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Posts posted by nosleepdemon.1368

  1. > @Ashantara.8731 said:

    > > @Fluffypuppy.8265 said:

    > > As others have said finishing the funerary armor collections gives you one full set of exotic gear and unlocks it at a vendor to buy. The vendor also sells exotic amulet, ring, and accessory (no back piece) with griever stats but none of the trinkets have upgrade slots, which I am guessing is unintended. The vendor also sells weapons but I think you have to complete all of the armor collections before you can buy them. I think all weapons are available except scepter, didn't see it in the list.


    > Again, what about the **once craftable** (!) insignia and inscription (that have been nerfed)?? How do I acquire those???


    > I don't care about exotic sets, I want insigniae and inscriptions to change my ascended stats in the Mystic Forge.


    Well gee I guess the other players didn't spell it out for you? It looks like ANet don't want people stat shifting their ascended gear that easily.

  2. > @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

    > > @Crossaber.8934 said:

    > > I have seen 2 condi mesmer wiped a 5+ man party in wvw, i have seen 1 core thief killed 3 players in wvw, i have seen a lot more of these.

    > >

    > > What is your point again?

    > >

    > > Spellbreaker is strong in good hands that is no argue about it, so as every other classes, player with skill can make very huge differences, 2 good rangers can wiped 5 weak players on point. Doesn't make ranger OP. Learn to adapt.


    > Different story: 1 spellbreaker starting dueling with another spellbreaker. They were fighting for like 30min (I timed it) do you know what happened? Nothing. They couldn't kill each other. NOTHING.

    > Different story: Group of 6 hunting down a spellbreaker. He killed us all.

    > Different story: Group of 5 hunting down a spellbreaker. He killed us all.

    > Different story: 1 spellbreaked dueling a daredevil and a reaper. He killed both


    > Don't just pretend you don't know that spellbreaker is as op as the scourge. At least be honest jeez.


    Let me guess; you all went melee range in a nice tight group and spammed attack and died?

  3. > @Cyninja.2954 said:

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_trinket


    > Mix and match LW Season 3 aquisition via different maps for fastest result. Winterberrys can be farmed with multiple characters per day (buy the teleport scroll to Bitterfrost and teleport each character you have there). You make around 1.7-1.8k per character running through the winterberry forest.


    Brilliant, I'll send my alts on a winter vacation. This will do nicely; sounds like with a couple of alts doing this I'll have the trinkets in a few weeks, thanks!

  4. > @meeflak.9714 said:

    > You didn't put what game mode you play mostly, but if you raid you can just craft the exotic set of trinkets and buy the ascended over time with mag shards. Really unless you need them for AR the exotic set will hold up just fine


    Ah poop, I did forget that. It's for fractals so I do need the AR. If I do raiding though I will bear this in mind, cheers.

  5. What's the best way to acquire Viper's jewelry?


    I think it's only purchaseable from LS3 vendors in which case, I need about 20k unbound magic (the fragments I can just get with karma, I have a *lot* of karma). I have 4k UM from just rushing through the LS3 missions and taking part in events whenever I happen to run into them, but 16k to go seems like a lot without any sort of strategy.


    I'm going for a Rev condi build, and I think Viper's stats is best in slot for that?

  6. > @BattleRattle.5420 said:

    > > @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

    > > The "swap" bit is important. I can mount/dismount with a mouse button, but I still need to select between different mounts, which is a royal pain in the kitten. Why couldn't they just implement a wheel or something for quick selection? Hold your mouse in place to select the same mount, or move it to a quadrant to change. Seriously, it's 2017.


    > He meant you can keybind each mount individually, and pressing any mount keybind will dismount you from your current mount. It's surprising how many havn't realised that yet, guess they should have been more clear about that.


    Oh perfect, thanks! I'll bind them to shift + a movement direction.

  7. > @Jimmus.2083 said:

    > > @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

    > > "I was reminded about how much fun this game actually is to play when you are not roaming a wasteland devoid of players, constantly trying to click a 32x32 pixel

    > > swap mount button just to get around."


    > Come on, you can remap your keys so that you don't have to click to mount/dismount at all. I have mine mapped to a mouse key, and unused Function (F1-F12 keys) keys. My major gripe is the aggro distance and enemy numbers/level (Veterans every six feet, anyone?).


    The "swap" bit is important. I can mount/dismount with a mouse button, but I still need to select between different mounts, which is a royal pain in the ass. Why couldn't they just implement a wheel or something for quick selection? Hold your mouse in place to select the same mount, or move it to a quadrant to change. Seriously, it's 2017.

  8. I think that stuff is coming, sounds like they wanted to get a lot of new environments into the game that they could build off of, instead of perfecting just a few maps. In their AMA they state that while map wide metas weren't the focus, they are looking at offering more substantial rewards for participation in the ones that exist. I tend to agree with you though, map wide metas and map wide coordination amongst players really makes a difference. You can have "deep and meeningful exploration" AND an environment that actually feels alive. As far as I'm concerned this expansion was a swing and a miss. Last night I went and did some factals, nothing too hefty, just some T3s. I was reminded about how much fun this game actually is to play when you are not roaming a wasteland devoid of players, constantly trying to click a 32x32 pixel swap mount button just to get around. If or when ANet decide to release a new expansion, I will not be prepurchasing it.

  9. > @Burtnik.5218 said:

    > What if i told you that originally renegade was supposed to use greatsword? Rytlock is using gs, the icon seems to be closer to gs than bow..

    > Honestly i have no idea how they could place 5 "well" skills on Kalla. Its like equipping 5 gyros for scrapper.. it just wont work at all, whoever designed this spec was completely disconnected from the profession and the game.


    They stated in the AMA that their choice of legend was based on Kalla starting a cultural revolution amongst the Charr, and also to equalise gender parity amongst existing legends. Sooo yeah. Forget useful skills, Kalla is the diversity hire, folks. And in true form, has the lowest ranking in the "my favourite Elite" poll.

  10. > @Akihara.7061 said:

    > > @Reverence.6915 said:

    > > What, you think every commander out there started out as NUMBA WAN BEST L33T HAX0R COMMANDER EVAR?

    > >

    > > Everyone starts out as a scrub


    > lol seriously no comment. well maybe bcoz im a girl, and i dont have any self confident or etc. OR i need someone to lead? hahaha :p


    Nobody needs someone to lead. It's just easier that way. Tag up and make a mess of it, you will get better with practice. Tell your team mates you are new and would appreciate advice, start off with a small squad focussing on specific objectives. For instance, maybe you go after unguarded camps on some sort of rotation. By the way, the best leaders tend to be the reluctant ones; they are more willing to listen to others and are not married to "their way" of doing things.

  11. > @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

    > > @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

    > >PoF sadly tends to have neither.


    > Just because you state an opinion as fact doesn't automatically make it true. Nice try though.




    Refute my claim, then. What does PoF do better with respect to HoT? It's a step backward in most ways.


    Mounts? Gliding accomplished this in a much more concise and intelligent way. Requiring updrafts to maintain altitude allowed designers to better control which areas were reachable without resorting to solid transparent walls.


    Exploration? Gliding allowed the designers to take the almost unprecented route of making areas expansive both horizontally and vertically. PoF is a literal step backward in this regard.


    What about story? They are both nonsensical, badly voice acted and offer little choice for the player. PoF *does* bring back choice in dialogue, but HoT has by *far* the better introduction. A point to PoF I suppose.


    Replayability? This is the big one. Map wide co-operative multi-stage events, with a definite success/fail scenario awarding rare armour and materials v.s. ... Bounty trains? Are there actually any map wide meta event chains in PoF? Maybe I have missed them. The doppelganger event is fun.


    It's absolutely possible to have engaging content with worthwhile rewards. Maybe you like endlessly blowing away shotgun zombie marines in Brutal DooM, and that's as engaging as things need to be for you, but PoF is remarkably reserved compared to HoT in almost every way other than omgmounts. The funny thing is the maps aren't even that "big". They are physically larger, but that's a moot point because traversal is quicker too, and almost trivially easy.

  12. > @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

    > I think that people rushing through the PoF content and expecting "epic loots lol XD" rather than taking their time and having fun are going to think and claim the latest content as "dead".


    > From the posts I read it seems what the people complaining want are more Silverwastes-like maps where the end goal is all about loot. Maybe it's because I'm an older gamer (35) but when I started playing video games it was to _have fun._ I still live by that philosophy. I don't need a carrot dangling from a stick to play a game like Guild Wars 2. I can also make my own goals if I want something to do. If what I'm playing isn't fun, I'll go play something else, whether it be temporary or a permanent withdraw from the game I'm not having fun with.


    > I still play classic Doom to this day and it's my favorite game franchise of all time (yes, even beating out Guild Wars/2). There's no loot to chase after. I play it because _it's fun._ It's engaging. It holds my interest. I do get burned out though and I do take breaks from it but I always come back to it. I don't know why people can't just...take a break instead of declaring that something is "dead" like they think they became some kind of expert curator on content overnight.


    > If Guild Wars 2 - any part of it - isn't engaging or fun for you, then by all means take a break from the game. The great thing about it is that there's no sub fee so you can hop back in whenever you want. However, don't say that the content provided is "dead" and expect to be taken seriously, especially when there's evidence to the contrary.


    When you started gaming it was to earn points to beat the scoreboard and to receive a new life at 50k, until Elite dared to challenge that. Pretty much all games have a carrot on the end of the stick to keep the player interested, the only difference nowadays is that the exact required length of the stick and size and colour of the carrot is known to a much higher degree of accuracy. I rarely see other players on the PoF maps, and I'm getting map completion on them fairly methodically. Perhaps they are all farming elsewhere but by comparisson, the HoT maps have always been lively. Contrary to popular opinion you can have engaging content AND good rewards that keeps people coming back, PoF sadly tends to have neither. There are a couple of nice vistas though, so... Yay?

  13. Absolutely 100% Heart of Thorns. PoF is just trifling in comparison. HoT introduced a travel mechanic that required skill, and introduced a new style of map design that has never been superceded. PoF introduced mounts, which pidgeon hole designers, require large maps, and require the player to switch between three mounts constantly to achieve the SAME THING as pressing space and aiming at up-drafts did in HoT. PoF is so generic it's almost painful. Compare the opening scene of HoT vs PoF if you dare. HoT immediately throws you into a seemingly hopeless situation, with major characters missing, possibly dead. Your armarda is doomed and your soldiers are dying all around you. What happens in PoF? You stop for a fucking picnic. And then you help some refugees because omgpoliticalstatement. Jesus.

  14. > @synergy.5809 said:

    > > @Kidel.2057 said:

    > > The expansion is not only what you get at launch. We've already seen it with HoT.

    > >


    > oh no......


    That's right chum! New and riveting adventures with Taimi "Deus Ex McGuffina" are but a couple of weeks away!

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