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Posts posted by nosleepdemon.1368

  1. The thing with dodge jump success is believe it or not - your frame rate. GW 2 is very sensitive to frame rate drops especially with pixel perfect jumping. A low framerate in SAB tribulation mode (even one that seems OK) will lead to missed jumps and landings, and almost certainly death by floor spikes and lava in sections that leave you very little space to move. Drop all of your settings to lowest, *even if* regular gameplay is fine to you. Those dodge jumps will suddenly become more feasible. You could also find *other* ways of ensuring those keyboard combos come out first time every time, if you get my drift.

  2. I did every zone individually - I had to clear 16 runs per zone as I wanted the infusions. In the end you get a feel for what's probably safe, and what isn't. Videos help a lot, w2z2 is painful though for sure. My first clear on trib took 55 minutes. Eventually I got it down substantially and was averaging just one or two deaths. By the way, find a way to reliably hit space and dodge at the same time for that all important distance enhancing dodge-jump.

  3. Man that skill actually dealt damage? Not gonna lie when I did WvW people avoided it *so often* that I just stopped using it as an offensive skill altogether, and instead chained it for its evade when something better was not quite off of cooldown yet. I'm bummed to find out that all this time I could have been deleting pros like the OP :(

  4. Oh my oh my work continues on new content for my favourite game mode! Keep at it ladies and gents I'm sure it will be brilliant when it's finished! My favourite zones were world 1 zone 3, and world 2 zone 3, I liked the foreboding and barren themes of both, and especially the tricky puzzles in tribulation mode. Please though, no more ninjas, they were gross :P

  5. Kill all the story characters except Canach, they suck.


    Kill Taimi, I know the first point would do, but this way she dies twice.


    Bring verticality and group content back into the maps.


    Remove the story, it's rubbish and gets in the way.


    Add those crazy underwater assassin creatures into the game as a playable race. Have them introduced by murdering all the Quaggan.


    Throw a big procedurally generated tower with increasing difficulty per floor and neat rewards into an endgame zone somewhere. Not because Blizzard are doing it but because it's a cool concept and it has been done well before (e.g. DFO). Require the player to complete the dungeon as part of a legendary collection - no legendaries unless you are actually good.


    Add more jumping puzzles, we're talking SAB tribulation mode difficulty, please.


    Make the Mad King's Clocktower mandatory for something. I don't know what, but do it.

  6. I proudly display my double moto infusions wherever I go. Occasionally I see players with the blue one, but rarely with both blue and red. I love that sweet, sweet smell of superiority. Nobody has commented on them yet even though I have had them for two years, but that's probably because they feel embarrassed to bother a superior platformer such as myself with their peasant-like attempts at conversation.

  7. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > Sure as long as they also add the ability for the client to show all mounts not summoned by you in their default skins.


    > you know, id be okay with that, give me more options to make the game less visually obnoxious.


    Yep definitely, there's a glowing pink Griffon skin that caused my pc to freeze every couple of seconds when it was visible. Bizzarre!

  8. Braham is awful, but it's not his fault. I'm sure whoever designed him as a character had the best of intentions just like all the characters in the game. GW2 has a briiliantly diverse list of characters from all walks of life, with their own agendas and stories.


    It is so unfortunate then, that the writing in the game continues to be such a monsterous let down. The characters are reduced to angsty teenage hero caricatures over and over again. We've seen it with Destiny's Edge's childish bickering. We've seen it with Taimi's constant desire to be recognised. We've seen it with Braham being a little biatch. So far the only character I haven't wanted to punch in the face over and over again is Canuck, because he does all the things I wish my character would do.

  9. If this is your first character in GW2 I would be hesitant to use the boost. Levelling up teaches you the game in a graduated fashion, whereas the boost immediately gives you tons of skills that you have no idea how to use. Save your boost for an alt, level your Rev the normal way.


    As for weapons:


    Double swords are used with berserker's stats (power, precision, ferocity, basically full offensive), they are a close combat melee style weapon designed to inflict vulnerability on your target. Swords also offer a gap closer, and a evasive attack that deals damage while making you immune to incoming attacks.


    Hammer is used with double swords for power focussed builds, it also has a couple of defensive skills.


    Mace/Axe are used for condition (damage over time) damage with a couple of ranged skills, they have no defensive utility. Condition damage spec is the revenant's highest possible damage build, but it has very little defensive utility.


    Shortbow is used with Mace/Axe for condition builds, it has one defensive skill that knocks down your opponents. Most of the other skills do AoE (area of effect) damage.


    Staff is a purely support type weapon, it has skills for blocking, interrupting, knocking back, boss break-bar destruction and healing (I think).


    Now, your choice of legend complicates things, and the general play style of the Revenant is to cycle through both legends and both weapon sets to rotate through skills while others are on cooldown. Both legends have a healing skill which means you have two heal skills, unlike other professions. Switching legends will cause certain effects, like breaking a stun and refunding energy. It is *crucial* to good Revenant play to know when to switch legends.


    A good levelling build early on would be double swords and hammer coupled with Shiro (Assassin) and Jalis (Dwarf). Your weapons have a good mix of melee and ranged attack styles with defensive utility. Your legends give you mobility and offense (Shiro) and stability (prevents knockdown) and defense (Jalis).


    As for builds and playstyles, check out the metabattle website. In a nutshell, Hammer/Staff is a good build for PvP, double swords/Hammer is a good build for PvE, for late game (raid/fractal) you will be looking at more specialized support builds using the Elite specs.

  10. > @"LordMorgul.9845" said:

    > to reneuve the game i just minded that when primordus finally wake up (becouse yes he will^^) , he will be so pissed off to wipe and burn half of tyria more than kralkatorik did ^^ this will bring the rework of the world, new lion arc, the return of the gods, ecc ecc ^^ what did u think about it?


    I think big shifts in lore and the environment are better suited to new games. My reason is, you will create a longing in players for "how things used to be". World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is a good example, afterward nothing was the same and players blamed many negative gameplay changes on "after cataclysm".

  11. They talk about making the new system easy to understand and clear to the player. And then immediately give the "elements" the completely arbitrary names "resilience", "vigilance" and "valor". It is not at all obvious why one should be weak against another, and this leads to further confusion with respect to questions of why the creatures are of a particular elemental persuasion, or exactly what colour represents "vigilance" compared to "resilience" and so on.


    ANet claim to have drawn inspiration from the likes of Monster Hunter, yet apparently didn't actually understand the system one bit.

  12. > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > Question about +1, what makes a profession that's a good +1 but not also good at any other fight situation a desireable pick? I've read a lot about how good Rev is at that role but not necessarily so good at anything else. Why wouldn't you pick a class that's generally good with fighting in any situation? Phrased another way, what's the difference between the requirements for a good +1 profession and a good 1v1 or teamfight profession?


    > It all has to do with rotating. A +1 build typically needs good mobility (often with teleports onto a target) and burst/pressure, but sacrifices some defensive ability for it. Their role is to end outnumbered fights quickly, allowing your team to hold or decap points. A duelist build has more defense and could still +1 a fight, but they would be slower to win it, and might not even get the kill if your opponent has time to kite away. Holo would be an example of a class that is good in every kind of fight, which is one of the reasons why they are considered so op.


    Thanks, that was helpful :)

  13. Question about +1, what makes a profession that's a good +1 but not also good at any other fight situation a desireable pick? I've read a lot about how good Rev is at that role but not necessarily so good at anything else. Why wouldn't you pick a class that's generally good with fighting in any situation? Phrased another way, what's the difference between the requirements for a good +1 profession and a good 1v1 or teamfight profession?

  14. > @"reapex.8546" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > > @"reapex.8546" said:

    > > > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > > > Holes? That was what bothered you about *that* instance OP? Good Lord. I was triggered by the freaking stairs that SPIRAL INTO THE WALL, and the invisible walls *everywhere*, and by just how awful a character Kasmir is, and by how pointless talking to Komir was, and by just hos generally bland the story is.

    > > > >

    > > > > The sandy bit with the puzzle was neat though.

    > > >

    > > > I don't think you what "trigger" or what a phobia means. Your use of "trigger" is not liking something. I don't hate the wall pattern, I think it looks cool. Despite my body being "triggered" by it.

    > >

    > > On the contrary, I suffer from climacophobia which is the fear of climbing steps. For me specifically it is made more intense by optical illusions, like penrose steps. Each step I climbed became more difficult with the fear of the staircase vanishing into a wall. I frequently flung my character far off the stairways for fear of encountering more impossible architecture. Komir must have wondered what the pact commander was doing, constantly throwing themselves to their death.


    > Dang, I'm sorry you have to go through that with all the stairs in the game too. How do you deal with it?


    Oh, you know. One *step* at a time!

  15. > @"reapex.8546" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > Holes? That was what bothered you about *that* instance OP? Good Lord. I was triggered by the freaking stairs that SPIRAL INTO THE WALL, and the invisible walls *everywhere*, and by just how awful a character Kasmir is, and by how pointless talking to Komir was, and by just hos generally bland the story is.

    > >

    > > The sandy bit with the puzzle was neat though.


    > I don't think you what "trigger" or what a phobia means. Your use of "trigger" is not liking something. I don't hate the wall pattern, I think it looks cool. Despite my body being "triggered" by it.


    On the contrary, I suffer from climacophobia which is the fear of climbing steps. For me specifically it is made more intense by optical illusions, like penrose steps. Each step I climbed became more difficult with the fear of the staircase vanishing into a wall. I frequently flung my character far off the stairways for fear of encountering more impossible architecture. Komir must have wondered what the pact commander was doing, constantly throwing themselves to their death.

  16. > @"Tuccos.8592" said:

    > I returned after 3 years break and i am shocked that this games combat is still based on annyoing CC on almost every PVE enemy.

    > I bought PoF played Revenant to 80.... its a finger acrobatic Class and has no mentionable stability ....

    > My Guardian has no Auto Stability like Warriors... weird... a pure Tank doesnt get it but a fighter ?


    > Sorry but all the CC NPC Enemies in this game got ist simply to much....


    > Never mind what class i play Melee i usually get knocked back a few times per fight...


    > Mesmer Elite Mirage could be fun with stability..

    > Necro Elite the same...... and all other classes too.


    > So all that is left is my GS Mesmer and my Scepter Necromancer......


    > 3-4 weeks have passed and i am already close to quit again.... what a poor sign for a game that should have improved gameplay while i was 3 years off ...


    > Give melee classes never mind which, more stability and reduce the amount of CC on all and every NPC Enemy in this game....


    > the $29.99 for PoF + HoT were fair, i had a few nice moments while exploring but thats all positiv i can say...


    > All the classes are unbalanced and weird to config.


    > GS Mesmer without any Elite just old skill lines is the best in this game...


    > Sorry for this Rant but i expected way more fun increasing improvement in 3 years than just expansions but still the same old skills and boring powers....


    > Not to forget the endless long SkillCooldowns for many powers. A simple power like a Heal or Signet with 30-60 sec cooldown in almost 2020 ?


    > I keep playing a bit but i lost the motivation to achieve anything. The landscape is nice so i explore the maps then quit again..


    > (yea no native english sorry)


    On behalf of Revenants: We're not all this bad :P

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