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Posts posted by nosleepdemon.1368

  1. > @"Wisty.4135" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > w2z2 take short cut eagle then jump off a ledge to get put at checkpoint just before the glitch point spawn dont make it overly long tho.

    > > Same with w2z3 in infentaile you just have to run on rainbows abit.


    > I got the glitched collection complete, as a preface.


    > But yeah, it's 2-2 and 2-3 I don't do. I just don't do those zones at all. Ground out the trib mode skins for last year and said "no thanks" to doing them again this year. I hate them with a passion. 2-1 is fast enough to do in like 4-5 minutes, but the other two? Nah, not worth an extra continue coin and a ~20% chance at a cheap skin I already have.






    I got really efficient at zone 3 by the time I was done, but the God. Damn. Goats. Oh my God. Fuck them in their every incarnation.

  2. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Wisty.4135" said:

    > > Some days I get 4/4, others I get 0/4. Overall drop rate seems to be about 10-20% colloquially speaking.

    > >

    > >


    > So what two zones dont you do?

    > Since there is 6 zones in total so 6 chance to get weapon daily.


    Ima go ahead and guess w2z2 and 3, since they take as long as the other four combined :/

  3. > @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > Finished my 32 runs, I did 6 on infantile and the rest on normal. I got one drop. I noticed that on normal mode, you get prompted to open the main chest one extra time than in infantile, I'm not sure what that's about.


    > The chests are nested together - the "big" one for show with just baubles, the daily chest (only available on Normal and Trib) and the Glitched Chest (available if you destroy the glitch once a day). If you did a mode where you get a daily and a glitched chest, you have to loot it twice to get everything (Glitched Chest loots first).


    Thanks for clearing that up!

  4. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"Friday.7864" said:

    > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > I’ve seen some people comment about having to dodge jump. This actually is only required in one specific place at the end of W2Z3 when doing TM. Nowhere else in SAB on any mode is this required.

    > > > >

    > > > > Yes, but considering all the perversions being thrown at you it can make life a lot easier.

    > > >

    > > > **If** you can consistently pull it off but many cannot.

    > >

    > > It's actually easier (not easy, just easier) to pull off dodge jumps than some of the **theoretically normal jumps that require perfect precision in order to reach**. At least dodge jump lets you have some leeway there.

    > >


    > I haven't encountered that but then perhaps I'm just used to jumping in this game and don't notice it. The only jumps I dislike are anything with mushroom or trampoline. I spend about 20 seconds last night jumping on a trampoline waiting for it to actually bounce me.


    There are some jumps on the faster routes in tribulation mode that require a dodge jump to succeed, because you are flying not only farther but also through danger such as bouncing blocks or hand missiles. A good example is crossing lava after the forest in world 1 zone 1. You will be smashed by a bouncing block midway through your jump.

  5. > @"Jojo.6140" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > No, you either need to complete the assassin weapon collection (ridiculous, the infusion should *not* be acquired so easily) or be a man and smash world 1 in tribulation mode 16 times.


    > Except the assassin weapon collection is harder to complete. Buying all crimson assassin weapons costs 200 assassin tokens. With 8tokens/16days it means you get an average 2 tokens per day and thus need 100 days. Given that the festival is only there for a limited time each year, this means it takes 4-5 years to complete, assuming you are there every time to do your dailies.


    > Meanwhile you can do the storm wizard weapon collection within a weekend or so. All you have to do is watch a guide beforehand and copy what you see there. Not even to mention that in the first year the infusion got released people were able to just buy tribulation-completions from other players.


    > But for OPs question, yes there are only those two ways of getting the red infusion.


    Just because it takes longer does not mean it is harder, you can brute force the assassin collection but you need a greater level of ability to complete tribulation mode 16 times per zone.


    > @"Jojo.6140" said:

    > Not even to mention that in the first year the infusion got released people were able to just buy tribulation-completions from other players.



    No need to mention it then, since it isn't relevant - you cannot do that now.

  6. > @"Coelho Nat.4697" said:

    > Those blc drops are very random.

    > In my opinion Anet should inform the % chance of each item as so to be fair to the players who purchase keys.


    As if that would stop them from all but literally setting their money alight. Think of this as a lesson learned OP - it doesn't pay to gamble no matter how attractive the reward looks.

  7. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > I'm guessing OP is pretty new to Gw2 :)


    > First time getting downed? nice mechanic to just dying isnt it ^^

    > It's a shame that not all classes are equal in this state though, some are exceptionally good (Ranger/Necromancer) while others are pretty terrible (Warrior) haha


    Warrior has bad downed skills? Uwotm8? One of those skills stands you straight back up for one last hurrah, how is that pretty terrible?

  8. Ooh, I'd like a Measurehead profession too which can only be played by the Semenese. Its play style would revolve primarily around spouting nonsense and looking much tougher than it actually is. Also, all of its chat dialogue would automatically be in caps. Oh, hang on, this isn't that kind of racial thread.

  9. > @"Sylanna.1947" said:

    > Please, please, please do not ever make this an achievement. Trib is already cruel enough. If for some awful reason you decide to, be sure to make it 0 APs and perhaps just a title.


    Why? You wouldn't have to do it, would you? Like say it was 100 AP and part of a new Legendary SAB weapon, you still wouldn't be *forced* into doing it so what does it matter?

  10. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > Please no. Listen guys and gals, complaining that SAB is too hard is OK, I guess (although really all it requires is practice, because many of the encounters have surprisingly elegant solutions to them). It was a bit of an April fool's gag to begin with anyway. BUT don't you go touching tribulation mode! Tribulation mode is *supposed* to be hard and if you can't complete it, too bad man. I can't do raids, but I don't complain about it because I understand that there is content in this game for everyone - even players who want a challenge. So that stuff shouldn't be made easier just so that every single player on infantile mode has a chance.


    > It's possible to make something hard without it taking a long time to do. There was another topic recently where someone suggested splitting 2-2 and 2-3 into 2 levels each, or added checkpoints like PoF uses so someone can stop part way and then continue from where they left off. That wouldn't make them any easier to complete, but it would mean if you're not sure how long you'll have to attempt it you can go ahead and try without worrying that you'll get 1/2 way, have to stop and then have to start over from the begining the next time.


    Splitting them up would be fine yeah, to keep the zone lengths consistent, but the difficulty curve is pretty good I think.

  11. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > Sure sure, add it. I know after enough runs I could do W1 run with 0 deaths. But make a 0 deaths achiev for each zone, and one for a whole world in one play-through. I'm not against achiev not obtainable by anyone. See, there is raids, I don't do them.


    Yeah one for each zone would be neat, I'd personally never get w2z2, I filmed myself over the course of one day doing the 16 runs needed for all the weapon skins and by the end of it I was swearing constantly, even when things were going my way.

  12. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > > > It is impossible due to trampolines.

    > > > There is always a rocket arrow getting you.

    > >

    > > Untrue, although I didn't quite manage to get a full, deathless clear, I was able to clear all sections except w2z2 trib cloud / death dart area without dying, this includes all of the rocket arrow sections in w2z3. You "just" need to have perfect timing for dodges.


    > My point was there is always something to kill you. Arrows may not be an issue for you, but persons with cognitive/motor disabilities... I wasn't speaking specifically about W2-2 but overall, any zone with them. I do agree that the block puzzle with trib cloud and darts is hard, but see I never die here. Depends of the player.

    > Today, I completed w1-1 with only 3 deaths, w1-3 with only 6.


    People with motor/cognitive difficulties won't be finishing tribulation mode, and those who do will surely be capable of doing it without dying after enough attempts. A no death achievement being unobtainable by most people doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. Some things in life are very hard if not impossible for most to achieve, there's nothing wrong with that, and nothing wrong wrong with that being in a game!

  13. Please no. Listen guys and gals, complaining that SAB is too hard is OK, I guess (although really all it requires is practice, because many of the encounters have surprisingly elegant solutions to them). It was a bit of an April fool's gag to begin with anyway. BUT don't you go touching tribulation mode! Tribulation mode is *supposed* to be hard and if you can't complete it, too bad man. I can't do raids, but I don't complain about it because I understand that there is content in this game for everyone - even players who want a challenge. So that stuff shouldn't be made easier just so that every single player on infantile mode has a chance.

  14. 6 more chests last night, no drops so far. I did get my virtual box though so hurrah for that. I will do future play throughs on normal as infantile is just too insulting. It would be neat if tribulation mode had a higher drop rate but I just don't have time to relearn those levels right now. Although W2Z3 I did almost entirely from trib mode memory including sudden panic when landing on innocent looking piles of snow that used to cause immediate death! I also found myself giving those pointing fingers the evil eye.

  15. > @"Friday.7864" said:

    > W2Z2 onward is a complete mess.

    > Too long, too involved, too messy. It's simply not the least bit fun.

    > Was eager to complete all achievements and unlock everything. SAB quickly became the worst festival I've encountered due to te reasons stated above. It's completely out of line compared to all the other seasonal events, requires way too much time and effort compared to those.


    > It's just way too... sadistic ._.

    > Can't say I appreciate such content


    Then don't do it :) tribulation mode isn't meant to be easy and those two final zones separate the truly good players from the TacO heroes who have just been phoning it in. W2Z2 is certainly long, and the jump poles will murder you until you figure out how to make them launch you forward at high speed, plus that trib cloud... Holy jeez. But that's what makes the mode appealing - losing 50 lives in 5 minutes over and over again until you nail a section and it never bothers you again. W2Z3 is by far the most epic zone by the way, some of those jumps are insane and the cloud jumping sections are hair raising. If anything, I want any future zones to be *more difficult*.

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