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Posts posted by Burnfall.9573

  1. > @"wevh.2903" said:

    > I cant see my oponent




    Guild Wars 2 8 Years Of Bad Design Broken Stealth Mechanic, 'Lessons from history do not exist'



    'Gw2 WvW How to perma stealth ? in all Thief specializations'

    -**Aug 12, 2020-**




    'Guild Wars 2 - Dieb - How to "Perma-Stealth"'

    -'Jul 15, 2020'-



    'Guild Wars 2 Perma Stealth'

    -'**8 years ago**'-


  2. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > **Zero surprise most vets are gone and pops dwindled to nothing** lol




    (Anet never cared about the players experiences, it was all about making profits. Making profits sales was the priority and will always be the priority)


    The price of treating players as profit margin tools accomodies and as objects to play with by giving false hope will always reap severe consequences in the. the long run with no turning back


    Good day



  3. Yo-Yo Pulling Gimmick designs/mechanics should be entirely removed from the game period!!

    (here is a clear difference between Guild Wars 1 vs Guild Wars 2 designs/mechanics- Guild Wars 1 design/mechanics took competition serious whereas Guild Wars 2 design/mechanic turn competition into a clown show, children play)


    **Yo-Yo Pullings, Peek-a-Boo-Stealth. 'Look at me, i can do anything i want' Loss of Profession roles.......all need to go in the trash alongside with other Gimmicks**


    Either this game continues being looked upon as a children play, clown fiesta -press #1 button=Win show game or shape itself up to be taken as a serious mature, learning game!!


    **8 years has long pass by Guild Wars 2 and there are no more excuses left to why this game can not shape itself up**


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/1Ys9LRv.jpg "")


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/TdxXTX7.jpg "")



  4. With regards to the latest patch....after realizing that Anet had implemented changes to both WvW and PvP....it led me to rethink and to make changes to my previous posting. 'Give credit where it is due'. Sincerely, i was blindsided when i was writing that post after realizing that Anet did take into consideration of applying these changes to WvW and PvP as well


    Surely, it is not the major changes the community desperately need but let us not disregard welcoming changes as well


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/ip5lYJy.jpg "")






  5. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > Players get aggravated, and of course, some will vent.


    > But, then the attacks single down on individuals, that player has gone too far.


    > The old thought may very well be, "it's pvp, grow thicker skin".


    > Sorry, but no.


    > It is indeed a competitive environment.


    > But, you notice when sports/athletes use profanity over and over at each other, it tends to get physical, and ultimately penalties or even removal from games?


    > So, there should not be an exception in e-sports, or video game competitions.


    > Don't really see any "personal" trash talking and insults that include profanity when I watch e-sports, or smash, tekken, street fighter competitions otherwise.


    > I propose that the hammer really come down to the incivil players plaguing pvp.


    > First offense 24hours, then week, then month, then permanent.


    > Really do not need these kind of players in pvp.


    > PvP can grow when you eliminate toxic behavior.


    > Imagine being a new player, (a real new player), trying to learn the ropes only to have a crusty failed mmr veteran taking out their anger on you.


    > (thick skins aside), you gonna leave.


    > Additionally, when you action AFK players, I hope you will use a coefficient of 2 for all of the previous punishments.


    > What is the criteria?


    > Repetitive harassive beratement from one player onto another over trivial and non-instigated issues.


    > Example:


    > p1: you are a complete idiot!

    > p2: huh?

    > P1: trash, (kitten-kitten) idiot , go back to pve

    > p2: what did i even do?

    > p3: leave him alone, dude...

    > p1: both of you should go kill yourself....

    > p1: i reported both of you for botting, so bad.

    > P2: what?, i'm going to block you....

    > p1: go ahead.....

    > p2: blocked

    > p1: (trys to whisper) (blocking you message appears).

    > p1: logs into an alt (whispers p2: "you are a loser, who blocks over petty (kitten), little (kitten))

    > p1:(blocks p2), (logs out feeling satisfied)


    > yeah, so we could al live without p1.


    > no need for the 21 steps to recovery.


    > we come here to chill and spend rwm on gems.


    > don't ruin your income for some grand thought that a (no-slap) will lead to this individuals recovery.


    > put them in the corner with the cone cap on.




    Toxicity consists of 3 factors


    1. Tools/Elements/Design

    2. Behavior

    3. Environment


    Crab Fear, without dealing with all three factors, Toxicity remain unaffected


    Guild Wars 2-PvP, WvW consists of all three Toxic Factors and the only solution to tackle Toxicity is to deal with Toxic Design, Toxic Behavior and Toxic Environment at the same time without exception


    Anet is known for making exception to the rule especially when it consists of what Professions should be nerfed or not.....of having more conditions, more stealths, more teleports, more Broken builds, more Broken Mechanics, more Broken designs than other Professions and what Profession should be excluded of years of continuation from severe nerfs- Thief/Mesmer Professions remain the two most Broken/Bad Design Professions since Guild Wars 2 alpha/beta 9, 8 years.....of them all and are prevented of being redesign, rework for the health of the game






    -by the way, when i asked Toxic Professions players why they are behaving Toxic, they all respond with the same answer, 'because i can and Anet does not care about how broken (this certain Profession is)...go play (this certain profession or get the kitten off the game)go and see for yourself...laugh lol, lul and dance around dead players including myself'-


    so there


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/UWFVRQ9.jpg "")


    It is Anet Responsibility, Duty.....to give their community players healthy competitive tools, healthy competitive environment....resulting in encouraging healthy competitive behaviors. To those who attempt to defy the Rule would certainly be met alongside with Toxicity with severe Punishment



  6. > @"SlitheSlivier.1908" said:

    > I'm curious how deadeye is in sPvP. I'm guessing it is kinda bad do to the crazy amounts of aegis/generic blocks/projectile blocks/reflect, but figured id ask since i really like the playstyle of it right now.


    > I know in **WvW** it's definitely worse than my necromancer overall but it is still fun to play and it's good enough.


  7. > @"KrisHQ.4719" said:

    > Most threads on the forum and reddit are about balance and people shouting for nerfs. While this is certainly important, I don't feel it really addresses some of the major problems with GW2's PVP. Therefore, keep in mind that balance (number tweaks) would necessarily have to follow some of the changes discussed here.


    > So what do I mean by "design"?

    > I think it's easiest to illustrate it with examples:


    > 1. Traps (Bad)

    > In general traps are bad design. They have no real counterplay and require no thought or skill to use. Traps could potentially work as a concept, but in GW2 traps are REALLY badly designed. Let's look at guardian traps, which I believe to be the worst.

    > Guardian traps deal high amounts of physical damage (some of them), most give some kind of movement-impairing condition and they can be traited to inflict slow as well.

    > Furthermore the traps grant boons. And here we have our first problem.

    > Why do they have to do all of these? This decision makes the design really blurry. What are traps supposed to do?

    > Second problem with traps is the way the cooldown is designed. Right now, the cooldown begins when the trap is placed. This promotes a playstyle, where placing the traps on a node is the best option. This reasoning is straight forward. By the time you have to engage in a fight, you traps will already be recharged so you can spam them again. Effectively this means that you often get a double use of your traps. This is ridiculous and promotes stale gameplay where people just stand and wait on a node, you can't really do anything about it.

    > A solution would simply be to initiate the cooldown recharge when the trap triggers. However, naturally this leaves a problem: If I wrongly place a trap, how do I "cancel" it?

    > A simple solution to this problem would be to give the traps a cancel skill that would remove it but either give it a full or reduced cooldown. This way you actually have to think about your trap placement and when to use them. It would punish the trap-spam we currently see.


    > 2. Reaper's Shroud (Good)

    > Naturally you may wonder then: what is good design?

    > One example, which I think covers a lot of aspects is the design of Reaper's Shroud.

    > Why is it good? Because because of the following reasons:


    > - It is well telegraphed, easy to spot even in teamfights

    > - It is a core feature of the class. It has a high impact. There is a clear distinction between being in the shroud and not.

    > - While being rewarding, it is also punishing. There is a drawback to using it which is that you can't use your utilities. This means that spamming it is not the best solution.

    > - The mechanic requires some kind of build up or management, in this case Life Force. Thus, this makes it a mechanic to play around.


    > One point that I would really like to highlight is the fact that it cancels out the use of utility skills. This is extremely important.

    > As mentioned this means that entering Reaper's Shroud has a huge drawback, but of course also a benefit. Also, since it limits the amount of skills available, it severely reduces the amount of spam, making the class easy to understand and play against. This brings me to my third and final point.


    > 3. Too much spam

    > Most bad designs promote spam. The skill-inflation in GW2 is insane. With every expansion classes have gotten even more skills readily at hand.

    > Firebrand: 15 extra skills. Holosmith: 5 extra skills. Even elementalist received additional skills.

    > This is not necessarily only bad, but it needs to be done in a way where the extra skills come with a cost. For Reaper this is the inability to use utility skills. Imo this is a really good choice and should probably be the norm for all "additional" skillbars. Of course, as I stated in the beginning, this would require number balancing.

    > But think about it. Holosmith receives "Photon Forge", an additional skillbar with 5 new and powerful skills. There is even some energy managment connected to it (heat). This is awesome. However, Holosmiths can still easily access all their utility skills. It would have been much better to follow the Reaper-concept, where utility skills are inaccessible in this form. It would heavily enforce thoughtful play and reduce skill-spam. For Firebrand it's the same story. Give the tomes some powerful skills, but give them a drawback as well.

    > Right now Tomes are something you flip through, you spam 5-1 and that's it. No drawback, no counterplay.


    > There are countless other examples one could bring up, but I hope these outline the general intention well enough. Feel free to comment with your suggestions of good and/or bad design, and let me know if you agree or I'm just "a freaking noob that wants DH or Holo nerfs".






    Bad Design promotes unhealthy Toxic experience, Good Design promotes healthy competitive experiences. It has always been the source of balance and will always be


    'Trying to balance difficulty and fairness can be tricky, but it really is quite simple. To make a game hard but fair is to ensure the rules of the world are strict and apply to everything and everyone.'



  8. > @"aspirine.6852" said:

    > The question is more why would you want to do it.


    Anet allows it to continue for 8 years, Anet see absolutely nothing wrong doing it, so Toxicity it is


    (few minutes ago in wvw helping a guild player, we witness a Thief Profession player teleporting mount inside a secure keep. Than the Thief Profession player teleported back and attacked us and casting Fear on us. Fear a Necromancer Profession unique Death condition was cast by a 'Rogue' Profession...think about it...Fear condition on a 'Rogue' Profession? A 'Rogue' not only having a Toxic Stealth mechanic, teleport, portal, highest mobility, near-perma-everything mechanics and being the meta for 8 consecutive years and having additional Fear condition....? what Healthy Competitive game would allow tolerate this?


    So what did we do? We did not question Why. Instead, we both logged out and logged into a healthy competitive game. Soon after other joined us including 5 Commanders.



    In other word, asking why is no longer valid at the endless Toxic state of the game, walking away is only the answer to Why?


    At this moment, questioning Toxicity is just a waste of time and energy


    'You Allow Them To Be Toxic,

    You Teach Them To Be Toxic'

  9. 'since you are permitting my actions, since you promoting my actions, since you are justifying my actions, since you are condoning my actions, since you encouraging my actions, since you are not reinforcing my actions........i will continue to teach them what you allow me to teach them


    'Things will be the way they are for as long you allow me to be'


    **T O X I C I T Y**


  10. > @"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:

    > I typed a long detailed post and decided to delete it because condi-mains will just reply with "jUsT cLeanSe JuSt DoDgE" regardless. You can't fix people like that and I won't try to change their minds.


    > Fact of the matter: condi is OP and every competent player who wants to win at least 8/10 matchups is forced to run a build with antitoxin rune, or lose every time vs condi mirage, core necro, occasionally to burn guard, and condi rev (to an even lesser degree). There is simply not enough condi cleanse in the game to deal with these builds without specifically building against them (i.e. antitoxin fire weaver), sacrificing crucial traits that would be of value vs power enemies or forcing certain builds and decreasing build diversity/overall fun of the game...


    > overpowered builds are overpowered, enough said. please don't take half a year to patch this.


    > [-solemn](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmSUdkcYgz6ZafJKqzsAQvQ)




    Toxicity were there before we decided to play WvW and PvP. The signs were there. We may have chosen to look the other way, but the signs were always there.


    There are no remedy or antiToxin in combating 8 years of rooted ignored Toxicity without removing it at its core root....


    or simply...walk away from it


    you and i deserve better of 8 years of neglect


  11. > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > Blame all the so-called "wvw veterans" who cried all time since release for it to be nerfed down to abyss.


    correction and do research some more; veterans asked for no mounts




    by the way, mount was released as a marketing tool to boost profit sales....nothing more...same goes for downstate.

    see>mount cosmetics-skins etc...

    see market strategy> soon after released>nerfed

  12. > @"Ahnlok.3897" said:

    > Today Anet's stream on Twitch,

    > The devs only answer to questions regarding PvP, PvE, and Balance.

    > However, they didn't even bother or rather avoiding to answer regarding the current states WvW, such as lag, server balancing, alliance, and so on.

    > I was waiting more than an hour just to hear any of these questions about improving WvW.

    > Seems like people who are assigned to WvW (and its balancing) do not even worry about the game mode is dying out faster than they can possibly imagine.

    > I know many of you probably disagree with me, that is fine since it is my own thought about today's and few previous WvW related streams I watched.

    > It is almost been more than 3 years since we heard about "Alliiance"

    > I am tired to hear "when its ready" from WvW devs both in game or stream.

    > They probably ban my post like they did before on regarding similar issues we had to deal with WvW team and Anet.

    > But Anet, please there are still many people have hope for you guys to bring back the "Golden Days" of WvW few years back.

    > Please re-consider, and be honest with WvW community.


    > Thank you for reading this trash post.


    > Have a good one.




    ![](https://i.imgur.com/n3xXFew.jpg "")


  13. > @"Scoobaniec.9561" said:

    > Other companies are doing fine with regular 2week-1month balance patches as they did before all this muh corona. Its truly not an excuse. Same lies as always, after 8yrs ppl should learn their lessons by now but some are still naive it seems hanging out on the hope that things will change. If you are playing this game for anything other than pve you are doing something wrong.


    +1 Helpful


    _Refusal To Learn_- Allowing yourself to Hope, Believe, Trust

  14. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"AnodicShadow.3647" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > > > The games changed, its thee worst it's been in 7 yrs imo of course. Got thru half a match tonight, we were winning by 150 but was just garbage condi spamming on the nodes all match, gw2 was never a high skill game but its literally zero skill brainless play these days so I apologized to my team as the games not worth the frustration nor my time so logged out and sparked up ff14. I felt bad but only get a hr a night to game these days and felt like I was wasting time which is bad thing when ur winning and doing well yet having zero fun cuz how bad the devs has sank the game. I don't even think the expac will bring me back for longer than 2 weeks. Props to all the vets still here dealing and good luck to all the new players lol enjoy the ride.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I hope you don't PvP in FFXIV because in my experience, PvP in that game is several times worse than PvP in GW2.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I do here and there and don't mind it but it defenitly isnt great lol. Thing is it's not as good mechanically as gw2 but with gw2 current state of pvp I find more frustration than I do enjoyment and feel like the game mode lacks any skillful plays as it's been completely dumbed down into carry wars2.

    > > > > > > > Initially I found ff14 combat animations amazing but slow but once I got to lv 60 the combat speed way up. Gw2 has more potential than almost all mmos cuz its combat mechanics as far as pvp goes but that doesn't go far if every other match frustrates u and I am definitely not alone In that as u can see in seconds from these forums others are to. With how great the pvp could be in gw2 and with how awsome its mechanics are for pvp it still drives people off, cant deny its abysmal population. That and atleast when wanting to do any OW or pve content ff14 is on a different level than what this game calls pve lol.

    > > > > > > > In short in gw2 pvp is mostly all I did over 6 yrs cuz pve blew, in ff14 I mostly pve,dungeons,trials with some pvp here and there lol but best of all dont have to listen to my gf yell at me why do u play a game that just pisses u off lol.

    > > > > > > > Strange for a game with such great pvp potential for it to be losing players as it is/has no? I mean its mach making cant even function as intended due to such a low population.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > i would also like to add, Producer/Director: Naoki Yoshida's Emotional Closing Speech at #FFXIV Launch Event

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > youtube>settings>subtitle/cc>English

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Honestly u can tell the love that went into the job skills, lol u can definitely tell especially with samurai that the devs are kitten and I love it.

    > > > >

    > > > > most definitely lol

    > > >

    > > > So the forum replaces j a p with kitten so had to change to full Japanese, guess the short form is to iffy here lol

    > >

    > > really lol

    > >

    > > what brought me to tears was how Mr.Naoki Yoshida refused to let the game die and allowed himself to be publicly Shamed and Humiliated for handing the game to Toxicity.

    > >

    > > -This is a the most Beautiful Love Story that will make you believe that Toxicity does not have the final say-

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > Yeah game had a very rocky start but the basically rebuilt it from ground up, now players are regarding their last two expacs as being the best of the numbered ff series which is crazy considering it's a mmo first and rpg second in comparison to the other ff series. I'm really looking forward to shadowbringers.



  15. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > @"AnodicShadow.3647" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > The games changed, its thee worst it's been in 7 yrs imo of course. Got thru half a match tonight, we were winning by 150 but was just garbage condi spamming on the nodes all match, gw2 was never a high skill game but its literally zero skill brainless play these days so I apologized to my team as the games not worth the frustration nor my time so logged out and sparked up ff14. I felt bad but only get a hr a night to game these days and felt like I was wasting time which is bad thing when ur winning and doing well yet having zero fun cuz how bad the devs has sank the game. I don't even think the expac will bring me back for longer than 2 weeks. Props to all the vets still here dealing and good luck to all the new players lol enjoy the ride.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I hope you don't PvP in FFXIV because in my experience, PvP in that game is several times worse than PvP in GW2.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I do here and there and don't mind it but it defenitly isnt great lol. Thing is it's not as good mechanically as gw2 but with gw2 current state of pvp I find more frustration than I do enjoyment and feel like the game mode lacks any skillful plays as it's been completely dumbed down into carry wars2.

    > > > > > Initially I found ff14 combat animations amazing but slow but once I got to lv 60 the combat speed way up. Gw2 has more potential than almost all mmos cuz its combat mechanics as far as pvp goes but that doesn't go far if every other match frustrates u and I am definitely not alone In that as u can see in seconds from these forums others are to. With how great the pvp could be in gw2 and with how awsome its mechanics are for pvp it still drives people off, cant deny its abysmal population. That and atleast when wanting to do any OW or pve content ff14 is on a different level than what this game calls pve lol.

    > > > > > In short in gw2 pvp is mostly all I did over 6 yrs cuz pve blew, in ff14 I mostly pve,dungeons,trials with some pvp here and there lol but best of all dont have to listen to my gf yell at me why do u play a game that just pisses u off lol.

    > > > > > Strange for a game with such great pvp potential for it to be losing players as it is/has no? I mean its mach making cant even function as intended due to such a low population.

    > > > >

    > > > > i would also like to add, Producer/Director: Naoki Yoshida's Emotional Closing Speech at #FFXIV Launch Event

    > > > >

    > > > > youtube>settings>subtitle/cc>English

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Honestly u can tell the love that went into the job skills, lol u can definitely tell especially with samurai that the devs are kitten and I love it.

    > >

    > > most definitely lol


    > So the forum replaces j a p with kitten so had to change to full Japanese, guess the short form is to iffy here lol


    really lol


    what brought me to tears was how Mr.Naoki Yoshida refused to let the game die and took it upon himself to be publicly Shamed and Humiliated to save Final Fantasy 14 from the control of Toxicity


    -This is a the most Beautiful Love Story that will make you believe that Toxicity does not have the final say-




  16. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"AnodicShadow.3647" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > The games changed, its thee worst it's been in 7 yrs imo of course. Got thru half a match tonight, we were winning by 150 but was just garbage condi spamming on the nodes all match, gw2 was never a high skill game but its literally zero skill brainless play these days so I apologized to my team as the games not worth the frustration nor my time so logged out and sparked up ff14. I felt bad but only get a hr a night to game these days and felt like I was wasting time which is bad thing when ur winning and doing well yet having zero fun cuz how bad the devs has sank the game. I don't even think the expac will bring me back for longer than 2 weeks. Props to all the vets still here dealing and good luck to all the new players lol enjoy the ride.

    > > > >

    > > > > I hope you don't PvP in FFXIV because in my experience, PvP in that game is several times worse than PvP in GW2.

    > > >

    > > > I do here and there and don't mind it but it defenitly isnt great lol. Thing is it's not as good mechanically as gw2 but with gw2 current state of pvp I find more frustration than I do enjoyment and feel like the game mode lacks any skillful plays as it's been completely dumbed down into carry wars2.

    > > > Initially I found ff14 combat animations amazing but slow but once I got to lv 60 the combat speed way up. Gw2 has more potential than almost all mmos cuz its combat mechanics as far as pvp goes but that doesn't go far if every other match frustrates u and I am definitely not alone In that as u can see in seconds from these forums others are to. With how great the pvp could be in gw2 and with how awsome its mechanics are for pvp it still drives people off, cant deny its abysmal population. That and atleast when wanting to do any OW or pve content ff14 is on a different level than what this game calls pve lol.

    > > > In short in gw2 pvp is mostly all I did over 6 yrs cuz pve blew, in ff14 I mostly pve,dungeons,trials with some pvp here and there lol but best of all dont have to listen to my gf yell at me why do u play a game that just pisses u off lol.

    > > > Strange for a game with such great pvp potential for it to be losing players as it is/has no? I mean its mach making cant even function as intended due to such a low population.

    > >

    > > i would also like to add, Producer/Director: Naoki Yoshida's Emotional Closing Speech at #FFXIV Launch Event

    > >

    > > youtube>settings>subtitle/cc>English

    > >

    > >


    > Honestly u can tell the love that went into the job skills, lol u can definitely tell especially with samurai that the devs are kitten and I love it.


    most definitely lol

  17. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"AnodicShadow.3647" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > The games changed, its thee worst it's been in 7 yrs imo of course. Got thru half a match tonight, we were winning by 150 but was just garbage condi spamming on the nodes all match, gw2 was never a high skill game but its literally zero skill brainless play these days so I apologized to my team as the games not worth the frustration nor my time so logged out and sparked up ff14. I felt bad but only get a hr a night to game these days and felt like I was wasting time which is bad thing when ur winning and doing well yet having zero fun cuz how bad the devs has sank the game. I don't even think the expac will bring me back for longer than 2 weeks. Props to all the vets still here dealing and good luck to all the new players lol enjoy the ride.

    > >

    > > I hope you don't PvP in FFXIV because in my experience, PvP in that game is several times worse than PvP in GW2.


    > I do here and there and don't mind it but it defenitly isnt great lol. Thing is it's not as good mechanically as gw2 but with gw2 current state of pvp I find more frustration than I do enjoyment and feel like the game mode lacks any skillful plays as it's been completely dumbed down into carry wars2.

    > Initially I found ff14 combat animations amazing but slow but once I got to lv 60 the combat speed way up. Gw2 has more potential than almost all mmos cuz its combat mechanics as far as pvp goes but that doesn't go far if every other match frustrates u and I am definitely not alone In that as u can see in seconds from these forums others are to. With how great the pvp could be in gw2 and with how awsome its mechanics are for pvp it still drives people off, cant deny its abysmal population. That and atleast when wanting to do any OW or pve content ff14 is on a different level than what this game calls pve lol.

    > In short in gw2 pvp is mostly all I did over 6 yrs cuz pve blew, in ff14 I mostly pve,dungeons,trials with some pvp here and there lol but best of all dont have to listen to my gf yell at me why do u play a game that just pisses u off lol.

    > Strange for a game with such great pvp potential for it to be losing players as it is/has no? I mean its mach making cant even function as intended due to such a low population.


    i would also like to add, Producer/Director: Naoki Yoshida's Emotional Closing Speech at #FFXIV Launch Event




  18. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > The games changed, its thee worst it's been in 7 yrs imo of course. Got thru half a match tonight, we were winning by 150 but was just garbage condi spamming on the nodes all match, gw2 was never a high skill game but its literally zero skill brainless play these days so I apologized to my team as the games not worth the frustration nor my time so logged out and sparked up ff14. I felt bad but only get a hr a night to game these days and felt like I was wasting time which is bad thing when ur winning and doing well yet having zero fun cuz how bad the devs has sank the game. I don't even think the expac will bring me back for longer than 2 weeks. Props to all the vets still here dealing and good luck to all the new players lol enjoy the ride.




    'Unlearned Lessons Are Bound To Be Repeated'


    I also wish them good luck as well

  19. > @"Drennon.7190" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"krokusfs.4982" said:

    > > > Just wanted to say that mesmers are still cancer.

    > > > And bots.

    > >

    > > encouraging Toxicity and Punishing those who speak against it is what that does not change, Mesmer Profession absolutely has nothing to do with it

    > >

    > > -want to keep pointing fingers at bots? point fingers at their environment-

    > >

    > > _The environment plays a major role in influencing unhealthy behavior, non-competitive experience and motivating to act_


    > I literally have no idea what you’re ever taking about. Be real, are you a forum bot that just says random things?


    Anet alone have the power to change things or to not change things. Don't Blame The Messenger (Mesmer Profession) for being Toxic.


    As for bots, we can't give them what we don't have correct? Should not there be discourgement from their actions?


    Than why are they getting satisfaction from their actions?

  20. > @"krokusfs.4982" said:

    > Just wanted to say that mesmers are still cancer.

    > And bots.


    encouraging Toxicity and Punishing those who speak against it is what that does not change, Mesmer Profession absolutely has nothing to do with it


    -want to keep pointing fingers at bots? point fingers at their environment-


    _The environment plays a major role in influencing unhealthy behavior, non-competitive experience and motivating to act_

  21. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > > Yet Necromancer; A Scholar Profession Is Punished, Ridiculed And Treated As A Scapegoat....For Being Who They Are Called To Be, Who Their Ancestor Called Them To Be- Condition Master?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Who **exactly** are they "punished, ridiculed and treated as a scapegoat" by?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > And who called them a "condition master"? Maybe you -and nobody else. You quote a part of vague guardian description from wiki as a part of your "argument", so lets do the same with necro:

    > > > > > "Necromancers are masters of the dark arts. They summon the dead to fight for them, channel blood energy and rend their enemies' souls. Necromancers draw on life force and use it to strengthen or heal themselves "

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Whoopsie, not a condition master.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > 'Commanding the dizzying array of curses and blood spells at their disposal, and piles of the dead in their wake, necromancers excel at area clearing and quickly defeating large groups of enemies. Necromancers are the only profession that willfully inflicts itself with severe negative effects—using their own life force to fuel powerful abilities—in order to defeat the opponent and gain the upper hand in combat; being at death’s door does not concern them if no adversaries remain to deal the killing blow. Once the first enemy falls, a barrage of exploding corpses, condition-spreads and blood spikes follow suit, until the battlefield is littered with the bloody remains of their foes: more resources ready for exploition.'

    > > > >

    > > > > https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guide_to_playing_as_a_necromancer

    > > >

    > > > Wrong game, this is guildwars2 forum.

    > >

    > > 'NCSoft's Guild Wars 2 has revealed another addition to the professions for their up and coming subscription-less MMO. The Necromancer class saw play in the original Guild Wars as a main profession seen throughout and playable in all of the expansions, so it is not all too surprising to see it in the sequel as well.

    > >

    > > However, as it can be seen in all of the revealed classes, there has been some major upgrading done to the Necromancer in both its looks and skill set. Of course the Necromancer appears to be the same minion master class, where you summon masses of ungodly corpses to do your bidding and swarm the enemy mercilessly, **but now deadlier than ever**.

    > >

    > > https://gamerant.com/guild-wars-2-necromancer-profession-revealed/


    > Not only that's an unofficial source that just comments on the early class reveal, but also "deadlier than ever" isn't anywhere near your self-proclaimed "condition master" (actually, if you don't take it out of context, it's about being a "minion master class, but deadlier than ever"). How is this quote even relevant to my question?


    **Master of Conditions**


    'The Master of Conditions is a Zaishen master who, along with his students, demonstrate the effects of conditions. He gives information about how to tell when you are suffering from a condition.'




    "You come here seeking knowledge, so I shall being with a quick lesson for you: even the mightiest warrior and the wisest mage can still become sick and injured. Here, we study the body and its vulnerabilities. What more would you like to know"

    ⇒ Tell me about Conditions.

    "Conditions are often side effects of other skills, although some professions specialize in causing Conditions. Conditions may slow you, deal damage to you, or affect your ability to cast spells or receive healing. All Conditions wear off eventually, but they can also be removed or transferred with special skills."

    "A small brown downward arrow on a character's Health bar indicates that the character is suffering from a Condition. If you are suffering from a Condition, a gold-colored icon with a golden border will appear on the upper left-hand corner of your default screen."

    "I think it best that you approach my students and experience each Condition firsthand."

    ⇒ Let's talk about something else.


    No I'll be on my way.'


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/8ni9hT7.jpg "")




    'He uses the same model as Post-Searing Verata the Necromancer'





    ![](https://i.imgur.com/k65glUU.jpg "")



    'Verata is the first Necromancer Profession quest giver in pre-Searing Ascalon. After the Searing, he continued his research on undead minions, but his eager desire for knowledge caused him to use forbidden practices to increase the speed of his research. Because of this, he became an outcast of "the Order" and formed his own guild.'





  22. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > Yet Necromancer; A Scholar Profession Is Punished, Ridiculed And Treated As A Scapegoat....For Being Who They Are Called To Be, Who Their Ancestor Called Them To Be- Condition Master?

    > > >

    > > > Who **exactly** are they "punished, ridiculed and treated as a scapegoat" by?

    > > >

    > > > And who called them a "condition master"? Maybe you -and nobody else. You quote a part of vague guardian description from wiki as a part of your "argument", so lets do the same with necro:

    > > > "Necromancers are masters of the dark arts. They summon the dead to fight for them, channel blood energy and rend their enemies' souls. Necromancers draw on life force and use it to strengthen or heal themselves "

    > > >

    > > > Whoopsie, not a condition master.

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > 'Commanding the dizzying array of curses and blood spells at their disposal, and piles of the dead in their wake, necromancers excel at area clearing and quickly defeating large groups of enemies. Necromancers are the only profession that willfully inflicts itself with severe negative effects—using their own life force to fuel powerful abilities—in order to defeat the opponent and gain the upper hand in combat; being at death’s door does not concern them if no adversaries remain to deal the killing blow. Once the first enemy falls, a barrage of exploding corpses, condition-spreads and blood spikes follow suit, until the battlefield is littered with the bloody remains of their foes: more resources ready for exploition.'

    > >

    > > https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guide_to_playing_as_a_necromancer


    > Wrong game, this is guildwars2 forum.


    'NCSoft's Guild Wars 2 has revealed another addition to the professions for their up and coming subscription-less MMO. The Necromancer class saw play in the original Guild Wars as a main profession seen throughout and playable in all of the expansions, so it is not all too surprising to see it in the sequel as well.


    However, as it can be seen in all of the revealed classes, **there has been some major upgrading done to the Necromancer** in both its looks and skill set. Of course the Necromancer appears to be the same minion master class, where you summon masses of ungodly corpses to do your bidding and swarm the enemy mercilessly, **but now deadlier than ever**.



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