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Posts posted by Burnfall.9573

  1. > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > So basicly make thieves revealed when they don't do damage, but let mesmers stealth even while doing damage. Consistency!


    'It takes two to tangle'. Mesmer Profession is Punished with 1 dodge for abusing stealth while Thief Profession continue to be excused for abusing stealth??


    (talk about Punishing one to accept Blame while allowing the other to continue to not take any Blame whatsoever for its part in it?)


    Yeah!! basically, there is something wrong with this!!

  2. > @"Bradies.5902" said:

    > Suggestions to help balance stealth in a way other than duration:


    > #TL DR: First Suggestion --> When you dodge an attack from a stealthed character they drop out of stealth. Second suggestion: Mesmer stealth isn't cancelled by a random clone shattering late.


    > NUMBER 1 It's tough, (and I can't be the only one thinking this) when a thief disappears into 3-4 seconds of stealth giving them the initiative on their next attack. That's fine and dandy, I get it but it's ROUGH when you dodge their re-engage with a perfectly timed evade only to find that they're still in stealth and STILL have the initiative. A moment later they get a free second try but your survival resources are already drained. Can we get a change on this?


    > NUMBER 2 Picture this, you're a mesmer and just landed a reasonable shatter against a group of enemies (be you mirage/core/chrono w/e) and now it's time to disengage. So you hit your last source of stealth, (signet of midnight, torch 4, heck even mass invis) and you disappear in a moment of relief. BUT NO, WAIT, there he is, the clone that was left on the stairs, he's valiantly running around right now en-route to pop your recently acquired stealth and ruin your day. Can we get a change on this?




    interesting idea. I would also like this to be applied to all stealth Professions equally, not just Thief Profession

  3. > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

    > > @"Tseison.4659" said:

    > > To make this simple; summoning illusions should have never been the focus for the Mesmer kit and **HEXES** should've been the focus. Clones/Phantasms should've been an elite spec of their own. Period.


    > Sure, I'll bite. So then by that exact logic Necromancer should require fresh corpses to do things like summoning minions ala gw1. Guard should be a cleric, and we should all get dual class to fill in the many gaps each class would then have. What the kitten ever dude. Seriously, just What the kitten ever...


    Yet Mesmer and Necromancer derived from Guild Wars 1? Yup, this is exactly why Guild Wars 2 destroyed their roles . To please the masses to make them fit in instead of being who they are.


    In other word, Necromancer and Mesmer Profession should forget where they came from, who they are, be a people pleaser, to blend in just because they are in a new environment?



    Yeah ok!!


    - Guild Wars 2 did just that-


    (this is why especially Mesmer Profession is behaving erratically and can not be stopped because its identity was forcibly robbed from them to forcibly accept, forcibly adapt to a new identity...a Toxic Identity, in a Hostile-Toxic environment which it does not belong in)

  4. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"manu.7539" said:

    > > Didnt we all saw some thieves perma tap a keep and stall 5-10-20 and more guys trying and fail to kill them? Would u say 30 guys having a hard time to kill thief is normal?


    > Lmao 30 vs a thief, I'm sry but most classes can 1v1 a thief with little issue in wvw if they know their class and how thieves work and are more skilled than a thief player, even if 2 players cant down the thief either the thief is far more skilled than both players or those to players are very very unskilled, notice I didn't say bad at the game.

    > Who and what players are u playing with where u need a army to down a teef wow lol


    how about 20 versus 1 Thief Profession player?


    (date-what results?)

  5. > @"manu.7539" said:

    > Didnt we all saw some thieves perma tap a keep and stall 5-10-20 and more guys trying and fail to kill them? Would u say 30 guys having a hard time to kills normal?


    this is not about 30 guys having a hard time killing Thief Profession players, it is about playing a game that was supposed to give players freedom to play any way they want and instead having to play a game versus Thief Profession.


    Guild Wars 2 was supposed to be that competitive game to learn, grow and play against other Professions, at a Fair level without having Toxic mechanical design already dictating the winner,


    Instead of using 30 minutes to 1 hour of your quality to have fun, 1 Profession decides that it is 'fun and competitive' by design to take it all away from you at will


    Who is it having the hard time, the one who is design with outmost Priveldge to be Toxic without having any Punishment's whatsoever and get away with it, with Get out of Jail mechanics, skills **or** the player who want to get the best out of the game and be Punished for not wanting to deal with a Toxic Profession?


    Isn't Learning and Growing part of Competitiveness? Than how does one learn and grown when Toxicity decides to take take it all away freely at will without Consequences?


    'what did you do with your 30 minutes after logging into Guild Wars 2? we were keep being trolled and +1 shorted by Thief Profession so we logged off', 'we were chasing a Thief Profession abusing Stealth for about 15-20 minutes, than later decided to log of'


    (Players time and Enjoyment should be valued and taken into consideration, Not be entrapped, robbed and held hostage by a Profession)


    **No!! It Is Not Normal!! Nor Should Be Ever Tolerated!!**

  6. > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

    > Oh look! It's the new "xxx is OP! PLEASE NURF" parade again! What a surprise!

    > 1. OP, iof you find it difficult to not stand in a big RED circle, that's an LTP issue.

    > 2. Also, if you propose nerf to AOEs that cover the whole node, I am all in if all AOE skills are nerfed to 180 radius. And by all, I mean ALL of the skills - be it those you have to place, or instant skills with AOE effect? Would you like that?


    > P.S. Why should myself, anet, or anyone should else care about what a highly subjective streamer is ranting about?


    Anet Should Care because at the end of the day, Action Have Consequences and spread and affect others

  7. > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > > > I don't see an excessive number of rangers or thieves.

    > > >

    > > > I see plenty of guardians. A good number of revs. Good number of roaming ele. Oh, necro is somewhat popular in roaming although idk why. Ranger is probably as popular as necro, maybe a bit more. It's in the top 5 but it doesn't stand out. Thief is actually pretty rare. I'll run into a few of them but it's actually 95% other professions even in roaming. It's actually made me sad because I feel like I need extra practice versus thieves because of how rare it is to fight them.

    > > >

    > > > It's anecdotal. But it reflects my experience roaming across multiple matchups and tiers over the last 3-5 months.

    > >

    > > +1

    > >

    > > Saerni, what is actually sad is that players are victimizing themselves over a Bad Design that blames them for not trying hard enough

    > >

    > > **While Thief Profession is design to be a Toxic Scapegoat Profession to point fingers at other Professions** - Harass and Blame them freely for 'ltp', 'dodge'' and ' not trying hard enough', 'its your fault'

    > >

    > > Don't feel sad for Toxicity, Not Ever!!

    > >

    > > **This is why Thief Profession need to be seriously dealt with as soon as possible and for Anet to finally put an end of them blaming other Professions for their misfortune**

    > >


    > Stop claiming that it's all a L2P issue here, thieves can burst you down while being untargetable, same thing Rangers with smokescales as pets. You can't avoid their damage, even if you hit dodge you take a lot of burst damage and then you are dead. It's toxic to claim this is a L2P issue and blame players who complain with GIT GUD and all that, please stop with this attitude. Mechanics which make a player's character untargetable should be removed as they are unfair and offer no counterplay.




    you misread my post and rushed and i completely agree with you...i'm on the community side.

  8. > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > I don't see an excessive number of rangers or thieves.


    > I see plenty of guardians. A good number of revs. Good number of roaming ele. Oh, necro is somewhat popular in roaming although idk why. Ranger is probably as popular as necro, maybe a bit more. It's in the top 5 but it doesn't stand out. Thief is actually pretty rare. I'll run into a few of them but it's actually 95% other professions even in roaming. It's actually made me sad because I feel like I need extra practice versus thieves because of how rare it is to fight them.


    > It's anecdotal. But it reflects my experience roaming across multiple matchups and tiers over the last 3-5 months.




    Saerni, what is actually sad is that players are victimizing themselves over a Bad Design that blames them for not trying hard enough


    While Thief Profession is design to be a Toxic Scapegoat Profession to point fingers at other Professions - Harass and Blame them freely for 'ltp', 'dodge'' and ' not trying hard enough', 'its your fault' 'get over it' 'this game is not for you'


    Don't feel sad for Toxicity, Not Ever!!


    This is why Thief Profession is long over-due of serious change and is need to be seriously dealt with, with absolutely with no exceptions as soon as possible. Once after all for Anet to finally put an end of them blaming other Professions for their misfortune and their mishap


  9. i would like this to be taken into serious consideration and to be prioritized and resolved when considering balance. Kroof is the only Guild Wars 2 Avid Passionate streamer at the moment who want this serious matter be resolved for the best interest for the game well being including its players who want to enjoy playing Guild Wars 2


  10. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Exedore.6320" said:

    > > > @"Vallun.2071" said:

    > > > Conditions used to be terrible in guild wars 2 before the massive trait rework in preparation for the first expansion.

    > > **This is absolutely false**

    > > Decap engi was condi, there were condi necro variants, and both d/d ele (before trait rework) and cele rifle engi relied on condi for a significant chunk of their damage. I'm sure I missed a few.

    > IMO its *sort of true* in the sense that full condi builds where not that good - instead people used hybrid builds.

    > The reason that went away? HoT powercreep turned everything up to 11 and forced most sPvP/WvW hybrids to make a choice - either go stupid OP power for roflstomp damage or go stupid OP condi for superbunkering. Then PoF turned that 11 up to 5678321145 and just solidified the choice.


    > Today we are at a point where its just two sides of the same coin. Power *need* the damage to beat condi and condi *need* the sustain to beat power.


    and this is the reason why Profession Diversity and Roles do not exist in Guild Wars 2. Every Professions want Total Control of Power+Conditions Equally and feel entitled to them because there were no specific rules set in place for Profession diversity.


    Whereas Guild Wars 1 specified each roles and identity of Profession and enforced what roles they play.....Guild Wars 2 in the other hand.....completely disregards their lore and their true sense of being..


    -As Guild Wars 2 predecessor, this may be the only solution to the matter once and for all-




  11. > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

    > Confusion and Torment shouldn't be a thing, in my opinion. People try to say Confusion is meant to be anti spam when it's actually anti action, same with torment and movement, and retaliation in general. These things need to be removed and classes balanced accordingly.




    First of all, Confusion belong to Mesmer Profession lore. Secondly, Rune of Perplexixty was Never to be shared with other Professions other than its Rightful Profession-Mesmer and should be removed from all other Professions, mechancis, skills, traits, runes and sigils and to be returned soely and accordingly to Mesmer Profession




    Lastly and Interstingly, Torment Rightful Professions are- Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Ranger and Elementalist. Yes!!, Elementalist Profession is also capable of inducing Torment




    Torment should be removed from all other Profession, mechanics, skills, traits, runes and sigils and to be returned soely and accordingly to their Rightful Professions-- Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist, Ranger and Mesmer Profession.


    Confusion and Torment are meant for their Rightful Professions,







    additional notes regarding Torment-


    'The Mouth of Torment'


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/jRa2v1p.jpg "")







    'It was here that Abaddon and his Margonites challenged the power of the Five True Gods, and here that the other gods smote the God of Secrets down, imprisoning him and his following in a Realm of Torment. This once beautiful land is now a crater littered with the trappings of a god. And above it the Mouth of Torment hangs, a weakness in the world, a globe of pure evil, beckoning all to their doom.'




  12. > @"lotus.5672" said:

    > > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > I find it funny how Thieves are still using the age old "No Stealth = No Thief" argument.

    > > That would have been a viable argument 2 years ago, but as of now, Thieves actually stand to be one of the most durable Professions in the competitive scene.

    > >

    > > Just go ahead and fight a Condi DD with any Power build.

    > > Their entire DD traitline counters Power approach due to the constant Weakness application, and when they are faced with Condi threats, they can simply escape Condi threats and get so far away they don't have to fight them until they feel like the Condi opponent has used their cooldowns and then they strike.

    > >

    > > "But just Condi them when they running"

    > > Sigil of Cleansing and Shadow's Embrace make a joke of Conditions.


    > Nobody plays d/d condi


    (I will not post video here because of offense language music in background.)



    Youtube--'GW2 WVW Roaming Core Thief D/D... SO MANY DCs' by Taka including with other Thief D/D videos +1 shots


    (all videos are current-October 2020)


  13. > @"Escanor.8157" said:

    > It is clear that ArenaNet cannot balance this profission without leaving it weak. So it is better to remove and create a new profission. This profission reminds me Elf of some games that are useless several buffs and 0 damage.




    Escanor, as a reminder...this is not the True Mesmer Profession from Guild Wars and wonder why it is broken- beyond repair and make no sense-Never will!! because it is not an authentic Mesmer in Guild Wars lore




    -here is the real Mesmer-



    Have a nice day


  14. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > stealth destroys any guild fighting. Both groups try to outstealth each other and the side which pulls it off, wins. This results in up to 10min of both groups moving around, retreating whenever the other side stealths up.


    > This is beyond stupid.


    > Anet, remove stealth from wvw. It is toxic, it makes the game more boring. It has no reason to exist and no valid defense to keep it.




    '**Stealth and why it reduces depth and skill**'


    (posted 2013)



    'GW did pretty well without invis, no clue which *...' was thinking this might be a good idea.'


    'I main a thief and hate stealth, it’s a lame mechanic that should have stayed in WoW and other MMO’s. What made the assassin so awesome in GW1 was it didn’t use stealth but shadow steps with combo attacks.'


    'It is safe to say that a massive portion of GW2’s player base has left this game; because they are tired of stealth classes.'





    **Guild Wars 1-Assassin Profession**


    'The gw1Assassin did it right. Shadow stepping gave them huge mobility, they had great control and really powerful offensive/defensive abilities that took finesse and skill to master. Just look at those skills.




    They still had the power to not be targeted and escape or close faster than any other class and all without the invisibility gimmick........'


    **'Guild Wars 1-Assassin Pvp**'



  15. **+10**




    (here is a link with beautiful truth very well written post by Subversiontwo. After reading Subsversiontwo, i had deja-vu all over again during Guild Wars 2 beta-2012. I applaud Subversiontwo and many player players including ex-Veteran players who stand up for what is right and defends Truth against Lies and Deceptions)


    -The Truth was told long time ago and no one listened-


    -Thank You! Subversiontwo including others for keeping the Naked Truth Alive and for calling out Toxicity in its True Form-




    'This is true, at least to some extent. The popular roaming classes all have in common that they can escape when necessary and in relation to some other classes that can be seen as an issue. However, some of that is necessary for outnumbered kiting/roaming to exist. I don't think that is the topic at hand here. The issue with the Thief isn't that it can break combat, that it can ambush or that it has unique cooldowns, teleports or stealth. The problem is the sheer volume on it on the builds now, how it combines and how they can more or less reset at will. Other popular roaming classes can't do anything even remotely similar. That is why you can now see Thieves even troll larger groups that are trying to chase/gank them because they know that they can reset at will so they can just cheekily re-engage to prove that point, over and over. It isn't even escaping anymore it's moving in and out of combat as you please.'


    So, the problem isn't the escape, it's the reset. It is that they can escape and re-engage more or less infinately. It isn't that they can break combat once. It is that they can break combat over and over (yet still control the re-engagement to keep comming back for more like that). That is why so many other players now just wait for th exact moment they break combat, mount up and ride away in the other direction because it at least gives them some distance to crush and an extra health bar that forces some cooldowns and/or blunts the ambush from the Thief if it chooses to flip back on the offensive.


    Mesmers do not have that, Warriors do not have that, Rangers do not have that and Elementalists do not have that. Even though those classes have plenty of ports, breaks and sprints/leaps. So a Warrior may disappear in the distance with a double-sword escape, however, he is not going to turn around, slap you in the face just to flaunt what's broken and then sprint away again indefinately and with impunity. Mesmers can ambush or they can escape but it's often one of either and not a combination, certainly not a combination that persists indefinately. If you survive the first ambush and/or escape of a Mesmer they are often severely weakened if they re-engage, cooldowns burnt etc. Mesmers have traditionally also been rather poor at chasing down opponents that want to escape them (save for the time when sword-leap Mirages were OP and even condi Mirages played sword) so other players certainly don't have to wait for the Mesmer to break combat to get away from them if they want to fight to a standstill or just avoid defensive Mesmer builds like condi tanks.


    So to wrap up yet another round of this silly back and forth, it's a simple balance issue with there just being too much of everything mobility related to the point where the class can engage, disengage and re-engage at will. It's the combination of that which is the problem. This wasn't an issue in vanilla and Thieves were pretty popular and powerful roamers (possibly the best/most popular) already back then. This is a severe case of elite spec and re-trait creep.


    Then as always, smalle scale WvW may not be a focal point for any balance effort but there are also some things that stick out so much that it just becomes ridiculous. It was ridiculous when you had 36/50 Scourges in large scale and the profileration of Thieves at small scale which has gone on for quite some time is definately starting to become quite ridiculous now and is starting to have a rather negative impact on the mode overall. It isn't isolated to some corpserunner getting ganked or some duelist being frustrated by a dishonorable reset anymore.'

  16. > @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

    > Honestly no. The game has superb mechanics and is very competitive at its core. Perfect esport game if you ask me (I mean.. GW2 had an esl scene for a while and not without reason) but Anet is just neglecting everything aside from skins with an occasional drop of water in the desert that's PvE..

    > Everytime it's just more of the same or for the most part of the game nothing of 'gameplay value' is added at all.

    > Anet can add off-season stuff all they want, if pvp is some unenjoyable mess 80% of the year then it's worth nothing. Especially for PvP, players have been yelling the same stuff over and over again for several years and Anet is just saying "well.. but the playerbase is too low". It's a chicken and egg situation, players want changes, which will never come because the playerbase is too low to sustain them (several modes or separate team queues being just two examples).. but the active pvp player count will never rise because we never get any changes and the game becomes incredibly stale.. And for breaking this vicious cycle I don't see the players being responsible.

    > Removing the full team queue in pvp just was the last nail in the coffin from my experience because there was no point for pvp guilds to exist so they just disappeared one by one and the players with them. Since then kitten attempts with duo queue just made matters worse, and if you look at older polls on that subject you'll notice that the vast majority is not satisfied with it.. It's a compromise where everyone involved is equally unhappy with and that's a red line for gw2 imo.


    > Anet has been doing next to nothing for years.. considering the massive amounts of players quitting over the past couple years it wasn't even the bare minimum.. Living story was a concept deemed to fail before the first episode was launched but somehow they still stick to it.. It's just a massive waste of resources and money if you ask me.. several months of work for a couple hours of game time.. but apparently it's enough to keep the mill running and casuals satisfied so they throw money for skins at them.. I'm honestly just waiting for GW2 to slowly fade into complete irrelevance once the market is saturated with skins because I honestly see nothing else driving GW2 atm. Or once NCSoft cuts off even more..


    > Now don't get me wrong here, like I said in the beginning the game is really top notch gameplay wise and you won't find a better game for pvp and probably not even for siege-like combat.. in theory.. in my opinion.. but there are just waaay too many issues. I was actually just trying it out again after taking a massive break (again..), that's why I'm here now, but I haven't notice a single change to anything other than the newer living story episodes and some skins. Mostly novelty stuff like chairs because apparently armor and mounts are getting oversaturated. Balance is still not in a good state and the community is - for a big part - still toxic af.. Nearly not everyone and you'd find a lot of nice people helping you out and having a good time with but yea.. the one kitten bag you'll encounter in your 5th match will be way more annoying than 10 nice ppl on your friend list being uplifting.

    > However.. that being said.. That's coming from a salty guy who has played well over 4k hours since release and who occasionally hops in the game again, playing each game mode for a while and then realizing how little has changed, quitting it again for another couple months. You'll probably still get at least a couple hundred hours of fun out of the game ngl, especially if you are playing with some friends, until you eventually realize what's going on.


    > The third expansion dropping and steam release will probably change next to nothing, sadly. I still hope it will improve some day (after all that's why I keep coming back all the time tbh) but well... time has taught me lessons and I just hop in, accept the inevitable and leave.




    i completely agree , absolutely nothing changed and will not change for the better. No lessons were ever learned from unresolved, repetitive problems.


    Everything that we are witnessing were present since day 1. With sharing many constructing discussions and positive suggestions by present and new players alike and what were the outcome of it? absolutely none.


    Instead, speaking the Truth and wanting healthy positive change growth were punished for unhealthy abusive change.


    How about those other players who says nothing and leave with followers, guilds, their friends, their families and potential players? 'Silent customers might not convey their problems to the company but they do voice their opinions to people close to them.'


    They do not leave alone, they leave in groups to tell competitors how they were treated with hard Truth; in game-streaming, forum


    **'We Are Defined By Our Actions!!'**


    You are not a 'salty guy', you speak their Truth.


    The same Truth that set them free to go elsewhere that care about what they have to say, about their concerns and makes an learning effort to resolve what matters to them

  17. > @"Ronald McDonald.8165" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Jables.4659" said:

    > > > My biggest complaint is that Anet spent the past year and a half nerfing Core Mesmer, Chronomancer, and Mirage to the point that the Feb. 2020 patch was able to obliterate Mesmer into irrelevancy. Its been over 6 months since this happened and all we've received is a reversion on Illusionary Persona for Chronomancer. Although this was definitely a good change, **it doesn't do enough to make Chronomancer worth taking over other classes.** On a more general note, the current meta in regard to spvp and small-scale WvW just isn't all that fun to me. Easy to play classes are yielding far better results than are warranted for the effort required to play them. Condi-Rev, Reaper, Core-Necro, Condi-Thief, Burn-Guard, Holosmith, and Auramancer are some of the worst offenders here.

    > >

    > > **Oct 6, 2020**

    > >

    > > 'Gw2 Mesmer Chronomancer Mirage Roaming/Dueling WvW OneShot'

    > >

    > >


    > Is this video supposed to prove that Mesmer is in a good state?


    This video proves that Mesmer Profession remain Toxic and Badly Design. I just logged of WvW with 29 players to play Final Fantasy 14 online after having a +1 shot faceoff with Enemies Mesmer Profession +1 shutting the group i was in. 6 Enemies Mesmer Profession players with +1 Thief Profession players +1 shotting them for about 17 minutes.


    They've been off and on Guild Wars 2 for 8 months and i finally gave in to help them to know WvW better.


    Obviously, i was playing Necromancer Profession until i realized that the enemy Mesmer's and Thief players were trolling us by +1 shotting us.


    So, as a Mesmer Profession main, I swapped to my Mesmer Profession and retaliated by 1 vs 7 and +1 shotted them within 4 minutes. The enemy Thief Profession player with the 6 Mesmer Profession players told me that 'you have skills and what build are you using'?


    I told them, 'what do you think, same Toxic Bad Design Old Builds As Usual' so they bow down to me with the group and left us.


    I was beyond unhappy because here i was trying to encourage non-Guild Wars 2 new players who were willing to learn, to give the game a chance and there it was, Toxic Bad Design Profession waiting for them with +1 shot and Toxic Stealth abuse.


    They told me while we were playing Final Fantasy 14 online that, 'this is the reason why i do not try to log in to the game, it is the same classes i face of with and bam, i am dead'


    So Ronald and Jables, tell me what is wrong with this picture??


    Should we all blame Mesmer and Thief Profession for their Negative Behaviors or should we instead directly Blame how their Toxic Bad Design are negatively impacting players experiences resulting in Guild Wars 2 population decline?


    (by the way, the reason why i swap to Mesmer Profession is to demontrate the tolerance of Guild Wars 2 standards of 'fairness fight'. Toxicity vs Toxicity. Who ever plays the most Toxic Badly Design Professions with the most Toxic Broken Builds= Win)


    -more importantly, it is not about what Profession that are in a good state, it is about does the Profession promote healthy competitive experience for its players including other players and how their actions contribute to the game stability in a positive way?-


    -i felt complete disgusted by my actions but it was the only way to save them and to prove to the enemies players that, I know Toxicity better than you-



  18. > @"snoow.1694" said:

    > I still can't believe that we have waited months for what we have received. Tempests are making PvP a frustrating mess with their Shock Aura spam, Guardians started running annoying full tank - 0 damage builds, because their damage got taken away, Renegades are harrassing whole teams with giant AoE's that could cover 3 points and their Autoattack that does abnormally high damage, but only got Sevenshot damage nerfed and Reapers are still casting their win button named Lich Form to turn entire team fights. The changes did nothing to change the worst meta in Guild Wars 2 history and next season will be probably the worst one yet.

    > We need a real balancing and just thinking about waiting 6 months to receive the next "balance patch" in this hell of meta removes every motivation out of you. Even 2 months would be too far away if we think about the environment of the next season




    'It's more cruel to give someone false hope than telling the bitter truth'

  19. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > Throwing money at a problem doesn't always solve it. This also doesn't sound like a revamp, but a bribe to play. There are people who can't even finish the track every week because their wvw accounts are not veteran enough in levels and takes too much time.


    > Throwing massive gold into the track isn't going to get people to suddenly play wvw when it would take them 20-30 hours to complete it, you're just rewarding the ones already playing it and getting their tracks done in 8 hours. And then you add in the condition of winning and well those veterans will stack even more now to make sure they get the win and their gold, Hi BG link.


    > Personally haven't played wvw in 3 months. Throwing an extra 50 gold isn't a motivator for me to play. Getting fixes to balance, unscrewing mesmers, actually revamping wvw play, just might tho.




    very well said.


    I will add this quote, 'People Don’t Buy Products. They Buy Solutions to Their Problems'




    'This is what they do buy:

    They buy a SOLUTION to their PROBLEM.

    They buy the OUTCOME they really desire.'




    What’s the Problem?

    Here’s a vital thing to understand: Problems actually exist at 2 levels.


    1. The Outward Problem

    This is the obvious problem. It’s usually easy to spot.


    And that’s great. It’s important to know what the OUTWARD or external problem is for the customer.


    2. How it makes them feel?

    The REAL QUESTION is: How does this outward problem make them feel?


    What emotions does it create?


    It’s said that people actually buy on emotion – how they feel – and only after they’ve made the purchase do they try to justify the purchase with logic.


    Put another way – their desire to fix the emotional problem is far greater than their desire to solve the outward obvious problem, even if it’s justified later with rational decision making. So, if you can figure out both the outward problem and their inner feelings and emotions about it, you can speak to both of these throughout your entire marketing process.

  20. > @"Naxos.2503" said:

    > All you're going to end up doing is drive all the prices incrementally up. Because everyone thinks what they own is special and thus worth more, they're going to sell it for higher price. Other sellers seeing this will feel like they have to drive prices up or lose out.


    > Thus begins gold farming bots, gold sellers, a general disinterest in the market, and the economy being driven by a few robber barons counted on one hand. It's happened before. No thanks.




    Exactly this


    -not forgetting resulting in increase of accounts-including unused accounts being stolen, hijacked and used for RMT-




    Continue to enforce strict measurements against RMT(--one thing i applaud Anet for is the decrease of RMT--)


    -as other suggest, increase drops and keep the cap on-

  21. i also want add, the over-extended use of light blinding visual special aoe effects with skills and mechanics spamming and stacking, is absolutely unnecessary. This is years of poor market strategy that has not helped the gain retain or gain players but pushed players away of having headechaches, migraine, and eye sore and trauma including myself.


    This is not a club dance floor game and it need to stop.


    -Kroof explains it all-


  22. > @"Sifu.9745" said:

    > PvP is still a thing, especially unranked PvP is very alive, while ranked is a bit ... messy. But WvW maps are completely empty. I can barely find a squad maybe once per a week. Most of the time **i am forced** to play solo or with 2 or 3 more people, which doesn't suit my playstyle, because i am not kind of a roamer. I have no idea why no one plays WvW these days ...




    for the past 8 years, 9/10 patches are directly PVP only. Anet neglected the WvW for so long that, a lot of the WvW community left the game completely for other game companies who value them and do their best to address their concerns for healthy competitive experiences.


    You mention the word being forced...you are exactly correct. The amount of Toxicity that is accepted and tolerated and rooted in the game balance for so long, it's either play your own way quietly=solo with few groups without complaining or be ridiculed and belittled-ridiculed for not playing a Toxic Profession=their way


    In other word, be quiet and don't complain about Toxicity, or be forced into submission for complaining, or be witch-hunted for wanting a fair healthy competitive experience.


    I am a survivor and I will continue to speak out against Toxicity and will continue to speak the Truth.


    (Truth is, Toxicity is allowed to control players experiences and Punish those who do not submit to play it their way. It was never about playing it your way but about playing what is broken and are badly design)


    we can all figure out the rest...





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