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Posts posted by nosleepdemon.1368

  1. > @"Azara.8023" said:

    > > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > > > @"Azara.8023" said:

    > > > The worst thing ive been called i dont care to repeat here. Ill just say when people find out your trans you tend to get a ton of hate mail and death threats for no reason. i tend to just laugh and report them though because anet bans people for that crap.

    > >

    > > There's a trans guild called 'SIS', if you care to join. (They already banned me for making a joke about 'kitten charges.' XD)


    > Thats ok i have some good guilds im in. Thank you though. i just kept seeing all the the very minor stuff people keep saying and then saying insults are rare in this game when i know first hand they are not. if anything id almost argue that its worse here than other games ive played.


    Oof, I wouldn't say gw2 is quite that bad, for a start there's no voice comms so that by itself pushes gw2 below every multiplayer console fps ever created.

  2. > @"Wisty.4135" said:

    > **Again, don't do these in ranked!**


    > What do you guys play to have a little non-serious fun in an unranked PVP match?


    > My personal favorite is the "Red Light Warrior" - no one moves, no one has fun.


    > Build:

    > *Mace/Shield, Hammer

    > *[Heal], Bull's charge, Stomp, [utility], [Elite]

    > *Paladin's Amulet

    > *Damage Runes

    > *Shield blocks reflect, burst mastery recharge, physical skill mastery/peak performance, damage buff on burst use. The rest of your traits can suit your needs


    > Fun because 1v1's amd 2v1's are usually quite favorable. If you catch someone, the amount of CC eats all their stunbreaks with plenty left to lock them down. Correct rotation of CC ensures a CC is always off CD so the fun never stops! Hit them, keep them down, noodle them with those dank 1k crits until they're downed (perfectly tenderized).


    > * Not quite as easily kited due to shield bash, bull, and hammer burst. But still kiteable. Mesmers are the hardest to fight typically because clones tend to eat CC. Otherwise, it's a "skill" matchup in most cases.


    > So yeah! That's a quickie on my favorite build, but what do **you** like to play to unwind in unranked?



    This actually was my build back when I played, it was fantastic fun. If I was with friends I would plus one to capture points and bog the other team's players right down in a long, inescapable and inevitable fight. On my own, I would bunker up and try to get as many players as possible to waste time on me. This usually worked well as the build was so ridiculously frustrating to fight against that folk would get tunnel vision on me. In the mean time, they would be getting decapped elsewhere. IIRC, I had the same weapons, and had healing power plus the shouts heal trait. God it was fun.

  3. > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > > > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > > > ITT: Drama Queens. To state that the developers completely misunderstand their own game is either ignorant, spiteful or both. Developing video games is a very complex, time consuming and personal life eroding undertaking. Granted, Arena Net seem to not suffer from EASpouseitis, but the folk there probably most definitely put in a great deal of extra work to bring us the game. Sure there are issues, but keep in mind that whilst you see the entirety of GW2 as taking place in your own little niche experience, the developers have to consider the entirety of the game as much as possible. Also don't be a dink.

    > > >

    > > > The profession balance team is only charged with dealing with a very small subset of the labor and complexity of actually creating content.

    > > >

    > > > It's not that there's a lack of talent at creating the content itself but simply that the game design is horrible. It's why I never complain about content creation speed. It's difficult and complicated. Game design, though? That's really not that difficult, especially when tweaking numbers. Game engines are super easy to make these types of changes to, and these glaringly broken design ideas should have never made it to the live game.

    > > >

    > > > Having taken the time to design a spec in full, including number-crunching on skills, DPS rotations, etc., it doesn't take very long, and isn't very hard. A few spreadsheets and points of reference and you can do pretty well. With ANet's game engine, I could probably implement a balanced elite spec in a few weekends based on the proposals I've made and what I know from working in Gamebryo and Unity. Animations and sprites which I can only make primitive versions of are handled by professional animators and artists, anyways that aren't the profession devs. These guys are just either deliberately screwing their game over or are just completely detached from the realities of the state of it.

    > >

    > > Ah, well. If you're a *Unity* developer then you clearly know a fair bit about developing games, especially games like Guild Wars 2 with its multitude of game modes and systems and the many ways these systems can interact with one another. Clearly, the simpletons in charge of designing game mechanics from which all other interactions are derived simply fail to understand how to build a game. If only you, with your gamebryo design skills could be allowed to spend a meagre couple of weekends rebuilding the terrible state of the game, everything would probably be much better.


    > ITT: People with zero experience making assumptions about the video game industry and mocking people who have worked in the MMO industry firsthand and actually have developer experience who are criticizing legitimate design failures of a AAA company.


    > For real, changing professions is very likely a lot easier than you think lol. Unless their engine is designed in a horrible way, which given how technologically-competent this staff is, I'm doubting. A couple form changes, maybe some code tweaks to a few methods to apply effects or damage by adjusting some parameters, and then the animation work is really all that's needed in a lot of cases here. There are a few glaring changes that should be made, but even still, most of the effort would need to come from animations which should be done by an animations/art team rather than gameplay designers which do a ton of analytics and number-crunching.


    > C'mon dude. Just give it up. The professions team is failing this game no matter how you spin it. And if they're stretched thin doing other work, ANet's management is screwing them, screwing the game, and if they haven't seen that by now, then this game and possibly their whole franchise is over in the not-too-distant future.


    You made an MMO with Unity? I'm sure that's not the case but if you did, I'm not sure if I should shake your hand or shake my head. You do, however, seem to be utterly convinced of your skills, so my only suggestion to your AAA brilliance would be to go ahead and redesign the professions if you haven't done so already, and post them onto the forums. I look forward to reading your suggestions and shall assume that they are - naturally, correct on the first pass.

  4. > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > ITT: Drama Queens. To state that the developers completely misunderstand their own game is either ignorant, spiteful or both. Developing video games is a very complex, time consuming and personal life eroding undertaking. Granted, Arena Net seem to not suffer from EASpouseitis, but the folk there probably most definitely put in a great deal of extra work to bring us the game. Sure there are issues, but keep in mind that whilst you see the entirety of GW2 as taking place in your own little niche experience, the developers have to consider the entirety of the game as much as possible. Also don't be a dink.


    > The profession balance team is only charged with dealing with a very small subset of the labor and complexity of actually creating content.


    > It's not that there's a lack of talent at creating the content itself but simply that the game design is horrible. It's why I never complain about content creation speed. It's difficult and complicated. Game design, though? That's really not that difficult, especially when tweaking numbers. Game engines are super easy to make these types of changes to, and these glaringly broken design ideas should have never made it to the live game.


    > Having taken the time to design a spec in full, including number-crunching on skills, DPS rotations, etc., it doesn't take very long, and isn't very hard. A few spreadsheets and points of reference and you can do pretty well. With ANet's game engine, I could probably implement a balanced elite spec in a few weekends based on the proposals I've made and what I know from working in Gamebryo and Unity. Animations and sprites which I can only make primitive versions of are handled by professional animators and artists, anyways that aren't the profession devs. These guys are just either deliberately screwing their game over or are just completely detached from the realities of the state of it.


    Ah, well. If you're a *Unity* developer then you clearly know a fair bit about developing games, especially games like Guild Wars 2 with its multitude of game modes and systems and the many ways these systems can interact with one another. Clearly, the simpletons in charge of designing game mechanics from which all other interactions are derived simply fail to understand how to build a game. If only you, with your gamebryo design skills could be allowed to spend a meagre couple of weekends rebuilding the terrible state of the game, everything would probably be much better.

  5. Wait, hold on. I'm not sure what this is in reference to, but I must say I'm somewhat offended. You people (or cat or dog kin) are making a *gendered* distinction between deities, but what if a deity prefers to remain gender neutral? I think we should change all reference of God to Gherd, the gender neutral pronoun.

  6. > @"Quarktastic.1027" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > Did the condi nerf really wreck Renegades that hard? Pre nerf I was usually first or second in damage done. That's a little disheartening if true!


    > Renegades went from second best condi DPS to roughly 6th in the pack. The biggest hit was the nerf to echoing eruption and lasting legacy, but those came before the condi patch. Revenants still got hit the hardest by the condi patch though. Most of our main condi applying traits had their stacks nerfed, including venom enhancement and abyssal chill. We used to have a pretty short ramp up time, but it feels significantly longer to me now. I find that I have to blow more skills to kill trash mobs as fast as I used to with just UA+mace 2/3.


    Ah, perfect. Good to know all that time spent farming Viper's trinkets was worth it.

  7. Hmm well I haven't played since the patch, but generally the Herald doesn't have great condition removal, and we tend to be on the squishy end of the heavy armour wearing class scale, so you will want to get some vitality with your zerker gear (i.e. Marauders).


    I think zerk/marauders Hammer is probably still popular? You can use it from the backline or somewhere not immediately within melee range and it will do decent damage. Staff also used to be a goto backup weapon because of its block and surge of the mists. Although I used to run swords and a hammer personally, as I was terrible at landing surge.


    You will want to run with a group, where Herald's buffs give you the most bang for your buck, and also because it is rather difficult to roam with a Rev.


    This could all be rubbish since the patch though, sooo don't go investing gold into a hammer zerk build until you have tried it out in exotics or whatever and are satisfied it's worth using.

  8. OP seems to imply guys playing as female characters is somehow weird and creepy, by virtue of being worried that her one male character and oodles of female characters might "give her away" as being one of "those guys". Welp, m'lady, I only play female characters in gw2 as each of my other characters in every rpg I have ever played is a dude. I'm 95% certain I'm only creepy when I wish to be.


    It's 2018 sweetheart, nobody cares what the person behind the mesmer in silver underwear looks like.

  9. ITT: Drama Queens. To state that the developers completely misunderstand their own game is either ignorant, spiteful or both. Developing video games is a very complex, time consuming and personal life eroding undertaking. Granted, Arena Net seem to not suffer from EASpouseitis, but the folk there probably most definitely put in a great deal of extra work to bring us the game. Sure there are issues, but keep in mind that whilst you see the entirety of GW2 as taking place in your own little niche experience, the developers have to consider the entirety of the game as much as possible. Also don't be a dink.

  10. Yep got to love modern concept artwork. Layer a load of crap from iStockPhoto and clone away, you'll be done before lunch. Most of the time they can't even be bothered to get the perspective right, I suppose you aren't supposed to glean anything useful from the image.

  11. > @"Genesis.5169" said:

    > > @"Crossaber.8934" said:

    > > There should not be a condition build that able to heavy load damage for trash foe credit, while also doing more damage over time on long fight. Especailly with all the aoe condition spam and tanky condition gear, right?

    > >

    > > Pve foe should start to learn condition removal and apply resistance every 10 sec or so.


    > I think its about time you and the others who cry for condition nerfs to tell us what you really want. The utter removal and/or nerfing to the point of viability of condition damage.


    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > I think that a pure condition build may indeed not work super well for content where mobs die quickly. That's not necessarily a problem that's going to be the nail in the coffin for condition builds though. The game allows you to switch builds, weapons and armour quickly, and mix stats in many different ways. Players could always bring more attack power loaded builds and equipment for short encounters.


    > Best case scenario is to stop using condition damage in arguably half of gw2?


    > You can't be serious this isn't a solution.


    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > I think that a pure condition build may indeed not work super well for content where mobs die quickly. That's not necessarily a problem that's going to be the nail in the coffin for condition builds though. The game allows you to switch builds, weapons and armour quickly, and mix stats in many different ways. Players could always bring more attack power loaded builds and equipment for short encounters.


    > > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > Funny when I tried running condi engi back in the day I had no trouble taging mobs.

    > > Maybe it was because most skill that inflict conditions actually apply direct damage at the same time?

    > > Or maybe I was just that good....


    > I have your answer its called the flamethrower and its one of the best taging weapons in the game...


    Good Lord what are you talking about?

  12. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > I think that a pure condition build may indeed not work super well for content where mobs die quickly. That's not necessarily a problem that's going to be the nail in the coffin for condition builds though. The game allows you to switch builds, weapons and armour quickly, and mix stats in many different ways. Players could always bring more attack power loaded builds and equipment for short encounters.


    > Without build templates anet can make game even more annoying this way.


    Yes it certainly adds more work.

  13. I think that a pure condition build may indeed not work super well for content where mobs die quickly. That's not necessarily a problem that's going to be the nail in the coffin for condition builds though. The game allows you to switch builds, weapons and armour quickly, and mix stats in many different ways. Players could always bring more attack power loaded builds and equipment for short encounters.

  14. People often confuse latency and framerate, frequently complaining about "graphics latency" which is unhelpful. Freezing and stuttering is caused by your graphics card and hard drive not being up to the task of transferring and processing large amounts of data. E.g. Textures. Latency on the other hand is independent of frame rate, and is caused by a slow connection to Arena Net's servers. Keep in mind that as latency and framerate are not mutually exclusive, you may well be experiencing both problems at the same time.

  15. > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > @maddoctor.2738 said:

    > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > > it's a valid point, Your logic is that I should play the persuasion game with elitists or pair up with a bunch of noobies that have no chance of success because there are no alternatives to raid difficulty?

    > > >

    > >

    > > No it's not a valid point. Every "elitist" out there started by playing with a bunch of "noobies", as you call them, because they were "noobies" themselves.

    > > What you are asking here is for a way for those "noobie" players to be accepted into groups of "elitists" because -reasons-. That's never going to happen.

    > > If you had the skill as you say to join the "elitists", you'd join them, what exactly is preventing you?


    > Really? How do I join them? Send them telepathy that tells them I'm a good player? I mean I announced it on here verbally and look at the reaction I got. Also there is no way to show any of these people my skill because I can't even get into a raid to show them, due to elitism.


    I imagine one effective method would be to dry your eyes, and then when you're feeling a bit better, try joining a raiding guild looking to recruit new players. I must admit, it's a little difficult to empathise with you here, the answer to your problems was presented fairly swiftly.

  16. I didn't read your post OP, I was gonna, but it's long. Look, in short anything a dungeon can do, fractals can do better. They are just a way more convenient and fun way to do the whole dungeon thing. Plus they have a reward structure already setup, and a neat little tier system that enables reuse of the same levels with just a few tweaks to their mechanics. Dungeons are way too 2012.

  17. > @Rawr.9467 said:

    > Guys let's face it - they just don't want to. There's no point in repeatedly requesting the same thing. We all want it. There's no valid excuse to not have it. The only reason we don't is cos it's likely a lot of work for them that they don't have the time for or it want to invest time in it.


    I don't want it, because you finally remove any distinction between different armour classes. It's bad enough that we have these hideous outfits that exude cheap and tacky auras, let's not remove the last bastion of identity from armour weight, purely in the name of being able to wear a pair of clogs with a bladed chest piece.

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