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Posts posted by nosleepdemon.1368

  1. This thread underscores the completely bent out of shape perspective some players have over reward. Especially that one guy complaining about never having more than 2g. Really? Never? You never even considered doing the dailies which take 15 minutes to finish? Come on. These are the same players that no doubt complained about HoT requiring them to actually know their class, and the creature they were fighting. 20g is nothing, 250g is a moderate amount. I doubt I will get the Gryphon any time soon, as I want to buy a commander's tag instead, but the other prices are actually pretty cheap.

  2. > @Oglaf.1074 said:

    > > @Caedmon.6798 said:

    > > > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

    > > > > @Oglaf.1074 said:

    > > > > > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

    > > > > > Well Spellbreaker seems to be an spvp/ wvw spec - I faced a spellbreaker in WvW. I could kill him... with the help of 3 other players...and we still needed 5 minutes.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Full Counter is one of the strongest skills ever made. It literally absorbs damage - > counters unblockable attacks

    > > > >

    > > > > Which is totally irrelevant to the discussion of Dagger DPS being teh kitten.

    > > >

    > > > it IS relevant. If a class has tons of sustain when traiting for it, while havin massive damage without traiting for it, its simply going to be unbalanced.

    > > > Havin an Elite spec which is great in PvE AND in PvP, has in most cases serious balance probleems, due to the fact that "high damage" in PvP and "high damage" in pve are 2 different shoes.

    > > >

    > > > If spellbreaker simply gets more damage on his attacks, its flat out going to be broken.

    > > > Now u can say ; split pvp/wvw and pve. At that point, every class is going to ask for it ; " give us more damage in pve", until the Point in which AN actually listens and equals every damage of every class, just because ppl literally ask " tanks / supports / bruisers " etc need the same damage as DD's.

    > > > The problem is that PvE does not work like it maybe should work. Guild wars has elite specs, and classes in generall, which are designed as support/bruisers/tanks etc , while in fact, u dont need that in PvE (except maybe a support[buffbot->Druid,Chrono])

    > > >

    > > > Why would u even play a bruiser/tank orientated Elite in a scenario in which u are only lookin for damage.

    > > > Specialization actually means ; specialize in one aspect of ur core class, let it be dealing raw damage, enchanting allies, debuffing foes, Bruising etc.

    > > >

    > > > Now from my point of view, since the new elite specs have arised, ppl ONLY want to do damage.

    > > >

    > > > Spellbreaker could have the skill ; "deal 1 damage and be invunerable for 1 minute", and u would literally say "nah skill is bad cause low dmg"

    > > >

    > > > Spellbreaker does NOT deserve more damage, since its not a pure dps spec. As its new skill says ; its a FULL COUNTER spec. Spellbreaker is designed to make ur enemy useless. Interrupting, absorbing damage, corrupting boons.

    > >

    > > All based on you fighting one warri with 3 others and it took you 5 minutes ( Prob less ) to kill him ?

    > >

    > > Besides if you read peoples posts they simply state the damage is lacking,which it is.Theres other "control" specs that do dish out more damage.Im not saying the damage on spellbreaker is complete kitten,but i am saying that a control build should also do damage,you expecting or wanting it to do low damage because otherwise its Flat out Broken ( oh the warri hate )..Is a non argument,really.People dont want ONLY DAMAGE,they simply state the damage is Lackluster even when youre on 20 - 25 might while already being full zerk.


    > Exactly. Don't drag this thread that is purely about the auto-attack damage down with your experiences fighting Spellbreakers as a whole - which (contrary to what you think) is entirely irrelevant and off-topic spam.


    No, THEY are actually looking at the class as more of a whole than you are. It is in fact YOUR topic by itself - dagger AA damage, that is irrelevant. You cannot take one single part of a class and point your finger at it and yell "Nyeerr! This is broke vs class XYZ" as you seem to be doing. No matter how much you won't believe it, Spellbreaker having weak auto attack is INTENDED! You just don't want to acknowledge why that is.

  3. > @matthirten.6475 said:

    > Arena Net had very little beta testing in comparison to other large games, and the players are paying the price


    The launch has been reasonably smooth from my experience. They've certainly come a long way since the Giant Karka Queen debacle in terms of server stability. With that said, there are some rumblings about trait bugs that were known during the short beta test that were still not fixed on launch. Hopefully they get most of that ironed out soon so they can go have a wee holiday. Software launches are always huge, stressful cluster kittens even when you are as prepared as you can be.


    [Edit] Good Lord, the swear -> kitten filter is not working!

  4. Tried to zone into a story instance and was getting errors, so I went to the character select screen and the game gave me the same login error. Tried to login again three times but no dice. Plz help ANet before my wife finds out; I don't want to have no excuse not to watch This Is Us with her.

  5. I've had a lot of fun with it actually. Haha. Who am I kidding? I'm still Shiro/Glint. Perhaps if the idea of wielding the three objectively crappiest weapons in the game, all rolled into one condition cheese spec, with a splash of ferocity (ehrmahgherd! Stat dahversity!) didn't make me want to take my eyes out with a spoon, I'd consider playing it. Maybe I will give it a quick go just so that I can say I shot arrows through portals.

  6. "Caithe is having problems with Destiny's Edge because they have been treating her badly. Their new opinion of her is her own fault as she betrayed them for her own benefit with little regard for them and their feelings."


    That text features more than one topic of conversation (Caithe and Destiny's Edge), so being explicit is helpful.


    "Caithe crosses their arms."


    'Her' is not required here, as there is no mistaking whom it was that crossed their arms. If I recall, Sylvari don't actually have a gender either. Finally, from a programming standpoint "their" works for all possible combinations of character race and gender.

  7. > @Oglaf.1074 said:

    > > @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

    > > > @Aomine.5012 said:

    > > > > @Blackari.2051 said:

    > > > > yes you are right in the title, it is NOT bad to kill Braham, in fact everyone would be happy to do so

    > > >

    > > > Did you know how many times I redo that mission for the achievement of not getting frozen to listen to his terrible and annoying whining?

    > > >

    > > > I really want him dead in this expansion.

    > >

    > > You poor soul :( I briefly considered trying to get the achievement, but that entire level is so full of awful writing and terrible pacing (oh no! Wolves! ... Oh no! Wolves! ... ... Oh my, Spiders!) that I wanted nothing more to do with it.


    > Thankfully you can skip directly to the bossfight once you've cleared that LW chapter. ;)


    Orly? Might be worth an attempt!

  8. > @Aomine.5012 said:

    > > @Blackari.2051 said:

    > > yes you are right in the title, it is NOT bad to kill Braham, in fact everyone would be happy to do so


    > Did you know how many times I redo that mission for the achievement of not getting frozen to listen to his terrible and annoying whining?


    > I really want him dead in this expansion.


    You poor soul :( I briefly considered trying to get the achievement, but that entire level is so full of awful writing and terrible pacing (oh no! Wolves! ... Oh no! Wolves! ... ... Oh my, Spiders!) that I wanted nothing more to do with it.

  9. Oh yes please, kill Braham. He's as bad as Taimi. How were no lessons learned from Destiny's Edge? Why do we need these angst ridden babies? I really wish we'd get ways to deal with them, as in not have my character back down everytime they decide to go off for a cry. If I had my way, Taimi and Braham along with the entirety of Destiny's Edge, including Rytlock, would be pushing up the God damned daisies. The only people left would be Canuck, Caithe and Rox. I'd say Marjory would also be around, but we never see her anyway.

  10. > @Zenith.7301 said:

    > They wanted to check off a diversity box by deviating from Pyre Fierceshot into the "kitten female charr who united the legions and liberated charr females."


    > Which would have been fine if they hadn't genderbent Pyre Fierceshot and followed Kalla's weapon which is a greatsword and not a shortbow.


    Beat me to it. Not much else to add to be honest. As much as I love this game, sometimes the decisions made for ideological reasons make no sense. If they wanted a strong female legend, Eir would have been a brilliant choice.


    What? Too soon? :P

  11. The easiest way is to record video and then play it back. Try and figure out what the other guy did that got you killed.


    What weapons are you running? If you've not tried Hammer, it might be worth a shot. I know a lot of people advocate the staff, but it's a bitch to use right. The Hammer gives you a bit more room to move about without going out of range.

  12. T4 fractals. Oh boy. Where to start? The move from T3-4 seems to be practically a paradigm shift in terms of difficulty for many players. You would think that people would know how to, for example, avoid dumping social awkwardness on their team mates. You would be wrong.


    OP I have found that the only reliable way to do T4 without rage quitting is with at least one friend. Otherwise you will just keep experiencing try-hards whose only explanation for failure is "duurr hurr that guy's not meta", or whatever.

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