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Posts posted by nosleepdemon.1368

  1. It's made significantly easier by dropping your detail levels down as much as possible. At 60 fps your keyboard input will be very closely synchronised with character actions which is very important. At 20 fps you are going to be missing jumps or landings, which will obviously cause you to fail. The problem isn't terribly obvious in other areas of the game, but in the Clock Tower you really notice how attached at the hip the game's frame rate and your character's actions are.

  2. I did TA a couple of nights ago for the Nightmare Runes, it was fun learning again just how much of Arena Net's hard work it's possible to skip. I feel sorry for dungeons tbh as they were really cool, and back in the day, exceptionally difficult. At this point they don't really have a niche anymore since fractals offer better rewards and are more challenging. If new dungeons were released I would definitely do them though.

  3. Didn't run a healer during last night's T4 dailies, I dropped Renegade Heal and Elite skill a couple of times on us to help keep people alive, but we didn't need anything dedicated. A couple of players got crusty as they did die, blaming their deaths on too little dps which required them to understand boss mechanics. The rest of us however carried their dumbasses through content they had no idea how to play through without somebody babying them. IMO healers were added because Arena Net realised that most people are flat out bad at MMOs, and the expectation is to be able to sometimes stand in the fire.

  4. Get your trinkets and accessories via laurels or LS3 if you need newer stats like Viper's. Craft the weapons. Get the armour from box drops in fractals and stat swap if necessary, since you don't even need armour until T4 and even then, just three pieces plus a potion will see you through to the 150 AR requirement for 100.


    Seriously don't craft the armour, it's an enormous waste of resources imo.

  5. I personally happen to think that the Herald tastes quite lovely - it's like a nice coffee in the morning, which compared to the Renegade's herbal tea and poncy scarf infusion, is a far better way to wake yourself up so that you can demolish the competition. One drinks a Renegade when one is preparing to positively debate the role of cultural marxism in the snowflakisation of today's youth. One drinks a Herald when one wishes to kick ass and chew bubblegum, but one has unfortunately not been to the store yet, so one has no more bubblegum.

  6. Assuming you want max power based damage, it's just straight up berzerker gear. For fractals your primary reason for making ascended armour is for the agony resistance by slotting infusions. Generally, getting ascended trinkets for the AR is less costly than the weapons or armour. You may also want to think about getting a staff as a secondary weapon for break bars.

  7. Didn't get to do T4s as I only had a few minutes. I had a wee practice doing the condi-dps rotation from that meta battle site or whatever it's called. I do appreciate the complexity of it as Power Herald had become a tad stagnant, but for fucks sake the timing needs to be spot on to produce results that other professions seem to do a lot easier. That's fine I suppose, a 50 step rotation just needs practice.


    The self healing on the other hand... I did one of the newer T3s (wish I knew which, it was some sort of escape down a series of winding tunnels that ends in a similar fight to Molten Boss). God damn. Getting downed in T3s is painful, I just cannot get used to the crap self heals Renegade has. Yeah our group as a whole was wiping often and people seemed to be overly eager to push huge groups of mobs because they had seen pros do it on youtube, but I swear my power herald could have held its own in there. No Shiro/Jalis for evades/damage reduction, and no Herald heal makes Renegade a glass pistol. Having to target your heal, then cast it, then remain in its area of effect is a PITA.


    It's a lot of fun, though. So there is that!

  8. > @"Buran.3796" said:

    > Yeah, after one week more of play and summing up the bugs, the lack of distinctive features that this class had in time and now lacks and the increasing snowball of bugs dragged from its very inception and ramping up patch after patch the best way to describe it is: **worse than ever**.


    Lack of distinctive features??


    I'll have you know that somebody worked very hard on Sevenshot, and it's actually a fairly useable skill now if you're aiming at a bus at point blank range. Thankyouverymuch!

  9. I just increased my AR to 135 on my Viper's build so I guess I will find out tonight :P One thing that really annoys me is the absolutely shockingly awful lack of heal on demand that Renegade has. You're stuck with slow timed heals and Mallyx trolling you. If you accidentally eat a big chunk of damage you basically need to sweat it out for the next little while unless someone helps you out. Herald on the other hand has two brilliant heals from Jalis and Glint.

  10. I'm sorry did you level a Rev to be meta at something? You poor soul :( Rev was accidentally strong at launch, but now we are and have been for a long time in just the right spot - the least played of all professions. We even got an Elite spec chosen not for her suitability, but to tick a diversity box. Nevertheless, for some reason, I can't stop playing this class. It makes me feel special being the Only Revenant In The Villllagge.

  11. > @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > Man this all reminds me that I have been meaning to get into raiding. I just want to get my 100 fractals finished first. Is DPS Revenant a thing?


    > Renegade is in a very good position but condi is not very favored in Fractals. Power Herald is not optimal anywhere but it's braindead easy to use and you can probably top the DPS of most people pugging with you if you're good on it. I usually pug with it and people don't turn a second glance after the actual fight starts.


    Yes power herald is a bit of fun and nice and simplistic. I do have a Viper's set but only the trinkets and weapons are ascended. Perhaps one day I shall afford more than just the first ascended armour piece!

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