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Posts posted by nosleepdemon.1368

  1. > @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

    > > @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

    > > > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

    > > > By the six, its terrible enough this artition of content even exists. I would pay anwt to stop wasting resources and spend the recources on actual festive content.

    > > > Sab gliders, capture sounds in wvw, i feel a stab in my soul every time someone sells their soul to sab

    > >

    > > And this right here is why I have my glider, mini princess mia, both infusions, all my weapons skinned, and never fail to play one of my boomboxes every moment I get the chance to. Just because one is crap at jumping does not mean one should hate upon those, who can actually play :)


    > Or have zero artistic taste.


    Or perhaps you are not very welcoming of minis that role play as something other than their biologically assigned gender?

  2. > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

    > By the six, its terrible enough this artition of content even exists. I would pay anwt to stop wasting resources and spend the recources on actual festive content.

    > Sab gliders, capture sounds in wvw, i feel a stab in my soul every time someone sells their soul to sab


    And this right here is why I have my glider, mini princess mia, both infusions, all my weapons skinned, and never fail to play one of my boomboxes every moment I get the chance to. Just because one is crap at jumping does not mean one should hate upon those, who can actually play :)

  3. > @Buran.3796 said:

    > I was having a neat experience using mace + axe + short bow condi Renegade for open world content until I decided to try to solo some champions from the bounty hunter quest. I did a couple of attempts in the first map with my power herald but died/run out of time after wearing out ~50% of the HP from the champion (with a PvP build and no food). Then I tried the same with the condi Renegade and was barely able to dent a ~35% before dying.


    > The problem is that albeit mace + axe damage output surpasses the sword (specially vs multiple foes) those weapons lack defensive skills, so you end swaping to either short bow (for fighting at range) or staff (to parry or cc). In both cases you will lose a lot of dps, so my feeling is that for really dangerous foes power Herald is still the better choice (better sustain leads to better sustained damage, because you aren't constantly struggling for your life). The short bow is also particulary weak vs some of those champs due their properties vs ranged attacks.


    Even in fractals I find myself going down a lot. It's frustrating how few active defense skills you have as a Renegade. As in, you have zero. Lol.

  4. > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > Is that the one that shoots like 4 or so arrows in one direction and like barely hits anything and barely does damage?


    It's actually seven shots. It's sort of in the name there. With that said, it's so buggy that I wouldn't be surprised if it consistently only fired four shots for some people.

  5. > @Meestercat.2748 said:

    > > @Alatar.7364 said:

    > > > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

    > > > I'd like to see a version of signets, in which the passive does not go on cooldown. I think some class has a trait for it, elementalist maybe?

    > > > Would need some rework, but i would reaaally love it. Tuning needs to be down then of course.

    > >

    > > There is a Profession that has it, but I totally forgot which one. My bet is on Guardian or Warrior.


    > I’m pretty sure it’s Warrior.




    It's not.

  6. > @Geisterlicht.6083 said:

    > I generally use legendary rarity backpacks for cosmetic infusions.

    > That way i can change the combinations without extractors and i am not bound to a specific armorweight.

    > The drawback is, that i can only combine two different infusions at a time, but thats perfectly fine with me, since it quickly gets to the point where the pixel fiesta is too much for me.


    Oh, of course! I don't know how that slipped my mind. I've even been farming for ad-infinitum. Thanks man!

  7. The problem: You are a super cool dude/dudette with a totally bodacious infusion with a unique aura that you want everyone to see, but you also have different sets of equipment with different stats.


    I'm talking Moto's Red and Blue infusion levels of cool. The kind of effect only the best of the best at slamming their heads against a brick wall repeatedly can obtain.


    But where oh where do you equip your infusion(s)? It seems I am forever doomed to pay an extraction fee each time I flip to a different stat set, or perhaps the ultimate solution, is to make a legendary trinket.

  8. > @BrokenGlass.9356 said:

    > Thanks for the hijacking. Was hoping for serious discussion. But.... Apparently I had bad ideas. It's cool.


    You are right, perhaps it really is a good idea to give a ranged weapon damage dealing potential on par with melee weapons, and to load it with some handy CC as well.

  9. > @Redfeather.6401 said:

    > > @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

    > > 2. Make torment explode pet


    > Do you mean mini pet? Cuz that would be cool.


    Torment should stack exponentially in damage, and should be transmissable via proximity. Dismissing your pet should not be able to clear torment, as this allows hunters to avoid their pets taking the damage.

  10. 1. Increase damamge by a further 800%

    2. Make torment explode pet

    3. Poison now causes burning, fear and immolation

    4. Shortbow skills inflict poison on crit

    5. All shortbow skills crit all of the time

    6. When a character is downed by a shortbow attack they die immediately

    7. All Holosmiths are deleted

    8. Introduce a sixth skill - galactic smash. When fired, the galaxy is cleaved in two. This replaces Sevenshot.

  11. I just started using metres, and they are unreliable af. Understandable as it's a grey area that the developers don't really want to promote. With that said, I've never kicked anyone from a party in gw2 for bad or apparently bad dps, in fact I rarely kick anyone from parties full stop. If I do it's for trolling - not chat, but purposefully pulling adds / bosses and getting the group killed. I had to do that one or two times in my wow raiding days, but honestly it's rare.

  12. Warrior seems good, Spellbreaker is pretty wicked even as an open world PvE spec. It's tough to go down with all the counterplay.


    Revenant is functionally decent but only because this is my first foray into condi spec. If power Herald didn't have rubbish damage in comparison I would absolutely run it instead. It's not even that I dislike Kalla actually; I absolutely positively looooathe Mallyx. How anyone can accuse Kalla of being a boring legend yet happily run Mallyx and sit there regurtitating conditions is beyond me. I may just throw him in the bin and run... And therein lies the Revenant's biggest problem. Two expacs in and our utilities are grotesquely limited. Fix Rev's fur God's sake.

  13. > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

    > > @Nutshel.7264 said:

    > > > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

    > > > I thought it should be impossible to grab a chest as it makes othes platforms ghostly

    > > > (Aka you'll fall through them)

    > >

    > > Not sure what you mean. But I can grab all 3 chests on the way just fine.

    > >

    > > This is not joke topic though. JPs are not for everybody and they shouldn't be either. Just like rest of the game got activities that some like some not. You don't see me crying for fractals nerf just because I can do max lvl 16 (if that). Why should these that like difficult JP be denied that? Sure leave this ez mode version for these that can't deal with more difficult ones. But give the rest of us some challange!


    > It's super cool that you're so skilled that you have no issues with the tower every time. Personally I just manage to get all three chests in a single go for the first time this year. That feat, in and of itself is upper echelon, even if you don't believe it, for this puzzle. I regularly run the tower and rarely see anyone else complete it even once, let alone do it so thoroughly that it might seem to be generally cake.


    > Seriously, do you not see everyone else you run with struggling? I don't get how you can fly through it, but see everyone fail over and over and not get the sense that you're the outlier, rather that the other way around.


    Why would you wish to reward, let alone associate with mediocrity?

  14. > @Carighan.6758 said:

    > An alternative idea for those of us who believe they're **truly** good at the clock tower:


    > * At the end, when you reach the chest, you can instead walk out through a "gamble" door if you haven't looted the chest.

    > * If you do so, you get placed back in the waiting area, there's an icon above your head and a voice line comments on this.

    > * If you manage to do it again, you get more reards.

    > * If you fail even once, you immediately lose all reward and since you in theory already got the chest today, you're now "out".

    > * You can chain the gamble, which will change the icon above your head, too.

    > * Of course the Mad King mocks you for losing your wager if it was high (say, 5+ consecutive runs).


    Oh God. This is absolutely fantastic. Make the cap something ridiculous like 25 runs and give it a title. Watch as every JP'er melts down trying to achieve it.

  15. Yes it is a little easy. I had it on farm a few years ago, it only took me a couple of retries to remember all the little tricks to it. The start is trickiest as the lava is right at your feet, but as you progress toward the top and begin making better time it becomes trivial. An SAB type tribulation mode would be welcome, and possibly increasing the cooldown period between attempts or even adding a small cost for each run, say 50 silver? That would give you four tries for free if you did your daily which is more than enough for anyone even moderately good at the game.

  16. > @OneYenShort.3189 said:

    > I was in an instance where it was done on purpose. We watched the player purposely drag it over from the other side of the tower.


    > So yeap, some people are being _______.



    Steve does as Steve pleases, he knew what the player was trying to do, and just played along with it.

  17. The Labyrinth Horror is an absolute trollish bar steward all by itself. It's unlikely anyone would purposefully aggro it just to lead it to a group of racers. If it sees you and you have even just moderate agility and are in combat, you may as well just cough up the wp silver on the spot. A player who led this prick of a mob to the middle was probably just trying to get away from it, and saw a group of players that might be able to help. Unfortunately for the victim, these players were just a bunch of douchey racers hanging about in their own little world.

  18. > @Israel.7056 said:

    > In PvE the warband stuff works pretty well. In PvP or WvW it's basically useless.


    It took me an unreasonably long time to learn to play power Rev in WvW, especially when roaming. Switching legends at the wrong time was basically a death sentence, and flinging the hammer would get attention quickly. Eventually I felt like I could hold my own, but then PoF dropped. Frankly, my Warrior has always had a much easier time of it in PvP, and with the Spellbreaker it just got even easier. My Rev is used for PvE and fractals now, so the Renegade works quite well for that.

  19. > @Joxer.6024 said:

    > Don't feel bad, I love it, am having fun with it, even in raids its great for a change. I reckon it still is going to see some love so I will holdout and stay true and then you watch, you will see tons of Renegades everywhere cuz we will be the next "flavour"!! ;)


    I think Revenants are one of, if not *the* most underplayed classes in the game. In that sense, there's probably nowhere to go but up. It would be nice to avoid flavour of the month though as that always leads to a brutal beating with the nerf bat shortly afterward. Last night I ran a fractal and to my surprise, another party member was also a Revenant. We both did a sort of double take and I am pretty sure we got an achievement for it.

  20. > @Mako.4137 said:

    > Ive heard that a lot of people enjoy it, usually people who havent played Rev much previously who were attracted to the renegade elite spec. Nothing wrong with that. But its not got as much to it as other elite specs, and its certainly not as polished.





    The only reason I switched to Renegade is that Power Rev doesn't do anywhere near as much damage. My Warrior can run the WvW side of things now, so the Rev is relegated to fractals. Rev as a whole still feels unfinished though.

  21. > @otto.5684 said:

    > It is strong in open world PvE as long as you do not use SB. It does major AOE damage with good sustainability and strong single target damage.


    > The issue is that it is that it did not create anything new. Herald does the exact same thing, renegede just does more condi damage. If you played and enjoyed condi damage 1.00 in HoT, this the improved version, 1.01. It is essentially the same.


    Oh absolutely, that's why I'm a wee bit confused. I've not played condi much before now, so that may be why.

  22. I don't know how or why, but I'm actually starting to enjoy Renegade. I must be going mad.


    Perhaps it's because it took me two weeks to farm those cancerous LS3 maps for my Viper's trinkets, so I damn well better appreciate the spec?


    Or maybe since I dropped 120g to sort out my runes, sigils and to stat swap a pair of ascended weapons?


    I've found Citadel Bombardment to be unsettlingly amusing to drop on groups of mobs, and it has a long range, so that could be it?


    The rotation is boring, but when a fight goes south the group healing and protection is nice, plus vomitting stacks of might when I feel like it might be making this whole mess more enjoyable?


    Seven shot is cute when it hits, and it's sad damage aside, I feel like a boss landing the skill shot, so my ego is getting a boost and thus increasing my enjoyment of the spec?


    Or maybe it's just watching those tiny yet immense numbers literally melting off bosses with almost zero effort that's just tickling me pink?


    I dunno, whatever it is, it's actually quite fun!

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