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Posts posted by nosleepdemon.1368

  1. > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

    > Bow is not as bad as people make it out to be. In SPvP it's really good but has to be used in a unique way that may or may not been intended.


    > Edit: I play Power Short Bow btw. Not the condition build like most assume Bow is for.


    Do tell

  2. Guys OP has a point and we really can't deny it - Renegade has some questionable design built upon the already shakey foundation that is Revenant. The profession definitely has promise but again, if you can watch the first video where they introduce the PoF elites, Renegade is the one where the developers practically stammer to explain what the point of it all is. And seriously sevenshot. Just delete it for God's sake there is no amount of rework that skill could possibly receive that would make it less stupid. You just *know* that only one person in the office liked that idea and they won't let go of it. We all get that sometimes, but please that-one-guy, just #letitgo.

  3. I just came back from a hiatus and noticed that ANet helpfully destroyed the 4/2 nightmare/trapper rune setup I had for my fractal running condi/renegade build.


    I reeeeally don't want to run CoF to replace them with Baelfire runes so...


    ...Any suggestions for something I could get off the TP instead?

  4. > @"Scoobaniec.9561" said:

    > Thats the weapon i made up by combining some skills back in 2016 (basically spear+dh lb3) and was meant to be made baseline. Either a rifle or longbow


    > 1. Sphere of Anguish - Fire a shoot towards your target. Inflict increasing durations of torment, the farther away that your foe is from you.


    > -Damage; 135 (0.45)

    > -Torment:

    > 800+ range - 5sec

    > 400-800 range - 4sec

    > 0-400 range - 3sec

    > -Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile 20%

    > -3/4 sec cast time

    > -Number of targets; 1


    > 2. Venomous Spheres - Fire three poisoned spheres towards your foe.


    > -Damage (x3): 70 (0.20)

    > -Poison: 3x, 5 sec duration

    > -Cd; 4

    > -Cast time: 1sec

    > -Pierces

    > -Number of targets: 5

    > -Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile



    > 3. Frigid Sphere - Fire a frigid sphere towards your foe deflecting projectiles on it way and chilling opponents as it pass through.


    > -Damage: 165 (0.5)

    > -Chill: 2 seconds

    > -Radius: 120

    > -Cd: 8

    > -Cast time: 1/4

    > -Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile

    > -Pierces

    > -Number of targets: 5

    > -Energy cost: 5


    > 4. Igniting Sphere - Ignite target area, burning nearby foes.


    > -Damage (x4): 125 (0.4)

    > -Burning: 2x, 2sec

    > -Radius: 240

    > -Cd; 12

    > -Cast time: 3/4

    > -Combo Field: Fire

    > -Duration; 3 seconds

    > -Pulses: 4

    > -Ground targeted

    > -Number of targets: 5

    > -Energy cost: 10





    > 5. Diabolic Eruption - Blast the ground, damaging and immobilizing your foes. Upon blasting shadowstep backward.



    > -Damage: 335 (1.0)

    > -Immobilize: 2sec

    > -Cast time: 1/2

    > -Cd: 15sec

    > -Number of targets: 5

    > -Shadowstep range: 600

    > -Combo Finisher: Blast

    > -Energy cost: 15



    > How hard it was to make something viable? Who made this potato called shortbow that is trying to act like a longbow but without the range and damage?


    In fairness that sounds worse than the shortbow :p

  5. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > If anyone ever tells you that any class isn’t invited to groups, just ignore them.


    So much this, I've seen all sorts of builds in fractals even up to t4. You should above all else choose a profession you think you will enjoy to play. GW2 relies heavily on actively avoiding attacks with dodges, blocks and evades (effectively invulnerability frames). Even heavy armour classes can get demolished swiftly if you don't use skills to cancel damage. If you are getting stuck in PoF specifically, don't be too disheartened - many of the story battles are quite chaotic and difficult. You could try adding more vitality to your stats if your meta build is heavily offense orientated, that might give you the extra hp you need to survive until your heal is off cooldown.

  6. > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > Like in wow too, people throw around reskins with reckless abandon, having no idea of using the term correctly. Skin is just a skin, different appearance with same model. Whereas the skeleton could be borrowed for another model and giving it a similar appearance.


    It triggers me, another often miss-used term is "lag". If your framerate is low, you aren't lagging, you have a low framerate. If your ping to the server is huge, then you may be lagging. Hnggg!

  7. > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

    > I'm surprised yet unsurprised at the apologists in this thread. What if the jackal, griffon, and raptor all had the same run animations? That would make them much less interesting, and would certainly not impart the sense of quality that those mounts currently do. Animations are extremely important in infusing a creature/character with its unique personality. Additionally, re-using animations for something as "in your face" as a mount (ie, a creature you're going to be staring at for hours) indicates corner cutting/a lack of investment from the studio. And we haven't even touched on the poorly "clipped" animation loop in the warclaw's run (there's a very obvious and jarring cut or jump in its run cycle).


    > This problem exists on a sliding scale. The more corners that are cut when developing content, the cheaper the game begins to feel. No, this specific corner cutting on the warclaw will not be the death of GW2, **obviously**, but over time, all the little ways that the studio cut corners begin to add up. There is no reason to defend this practice.


    Game developer here, not affiliated with ANet. It would be utterly ridiculous to *not* use an existing rig for a model with similar characteristics! It is certainly not corner cutting. Would you for example, expect the internal components of a car to be completely rebuilt from scratch on a piece by piece basis with each new yearly model? Of course not. The body work looks different, but the engine/transmission/4 wheels etc will be similar. That's a good analogy for modelling in games - the basic skeleton and animations to which the skin is attached is the same for models sharing similar characteristics. There may be occasional differences, but to rebuild a rig and its animations for each model is a waste of time and absolutely not befitting a triple A game developer, or any developer for that matter.

  8. > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > from the sound of the thread, people are using other stats than zerker in open world. Clearly power revs cant survive without survival stats.


    Might just be you bruv, the conversation here seems centered around just about everything except open world PvE. Which would make sense, since you can survive in the open world with just about any build/profession.

  9. Herald is extremely survivable so long as you aren't forced into an early legend swap. The trick is to rotate through each of your legend and weapon skills, plus dodges and heals inbetween regular attacks, then switch weapons and legends. Playing a Rev is almost hypnotic to me, there's a really neat rhythm you get going between cycling skills that I've not found with other professions except maybe Elementalist.


    However, how the shit do you solo dungeons on a power *renegade*? Inquiring minds would love a video!

  10. > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > Yeah it's a poor spec lore and weapon wise although it's fun enough in PvE. The rotation is interesting and your utility is alright as you can dole out lifesteal to team mates plus an aoe heal. The aoe breakbar demolisher is also neat. Seven shot just should not exist though, and the shortbow in general is a bit pants and "impactless" plus Kalla just doesn't do it for me as a legend. The previous elite is a frigging dragon and now we get an angry cat lady who inspired a social revolution, meh. Assuming GW2 gets another expansion I hope our next legend feels less lame, even though technically Kalla fills a niche that was missing as a PvE condition spec with group utility.


    > The power rotation is basically Sword 2 + kalla. How is that interesting? You auto attack 90% of the time because you can't really spend energy.

    > Icereazer is also single target while it could be easily cleave with so much counterplay and mediocre damage.

    > Spirits should be immune to cc or damage. They are rendered useless way too easy. Sevenshot is a total design mess. Was designed with stupid roleplay in mind.

    > Energy costs on everything are enormous.

    > Try playing renegade in fractals. Spirits are perma cc'd so often that they might not even exist in some places. Some mechanics also instakill them. A+ design. Only spend half my energy on one anyways.


    I was referring to the condition spec mace/axe and shortbow, not power. I play that spec (condi) in standard t4s, it does well enough. Spirits are quickly subdued yeah, I think that the lore got in the way of the mechanics for Kalla. The devs basically said she was a diversity hire.


    Kalla is definitely the worst of the 2nd gen elite specs, I remember when each spec was revealed in a video and the developers did not know how Kalla worked, her defining trait at the time was shooting arrows into the mists that would hit opponents from random directions. It was rather unfortunate.

  11. Yeah it's a poor spec lore and weapon wise although it's fun enough in PvE. The rotation is interesting and your utility is alright as you can dole out lifesteal to team mates plus an aoe heal. The aoe breakbar demolisher is also neat. Seven shot just should not exist though, and the shortbow in general is a bit pants and "impactless" plus Kalla just doesn't do it for me as a legend. The previous elite is a frigging dragon and now we get an angry cat lady who inspired a social revolution, meh. Assuming GW2 gets another expansion I hope our next legend feels less lame, even though technically Kalla fills a niche that was missing as a PvE condition spec with group utility.

  12. All my IRL friends quit within the first month of release. At this point I have been a part of two guilds which both died within about a year of forming. All I have left now are my one man storage guild and my sad collection of w1/w2 super adventure weapons that shall never see a complete collection, as SAB is truly dead. If I could solo it, I would get a guild hall just to sit alone amongst the pile of clouds I have earned.

  13. > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > I'm getting tired of posting opinions to the forums only to inevitably have someone say "you must be new ect. ect." Or "you must not have been playing long" and then proceed to explain to me the basic mechanics of the game as thought they are being helpful.


    > As a solution I feel like next to our user names on every post it displays the total number of in game hours played for that account across all characters, so we can see not only who has seniority when speaking but also whether someone knows what they are talking about.


    > You could even throw In total hours played from gw1 and add that to the total as well, it couldn't hurt.


    Oh the irony. To complain about being accused of noobery, only to make a suggestion that begs the question whether or not you are new to forums or internet discussion :P


    How would showing the number of hours played validate your or anyone else's opinion? All that's going to do is cause more elitism.

  14. > @"zionophir.6845" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

    > > > indeed. it is not arcdps, but the users of arcdps.

    > >

    > > Touche! But as mentioned, probably #notallusers.


    > yeah. a gun, by itself, can't do sh@t. give that to a morally upright and responsible owner, he'll use it accordingly and most likely, sparingly. but give that to an effin you know what, cnn will have another news..


    Let's not go down that path :p most guns are designed to kill things, all DPS metres kill is one's pride.

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