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Posts posted by nosleepdemon.1368

  1. > @Aninika.6819 said:

    > > @Flauvious.6195 said:

    > > > @Vulf.3098 said:

    > > > Power Herald is about 8k-10k dps behind condi Renegade which would put it around 23k -24k dps with realistic buffs. For something that is mostly just bringing dps to the group this is really sub par and definitely not recommended for serious Raiding.

    > > >

    > > > Power Herald is good in Fractals up until most t4's. I wouldn't recommend it for 100cm.

    > > > Pretty much any PvE content where things die in less than 15 seconds Power Herald is great at.

    > >

    > > When you say realistic buffs, do you mean with a chrono providing perma quickness? Because I feel like one thing setting power rev back is that it's only strengths is a high personal quickness uptime, which is made entirely irrelevant if someone else is already providing the whole group with quickness.

    > >

    > > Most of the pugs running in regular fractal play don't have that though, so how does rev compare in a group without meta buffs


    > I run Herald in dungeons and fractals and in non meta comps I am 90% of the time top dps in my group if not second highest. I usually get beat out dps wise by Daredevils and DHs (only if their rotation is on point and usually just during their burst then I am back to top dps) Occasionally weaver/tempest will out dps me if their rotation is on point as well. I even out dps Renegades.


    Those must be some crap renegades you are running into ;)

  2. > @Michael.8562 said:

    > > @DarcShriek.5829 said:

    > > Good Lord, another thread about mount boxes. Would you guys quit hijacking threads please.


    > Good lordy lordy, another post complaining about someone else’s post.


    > Really, thank the internet gods that there are self appointed arbiters of proper posting to tell us when we’ve gone off the path and correct us. Good job!


    > You needn’t have worried though since apparently the OP was only interested in fishing for up votes. Nice!


    Was it truth? Was it a lie?? Nobody knows, but I think this thread has run its course folks.

  3. > @RoChan.1926 said:

    > Just because EA is worse, doesn't suddenly make Anet a better company. :/


    > They have things that they can be praised for but since you are trying to make a comparison for EA's latest practices, I think "Showing Anet" love for not putting as many hairs in your soup as EA did doesn't mean there aren't hairs in the soup.


    > So, OP, when you or any one else goes "At least they aren't as bad as EA!" Remember, the lesser of two evils doesn't mean someone is suddenly a saint.


    Crikey, perhaps I should follow this post up with a poll "did you read the Op?" but it would only require one answer. C'mon folks, don't make me start playing the devil's advocate. Once again I don't agree with loot boxes, but effectively saying that we should be happy with the "lesser of two evils" is neither naive nor hypocritical. It's obvious ANet care about their game, *that* publisher... Not so much. Theirs was a response showcasing a total disregard for anything other than making money off of whale oil, ANet's was an admission that they could have designed this better. Clearly, expecting ANet to change how they monetize their mounts in the future is reasonable.

  4. > @Aylaine.1036 said:

    > > @kurfu.5623 said:

    > > Just because EA is much more evil, that doesn't make GW2's mount gambling box any less of a fiasco.

    > The situation was bad, but I feel like the responses that the BF2 Community got and the one we got are evidence enough that ANet knows they messed up and will make changes. With the whole EA thing becoming more of a true fiasco, it's easy for other developers to look at that and probably say it's not worth it.


    Yep. I'm not saying I agree with what ANet did, and I'm certainly never, ever buying any sort of "lootbox" or the right to open one, but looking at that *other* publisher's conduct, it's easy to see who the real villains are. And also, let's not have any more loot boxes eh guys?

  5. Recent events on Reddit regarding a certain other publisher certainly do put things in perspective, don't they? Have you guys *seen* the economy in *that* game? Full AAA price, with loot boxes on top that literally are pay to win. A bajillion different currencies and unlocks and crafting and cards and locked characters, all screaming at you to pay money to get passed the grind.


    This really puts ArenaNet's "Here's 30 mounts have at it!" attitude into perspective. I'm not saying I agree with loot boxes in *any* form, but I sure am glad I threw my hat in with Gaille and her Krew, instead of those unbelievable ass hats at that *other* publisher.


    So, how about some love for our chums at ArenaNet? Not everything they do is always super popular, but for goodness sake, they are at least still human!

  6. > @otto.5684 said:

    > It does not matter how many things you tack on to 7 shot. It does not reliably hit anything beside large stationary hit boxes.


    > Beside complete re-design it will never be legit for anything but trolling helpless AI in open world PvE.


    It really is an absolutely atrocious skill. I don't understand why it is in the game; even a rudimentary amount of testing would have revealed that it is utterly unworkable. At a fundamental level, a skill shot with a potential of one to seven strikes can never be linearly balanced, the potential damage range is too great. You would need a formula like the first hit deals 50% of the maximum possible damage, the second 25% etc. To reduce the punishment for missing. Such a mechanic however, should never be favoured in lieu of scrapping a god awful idea at the design stage. My only explanation for the existence of this utter abortion of common sense, is that either the designers didn't know wtf they were doing, or seven shot is someone's precious little baby that they refuse to let go of. Unfortunately, often the latter is the case - a prima donna designer wielding more power than they know what to do with overriding the common sense of their colleagues and users.

  7. Sevenshot is almost there, here are a few more suggestions:


    1. Each hit inflicts 1 second of chill, stacking in effect.

    2. If at least 3 shots hit, apply 10 stacks of vulnerability.

    3. If all 7 shots hit, the target explodes into a fire field that sticks to them for 3 seconds and causes burning periodically to nearby enemies. The fire field can trigger blast finishers.

    4. Shots leave behind an aoe trail which inflicts torment and poison on a 1 second pulse for 5 seconds.

    5. When the Rev casts Seven Shot, they gain 3 stacks of stability for 3 seconds. This allows them to act on the fire field finisher without having to worry about how to play the game.

    6. Add a new master trait - "Seventeen Shot", the number of shots fired by Seven Shot is increased by 10, and gives the Rev a stack of superspeed and protection for 3 seconds.

  8. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > > @Celldrax.2849 said:

    > > > @Quarktastic.1027 said:

    > > > > @Celldrax.2849 said:

    > > > > lol, caring about dps in open world content.

    > > >

    > > > I didn't realize fractals were open world content.

    > > Eh, that was just my first assumption since it wasn't specified as such.

    > >

    > > In the case of fractals though, a rev getting kicked isn't exactly unheard of.


    > It is really unheard of. I've never been kicked once for playing a rev, either as a herald, a renegade, core condi rev, or as a healer. The Revenant is not an ineffective class in PVE. If the group you are in kicks you for playing a rev, then they're a terrible group.


    This. After gearing up my Renegade with Viper's and learning the rotations I've found myself being first or second in group deeps on most occasions, if I stay alive. Admittedly, that's quite a bit more difficult now. I've never been kicked from a fractal group for being a Rev, and I've never been in a group that has kicked someone for low damage. I'm sure it can happen, I suppose I am not pro level enough yet to encounter it.

  9. > @JayAction.9056 said:

    > > @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

    > > > @JayAction.9056 said:

    > > > > @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

    > > > > > @JayAction.9056 said:

    > > > > > ---Too vulnerable to condi

    > > > > > ---No on demand stab in viable legends

    > > > > > ---Damage is too low across the board, requires 4-7 button combos to ever do anything meaningful, and is easily interrupted due to lack of stab, and every other class having better defense

    > > > > > ---Legends are too weak on their own. The current legend mechanic is gimping rev. You are very often 2-3 button clicks away from a skill where as an opponent has them immediately

    > > > > > ---Heals are too weak, too long of CDs

    > > > > > ---Very few methods of power damage mitigation

    > > > > > ---Mediocre mobility

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I would not even have realized how bad the class was if I did not 1v1 from someone near my ranking playing guard and see just how much harder I was having to play for much worse results.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I consider myself the best rev in game (not being cocky), so I don't see how anyone could possibly be having an experience too much better than mine.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Why is the class this bad

    > > > >

    > > > > I don't have problems running power Rev in WvW, they aren't always great 1v1 but that's not solely a Rev problem. Perhaps your issue is you spend too much time playing one or two classes to really see the big picture? I'd advise playing a greater range of professions and maybe watching some pro rev youtube videos to see how others play the class to get a broader idea of the state of the game. You'll be surviving better in no time, just don't forget that the Rev was never intended to be a solo play class.

    > > >

    > > > WvW does not give anywhere near an accurate representation of how good a class is. There is not much competition in WvW (meaning the players are not good).

    > > >

    > > > I think you missed the part about me claiming to be best rev In game. There's not anything for me to pick up on watching YouTube videos. Thanks for the suggestion though

    > > >

    > > > Every class is supposed to be able to be self sufficient solo. If a class is not that's like saying "It's kitten on purpose". I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to be the case.

    > >

    > > The problem with a narrow mindset like that, is you lose sight of the general state of the class. Since you consider yourself the best at, apparently, just one game mode (spvp I assume) based on your opinion of other modes, you can't possibly hold a balanced view of the class in general. "Top tier" players often get into this rut, where a class does not function at a very narrow, specific level of play in a particular game mode and they therefore believe that it is totally broken. Broadly speaking though, this is not the case, and you shouldn't expect the developers to balance around your specific experience.


    > Generally speaking if something works in pvp. It works even better in WvW. In WvW you are less likely to come across the most op builds in game, especially if you are someone like myself and are regularly seeing those op builds in pvp because you are in that match making.


    > I 1v3 people in WvW and even sometimes win. That doesn't happen in spvp. WvW is a less competitive pvp man. You should test the waters outside WvW (pvp).


    > It seems you are making the case that I have something to learn from playing WvW? I'm rank 1700 something for reference.



    Im making the case that a single game mode at a specific level of play is not what a class should be balanced around.

  10. > @JayAction.9056 said:

    > > @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

    > > > @JayAction.9056 said:

    > > > ---Too vulnerable to condi

    > > > ---No on demand stab in viable legends

    > > > ---Damage is too low across the board, requires 4-7 button combos to ever do anything meaningful, and is easily interrupted due to lack of stab, and every other class having better defense

    > > > ---Legends are too weak on their own. The current legend mechanic is gimping rev. You are very often 2-3 button clicks away from a skill where as an opponent has them immediately

    > > > ---Heals are too weak, too long of CDs

    > > > ---Very few methods of power damage mitigation

    > > > ---Mediocre mobility

    > > >

    > > > I would not even have realized how bad the class was if I did not 1v1 from someone near my ranking playing guard and see just how much harder I was having to play for much worse results.

    > > >

    > > > I consider myself the best rev in game (not being cocky), so I don't see how anyone could possibly be having an experience too much better than mine.

    > > >

    > > > Why is the class this bad

    > >

    > > I don't have problems running power Rev in WvW, they aren't always great 1v1 but that's not solely a Rev problem. Perhaps your issue is you spend too much time playing one or two classes to really see the big picture? I'd advise playing a greater range of professions and maybe watching some pro rev youtube videos to see how others play the class to get a broader idea of the state of the game. You'll be surviving better in no time, just don't forget that the Rev was never intended to be a solo play class.


    > WvW does not give anywhere near an accurate representation of how good a class is. There is not much competition in WvW (meaning the players are not good).


    > I think you missed the part about me claiming to be best rev In game. There's not anything for me to pick up on watching YouTube videos. Thanks for the suggestion though


    > Every class is supposed to be able to be self sufficient solo. If a class is not that's like saying "It's kitten on purpose". I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to be the case.


    The problem with a narrow mindset like that, is you lose sight of the general state of the class. Since you consider yourself the best at, apparently, just one game mode (spvp I assume) based on your opinion of other modes, you can't possibly hold a balanced view of the class in general. "Top tier" players often get into this rut, where a class does not function at a very narrow, specific level of play in a particular game mode and they therefore believe that it is totally broken. Broadly speaking though, this is not the case, and you shouldn't expect the developers to balance around your specific experience.

  11. > @JayAction.9056 said:

    > ---Too vulnerable to condi

    > ---No on demand stab in viable legends

    > ---Damage is too low across the board, requires 4-7 button combos to ever do anything meaningful, and is easily interrupted due to lack of stab, and every other class having better defense

    > ---Legends are too weak on their own. The current legend mechanic is gimping rev. You are very often 2-3 button clicks away from a skill where as an opponent has them immediately

    > ---Heals are too weak, too long of CDs

    > ---Very few methods of power damage mitigation

    > ---Mediocre mobility


    > I would not even have realized how bad the class was if I did not 1v1 from someone near my ranking playing guard and see just how much harder I was having to play for much worse results.


    > I consider myself the best rev in game (not being cocky), so I don't see how anyone could possibly be having an experience too much better than mine.


    > Why is the class this bad


    I don't have problems running power Rev in WvW, they aren't always great 1v1 but that's not solely a Rev problem. Perhaps your issue is you spend too much time playing one or two classes to really see the big picture? I'd advise playing a greater range of professions and maybe watching some pro rev youtube videos to see how others play the class to get a broader idea of the state of the game. You'll be surviving better in no time, just don't forget that the Rev was never intended to be a solo play class.

  12. > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

    > I have, never, in my life seen a community do this kind of thing for SKINS.


    > SKINS.


    > There are games that sell mounts for 40 freaking dollars with gambling and you all have the nerve to complain.


    > No this community is doomed, because no you wouldn't last in a game where things are WAY worse.


    > I can understand if it's pay to wing, but this is optional stuff people are protesting about. Anyone on an outside perspective would see all of you as absolutely crazy. I hope you know that.


    No U!


    Who cares about what other games do? If other games chopped your arms off whilst GW2 only nips a testicle, would you have the nerve to say "Lads, lads! Look at KoreanMMO2018! It rips your noodles right off, GW2 procreation adjuster is tame in comparison!"


    The practice is predatory, and throwing up the 2000 gem mount alongside to make it seem like a better deal is in extremely poor taste.

  13. > @thesilverdragoon.3078 said:

    > I think my favorite part is there was a thread about the rng for black lion chests recently. It's like Anet read it and said "Hey guys, this will be a really great troll" (Which most likely isn't the case). I would be more supportive of the rng for mounts if the mount skins were actually interesting. They are all just recolors with minor model changes, AKA stuff a novice modeler can create in like 2-3 hours per skin. I'll definitely buy up that jackal skin for 2000 gems because it looks cool, but the other skins will just be bought with gold to gems every once in a while.


    Jesus Christ. In case the rest of you haven't noticed, the 2000 gem skin is only palatable because of the perceived lack in value of the rng skins. Don't fall for that trap. 2000 gems is ridiculous.

  14. No, never. It is always more efficient to accrue gold in ways that you enjoy and then purchase the items. Anything not available via gold is almost certainly not worth getting, as is anything that has a low drop chance, acquisition of these items is very carefully designed to be a gold and time sink. When you come across stuff like this it is important to understand that it is designed to addict you, just like actual gambling. It will rob you of your money and time in the most insiduous way, and people who claim to enjoy "the anticipation" whilst apparently understanding that it's not worth it are deluding themselves. I can't stress this enough, the way tote bags have been designed is a science, literally, there are people employed in the industry whose sole purpose is to design the drop chances for these items. I work with one such person.


    Sell the mother fucking bags.

  15. This thread is such a trainwreck. Sometimes one should wp, other times they should wait for a rez. It depends on the situation. Mmm but no: We must have two sides shouting at each other in the name of "collecting data". Sounds like someone just wants to have their ego validated. Can't you guys take this somewhere more appropriate for deliberately polarising complex problems? Like, twitter?

  16. Oh for crying out loud. Don't we have enough god damned them vs us crap going on in the world? Must everything be separated into us v.s. them? Honestly I am getting kind of sick of it all. This thread is no exception. Do you really think the developers would be so inept as to enforce a ridiculous solution to a non existent problem that would easily penalize honest players? When you die, you dun goofed. You are at the mercy of other players to rez you, or if you can wp quickly then that is obviously the best choice. It's a tough call and very situational, as it should be! The system is fine. The poll clearly needs a "this entire discussion is stupid" option.

  17. > @Samnang.1879 said:

    > > @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

    > > Uh dude, you forgot probably the most likely option - "My SO doesn't play video-games" ;)


    > Then are they really your SO? ;)

    > jk


    You jest, but I've played games with married friends who get into ridiculous arguments that transfer over to RL. For example, the jungler in League supporting me in my lane which leads to his wife's champion's death. That argument lasted a while. There is something to be said for having things you do together, and then also things you do not!

  18. > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

    > > @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

    > > > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

    > > > By the six, its terrible enough this artition of content even exists. I would pay anwt to stop wasting resources and spend the recources on actual festive content.

    > > > Sab gliders, capture sounds in wvw, i feel a stab in my soul every time someone sells their soul to sab

    > >

    > > And this right here is why I have my glider, mini princess mia, both infusions, all my weapons skinned, and never fail to play one of my boomboxes every moment I get the chance to. Just because one is crap at jumping does not mean one should hate upon those, who can actually play :)


    > I can jump. I got **all** sab achievements except finishing all collections.

    > My spite for SAB stems from the hamfisted attempt at parodying 8Bit adventures. I hate the designs musics and sounds associated with SAB.

    > Don't get me wrong, I'm all for platformer content, i love the clocktower and many jumping puzzles. It's just the SAB that makes me think "what did we do to deserve this attrition to exist"


    So you are saying that you have all of the achievements, except the ones that require real skill to get? Alright, buddy :)

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