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Posts posted by nosleepdemon.1368

  1. Rev has escape and mobility skills dotted around, the trouble is most aren't on the same bar. The trick with Rev is building a ryhthm of skill uses that don't cycle so quickly that you end up running out of things to do. To survive you will want to weave in every sort of evasive, healing and damage mitigation effect. So for example sword only has skill 3, so maybe you want to dodge first, then sword 3, then maybe use Shiro 2 or 4 next while your endurance recharges before considering if you need to switch to another legend or weapon set. As long as you don't accidentally burn your energy, endurance and weapon swap, you will usually have some skill or other to help evade attacks with.

  2. If Taimi did die, that would probably be the one episode that I get all of the achievements for. I'm not big on repeating story, especially when it comes in MMORPG quotation marks, however to witness that little shark toothed wretch draw her last breath would be the kind of music to my ears that could never grow stale.

  3. It was the only zone even remotely challenging to explore. You do need to be a little careful there and pick the path you are going to travel instead of wondering aimlessly, but it's an interesting challenge. Combat is especially fun, you need to reset the lightning timer periodically by entering cover or mounting briefly. The whole place reminds me of Orr before the nerf - step wisely!

  4. I wouldn't say it's totally broken, but stealth in GW2 is very flakey with its implementation. Usually you expect a stealth based class to maintain stealth before an initial attack, but to then be unable to re-enter stealth without significant effort or until the fight is over. In GW2 stealth is relatively short lived, but there are a bajillion ways to enter it and latency issues that usually affect stealth seriously double down on the rage level in this game. Not sure what the solution is, maybe moving in stealth under combat quickly increases the likelihood that you are seen? Maybe players afflicted by bleed or other conditions leave footsteps? Who knows.

  5. As much as I love this game and find the majority of players to be very pleasant indeed to play with, the issue of DPS metres irks me. Why do people care if their damage is measured or not? It's not some great personal secret being revealed, nobody is secretly filming you in the shower or whatever.


    Your DPS reveals nothing more about you other than whether or not you are actually as good a player as you say or think you are.


    The real issue isn't "toxicity" imo, it's the revelation of Awkward Truths. Nobody likes to actually have to walk the walk after they talk the talk.


    In another game I play - Mechwarrior Online, a recent patch added a 1v1 and 2v2 duelist mode. Oh man, did that ruffle some feathers. Suddenly, a lot of "pro" forum players began complaining very loudly about how the mode "wasn't fun" and that it "encourages toxic play" etc etc. What they actually meant was that the big ol' number on their stats screen that never went above 1500 was a nasty truism about just how good they *really* were.


    Sometimes, the truth stings :P

  6. I'd do LA again, only properly this time - turn the whole area into a smoldering crater of glass and bone. You could get some neat effects in there, and even have a few quest hearts revolving around providing aid to the survivors afflicted with radiation sickness. Naturally, you wouldn't be able to save them, only ease their suffering as their bodies melt and rot from the inside out.


    Then we could all move to a proper city, like Divinity's Reach.

  7. Ah you must be new here. Revenant doesn't get "choice" in the same way that other classes do. Technically it is feasible to run Shiro without swords, but the only reason you would do so is if melee would get you killed. Hammer and staff are basically your options, and really staff is your utility weapon so as the reply above said so succinctly: Your choice is the hammer :P

  8. On the contrary, the two guilds I am part of invited me when I joined their dungeon / fractal run as a +1. I've seen a few people QQ in fractals and quit, but usually (not always) they end up being the bad apples and once we find a new player, we end up clearing a lot faster.


    Now gold runs in dungeons back in the day, that was a fucking cock sucker of a toxic shit hole holy Christ. I don't miss doing those!

  9. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > This stuff always makes me wonder wtkitten is going on inside people's heads. Obviously, if you are wanting to re-release *insert rare item here* you recolour it somehow, to avoid situations like this.


    > Situations like what? a small portion of the game that *LUCKY* in being close to an event, or lucky enough to *BUY* a code for the item shortly after the event ended? cause thats how you got this item before this promotion being upset that no *everyone* has the chance to get it *IF* they can get through the piece of crap program to get the codes, of which i spent *TWO* days trying to do before finally get it, thats more dedication than being lucky enough to live close enough to be able to go an event.

    > You didnt do *anything* prestigious to get the shirt, its not like they gave this to every player who pre ordered the base game like the GW2 baseball cap, if they had id agree with you.


    You are right - I didn't do anything special to get the shirt. In fact, I don't even own the shirt. I just respect the value people place on items like it and don't take particular glee in trampling over that. A recolour of the shirt to make it distinct would be perfectly fine - everybody would win... Except I get the impression that perhaps this wouldn't satisfy you, given that you appear to loathe the idea of people having something you cannot obtain, even if the only difference is a splash of colour.

  10. The Redragon Perdition is a good budget mouse with a ton of side buttons. I use its Korean Knockoff by uTechSmart (both mice available on Amazon) for all my gaming including GW2. The side buttons are absoutely essential, and work very well. I have them keyed for utility skills and mount/dismount, anything that doesn't require aiming (I find that hitting side buttons knocks my aim slightly).

  11. > @"aimz.6287" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > I've mained Rev since HoT. Dunno why, since I used to play Warrior and Spellbreaker is pretty cool, but Rev still wins out and Herald is my favourite spec. Being a damage dealing support character is such an interesting role, I'm glad that concept is alive and about to get some well deserved attention.


    > I’m thinking that the new herald spec is gonna be more support than dps but will maintain some good dps stil but I feel like we are definitely looking at less dps


    I agree, let's hope they find a good compromise.

  12. It may be different now, but Rev was a complete pig to level as Herald or Renegade are/were more or less mandatory. I suppose that goes for other classes too though, in that no class is particularly complete with only half its talents.


    I picked Rev as I enjoy being able to put out boons to my team mates as well as dealing damage, which wasn't a thing back when I mained my Warrior before HoT.


    In terms of gameplay style, I find the "easy to learn, hard to master" rhythm of switching weapon sets and legends to be particularly entertaining. One lives or dies as a Rev by deciding when to flip one or both bars - switching early grants you access to That Skill You Need, but it can also cancel auras/effects/etc and fail to trigger on swap effects that were on cool down. You also lose energy you had yet to spend if you are flipping legends.

  13. I've mained Rev since HoT. Dunno why, since I used to play Warrior and Spellbreaker is pretty cool, but Rev still wins out and Herald is my favourite spec. Being a damage dealing support character is such an interesting role, I'm glad that concept is alive and about to get some well deserved attention.

  14. Don't think I ever got kicked from a group playing Herald, are you absolutely sure you weren't actually getting him killed? Social Awkwardness is a rage favourite of mine, I can't count how often I have taken chunks out of myself when one of my group members has run passed me midway through an AA chain.

  15. Getting Bolt, my Sunless Sword from Tequatl or completing my motos red/blue infusions after finishing w2z3 on Trib for the 16th time. SAB definitely requires more skill than the other moments, but Tequatl might well be my fave as I was immediately able to shove my new glowing black sword into everyone's rage faces :)

  16. I keep meaning to come back and finish PoF, but the problem I always had with GW2 was that the story never did anything much for me. The vanilla game and HoT are/were similar in that the world feels more like something to explore, and the "story" is pieced together from various quest hearts, set pieces and events. The personal story was alright, up to the formation of Destiny's Edge. PoF unfortunately brings writing fully to the fore with its scripted missions, and it's just kind of gross. MMOs in their absence of decent story telling tend to be about the M part for me, so when I play GW2 I almost always play events or fractals where I find other players to have a good time with.

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