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Posts posted by Sarpan.9074

  1. I, too, am not clear on exactly what is expected from us over the next few days. As I get it, we're supposed to do the dragon response missions repeatedly to gain some new currency, then spend that currency on stuff and that will advance the story forward. Can someone fill in the details of what goes to who? I just don't get it.

  2. > @"Rose Solane.1027" said:

    > > @"Sarpan.9074" said:

    > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > @"Mike.7983" said:

    > > > > Major game bugs seem to be ignored lately, do hope the dev's are actually reading these forums and can at least let us know they are aware of the problems we got lately. Total silence is a bad sign, and fear game is on a downhill decline when player and dev communication drops to non existence.

    > > >

    > > > [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/112864/trading-post-issue](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/112864/trading-post-issue)

    > >

    > > That's good to see, but it would have been helpful for them to post that in this thread instead of a player finding it and letting us know. Not everyone thinks to peruse all the forums.

    > >

    > > Customer relations are not what they used to be.

    > >


    > The messages from ArenaNet are in the "Latest ArenaNet Posts" at the top of the screen when you open the forum. To me that seems a convenient place. The first thing I do when I open the forum is checking if there are new post from ArenaNet.


    Yeah, that seems to be the way is is now and I'll have to start checking that. But I remember when Community Managers used to actually interact with customers in relevant threads. That seems like good CRM to me. Maybe they're just too short handed to do that now.

  3. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Mike.7983" said:

    > > Major game bugs seem to be ignored lately, do hope the dev's are actually reading these forums and can at least let us know they are aware of the problems we got lately. Total silence is a bad sign, and fear game is on a downhill decline when player and dev communication drops to non existence.


    > [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/112864/trading-post-issue](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/112864/trading-post-issue)


    That's good to see, but it would have been helpful for them to post that in this thread instead of a player finding it and letting us know. Not everyone thinks to peruse all the forums.


    Customer relations are not what they used to be.


  4. > @"Crowle.6948" said:

    > So... when I went back in, my personal mission step is Darkrime Delves, but the only option on the Scrying Pool is Forging Steel, again.


    > If you get d/c in Darkrime Delves you have to do both missions over again? I guess I'm done with GW2 for today.


    Did DD twice and had disconnect at bridge first time, then during the cut scene with no completion. I guess I was relatively lucky because I can choose DD in the Scrying Pool and don't have to do FS again to get to it. Thank god for small favors, eh?

  5. Thanks for hanging in with me here Healix. Here's where it stands. I enabled Anti-Lag (which toggles off Chill, which in turn toggles off Anti-Lag) and then the tones happened directly when the game started after I logged in. It also kept happening when I came back in after Alt-Tabbing out.


    I tried disabling both Anti-Lag and Chill--in GW2 and globally--and that seems to have done it. I played for about an hour with no tones. We'll see how this fix hold up, and whether AMD responds with any fix.


    A curious thing: when the tones happened while I was in game with a character present, the character would take two or thee steps forward when they happened. I found that interesting.

  6. Just got a Radeon RX 580. About 5-10 seconds after I start a character I get a series of 4 loud beeps/tones that I have never gotten before. It also happens when I have the game minimized and open it up again.


    Anyone else experience this? Have an idea how to stop it. I've contacted AMD support and so far they've suggested reinstalling the drivers, which I've done to no effect.


    I've tried a few other games and do not get this in them.


  7. Is there a guide to ascended recipes so I don't have to waste a lot of mats on ones that are not useful to me?


    I agree that the one-use of the new seeds is a real killer for this for me. I just can't justify the time and cost for something that lasts one hour, much of which I will probably be waiting to find something to do.

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