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Posts posted by Burnfall.9573

  1. > @"DaVid Darksoul.4985" said:

    > Saw that a retailer is offering a 20% discount on gem cards for the Holidays, would be nice if Anet would mimic that thru the TP. Being a virtual currency whose production costs are practically non-existent the loss of profit per unit by applying a discount would be vastly overshadowed by the increase sales volume.




    also i agree with you that it would be nice if Anet offered it through their own in game trading system-minimizing RTS and account exploits and account hijacking and victimizing off innocent players who knew about it-took some time off-casual players. Other gaming companies does it, why not here?


    (side note)-**Red Flag**-- accounts encouraging raising sell prices on the trading posts, should automatically be looked into as soon as possible

  2. > @"Raizel.1839" said:

    > No thanks, I still remember the screenshot of one of her posts toward a player, it was extremely toxic.


    There is more to what had happened..'there are more than meet the eyes' and I will not discuss it the forum neither. All I can say is, 'when you play with fire be prepared to get burned'


    In the end, she is a human being just as we are and feel as we are


    As an Advocate against Toxicity, her action was justifed

  3. I do would like Anet-former Gaile Gray to return and to retake her role as the Forum Communications Team Lead because of allowance of continual repetitive abuse in the forum


    -If she choses to play to take control of other roles, that would be fine...she deserves the best but i do would like her to check in the forums and to put an end to it-


    (my experience with her in the forum was more positive than negative. One thing that i can say for sure which many would also agree with, is that she didn't just communicate to us, she communicated with us-the community and knew how to connect with us and to get our attention. I Praise her for allowing the community to be open and vocal with her and allowing herself to take her role seriously. As every customer service relationship, there are good time and bad time, both parties can sometimes make mistakes but at the end of the day, it is all about maintaining communication for the better end. I myself had made mistakes and had felt unjust at times for results but at the end of the day, i want my voice to be heard alongside with the community. Even though the results may not please us but it is the attempt of communication and its understanding-both good and bad and knowing your community are what matters with resolving problems. The experience of the human touch and feeling belonging is what a community want and i believe Anet-former- Gaile Gray accomplished it in every way)


    Thank You!


    Anet-Former Gaile Gray

  4. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Gogdarth.6741" said:

    > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > so few minutes ago, a couple of our guild players including 3 Commanders on our guild were arguing with a bot programmer on our guild. Of how she openly boasted and prided herself for not giving a kitten about what people say about her botting.

    > > >

    > > > I want to share few things that she stated about the reasoning about PvP and Wvw botters. she said that 'oh well...Anet doesn't even care about their players so i don't know why people are 'sticking a broom up their 'kitten' as if Anet owes them something', 'they don't even give a 'kitten' about their game modes except cash shop PvE, laugh..., people are leaving anyways and PvP and WvW are dead game mode because Anet want it this way, so why should people keep crying about their dead game modes', the Guild Leader asked this player, 'can't you go somewhere else to bot instead of here', she replied, 'we keep getting reported by players and the 'game company' won't let us, they are very strict with us

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > couple of us asked her, who is 'we', she said that she is not the only bot/hack programmer, there are many of them.

    > > >

    > > > so there,

    > > >

    > > > **“We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us.”**

    > >

    > > And of course you will not disclose account name of the person in question, no convo screenshots exist in nature and my uncle also works at ANet.


    > Yup, sadly it's pretty hard to have an evidence for something that never happened :(




    it is quite sad indeed that you are intentionally provoking me knowingingly that it is against forum rules to disclose such


    -i ask that you respectfully not communicate with me again-

  5. > @"PotatoAssasin.1786" said:

    > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > @"darren.1064" said:

    > > > I would like to start this by saying I've been playing GW2 since launch. I used to play PvP back in the hotjoin days before AT's, and Ranked PvP were a thing. I'm a rank 560 in PvP and have played a total of 15,438 games across all of my characters and 10,079 of those were played on my thief. I've never felt like PvP was as broken before as it is now, and I have also never felt like I should make a post on the Guild Wars 2 Forums until now.

    > > >

    > > > During my time on Guild Wars, I've taken a few breaks but I can firmly say that I remember the days when thief was the #1 1v1 class. Seeing as how thief has always had the highest learning curve, it only makes sense that the most complicated class to play would be the best at fighting 1v1s. That point still survives to this day as thief remains the hardest profession to play (aside from gimmick builds that occasionally pop up through profession exploits that also occur on other professions.) Over time the power creep has set in well for other classes while leading to the decline in play for other classes. Over just the past few months, ranger is the prime example as there was never a prime balance patch where they went from the red headed stepchild to the families golden child; over time they had a bunch of smaller positive changes that really helped progress the professions damage, sustain, and popularity. The opposite can be said about thief, the class that 5 years ago was the best class to 1v1 on. A very long series of balance patches have forced thieves into a pvp class that has been pigeonholed into the sole purpose of decapping and +1-ing fights. While there's nothing wrong with this particular role, it is shameful that no other class has been pushed this far into a single monotonous role. Going through each of the nine classes:

    > > > * 1. **Elementalist** - have the speed to +1, have the range to also team fight with damage or godly support on tempest and can also 1v1 with ease

    > > > * 2. **Necromancer** - Don't even get me started. Near unkillable at times and can fight entire 1v3s for large amounts of time. Can +1

    > > > * 3. **Mesmer** - Because the massive nerf finally hit mesmer and mirages, the elite and core spec are also teetering on the edge of being viable

    > > > * 4. **Ranger** - I don't think I even need to talk about this class

    > > > * 5. **Engineer** - Still a solid profession right now that is being saved by holosmith's damage and sustainability; can 1v1, hold points or _1

    > > > * 6. **Thief** - Can simply +1 or decap points; near liability in team fights due to virtual 0 toughness or vitality and reduced damage that is completely laughable

    > > > * 7. **Guardian** - Untouchable support class that also has access to damage; they're viable in every part of ranked PvP

    > > > * 8. **Warrior** - Have builds that can hold points, win 1v1s with ease, and while a tad bit slower they are great 1v1ers with their plethora of CC skills

    > > > * 9. **Revenant** - Current tanks that can 1v1, team fight, and one of the best +1 professions

    > > >

    > > > None of these other classes have been pigeonholed into the same constraints that Thief has. As a top 250 PvP player I have seen nearly all of the thief meta builds, and the glory days were when you could 1v1 or (before this current balance patch) simply do damage. The current big problem with thief is obviously

    > > > **A**: the damage is absolutely terrible and you cannot win any 1v1s. Before this balance patch thieves struggled with winning 1v1s because the profession has been on a steady decline in every category possible aside from mobility while every other profession has received plentiful buffs in damage and sustainability.

    > > > **B**: A majority of initiative a thief uses is spent on defensive purposes as opposed to offensive purposes. Defensive purposes would include going into stealth. Black Powder Shot alone costs 6 initiative to use and that doesn't include the Heartseeker, Bound, or Cluster Bomb that the thief is also forced to use to finish going into stealth. With the current playing style for everybody unfortunately being low damage and tanky builds, initiative is a big problem for thieves as we're forced into extended fights where the thief inevitably doesn't do enough upfront damage to kill the person and so the fight drags on until the thief inevitably runs out of initiative and dies of attrition. Hence where thieves are forced into the +1 nature that no other class has been forced into because they're more properly balanced.

    > > >

    > > > The "High Risk, High Reward" motto that was originally used for thieves has become a sham as even using a berserker amulet, auto-attacks do about 300-500 damage each. Backstab does less than 5000 damage and that's for D/P: one of the thieve's most offensively powerful weapon sets. However thieves are one of the easiest classes to kill due to having only 1 skill that supplies stability for a single second coupled with a low health pool and no extra toughness. Core necro is just one example of a class that can keep thief fear-locked for an eternity as the thief's health quickly dwindles away from other conditions. Power rangers, mainly power soulbeasts are melting thieves in a split second with nothing to save them. Guardians and elementalists can simply burn them to death. Engineers win the battle of attrition. Mesmer and some warrior builds are the only two professions that thief has a feasible chance against. Not to mention that that is only sometimes with warrior.

    > > >

    > > > I'll try to keep this short, but in short: The thief that was born into Guild Wars 2 has died. The best 1v1 class with the highest skill floor and ceiling was wasted.

    > >

    > > Complicated class......

    > >

    > >

    > > "High risk"......

    > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLFE4JKDEF8

    > >

    > > Don't want to link more video proof......


    > I like how the video you posted is dated 2016,2015,2013. Good job


    'The Reason Why The Past Is Present Is Because They Were Never Learned, Resulting In Life Sentences Of Repetition

  6. > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > > > Imagine complaning about guard in late 2020 lol

    > > >

    > > > Anyways necs are pretty much the only class that can play all specializations (reaper scourge and core all viable) and not be a throw pick in this game that alone says a lot.

    > >

    > > -wrong-

    > >

    > > 'in the continuation of the best builds series I introduce to you what possibly the strongest yet burn firebrand'

    > >

    > >


    > The video has the word "PvE" in the title...


    Have you tried it in PvP?

  7. > @"Innokatsu.2937" said:

    > > @"irishslamhammer.4170" said:

    > > make sure your internet connection is marked/ set as private and not public.

    > > this worked for me. only had this problem after i factory reset my computer and redownloaded the game, thus resetting my internet settings


    > lol wot, factory reset ?!




    I do not find that funny at all. Again, it all comes down to Anet treating us the community like we are not important to them, that we are again not worthy of any communication whatsoever. As many had said, at least they should have the decency or the consideration to post it in the forum, reddit for us.


    The community should had Never gone that far to play Anet techs and inducing Toxicity to their own computers and networks to find possible solutions especially when the root cause are on Anet servers entirely.



    This Is Not A Shame On You Post, Not At All!!. This Is About... **Either We Are Their Community, Our Somebody Else's Community?**


    **We The Community Are Worthy Of Communication**


    -have a good day-

  8. > @"Armen.1483" said:

    > I don't understand how mirage is still a problem. 1 dodge, enough said. And compared to many other classes mirage doesn't have too much damage either. Squishy, vulnerable and no good damage. When I see a mirage in enemy team I am always: "ow free food"


    i have Mesmer Profession builds that could +1 shot up to 5 players with the right coordination. They are old builds with few adjustments and No! i will Never post them until Anet address Thief Profession first.


    As long as Anet doesn't take serious action against Thief Profession, Mesmer Profession will always remain in a Toxic state.


    Thief Profession ranked #1 spot being the most Dangerous Broken Profession, while Mesmer Procession rank #2 spot


    (the one dodge Punishment against Mesmer Profession was only to keep Mesmer Profession from not overtaking the #1 spot because they were becoming too much of a threat to Thief Profession. Like keeping them in line to not take Thief Profession #1 spot of Toxicity)


    **So this is why, Thief Profession must be dealt with the most Inevitable, Utmost, Severity Punishment for being the root cause source of Toxicity**


    In other word, instead of blaming Mesmer Profession for being Toxic, Blame

  9. > @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > 6 sec non stack able stealth but replenisheable would be reasonable since the thief can re apply but not stack. Be a nerf but still serviceable by the thieves. That said any major changes to stealth this many yrs into the game are very unlikely

    > >

    > > Since Guild Wars 2 beta; Thief Profession players gave countless, endless positive constructive suggestions, ideas and healthy advices to improve a near-healthy competitive experience for Thief Profession

    > >

    > > What did Anet do? Ignore them.

    > >

    > > Countless of Thief Nerf Wish lists and Thief Balance Suggestions Threads by Thief Profession players follow suit. What did Anet do in return?

    > > Threw all of them in the trash, setting a clear stage for creating a Toxic experience and a hostile environment for Thief Profession Players with the gaming community

    > >


    > You've never played ranger have you.






    -As a former Ranger Profession player, we did once had our own dev who stood up for us and gave up everything to fight for the Ranger Profession including the Ranger community-

  10. one of our Commander asked me to post one of her Broken Engineer; Flamethrower build. I found a video streamer playing that build. She want Anet to nerf it because its beyond unfair and not competitive. I told her that all Professions are Broken and need to be addressed, not only Engineer Profession. She agreed and Thanked me.



    -even the streamer with 11 kills was shocked of how effective the Broken build is-


    (same comment made by all players alike when playing Broken mechanics and Broken builds....'**'i don't even know what i am doing'**)


    They Are Right!!


    Why should they?


    **The Mechanic, Builds, Design only requires the player to press few buttons and its Game over**

  11. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > Thief dominates the game and dictates every single build and action you can make as a player in every single match. The class is insanely easy to play if you aren't d/p and far too effective for how little effort p/d and s/d take to play. You have to have a seizure at your keyboard to die on the class, and it's far too hard to punish a thiefs mistake while too easy for a thief to punish you in any situation. You have to play like a god to protect yourself from dying to a thief while they can just mindlessly run around pressing "T" and then mashing all their damage into the target.




    pretty much this. Allowing one Profession to cause a repetitive, lasting, continual, Negative Ripple effect on the community experiences, Must End!!

  12. > @"Widmo.3186" said:

    > > @"phokus.8934" said:

    > > > @"Ovark.2514" said:

    > > > You need to be basically invuln and have perma stab in order to not die to their constant ridiculous burst (that never ends)

    > > Having trouble with that one dodge slow moving zombie elite spec?

    > >

    > > Instead of making a fairly useless class why don’t you ask for help? What class you play, traits, utilities, and then you’ll get positive feedback on how to deal with Mirages.

    > >


    > I play thief and I cant stand mirages, theyre just too op. Spamming condis all over or bursting milion damage under 0.5s, and everything from stealth. kitten is this


    > PS: I dunno if it matters but I lost somewhere my F1 key. Pls send rescue team


  13. > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

    > So healbreaker is the new hip thing to complain about?


    > Again @"Kuma.1503" puts it perfectly. what others like @"felix.2386" and @"CutesySylveon.8290" are missing here, is that it's all relative. and proportionate like he said.


    > For a personal example, i have 0 problems killing these "overpowered" heal-breakers on my reaper. You know why? Because i actually have the damage to kill them. 99% of all builds since febuary do next to no damage in comparison to reaper...so of course players running one of those 99% of builds will have a hard time killing a heal breaker.


    > So what is OP in that scenario? Is it reaper because it can kill Heal-breakers with 0 issues? Or is it Heal-breaker because 99% of builds can't put a dent in it because they have no damage?


    >** It's all relative and we keep going further down the "nerf this" hole. Here we go again, strap in your seat belt. **


    > Edit: Also about Ventari Rev. Although i think talking about Ventari Rev here is irrelavant to the discussion, i think it should be known why Ventari Rev is absolute garbo...and the reason is because it's the clunkiest healing build ever in spvp. Just because it can throw up big green numbers, does not make it a useful build to play. Have you tried actually healing people with healing orbs? Or camping glint just to have permanent regeneration? it doesn't work at all in any practical sense (in spvp). And on top of it Ventari's already useless healing mechanics were nerfed anyway in February...


    > But believe me...if you nerf everything far enough, Ventari rev will EVENTUALLY take up the mantle of support...just gotta make everything else as garbo as it is, and you will consider it "overperforming" too.



    the reason why we keep going further down the 'nerf role' is because Anet allows it to continue. They allow Profession roles and Profession identity to be thrown around like a rag doll and treat it as trash.


    A Warrior Profession role player a Guardian Profession and a Necromancer, A Mesmer Profession role playing a Rogue, A Guardian Profession role playing a Necromancer Profession, A Elementalist Profession playing a Guardian Profession, Necromancer Profession, Thief Profession, Warrior Profession and a Mesmer Profession, etc...


    This is a Total Mess with 8 years in the making without having any intention, regard nor with any care to remedy It. is only getting worse as Anet continues to tolerate it

  14. > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > > > @"fuzzyp.6295" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"fuzzyp.6295" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > Thank you for your kind reply, I currently play a Weaver Elementalist in WvW, however profession is not relevant when talking about mechanics. I have had plenty of experience dealing with the Smokescale's assault and watching my HP bar going drastically down with 1 burst attack and target break. This is a very toxic mechanic I have seen in other games and no matter how good you are capable to talk about it I will always advice developers to avoid this mechanic and to rework it in order to offer some counterplay.

    > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > I can assure you I will never change my mind about target break abilities.

    > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > Regards

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > I would disagree. Profession is important to discuss as certain classes will be countered by others. Elementalist was designed to be weak to burst damage, the developers have commented on this in the past. It has the lowest armor rating and lowest HP pool coupled with the lack of any stealth revealing skill. Elementalist is not a bruiser class that is meant to be able to soak up damage, even as a Weaver. Its a sustain based class, it stays alive over long periods of time by retaining its HP through heals, boons, heavy access to vigor for multiple dodges, and in Weavers case, barrier. I've mained elementalist since the games launch, so I am speaking from experience here. Ranger's smokescale is strong, yes, but you have plenty of ways to defend against it. I posted earlier this thread a list of evades Weaver has access too on Sword. But if you're running staff and playing with zergs, then yes of course you're going to eat it when you're attacked by these classes, they are literally built to take out squishy targets like Weaver. In those situations you need to learn your positioning and how to kite around, using the terrain to LoS the enemies. If range pressure is really causing you trouble, grab Focus, it can literally shut down rangers strongest moves. Since Elementalist doesn't have access to reveal skills, consider picking up some Target Marker traps or do one of the following: 1) If they are stealth and are using ranged, LoS immediately and watch for the first sign of incoming damage. When you see it coming, use one of your evades to avoid most of the damage, then begin to assault. 2) If they stealth and are using melee, prepare to use your skills that mostly effect short range AoE (Flame Uprising, Earthen Vortex, Lava Skin, Earthquake) so you can catch them when they get out of stealth.

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > Practice will make perfect. Learn your match ups. You've chosen to main one of the hardest, if not THE hardest class in PvP game modes. It will take time to get used to it, but I promise these skills are not as terrible as they may seem right now. Should they be balanced a bit more? Probably. But it will get easier as you play more.

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > Fun fact: Did you know that Elementalists is one of the classes have natural access to Stealth? =) It's just never useful since its underwater. Ahaha

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > I am ok with the fact that highly skilled players should feel rewarded playing a profession with the highest skill ceiling in the game, I know Elementalists have a stealth spell, it comes from the trident but since going underwater is not practical in WvW because there is a lack of water in Conquest maps I wouldn't even contemplate it. I like playing a build that requires hard work in order to feel rewarding, that is why I don't play my Dragonhunter Guardian anymore. Weaver feels rewarding once you gear up properly and master a stall build but that is not how squad fights work. I am aware I have to play a squishy squad build in Conquest when I am not roaming. I am very impressed with the Thief's roaming potential that I am thinking of adding one to my roster. I doubt Anet is going to nerf the current toxic meta so in order to learn how to deal with one I have to play one.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > 'Guild Wars 2 | New player tries Condi Thief PvP'

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Lol if I wanted I could make a montage of killing unranked boys with my condi weaver too, let's be serious now. Condi thieves are difficult if you can clear through their first burst they usually cant handle long term pressure. Tbh this video just speaks more to how Condi is over performing in this meta. And that sPvP and WvW are balanced differently.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > +1

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > You are correct that Conditions are Toxic in this meta but there is an underlying issue when it comes to Toxicity/Toxic Meta in itself especially when it has been present since Guild Wars 2 beta until this day= Thief Profession

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Thief Profession has been Toxic since Guild Wars 2 release and has been excused from any serious nerfs whereas other Professions since Guild Wars 2 beta has gone through many serious nerfs including conditions.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Even Condition Mesmer Profession has long gone through many nerfs since Guild Wars 2 beta and has been the scapegoat for Condition Thief Profession

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > (In other word, it is Mesmer Profession fault for Thief Profession Toxicity including all other Professions, so Blame them instead for all Toxic meta's including , taking away their Perma-dodge/evade because they're the only Profession who can do it)

    > > > > > >


    > > > > > >


    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >


    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Let us be serious here, isn't dealing with the root cause and removing its influences is the right approach in dealing with Toxicity?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > So why 1 Profession is freely allowed and permitted to continue to be Excused, Destructive and Blameless when it comes to serious nerfs since Guild Wars 2 beta?

    > > > > > >


    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/81212/nerf-the-mesmers-for-the-love-of-pvp/p3

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If you genuinely think that condi mirage was fine on release, and that it was nerfed because thief condis were OP, that alone refutes your own point more than anything else I could say.

    > > > >

    > > > > my post did not state anything of which you 've stated therefore, i have nothing to reply

    > > >

    > > > You sure about that?

    > > >

    > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > Thief Profession has been Toxic since Guild Wars 2 release and has been excused from any serious nerfs whereas other Professions since Guild Wars 2 beta has gone through many serious nerfs including conditions.

    > > > >

    > > > > **Even Condition Mesmer Profession has long gone through many nerfs since Guild Wars 2 beta and has been the scapegoat for Condition Thief Profession**

    > > > >

    > > > > (In other word, it is Mesmer Profession fault for Thief Profession Toxicity including all other Professions, so Blame them instead for all Toxic meta's including , taking away their Perma-dodge/evade because they're the only Profession who can do it)

    > >

    > > First of all, you do not know my thoughts so instead you should be asking me for inputs of my though the correct way, Do you think ? What do you think? etc...? Secondly, i never once stated ever on my post (highlight it again)' that Condition Mesmer was fine'.. Lastly,


    > Correct, I don't know your thoughts, but I didn't need to ask for your input as you already gave it in the form of your previous post. If what you said there isn't your actual opinion on the matter then it's up to you to clarify that, I can't help you with that one.


    > > again, nowhere in my post did i ever said that Condition Mesmer Profession was fine, Lastly, not only was Condition Mesmer was nerfed because of Thief Profession....throughout the years, all Professions Conditions were nerfed in favor of Thief Profession.


    > The only reason that someone would be upset about condition mesmer being nerfed is if they thought it was fine as it was, and that the nerf was unjustified. If condition mesmer was not fine, then the reason it was nerfed is because it was too strong and that alone. Calling mesmer a scapegoat for thief makes no sense unless you believe mesmer was fine as it was, hence why I inferred that from your post. So if you do agree that condition mesmer was not fine, why are you complaining that it got nerfed? Thief actually has nothing at all to do with that.


    > > In fact, there is a patch in which Anet gave Thief Profession a huge undeserving, unwarranted increase of Poison Condition Buffs and Punished Mesmer Profession Conditions with nerfs


    > You only think that the buff was unwarranted because you don't like thief. That makes about as much sense as if I said ranger pets should not be buffed because I think they are ugly. Bias alone is not a sound argument, and if that is your only point of reasoning it means that you actually have no argument at all.


    > > None of these Profession- Necromancer, Mesmer, Warrior, Revenant, Ranger, Engineer were given additional Condition buffs increase over condition buffs non other than Thief Profession


    > I am 100% sure I could find buffs to condition skills on every single one of those classes within a few minutes of looking. I won't bother though as it would still have absolutely nothing to do with thief.


    > > (Thief Profession is the only Profession whose given more reasons of excuses for more additional increase of Toxicity. In other word, instead of decreasing an already Toxic Bad Design Profession, buff it even more because it is not enough.)


    > You seem to think that thief has only ever received buffs to conditions throughout it's lifetime. Just looking at this year, the May 26th patch saw nerfs to shadow strike, pistol sneak attack and spider venom in PvP and WvW, and the July 7th patch saw access to repeater after using shadow strike be nerfed from 4 seconds to 3. Condition thief was overperforming, and it got nerfed, just like condition mesmer. Fancy that.


    > > **Thief Is The Only Profession Throughout Guild Wars 2 8 Years Where It Is Was Never Given Enough Reason When It Comes To Buffs**


    > What Exactly Do You Mean By Never Given Enough Reason When It Comes To Buffs? And What Does That Have To Do With Mesmer?


    > > ------------------------------------------------------------------

    > >

    > > **Mesmer Profession Portal** - Portal Entre-August 28, 2012

    > >

    > > 'Create an entry portal at your location that teleports allies to your exit portal.'

    > >

    > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Portal_Entre

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > --Shadow Portal-July 16, 2019

    > >

    > > 'Unleash shadow magic at your prepared location, creating a one-way portal for you and your allies. Allies traveling through the portal gain stealth. Weakens foes around the portal's exit.'

    > >

    > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Portal

    > >


    > I am assuming that your point is that shadow portal wasn't needed on thief. If you look through my post history, you will see that I actually agree with you on that point. If you are trying to say that thief portal shouldn't exist simply because that's something only mesmer should have, then I wonder how you would feel about all stealth skills on mesmer being removed next patch. Because, you know, stealth is thief's thing, so mesmer shouldn't have any stealth for that reason. Right?


    i fully support giving Thief Profession access to Stealth entirely and to remove it from all other Professions without exception including Mesmer Profession. I am 100% against them having Stealth roles to begin with because it goes against their role and their lore.





    Throughout the years i struggle to accept Thief Profession being a Rogue Profession so i finally accepted them being one and had advocated to Anet with the Community to only restrict Stealth to Thief Profession.


    With having a new redesign heathy competitive Stealth mechanic including full removal of Mesmer Profession portal, clones and with their access to their condion-Confusion


    I believe we both can agree with this new positive proposal change for Mesmer Profession and Thief Profession

  15. > @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

    > Instead of nagging Anet to "fix" strong builds by breaking them, you should fix your attitude and skill.


    the community attitude never change -we want Toxic designs and Toxic mechanics to be severely dealt with once after all. As for skill,...what requirements does Toxicity take to be Toxic to remain broken for years and be spammed and abused endlessly without consequences?




    -We can begin with Stealth remaining at #1 spot for being broken for 8 years.....-

  16. > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > @"fuzzyp.6295" said:

    > > > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"fuzzyp.6295" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > > > > > > > > Thank you for your kind reply, I currently play a Weaver Elementalist in WvW, however profession is not relevant when talking about mechanics. I have had plenty of experience dealing with the Smokescale's assault and watching my HP bar going drastically down with 1 burst attack and target break. This is a very toxic mechanic I have seen in other games and no matter how good you are capable to talk about it I will always advice developers to avoid this mechanic and to rework it in order to offer some counterplay.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > I can assure you I will never change my mind about target break abilities.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Regards

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I would disagree. Profession is important to discuss as certain classes will be countered by others. Elementalist was designed to be weak to burst damage, the developers have commented on this in the past. It has the lowest armor rating and lowest HP pool coupled with the lack of any stealth revealing skill. Elementalist is not a bruiser class that is meant to be able to soak up damage, even as a Weaver. Its a sustain based class, it stays alive over long periods of time by retaining its HP through heals, boons, heavy access to vigor for multiple dodges, and in Weavers case, barrier. I've mained elementalist since the games launch, so I am speaking from experience here. Ranger's smokescale is strong, yes, but you have plenty of ways to defend against it. I posted earlier this thread a list of evades Weaver has access too on Sword. But if you're running staff and playing with zergs, then yes of course you're going to eat it when you're attacked by these classes, they are literally built to take out squishy targets like Weaver. In those situations you need to learn your positioning and how to kite around, using the terrain to LoS the enemies. If range pressure is really causing you trouble, grab Focus, it can literally shut down rangers strongest moves. Since Elementalist doesn't have access to reveal skills, consider picking up some Target Marker traps or do one of the following: 1) If they are stealth and are using ranged, LoS immediately and watch for the first sign of incoming damage. When you see it coming, use one of your evades to avoid most of the damage, then begin to assault. 2) If they stealth and are using melee, prepare to use your skills that mostly effect short range AoE (Flame Uprising, Earthen Vortex, Lava Skin, Earthquake) so you can catch them when they get out of stealth.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Practice will make perfect. Learn your match ups. You've chosen to main one of the hardest, if not THE hardest class in PvP game modes. It will take time to get used to it, but I promise these skills are not as terrible as they may seem right now. Should they be balanced a bit more? Probably. But it will get easier as you play more.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Fun fact: Did you know that Elementalists is one of the classes have natural access to Stealth? =) It's just never useful since its underwater. Ahaha

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I am ok with the fact that highly skilled players should feel rewarded playing a profession with the highest skill ceiling in the game, I know Elementalists have a stealth spell, it comes from the trident but since going underwater is not practical in WvW because there is a lack of water in Conquest maps I wouldn't even contemplate it. I like playing a build that requires hard work in order to feel rewarding, that is why I don't play my Dragonhunter Guardian anymore. Weaver feels rewarding once you gear up properly and master a stall build but that is not how squad fights work. I am aware I have to play a squishy squad build in Conquest when I am not roaming. I am very impressed with the Thief's roaming potential that I am thinking of adding one to my roster. I doubt Anet is going to nerf the current toxic meta so in order to learn how to deal with one I have to play one.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > 'Guild Wars 2 | New player tries Condi Thief PvP'

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Lol if I wanted I could make a montage of killing unranked boys with my condi weaver too, let's be serious now. Condi thieves are difficult if you can clear through their first burst they usually cant handle long term pressure. Tbh this video just speaks more to how Condi is over performing in this meta. And that sPvP and WvW are balanced differently.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > +1

    > > > >

    > > > > You are correct that Conditions are Toxic in this meta but there is an underlying issue when it comes to Toxicity/Toxic Meta in itself especially when it has been present since Guild Wars 2 beta until this day= Thief Profession

    > > > >

    > > > > Thief Profession has been Toxic since Guild Wars 2 release and has been excused from any serious nerfs whereas other Professions since Guild Wars 2 beta has gone through many serious nerfs including conditions.

    > > > >

    > > > > Even Condition Mesmer Profession has long gone through many nerfs since Guild Wars 2 beta and has been the scapegoat for Condition Thief Profession

    > > > >

    > > > > (In other word, it is Mesmer Profession fault for Thief Profession Toxicity including all other Professions, so Blame them instead for all Toxic meta's including , taking away their Perma-dodge/evade because they're the only Profession who can do it)

    > > > >


    > > > >


    > > > >

    > > > >


    > > > >

    > > > > Let us be serious here, isn't dealing with the root cause and removing its influences is the right approach in dealing with Toxicity?

    > > > >

    > > > > So why 1 Profession is freely allowed and permitted to continue to be Excused, Destructive and Blameless when it comes to serious nerfs since Guild Wars 2 beta?

    > > > >


    > > > >

    > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/81212/nerf-the-mesmers-for-the-love-of-pvp/p3

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > If you genuinely think that condi mirage was fine on release, and that it was nerfed because thief condis were OP, that alone refutes your own point more than anything else I could say.

    > >

    > > my post did not state anything of which you 've stated therefore, i have nothing to reply


    > You sure about that?


    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > Thief Profession has been Toxic since Guild Wars 2 release and has been excused from any serious nerfs whereas other Professions since Guild Wars 2 beta has gone through many serious nerfs including conditions.

    > >

    > > **Even Condition Mesmer Profession has long gone through many nerfs since Guild Wars 2 beta and has been the scapegoat for Condition Thief Profession**

    > >

    > > (In other word, it is Mesmer Profession fault for Thief Profession Toxicity including all other Professions, so Blame them instead for all Toxic meta's including , taking away their Perma-dodge/evade because they're the only Profession who can do it)


    First of all, you do not know my thoughts so instead you should be asking me for inputs of my though the correct way, Do you think ? What do you think? etc...? Secondly, i never once stated ever on my post (highlight it again)' that Condition Mesmer was fine'.. Lastly,




    again, nowhere in my post did i ever said that Condition Mesmer Profession was fine, Lastly, not only was Condition Mesmer was nerfed because of Thief Profession....throughout the years, all Professions Conditions were nerfed in favor of Thief Profession.


    In fact, there is a patch in which Anet gave Thief Profession a huge undeserving, unwarranted increase of Poison Condition Buffs and Punished Mesmer Profession Conditions with nerfs


    None of these Profession- Necromancer, Mesmer, Warrior, Revenant, Ranger, Engineer were given additional Condition buffs increase over condition buffs non other than Thief Profession


    (Thief Profession is the only Profession whose given more reasons of excuses for more additional increase of Toxicity. In other word, instead of decreasing an already Toxic Bad Design Profession, buff it even more because it is not enough.)


    **Thief Is The Only Profession Throughout Guild Wars 2 8 Years Where It Is Was Never Given Enough Reason When It Comes To Buffs**




    **Mesmer Profession Portal** - Portal Entre-August 28, 2012


    'Create an entry portal at your location that teleports allies to your exit portal.'







    --Shadow Portal-July 16, 2019


    'Unleash shadow magic at your prepared location, creating a one-way portal for you and your allies. Allies traveling through the portal gain stealth. Weakens foes around the portal's exit.'




  17. > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"fuzzyp.6295" said:

    > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > > > > > @"fuzzyp.6295" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > > > > > > Thank you for your kind reply, I currently play a Weaver Elementalist in WvW, however profession is not relevant when talking about mechanics. I have had plenty of experience dealing with the Smokescale's assault and watching my HP bar going drastically down with 1 burst attack and target break. This is a very toxic mechanic I have seen in other games and no matter how good you are capable to talk about it I will always advice developers to avoid this mechanic and to rework it in order to offer some counterplay.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I can assure you I will never change my mind about target break abilities.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Regards

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I would disagree. Profession is important to discuss as certain classes will be countered by others. Elementalist was designed to be weak to burst damage, the developers have commented on this in the past. It has the lowest armor rating and lowest HP pool coupled with the lack of any stealth revealing skill. Elementalist is not a bruiser class that is meant to be able to soak up damage, even as a Weaver. Its a sustain based class, it stays alive over long periods of time by retaining its HP through heals, boons, heavy access to vigor for multiple dodges, and in Weavers case, barrier. I've mained elementalist since the games launch, so I am speaking from experience here. Ranger's smokescale is strong, yes, but you have plenty of ways to defend against it. I posted earlier this thread a list of evades Weaver has access too on Sword. But if you're running staff and playing with zergs, then yes of course you're going to eat it when you're attacked by these classes, they are literally built to take out squishy targets like Weaver. In those situations you need to learn your positioning and how to kite around, using the terrain to LoS the enemies. If range pressure is really causing you trouble, grab Focus, it can literally shut down rangers strongest moves. Since Elementalist doesn't have access to reveal skills, consider picking up some Target Marker traps or do one of the following: 1) If they are stealth and are using ranged, LoS immediately and watch for the first sign of incoming damage. When you see it coming, use one of your evades to avoid most of the damage, then begin to assault. 2) If they stealth and are using melee, prepare to use your skills that mostly effect short range AoE (Flame Uprising, Earthen Vortex, Lava Skin, Earthquake) so you can catch them when they get out of stealth.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Practice will make perfect. Learn your match ups. You've chosen to main one of the hardest, if not THE hardest class in PvP game modes. It will take time to get used to it, but I promise these skills are not as terrible as they may seem right now. Should they be balanced a bit more? Probably. But it will get easier as you play more.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Fun fact: Did you know that Elementalists is one of the classes have natural access to Stealth? =) It's just never useful since its underwater. Ahaha

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I am ok with the fact that highly skilled players should feel rewarded playing a profession with the highest skill ceiling in the game, I know Elementalists have a stealth spell, it comes from the trident but since going underwater is not practical in WvW because there is a lack of water in Conquest maps I wouldn't even contemplate it. I like playing a build that requires hard work in order to feel rewarding, that is why I don't play my Dragonhunter Guardian anymore. Weaver feels rewarding once you gear up properly and master a stall build but that is not how squad fights work. I am aware I have to play a squishy squad build in Conquest when I am not roaming. I am very impressed with the Thief's roaming potential that I am thinking of adding one to my roster. I doubt Anet is going to nerf the current toxic meta so in order to learn how to deal with one I have to play one.

    > > > >

    > > > > 'Guild Wars 2 | New player tries Condi Thief PvP'

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Lol if I wanted I could make a montage of killing unranked boys with my condi weaver too, let's be serious now. Condi thieves are difficult if you can clear through their first burst they usually cant handle long term pressure. Tbh this video just speaks more to how Condi is over performing in this meta. And that sPvP and WvW are balanced differently.

    > >

    > >

    > > +1

    > >

    > > You are correct that Conditions are Toxic in this meta but there is an underlying issue when it comes to Toxicity/Toxic Meta in itself especially when it has been present since Guild Wars 2 beta until this day= Thief Profession

    > >

    > > Thief Profession has been Toxic since Guild Wars 2 release and has been excused from any serious nerfs whereas other Professions since Guild Wars 2 beta has gone through many serious nerfs including conditions.

    > >

    > > Even Condition Mesmer Profession has long gone through many nerfs since Guild Wars 2 beta and has been the scapegoat for Condition Thief Profession

    > >

    > > (In other word, it is Mesmer Profession fault for Thief Profession Toxicity including all other Professions, so Blame them instead for all Toxic meta's including , taking away their Perma-dodge/evade because they're the only Profession who can do it)

    > >


    > >


    > >

    > >


    > >

    > > Let us be serious here, isn't dealing with the root cause and removing its influences is the right approach in dealing with Toxicity?

    > >

    > > So why 1 Profession is freely allowed and permitted to continue to be Excused, Destructive and Blameless when it comes to serious nerfs since Guild Wars 2 beta?

    > >


    > >

    > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/81212/nerf-the-mesmers-for-the-love-of-pvp/p3

    > >

    > >


    > If you genuinely think that condi mirage was fine on release, and that it was nerfed because thief condis were OP, that alone refutes your own point more than anything else I could say.


    my post did not state anything of which you 've stated therefore, i have nothing to reply

  18. > @"fuzzyp.6295" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > > > @"fuzzyp.6295" said:

    > > > > > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > > > > Thank you for your kind reply, I currently play a Weaver Elementalist in WvW, however profession is not relevant when talking about mechanics. I have had plenty of experience dealing with the Smokescale's assault and watching my HP bar going drastically down with 1 burst attack and target break. This is a very toxic mechanic I have seen in other games and no matter how good you are capable to talk about it I will always advice developers to avoid this mechanic and to rework it in order to offer some counterplay.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I can assure you I will never change my mind about target break abilities.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Regards

    > > > >

    > > > > I would disagree. Profession is important to discuss as certain classes will be countered by others. Elementalist was designed to be weak to burst damage, the developers have commented on this in the past. It has the lowest armor rating and lowest HP pool coupled with the lack of any stealth revealing skill. Elementalist is not a bruiser class that is meant to be able to soak up damage, even as a Weaver. Its a sustain based class, it stays alive over long periods of time by retaining its HP through heals, boons, heavy access to vigor for multiple dodges, and in Weavers case, barrier. I've mained elementalist since the games launch, so I am speaking from experience here. Ranger's smokescale is strong, yes, but you have plenty of ways to defend against it. I posted earlier this thread a list of evades Weaver has access too on Sword. But if you're running staff and playing with zergs, then yes of course you're going to eat it when you're attacked by these classes, they are literally built to take out squishy targets like Weaver. In those situations you need to learn your positioning and how to kite around, using the terrain to LoS the enemies. If range pressure is really causing you trouble, grab Focus, it can literally shut down rangers strongest moves. Since Elementalist doesn't have access to reveal skills, consider picking up some Target Marker traps or do one of the following: 1) If they are stealth and are using ranged, LoS immediately and watch for the first sign of incoming damage. When you see it coming, use one of your evades to avoid most of the damage, then begin to assault. 2) If they stealth and are using melee, prepare to use your skills that mostly effect short range AoE (Flame Uprising, Earthen Vortex, Lava Skin, Earthquake) so you can catch them when they get out of stealth.

    > > > >

    > > > > Practice will make perfect. Learn your match ups. You've chosen to main one of the hardest, if not THE hardest class in PvP game modes. It will take time to get used to it, but I promise these skills are not as terrible as they may seem right now. Should they be balanced a bit more? Probably. But it will get easier as you play more.

    > > > >

    > > > > Fun fact: Did you know that Elementalists is one of the classes have natural access to Stealth? =) It's just never useful since its underwater. Ahaha

    > > >

    > > > I am ok with the fact that highly skilled players should feel rewarded playing a profession with the highest skill ceiling in the game, I know Elementalists have a stealth spell, it comes from the trident but since going underwater is not practical in WvW because there is a lack of water in Conquest maps I wouldn't even contemplate it. I like playing a build that requires hard work in order to feel rewarding, that is why I don't play my Dragonhunter Guardian anymore. Weaver feels rewarding once you gear up properly and master a stall build but that is not how squad fights work. I am aware I have to play a squishy squad build in Conquest when I am not roaming. I am very impressed with the Thief's roaming potential that I am thinking of adding one to my roster. I doubt Anet is going to nerf the current toxic meta so in order to learn how to deal with one I have to play one.

    > >

    > > 'Guild Wars 2 | New player tries Condi Thief PvP'

    > >

    > >


    > Lol if I wanted I could make a montage of killing unranked boys with my condi weaver too, let's be serious now. Condi thieves are difficult if you can clear through their first burst they usually cant handle long term pressure. Tbh this video just speaks more to how Condi is over performing in this meta. And that sPvP and WvW are balanced differently.





    You are correct that Conditions are Toxic in this meta but there is an underlying issue when it comes to Toxicity/Toxic Meta in itself especially when it has been present since Guild Wars 2 beta until this day= Thief Profession


    Thief Profession has been Toxic since Guild Wars 2 release and has been excused from any serious nerfs whereas other Professions since Guild Wars 2 beta has gone through many serious nerfs including conditions.


    Even Condition Mesmer Profession has long gone through many nerfs since Guild Wars 2 beta and has been the scapegoat for Condition Thief Profession


    (In other word, it is Mesmer Profession fault for Thief Profession Toxicity including all other Professions, so Blame them instead for all Toxic meta's including , taking away their Perma-dodge/evade because they're the only Profession who can do it)









    Let us be serious here, isn't dealing with the root cause and removing its influences is the right approach in dealing with Toxicity?


    So why 1 Profession is freely allowed and permitted to continue to be Excused, Destructive and Blameless when it comes to serious nerfs since Guild Wars 2 beta?






  19. > @"manu.7539" said:

    > I just tried to see some comments on elementalists, checked on 5-6 pages and didnt see any!? Its about time ANET buff this class enough to encourage players to play it. Cant talk about something you doesnt know and that is what is happening here, we are so few eles in wvw I'm not surprise to see so few ( if there is some) comments/suggestions about eles.


    i want to share this


  20. > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > @"fuzzyp.6295" said:

    > > > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > > Thank you for your kind reply, I currently play a Weaver Elementalist in WvW, however profession is not relevant when talking about mechanics. I have had plenty of experience dealing with the Smokescale's assault and watching my HP bar going drastically down with 1 burst attack and target break. This is a very toxic mechanic I have seen in other games and no matter how good you are capable to talk about it I will always advice developers to avoid this mechanic and to rework it in order to offer some counterplay.

    > > >

    > > > I can assure you I will never change my mind about target break abilities.

    > > >

    > > > Regards

    > >

    > > I would disagree. Profession is important to discuss as certain classes will be countered by others. Elementalist was designed to be weak to burst damage, the developers have commented on this in the past. It has the lowest armor rating and lowest HP pool coupled with the lack of any stealth revealing skill. Elementalist is not a bruiser class that is meant to be able to soak up damage, even as a Weaver. Its a sustain based class, it stays alive over long periods of time by retaining its HP through heals, boons, heavy access to vigor for multiple dodges, and in Weavers case, barrier. I've mained elementalist since the games launch, so I am speaking from experience here. Ranger's smokescale is strong, yes, but you have plenty of ways to defend against it. I posted earlier this thread a list of evades Weaver has access too on Sword. But if you're running staff and playing with zergs, then yes of course you're going to eat it when you're attacked by these classes, they are literally built to take out squishy targets like Weaver. In those situations you need to learn your positioning and how to kite around, using the terrain to LoS the enemies. If range pressure is really causing you trouble, grab Focus, it can literally shut down rangers strongest moves. Since Elementalist doesn't have access to reveal skills, consider picking up some Target Marker traps or do one of the following: 1) If they are stealth and are using ranged, LoS immediately and watch for the first sign of incoming damage. When you see it coming, use one of your evades to avoid most of the damage, then begin to assault. 2) If they stealth and are using melee, prepare to use your skills that mostly effect short range AoE (Flame Uprising, Earthen Vortex, Lava Skin, Earthquake) so you can catch them when they get out of stealth.

    > >

    > > Practice will make perfect. Learn your match ups. You've chosen to main one of the hardest, if not THE hardest class in PvP game modes. It will take time to get used to it, but I promise these skills are not as terrible as they may seem right now. Should they be balanced a bit more? Probably. But it will get easier as you play more.

    > >

    > > Fun fact: Did you know that Elementalists is one of the classes have natural access to Stealth? =) It's just never useful since its underwater. Ahaha


    > I am ok with the fact that highly skilled players should feel rewarded playing a profession with the highest skill ceiling in the game, I know Elementalists have a stealth spell, it comes from the trident but since going underwater is not practical in WvW because there is a lack of water in Conquest maps I wouldn't even contemplate it. I like playing a build that requires hard work in order to feel rewarding, that is why I don't play my Dragonhunter Guardian anymore. Weaver feels rewarding once you gear up properly and master a stall build but that is not how squad fights work. I am aware I have to play a squishy squad build in Conquest when I am not roaming. I am very impressed with the Thief's roaming potential that I am thinking of adding one to my roster. I doubt Anet is going to nerf the current toxic meta so in order to learn how to deal with one I have to play one.


    'Guild Wars 2 | New player tries Condi Thief PvP'


  21. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

    > > > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > > > stealth destroys any guild fighting. Both groups try to outstealth each other and the side which pulls it off, wins. This results in up to 10min of both groups moving around, retreating whenever the other side stealths up.

    > > > >

    > > > > This is beyond stupid.

    > > > >

    > > > > Anet, remove stealth from wvw. It is toxic, it makes the game more boring. It has no reason to exist and no valid defense to keep it.

    > > >

    > > > You've been asking this for 7 years. Aren't you bored yet?

    > >

    > > 100% this^ seriously except that even though u don't like it others do and it's always been part of the game and isnt going to see any significant changes after 8+ years, seriously.


    > since I am playing for less than 5, I can't ask for it for 7.


    > That said, so far I haven't seen any reason to keep stealth.




    -Making Stealth Work-

    'Avoiding rage-quitting through great stealth design'


    'Stealth design is like walking a tightrope. Great stealth has to balance gameplay, hiding spots, consequences for detection, immersion, and strategy. It’s a difficult line to walk, made even more so by player expectation. If in regular gameplay you can punch your way clean through most major enemies, forcing a player to arbitrarily hide from those same enemies will cause more frustration than fun.'



    'Games about one player character against hundreds of enemies generally have to give you some kind of unfair advantage. In action games,


    **'Stealth games need a different solution, because the fun part is generally over by the time you get shot.'**

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