

    > >

    > > Btw, for optimized speedclears, you can throw also just full dragonhunter and mirage squads at everything. Dragonhunter with its high burst is especially good if you have several of them, and mirage on your typical confusion / torment bosses.

    > >

    > > But, Im really not a fan of balancing around the top 1%. Sure, confusion needs some tuning, its quite badly designed in PvE with how its either totally OP or totally useless. Condi renegade and dragonhunters need a slight nerf. But chrono? Just because its the preferred choice for speedclearers over fb/ren? I think thats thinking too narrowly. FB/ren comps offer way more for normal raiding and are pretty close behind highly optimized aggressive SC or LN team comps. I mean, really... does it matter that much if you kill a boss in 1minute 10 seconds, or 50 seconds on a weekly fullclear? I think not.

    > >

    > > Honestly, its up to the raiding community to finally realize that SC comps are not for the big majority of raiders. Not for anet to nerf chrono into nothingness so nobody is ever tempted to touch it again.


    > Don't put DH in the same basket as condi renegade. One is one of the hardest dps specs to play optimally in the game with a long condi ramp up, while the other is easy burst F1+symbol+roll your face on the keyboard easy results spec ala daredevil while also having massive utility like F3 blocks, an aoe pull, and if necessary the only class with reliable mass stability for a group (they really need to spread out that boon to other classes, mesmer mantra is a sad version of stand your ground at a miserable 3.5 sec stability duration compared to double the duration of SYG).


    > It's already dumb that by and large the majority of specs at the top of benchmark performance are power specs and not condition specs given the disadvantages of condition damage.


    I dont know how to point this out in a civil way, but ... condi renegade is extremely easy to play as soon as you wrap your head around the whole energy management system. While there's an optimal way to spend your energy, the really important thing is to... spend it. No matter which revenant variant you are playing. And condi renegade is strong on every boss except KC and CA, and only gets countered by burst heavy dragonhunters, because they burst down bosses so fast atm, that you cant even get past your first ramp up round.


    DH is op atm, way too much burst, they absolutely have to reduce that, preferably by reverting the changes to dragonhunter traits, so power firebrand doesnt get fucked. Condi renegade is a close second to that, and mirage is on third place, but only because its unsuited on a lot of bosses due to confusion being so horribly reworked (its either completely OP, or not worth at all).


    And why should mesmer - again - get a SYG variant? The whole point anet made with nerfing chaos trait, was to show that they dont want mesmer to have everything. The role anet envisions for mesmer, is a dps hybrid that can extend boons someone else buffs. I really thought that was made very much clear?

    Honestly, it should be the other way around. Stacksize and duration on SYG has to be reduced. Not mesmer given the same.


    And on this whole "see all you who whined about chrono change" side topic. To make this perfectly clear, the problem of SoI rework and chaos trait nerf is that anet did NOT fix boon application problems of other builds, that the old chaos chrono was able to gloss over. Vigor, way too rare boon, might application highly problematic without druid after SoC nerf. No clear boon categories for builds, they are sprinkled over all builds and in unfitting traitlines (best example: might on crit trait in honor traitline... wtf anet... wtf). Instead of reworking THAT first, they went and killed chaos chrono, and thereby making raiding way harder on casual raiders. Thats the problem. And thats what people have been angry about. Please, get it finally into your head and stop with the "see see... it wasnt a nerf". Because, thats been obvious to the majority from the start. Only about 1 hour after patch hit, we were talking on teamspeak already how you can now just stack power chronos with SoI instead of mantra/defender. LFG squads to test this popped up on the same evening, first with mirages on cairn, later with full runs and power chronos.


    The problem with boons in gw2 is that they are incredibly strong. Honestly, Ive never played an mmo with more focus on boons and buffs than gw2. At the same time, boons are completly chaotic. Some boons here, some boons there. Some boons 5 man, others 10 man, application via traits totally unsuited to proper builds, or in case of might with internal cooldowns that make ramp up extremely long. Its absolutely horrible. Why are we playing with druid+chrono? Because thats the only working 3man buffsupport comp. Thats the only reason. Everything else needs 4 fixed builds minimum.

    And instead of making raiding more casual friendly with the introduction of a pure buffsupport spec (which chaos chrono could have been), no... anet went into the completely different direction of forcing 4-5 fixed builds to just cover all necessary boons in raids. Ofc that doesnt face statics and the pro raiding scene. But it hurts casual and lfg raiders so much. THATS what has/had people after patch in an uproar.

  18. These comps are for very optimized speedclears, not really for "normal" raiding. Scourge or power reaper are solid dps choices in those.


    Btw, for optimized speedclears, you can throw also just full dragonhunter and mirage squads at everything. Dragonhunter with its high burst is especially good if you have several of them, and mirage on your typical confusion / torment bosses.


    But, Im really not a fan of balancing around the top 1%. Sure, confusion needs some tuning, its quite badly designed in PvE with how its either totally OP or totally useless. Condi renegade and dragonhunters need a slight nerf. But chrono? Just because its the preferred choice for speedclearers over fb/ren? I think thats thinking too narrowly. FB/ren comps offer way more for normal raiding and are pretty close behind highly optimized aggressive SC or LN team comps. I mean, really... does it matter that much if you kill a boss in 1minute 10 seconds, or 50 seconds on a weekly fullclear? I think not.


    Honestly, its up to the raiding community to finally realize that SC comps are not for the big majority of raiders. Not for anet to nerf chrono into nothingness so nobody is ever tempted to touch it again.

  19. Yes, yes. I know. Not ANOTHER easy mode raids thread. But fear not, this is not going to be a "anet implement xyz so we can easy mode raids" rant. Rather Im trying to explain common mistakes that make raiding more difficult than it actually is... and Ill offer a comp with builds for easy access raids.


    Ive been raiding with a static and with lfg squads ever since raids released. I was there when tempest was the only dps allowed, and when mirror comp got "discovered" as meta. And I always used to react quite snidely towards players wanting easy mode raids. Because to me, raids in gw2 already are easy. Not because Im such a pro player, simply because Ive been there for ages spending a good chunk of my online time doing raids. In my opinion, gw2 raids are the perfect entry level into raiding in other mmos. Encounters are short so you can hop in for half an hour and then hop out again. Mechanics are very well telegraphed and quite intuitive. Gw2 combat system is the perfect mix of classic mmo playstyle with action combat mixed in, so when you get overwhelmed by all the flashy stuff, you can just take a second, only autoattack and focus on whats going on. I could go on here, but you get the gist of it.


    So, ever since chrono support got first buffed and then nerfed, Ive been observing, scrutinizing. What is it that makes raids such an unpleasant thing for so many players. And to me, it comes down to two rather huge mistakes especially casual raiders do:


    a) Going for speedclear tactics, compositions and builds - but not really.

    b) Low boon uptime.


    Everything revolving around speedclearing means cutting down on defense to maximize squad dps. But that only works if you then also bring enough dps to the table to skip phases. For example, if you cant burst VG into next phase during one seeker spawn, you absolutely need a second healer. If blue isnt dead until green comes over... same. Those are the kind of dps checks you have to hit to implement speedclear comps.

    Now thats rather obvious, so what most lfg commanders do, is they just double down on the "support" builds offered up by speedclear guilds like snow crows. Hence the 2x chronotank, 2x druid comps. The problem I see with this, is that those builds arent made for those comps. Now, Im not saying you cant clear raids with that. Ofc you can, after all raids in gw2 are easy, and dont punish you for bad setups. But is it enjoyable? No, not really. And does it feel difficult? Yes. Because you have to compensate those non-fitting builds and comps with more skillful playing, instead of it being the other way around.

    Here's an example: Samarog. I like that boss especially because its such a sneakily designed encounter. The more dps you do at Samarog, the more cc skills your squad has to bring. Now a much neglected part of SC website shows what teamcomps are best to use for each boss. And there you can see - for samarog atm - that they recommend using daredevils for their elite venom cc. If you bring instead 5-6 dragonhunters, then you lack cc, and the dragonhunters would have to compensate by using signets with signet trait and switch out spirit sword against spirit hammer. All things not really done by casual raiders. And so you bring a second druid to keep the cc target alive for those 10seconds or longer cc phases. Your dps are twiddling their thumbs half the fight while your druids are in a cold sweat trying to outheal the cc. Ofc you still kill it, after loosing a chrono, dps usually drops low enough for cc skills to be up again for next cc. But thats not the clean and easy kill it could be.


    Boons in gw2 are completely overpowered. Just stand at golem first without any boons and just autoattack. Then with 25 might, fury, quickness and you will see how big the difference is already. Add to that banners and dps trait specific boons like retaliation for guardian... well... its like playing a whole different build. Running away from walls at desmina without swiftness... just so much more difficult. Protection lowers dmg done by quite a lot sources by 33% AFTER dmg calculation. So its pretty much a 33% dmg decrease. Aegis gives you a freepass to do something foolish or not have to evade a specific mechanic. Stability keeps you dpsing when otherwise you'd loose 2-3 seconds to a knockdown/knockback/stun/evade. Etc.

    Personally, I consider boons the real easy mode. If you want easy, non-challenging raiding, you should make sure to get as many boons as possible up to 100%.


    And towards this goal, here's my favorite "easy mode raiding" comp.


    - 2x Quickness firebrands: it doesnt really matter if heal or dps oriented, they just have to output around 10-15 might (some scepter camping and quickness mantra does the trick already), 100% quickness, aegis every 10seconds roughly, stability or condi cleanse on demand and other nice things if necessary, like pulling in adds at xera or sloth with axe3.

    - 1x harrier/cleric renegade: renegade is imo atm best value healer. It brings burst heals on ventari, sustained healing on kalla, 5man AP, staff5 cc, 10 man alacrity, and kalla elite is such a nice dps buff.

    - 1x harrier or givers herald: after some testing, Im more and more convinced that druid just doesnt fit into fb/renegade comps. Herald brings much needed boon extension for the renegade with either f2 passive or active (not quite sure yet whats really better... just letting it tick through or use it on cooldown on glint), additionally a herald brings perma regen, protection, swiftness, fury and might. Problem with might on herald gets solved actually by the 2 firebrands bringing some "burst" might stacks at the beginning of a fight. You dont really need anything else to maintain 25 might after that. If you are lacking due to firebrands not being able to supply enough might, or some other issue... you can run retribution instead of devastation for around 23 might maintained. A big plus compared to druid, is that your herald pulses boons around him. No messy spirit management, remembering to explode spirits before 10% phase on dhuum etc.

    - 1x bannerwarrior: the usual

    - 5x dps: the usual, though Im suggesting some additional cleave dps (like holo, power reaper or scourge) for bosses with adds. But its really not that important, if you properly tank on mid at sloth, then axe3 pulls are surprisingly enough.


    Alternatively you can bring quickness chronos instead of firebrands, but then your renegade has to supply might for one sub-grp and your bannerwarrior (core) has to supply might for the second subgrp. It gets a bit more messy, but its still easily doable, thanks to Signet of Inspiration extending the might for so long, on top of herald boon extension.


    Now, like so many of you, the first time I thought about this comp, I was totally against it. Four healers? Ridiculous, you'll spend HOURS on raids with that. But if you think about it, compared to the old 2x chaos chrono meta its not a dps loss in the least. You're replacing chronos with firebrands. Either they heal more, or they do more dps. You're replacing main druid with a herald, which means, you are trading frost spirit for AP and better (because faster and more) cc. And you are replacing your second healer, with a heal renegade - again, very high and fast cc, AP for the 2nd grp, kalla elite which is more dmg than frost spirit nowadays.


    But what about heal scourge? Well, I have rather mixed feelings about healscourge. In the hands of a really good player, healscourge is immensely overpowered. In the hands of a casual player, healscourge is in best case not noticable... worst case it will wipe you with panick-infusion into dmg. Additionally, because healscourge doesnt really apply many boons - you need a good druid and good chronos, for it to really shine. For me healscourge is more a tool to carry and show raids to newbie players. Its imo rather not suited for casual raiders, due to its predictive playstyle.


    Tanking. Both revenants (herald and renegade) can quite comfortably tank everything. Staff3 is a nice long block, aegis from firebrands helps as well and you can bring retribution for the dmg decrease while under stability trait. Heal firebrand also is quite good at tanking. Chrono if you bring one ofc can do that as well.


    Downsides. Theres one, I have to admit. Condi pressure. If you bring dps quickbrands, then you have to get creative with condi removal on desmina for example. The condi remove on ventari eats way too much energy and the cooldown on it doesnt make it any better. That leaves you with outhealing conditions and staff4. Of course, your condi scourge should/could use F2 anyway for one subgrp, and then theres other dps builds that bring condi remove... like soulbeast or holosmith. It is something to be aware off, but not a huge problem.


    LFG. How to search for that on lfg? Some of you might have noticed it, I was admittedly trying out some variations over the last week ;p Best results was actually straight up just searching for 2 quickness, 1 heal renegade, 1 herald or druid. I would say 2chrono, 2druid lfgs fill slower, but the sample size was too small. Reason probably was because its a bit more flexible and it wasnt on monday.


    So, but onto the best part. The builds. As promised, Ive got for all healer builds a budget and an ascended version.


    **Firebrand (heal):**



    *Weapons:* Scepter or staff for might. With chronos/herald extending the might, Im tending more towards staff, but the immobilize on scepter is also nice on some bosses. If you dont need axe pull, bring mace instead. If fury is missing on your subgrp, because you have a druid instead of herald, you either have to bring axe for it or elite shout. Both works well enough.

    *Optional utilities:* Where to even start. Theres so many goodies. You can bring condi remove with Mantra of Lore, or one of the shouts is always a nice option (Stand Your Ground is 10man, so good). More cc via spirit hammer or bane signet. Wall of reflection on bosses like sloth or matthias... btw you can backup yourself with tome3 skill3 reflect there if you misplace the wall. Extra healing with merciful intervention or spirit bow.

    *Optional elite utility:* If you have enough stability/stun break or dont need it, then elite signet is better. If your grp is lacking fury (though make sure its even needed... for example daredevils and dragonhunters dont really need extra fury, picking up banner of discipline once or twice at beginning of fight and pressing 2+3 is already enough), then the elite shout is a good way to cover that.

    *HowTo:* Healfirebrand is pretty straightforward. Make sure to place your symbol on the grp on cooldown for the healing. Keep your quickness mantra on cooldown, use additional aegis/stability on demand. For clutch situations you have your f2 tome. Activating it already removes 3 conditions, skill5 should be the first to use, since it removes another 5 conditions and puts an increase healing modifiers on allies. Skill4 is a pulsing healing field. Skill2 removes even more conditions, skill1 heals in front of you. If you have a charge left over, use it on skill3 for some buffs. Your f3 tome is for stacking up boons mostly, or to use the reflect bubble on skill3. F1 tome, skill3 is a nice pull, though the radius is a bit small with only 240. However, it also interrupts, which is always nice.


    **Renegade (heal/buffs):**



    *Weapons:* Staff is your main weapon set, your second weapon set is for utility. For some small pulls, axe offhand is quite nice. Sword offhand has a short immobilize. Shortbow works nicely for kiting on dhuum, and if you have power dps chronos in your squad, you can help stack up some slow for danger time trait. SB5 also has another cc on top of staff5, which you should rather use than for example ventari elite or daze summons on kalla.

    *HowTo:* Your goal is to stay on kalla with active kalla elite for as long as possible, while using F4 (alacrity) on cooldown. The energy management needs a bit to get used to, but with some practice its a pretty straightforward build to play. Your kalla elite counts as upkeep for upkeep traits, with a low cooldown on re-casting it. So if the boss moves out of it, make sure to cancel the upkeep channel and place it on the new spot. If you have to leave kalla before your energy runs out - due to needing the bubble or heals on ventari - make sure to always empty your energy first, for example by placing icerazor or using F2. On ventari, your main heal should be moving around the tablet (healskill), NOT natural harmony. Natural harmony is your clutch heal. Condi remove on ventari is not a skill Id use, its very costly and slow. Your staff4 has a condi remove on it, always use that first. The bubble on ventari destroys projectiles and is also an upkeep skill. Quite nice if you are tanking on desmina and not all wurms are dead yet. But you shouldnt neglect kalla elite over it. Your main cc is staff5, it removes a good chunk of defiance bar, make sure to always have 20 energy left over when a cc comes up. Daze summons is very strong as well, but also a rather slow cc, which makes it much less effective, so its better to bring shortbow for a second cc skill.


    **Renegade (tank):**



    *HowTo:* Tanking on revenant builds is a bit less comfortable than on chrono builds. Your staff3 has a 2 second block, make sure to use that to block big incoming hits/mechanics. Make sure to keep your stability on you for as long as possible, it reduced dmg taken. For everything else the usual tanking mechanics apply. A lot of hits can be avoided by standing inside hitbox, sidestep big windup animations, make sure to tank in a way that you are still in range to buff alacrity.


    **Herald (heal/buffs):**



    *Weapons:* As with renegade, staff is your main weapon, though with an added reason. On the third autoattack, you spawn little spheres around you. If allies pick them up, you buff them swiftness and regeneration... and you trigger shared empowerment trait with that. So, always make sure to autoattack something.You should stay on glint for as long as you can, only switch to ventari for clutch heals. Easiest (though probably not quite as effective, but whatever) is it to just keep f2 pulsing. Never use it, and re-activate it immediately when you ran out of energy. On glint, you should always pulse regeneration (your healskill) and might facet. Swiftness, fury and protection, you just activate and immediately consume on cooldown. You can use the protection facet to knock away seekers, otherwise make sure to always use it in a direction without mobs, or your firebrands/chronos will get angry really fast ;) Before swapping off glint, always consume your might facet. Avoid consuming your healskill facet, the cooldown on it is too long. On ventari its pretty much the same as with renegade. Move your tablet, use natural harmony if people are below 40%, and trust in your f2 + regeneration healing ticks.


    **Herald (tank):**



    *HowTo:* Herald tanking is pretty much the same as renegade, except that you get more upkeep healing from steadfast rejuvenation trait and the radius of your boons is bigger. If might is a problem, then you have to trade Steadfast Rejuvenation for Vicious Reprisal in retribution traitline. This can happen on big hitbox bosses like gorseval or dhuum because the orbs spawn on the wrong side of the boss and dont get picked up.

  20. Theres several points where you are wrong, and Im pretty sure its because you didnt really look over all traits and skills, sorry to be so harsh.


    First off, your mainheal on kalla is NOT your healskill. Its your kalla elite. Your healskill is for moments where you get damage but cant attack anything, or for "oh shit this hurts" moments. You dont have to perma channel it, so you can kinda "move" it by stopping the channel and casting it new on a new position after roughly 2 seconds. Your staff autoattack heals as well, in a fashion, people just have to be aware that those shiny bubbles on the ground are friendly. Though usually you spawn so many of them, they get eaten up without really noticing.

    Re-channeling kalla elite has another really nice benefit. Everytime you do that, you buff 8seconds of protection thanks to the trait "All for One". You can stack protection 5 times, so if you do that a few times... but thats pretty annoying tbh.... so here's what I do... prestack around 36seconds on singularity, then swap to ventari. Start fight -> staff5 cc + alacrity -> swap kalla -> heal + icerazor + kalla elite. Then just before I have to swap of kalla, I either use up remaining energy with bloodrazor/icerazor/heal or re-channel kalla once. Perma protection really is quite easily possible this way.


    Second, ventari. Also, your mainheal on ventari is NOT natural harmony. Its your tablet move skill... your healing skill. You dont have to move it through anyone to heal with it, just move it a tiny bit and it heals in a radius around the tablet. For example, if you are standing at Artsaariv, you just swapped to ventari because you need more heals or energy. If there's no other reflect already up -> cast your ventari bubble. Then move the tablet around tiny increments while buffing might and alacrity. Use staff4 to remove conditions and for a burst heal. Staff autoattack to spawn friendly little bubbles. And only use your big skill if someone drops below 50%. Using it before, is just plain wasteful. Natural Harmony is like CA3 on steroids, and thats why it costs so much. Im not real happy about that, Id rather have lower energy cost and lower healing... but you dont really need it with tablet move heal anyway.


    Third point... cc. Im sorry, but what? Your tiny pet cc is laughable compared to staff5. Staff5 hits multiple times, and removes up to 1k defiance bar (big hitbox). Your tiny pet removes what? 232? 300? And it takes forever to cast. Sorry, but thats one complaint I simply cannot take seriously. Its like saying pre-nerf moa was bad.


    And last but not least, your energy complaint. I kept that for last because well, its the one that showed me what REALLY was the trouble for you. You didnt swap your legends properly. Didnt know what to use before swapping so to not waste energy. Didnt know on which legend to start a fight, because yes... that depends a lot on each fight. If you need instant cc, alacrity and might, you always start on ventari. Staff5+alacrity+might -> kalla. If its a small hitbox, you dont get 5 hits out of staff 5, so you should start on s/s with sword4 into staff5 -> alacrity -> might -> kalla. If you get some little intro scene where you are already in combat and can load up energy, you start on kalla. Use alacrity first, while boss still invuln, then icerazor/darkrazor (depends on your bs) -> staff5 -> might -> kalla elite.

    Did you explode your tablet on ventari before swapping to kalla? My guess is, not. You cant treat legends like weapon swap. You have to use up all energy before swapping of a legend... or at least as much energy as possible.


    Granted, playing with energy system on revenant needs a bit getting used to. But as soon as you found the best way to handle it, you get so much more out of it. Druid is so limited in comparison to renegade, utility- and skillwise. A well played renegade can easily solo heal, maintain perma protection on 5, AND increase dps by a lot... all while bringing the currently best cc skill in the game.


    Dont just play it once without even reading what your traits and skills do, without comprehending how the energy system is supposed to work... and then go complain on forums how it sucks and anet should just change it. Show at least some effort and LEARN the build before starting to complain.


    /edit: Btw, Ive played with a harrier renegade for over a year in my casual daily t4+cms static. First as a chrono, now with a power quickbrand. Everytime we had to bring in a druid because our renegade had to work, it was straight up worse. CC was worse. Healing was worse. DPS was worse. This isnt just some theoretical stuff Ive been posting here. Ive tested every build extensively, and renegade healer is the most powerful healer in fractals atm. Nothing comes even close. Firebrand is a close second, though its really hampered by agony. And in light of how much more burst power firebrand can bring compared to diviner renegade, its the logical choice to keep the harrier renegade and bring in a power firebrand to supply quickness, retal, aegis and utility (reflect, stability, extra aegis etc.).

  21. > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

    > > @"GeraldBC.4927" said:

    > > If you're at the point where you already have several legendary pieces or 400+ Legendary Insights, then sure, who cares whether a boss dies, you're not doing it to beat them any more. But when you're still on the way there


    > On the way *where*, sorry? And what is so special about that vague destination you want to sacrifice a fun of playing a game for it, and instead turn it into a chore? I really hope you're being paid for that hard work, with hard enough coin )) Otherwise I fail to see any reason in such decision. Getting *anywhere* in an online game like this one (not even a real cybersport kind of game, where you could get something from it, in the end; though, cybersports... meh, whatever :P ) is an utterly pointless achievement which brings literally nothing (even those digits on remote servers don't actually belong to you, if you'll check the EULA). Zero, nill. Only the game and fun it brings with it does matter, in the end, and chores are better done IRL, at a good $/hour rate.


    > > @"GeraldBC.4927" said:

    > >and every pug you join is a gamble whether their eminence the squad leader will debase themselves so far to take on someone like you who has only 100-200 LIs outside of a fruitless training raid, you're very happy to put better prospects towards beating the boss over 'teh challeng'.


    > I would say it's time to find a good, seemingly-minded people and play with them on constant basis instead. I would, if it wasn't a total inversion of the actual situation out there. It's much, much more likely you'll encounter a leader which is extremely toxic and demanding, and has the only goal of beating everything as fast as possible because he is obsessed with that "getting there" thing and can't waste a single extra minute to play the actual game and have some fun. But hey, if you indeed bump into groups doing it for fun and challenge on regular basis, be a good fella and send me their contacts. Because I'm having hard times finding any, actually ;)




    See, the thing is... for some its fun to kill raidbosses in as challenging a way as possible. For others the fun lies in a smooth (and pleasant) kill. Just because your definition of fun is differently, doesnt mean others dont have fun. Just because someone rather prefers smooth kills over hectic-at-the-limit-to-wiping ones, doesnt mean that person sees raiding as a chore and is only there for the loot.


    But even if someone is only there for the loot, and derives all fun out of raiding only by killing bosses... thats not for you to judge tbh.


    Also, imo, you are having this quite mixed up. The norm is running 2 healers, and some players go for 1 druid healer for the extra challenge, or a (often only perceived) slightly swifter kill.

  22. > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

    > > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > > Succeeding is more fun than wiping imo... If double heal will increase the chances of succeeding, then why doing it is such a issue?

    > Succeeding is not fun at all, on itself, imo. May be first time, may be even after the 2nd run (but much less), but what fun in routinely beating the same content 5-10 times in a row? That doesn't make sense. Good game generates fun while you play it, not only at the end. If you only have fun at the brief moment at the end of the long run - why do you even play it? It seems like you're doing a chore, and it's better to do chores IRL instead, preferable at a fixed $/hour rate. By ensuring you'll beat it, you are effectively killing the game aspect of it.


    Succeeding is important for morale, the how is important as well. However, I really dont get the "a second healer makes all bosses trivial" argument. Because if you choose the right one, it wont, and most of the time - at least if you arent in a hardcore raiding guild - the right second healer actually means more squad dps.

    Take harrier renegade for example. It brings faster cc on a low cd, 10man alacrity, 10-25% kalla elite uptime on 10 man and AP for 5. All this while bringing also quite a lot of healing for ignoring mechanics.

    Firebrand, brings high scholar uptime thanks to the lots of small healing ticks + aegis, quickness for 5 man, etc.

    Healscourge brings vampiric aura for 5 and barrier on 10, again letting you ignore quite a lot of mechanics. Like heal rev it brings a lot of cc and extra utility. Sufficient epidemic on some boss encounters with plaguedoctors/marshal.


    Of course, theres a point where you wont need a second healer anymore - in a static.


    In LFG squads, the skill level is too varied, and the squad isnt well attuned.... its just not a static but 10 random players. You loose way more dps from not having 100% boon uptime, high scholar uptime, miscommunication as to where tank moves next (and when) and my favourite - slow cc, than you gain from one more dps player.


    Yes, **in theory** you'll never need a second healer. But in reality, it smooths discrepancies in communication, little personal mistakes and - how to put this delicately - its a utility slot for all those pesky mechanics every dps player thinks someone else should do because his dps is just way to important and precious.

  23. @"Sylli.3891" Im sorry, but this thread is about t4 fractals. Though even for other content your build really is quite inefficient. You are trying to do it all, but doing dps and healing others are two polar opposites in gw2. You have to sacrifice so much for the other, that in the end you dont end up with a 50/50 split, but rather with a 20/20 split. 20% of possible dps and 20% of possible healing. Which means, your build limits you already to only perform at 40% max.

    Can you do t1 fractals or openworld with your build? Sure. But thats not because your build is good, but rather because the requirement in that content is so low. In content that requires you to pull your own weight and then some? Sorry, but no.

  24. So far Ive only had some trouble with the birds on aetherblade, they are really quite annoying there.


    Everything else Im quite okay with. Maybe its because its new, but so far Ive not noticed anything else really annoying.


    Ah yes, singularity in 100cm could be placed up to avoid having to use either portal to get it after pre-stacking or sliding juuuuuuuust right onto it.

  25. > @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

    > For those that like more information: The core issue was a model load interrupt resulting in dangling handle references to some textures in a global texture pool. Since the references never got cleared, we eventually ran into a situation where we had no textures left, resulting in a permanent loading failure while all future composite models waited for the textures to be available. The solution was to make sure that we always release the texture handles when our model loading is interrupted, along with making sure the party UI isn’t quite so overzealous on when it decides to reload models.


    > A lot of the early time without a repro was spent trying to figure out all the ways that models could go invisible, which led me to a lot of frustrating dead ends, thankfully it was not in vain.


    Aww... you fixed it before I ever could experience it. My fractal static always was like "I dont see Arkk" "Yep invisible again" "No adds for me" "Wheres the anomaly!?!". It made me feel very excluded tbh ;p


    And to think it was due to simple party UI.... thanks for the time spent hunting this down and fixing it :)

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